Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 189 Heaven and Earth Association

Chapter 189 Heaven and Earth Association

The matter in Yanjing came to an end, and Zhang Yang returned to Linhai with the stamped expert certificate.

There are many types of experts, such as experts on ancient architecture, experts on modern architecture, experts on technological conservation technology, etc.

Zhang Yang was classified into the category of "Cultural Relics Protection".

He is now a veritable national cultural relics protection expert (internship limited edition).

However, this certificate cannot be displayed, otherwise he will not be able to get along with Lao Jiumen in the live broadcast room as an ordinary person.

In order to better protect potential unearthed cultural relics, Zhang Yang contacted the Super Management Bureau and hid the official certification of the live broadcast room.

It can be said that apart from his handsome appearance, there is not much difference between Zhang Yang and Mr. Niu, Mr. Lu Dan, and Mr. Catfish.

"Brothers, I'm back."

【Congratulations on the return of the Dragon King! 】

[Damn ghost, you are finally willing to come back]

[The anchor is back from fooling around]

[Speed-to-wire mic, I've been waiting in line for three days]

"I know you guys are queuing up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to start broadcasting at one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Come on, the first appraisal in September, I hope you don't use junk to fool people!"

Lian Mai's treasure friend listened to Zhang Yang's words and quickly picked up some of the family's inventory.

"Teacher, please take a look at this first to get a thorough understanding of the first appraisal."

"Hey, this is really green, dear friend."

Zhang Yang looked at the bracelet that looked like an imperial green in Baoyou's hand, and seemed to have returned to the place where the dream began.

"This was given by a good friend of mine, who is engaged in jade business in Southeast Asia."

"Is it really a jade business?"

"Why do I think it's a beer business?" Zhang Yang asked, blinking.

"This is a very typical bracelet made of glass. My friend, you can't keep it in check, it's all leaking!"

"Is this made of glass?" Baoyou took the bracelet and looked at it twice in his hand: "Is this what glass looks like?"

"It's actually very simple. Jade, Hetian jade, these things are harder than glass. You can take this bracelet and scratch it with a piece of glass to find out." Zhang Yang explained.

"Then is it okay for me to get this Hetian jade bracelet?"

"Do you still have Hetian Jade?"

[The more complicated you play, the more you lose]

[Friends who play with glass, please stop queuing up and lower the average level]

[A bracelet worth [-] million, just draw it as soon as you want]

"I originally wanted to see Hetian jade." Baoyou explained: "This bracelet was given to my wife by my mother as a family heirloom when we got married. I took it out just now to find out more about it."

"Is your wife not around?"

Zhang Yang was a little panicked when he heard Baoyou's tone of voice, but not that panicked.

"I'm not here, so please teacher, please don't cut the part into a short video."

"Otherwise I will suffer from both ends again."

"No problem, let's take a look at your jade first!" Zhang Yang nodded.

For jade appraisal, there were few cuts in the first place. Xiao Tang said that the audience didn't like to watch it, and there was no profit in posting such videos.

Unless it has some soil Qin or some corpse oil.

Coincidentally, the item Baoyou took out happened to contain Tuzin.

A yellow-white jade carving, the yellow part is obviously a natural earthy color.

The carving is of a child holding a lotus flower above his head.

"The stuff is pretty good, Mohele."

"What fun?"

"It means holding the lotus boy jade carving." Zhang Yang explained.

He had just taken the exam for expert admission and had not yet adjusted back to the professional academic atmosphere.

"Mohele" is the transliteration of Sanskrit, the son of Sakyamuni, one of the eight heavenly dragons of Buddhism.

After Chineseization, they became folk beggars worshiping the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Jade carvings with this theme were the most popular jade ornaments among the people in the Song Dynasty.

"The stuff is pretty good, it should be from the Southern Song Dynasty, and judging from the paste on it, it's a heirloom."

"A blind guess is that it was unearthed at least more than 100 years ago, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find such a beautiful patty."

"Is this also a family heirloom?"

"Forget it, this was actually passed down to me by my father-in-law when I got married."

[Good guy, if you exchange glass for ancient jade, your father-in-law will lose blood]

[I wonder if I can make back the money from the gift] [Baoyou’s mother is as wise as she is foolish]

"Teacher, look at this, can you exchange it for a genuine imperial green bracelet?"

"It can only be exchanged for [-] cases of Tsingtao beer."

"Oh, seventy or eighty thousand yuan."

Baoyou was familiar with the price of beer and quickly calculated the market price of the jade pendant.

As usual, Zhang Yang reminded Baoyou that cultural relics from before the Yuan Dynasty were not allowed to be bought or sold.

"I don't recommend you sell this thing either."

"This should be passed down from your father-in-law's family, right?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, it has been passed down to my father-in-law for at least three generations."

"That means this thing is useful." Zhang Yang told Baoyou: "The jade carving of the boy holding the lotus symbolizes many children and blessings, and it is more useful than Guanyin for sending children."

"You have to make offerings to Guanyin and offer incense every day. Just hang this thing on your body."

"The fact that your father-in-law's family can pass it down shows that their family has no descendants. This thing cannot be preserved. It really has the power of faith in it."

[But now it’s impossible]

【Specialized in treating infertility, right】

[Wearing this jade pendant, you can casually reveal the advertisement of spending a lot of money to have a child]

[If Baoyou’s surname is Wang, I will call it a killer]

"Really? I'm just trying to get pregnant." Baoyou said in surprise.

At this time, a woman's voice suddenly came from the video:

"Husband, aren't you a treasure appraiser? Why are you talking about preparing for pregnancy?"

"Whose live broadcast are you watching?"

The woman's voice gradually approached, and she came to the phone and said:
"Eh? Is it Master Zhang?"

"Teacher, have you seen my bracelet?"

Zhang Yang watched Baoyou's wife pick up the glass bracelet with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hello, treasure friend? Are you stuck there?"

"You are so stuck, I can't hear you clearly."

"Remember, it's good to have more children. I'll die first."

After saying that, he hung up directly.

The barrages in the live broadcast room are also very cooperative:

[It’s really a good card]

【Kabi Sushi】

[Stop surfing the Internet and get to work quickly]


"Good afternoon, dear friend."

"The last treasure friend took out a jade carving from the Song Dynasty. Now the pressure is on you." Zhang Yang took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"Teacher, don't worry, I won't let you down." Baoyou said confidently.

"But before I show you something, I need to check the code."

"Oh? You said."

Baoyou said loudly: "The earth shakes the high hills, and the rivers and mountains are beautiful through the ages."

Zhang Yang immediately replied: "The door faces the sea, and the three rivers merge and flow for thousands of years."

After checking the code, he raised his hands toward the camera:

"It turns out he is a brother of the Tiandihui. I am disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Teacher Zhang, you are fine. Since you can match the code, kowtow now!"


Zhang Yang was wondering when Baoyou's camera moved and the picture changed.

At the front of the picture is a porcelain incense burner with many burnt incense inserted in the burner.

Behind the incense burner is a wooden barrel the size of a red pen holder, with several small triangular flags inserted in it.

Behind the flag, there is a piece of red paper with the three characters "Zhongyi Hall" written on it.

Further up, there are banners such as "Sankou River" and "Anti-Qing and Fu-Ming".

"Is this the altar of the Heaven and Earth Society?"

Zhang Yang stood up directly in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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