Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 200 Call me Brother Zhao

Chapter 200 Call me Brother Zhao
After the entrance ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the exhibition lending event were held, Zhang Yang received a call from Che Lijun.

The treasure appraisal activity in Yanjing is also ready.

Different from Linhai's free appraisal, Che Lijun finally decided to charge an appraisal fee of 200 yuan per person based on the practice of "Huayu Gate".

In the words of Teacher Che, this is a "mental damage fee" for the experts.

After all, they will encounter all kinds of difficult national treasure gangs, including those who come to file lawsuits, those who seek justice, those who represent people’s collections, those who teach them how to identify cultural relics, etc.

Of course Zhang Yang has no objection. This way he can get more money and he doesn't have to count on the final auction.

What if Teacher Che and the others don't last until the final auction and are arrested?

"What happy event are you so happy about?"

Master Wang slowly walked up to Zhang Yang and stuffed a red envelope into his hand.

"Teacher, what are you?"

"Everyone has a little fun."

Wang Guosheng pointed in the direction of Librarian He, who quietly waved the red envelope in his hand to signal Zhang Yang.

Probably equivalent to the red envelopes given by the boss to employees when opening in the New Year?
Anyway, for Wang Guosheng, as one of the founders of the museum, seeing these two bronze swords in the museum is no different from celebrating the New Year.

Coupled with the increasingly close cooperation with the Yangcheng Museum, the Hailin Museum, which was originally on the verge of death, suddenly became stronger.

Watching Zhang Yang put the red envelope into his pocket, Wang Guosheng asked about the phone call just now:
"The person who called you just now was Che Lijun?"

"Well, we talked about the treasure appraisal activity. They plan to charge an appraisal fee."

Zhang Yang briefly introduced the details, concealing only his communication with Director Chu.

"What's the name of the event?"

"Huashan discusses treasures."

"It's interesting, but it's a pity, Wu Xingfei."

Wang Guosheng sighed with emotion.

He shared what he had just learned with Zhang Yang:

Teacher Wu is not interested in the 200 yuan appraisal fee at all, because even if 1 people are appraised, the income will only be 200 million.

If you encounter a few difficult people, you can probably go directly to the psychiatric department to register in the middle of the process.

So Wu Xingfei took an overseas order and went to Thailand to help people do appraisals while also looking for overseas treasures.

"Currently, even if he was kidnapped, it would only be in the past two days."

"Because he made a video call to an expert in the group the day before yesterday, showing off the five-star hotel he stayed in, the [-] Lafite he drank, and the local female companion he found..."

When Wang Guosheng said this, his expression was quite complicated.

Zhang Yang could understand, but he didn't expect Mr. Wu to be so unrestrained and free-spirited after he went out.

Forget it, I just let it go, but something happened, and I had to contact the embassy in Thailand to find someone.

It is conceivable that when people talk about Wu Xingfei's experience in Thailand in the future, they will most likely summarize it as: playing with men.

"Is there any record of that owl statue?" Zhang Yang asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Yes." Wang Guosheng nodded: "In the [-]s, the domestic teacher Chen Mengjia saw this bronze owl statue in the beautiful country."

"It should have been shipped out of China three or more years ago."

"I also took photos and recorded them in the "Illustrated Catalog of Yin and Zhou Bronze Wares" compiled by him. However, the circulation of this book was very small at the time. Although some people have read it, it will be difficult to find this book in a short time."

As a pioneer in the protection of cultural relics, Zhang Yang quickly grasped the key points in his words.

"Can those who have left the country for three or more years be recovered?"

Because Chen Yanguang wanted to get into the British Museum before, he went to find out more about it.

To put it simply, China has the right of recourse for cultural relics that left the country for various reasons after 1923.

"You mean, go to Thailand to recover this cultural relic?"

Master Wang took a breath and looked thoughtful.

After a while, he frowned and nodded as if he suddenly realized something.

"Yes, you shouldn't spoil them. I'll go find someone from the Cultural Relics Bureau later."

The old man frankly admitted his shortcomings in thinking:
"I used to wait for others to take the initiative to send it back, but now I should go to the door and ask for it myself."

"Teacher, come on!" Zhang Yang made a gesture with his fists clenched.

"You kid, do you think of me as your best friend in the live broadcast room?"

Wang Guosheng patted Zhang Yang's shoulder affectionately, unable to hide the joy on his face.

He then asked about the Yongle blue and white moon vase.

Hearing that Chen Yanguang was going to the temporary appraisal committee in Yangcheng for appraisal, Wang Guosheng gave his opinion.

"Not enough. The weight of their group is far from enough."

"Let him go directly to Yanjing, and I will help contact the experts."

"I have a feeling that this matter will cause quite a stir."


Zhang Yang is looking forward to how big the "turbulence" Master Wang calls it will be.

I am even considering whether to go to Yanjing and see it on the spot.As a result, two days later, the people and things that would cause trouble arrived in front of him first.

"Didn't I ask you to go to Yanjing?"

Zhang Yang looked at Chen Yanguang who was smiling and asked with a speechless expression.

Teacher Wang’s stage has been set up, but the female actors are still here to travel?

And after not seeing her for a while, behind Chen Yanguang there was a middle-aged lady with a gentle temperament, wearing a plain cheongsam, the kind who still has charm.

The other party's curves and charm made Zhang Yang think:

Is it because Miss Cheng can no longer carry the knife?

"Go, but I have to bring Sister Tao to you." Chen Yanguang said cheerfully.

After the introduction, Zhang Yang was in awe of the lady named Tao Chang.

Because the replica of the moon-holding bottle was the one she took the lead in forging.

I came here because I wanted to borrow cultural relics from the Hailin Museum to study Dou Cai.

Prepare for replica chicken crock cups.

Zhang Yang asked her how long she would stay, and Tao Chang replied:
"In three or four years, I would like to apply for a position as a porcelain researcher in your museum."

"I don't dare to let you study everything." Zhang Yang waved his hand and refused.

Inviting her to be a researcher is no different from inviting Xiang Tou to visit his ancestral grave.

It's not like I can keep an eye on the porcelain in the museum. If the other party tries to steal something, I'll replace all the porcelain in the museum with replicas.

With the librarian's dim eyesight, he would not be able to discover it in ten years.

"I can lend you the Yongle blue and white piece for display."

Chen Yanguang gave Zhang Yang a reason that he couldn't refuse.

But the value of the cultural relics in the museum goes beyond the tens of millions of blue and white moon bottles.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and found a compromise.

Let Tao Chang work at Yangming Studio, and go to the museum to borrow cultural relics for her to study.

Borrow one item at a time.

It's safe and cost-controllable.

If any one of them is damaged, then there is no chance of getting Chen Yanguang's things back.

After hearing Zhang Yang's conditions, Tao Chang covered her mouth and smiled:
"Master Zhang is such a gangster."

"Yeah, it's simply outrageous." Chen Yanguang agreed.

"But I like it, I agree!" Miss Tao suddenly changed the topic and said.

Chen Yanguang: "Huh?"

He looked at Zhang Yang and then at Miss Tao.

What's going on?You guys just met, why do you seem like an outsider?

That afternoon, Tao Chang officially became employee No. [-] of Yangming Studio.

The original warehouse was converted into her independent workroom, and no one was allowed to enter.


One afternoon two days later, Zhang Yang did his daily live broadcast.

What he didn't know was that a group of uninvited guests came outside the studio.

The leader is nicknamed Brother Zhuo.

Before entering, Brother Zhuo said to a group of crooked melons and cracked dates:

"Brother Zhuo has been in the porcelain industry for more than 30 years. He was accused by a man named Zhang of selling fake products. Brother Zhuo was very angry."

"Zhuo Ge people are very traditional and regard reputation as important as life."

"I don't understand the old kilns, but I am still very confident in the porcelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties."

"Today, Brother Zhuo brought everyone to Zhang's lair, just to tell him face to face how to identify Ming and Qing porcelain."

After Brother Zhuo finished speaking, he looked at the brothers he had brought.

He was very dissatisfied when he found that everyone did not respond after hearing the words and were all in a daze.

"Brother Zhuo asked, what are you looking at?"

"Beauty", "young woman", "Bai Jie", "big white legs"...

The answers vary.

Brother Zhuo turned around and saw Tao Chang taking out a colorful flower plate from the safe and looking at it in the natural light.

Beauty + antiques, this is the most beautiful scenery.

"Chuo, why does this person have the surname Zhang?"

Brother Zhuo spat, suddenly feeling full of strength.

He then cleared his throat and knocked gently on the glass door of the studio:
"Hi, beauty, may I ask Master Zhang from Douyin, does he work here?"

 Thanks to Qingweizheng for the 100 coin reward!thanks for your support!There will be more updates tomorrow weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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