Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 202: My ancestor is an old Chinese medicine practitioner

Chapter 202: My ancestor is an old Chinese medicine practitioner

"No, we're too late."

"Us? How many of you are there?" Zhang Yang asked back.

The gang was exposed so quickly?
It turns out there is an accomplice.

Behind the stone sculpture, an old man was using a water pump to pump water from a pit.

"This is my dad." Baoyou introduced.

"This is a burglary hole."

[Okay, okay, let’s take my father to rob the tomb]

[Brothers dig graves, fight father and son against each other]

[If the cave is stolen, can the water be drained?]

[There is groundwater here, and the groundwater leads directly to the Xiliang River]

"It rained a few days ago, so there may be water in this cave."

"This hole was drilled incorrectly!" Zhang Yang realized there was something wrong.

"Friend Bao, you can ask the old man to stop."


"This is a large tomb. The place where you are standing is where the Shinto monument was erected."

"If you dig a hole in the back of this turtle's butt, even if you get through it, you can only enter the tomb passage."

"If you can enter the tomb passage, can't you enter the tomb chamber?" Baoyou continued following Zhang Yang's words.

"First of all, the owner of the tomb must have taken anti-theft measures. Entering through the tomb passage is suspected of committing suicide."

"Secondly, if the robbery hole was really dug, then water should have leaked into the tomb passage. How could there be water accumulation?"

Zhang Yang flexed his fingers to analyze it for Baoyou.

Nowadays, there are too many non-professionals who only know how to dig in their heads without using their brains at all.

"It's true that we didn't dig through it," Baoyou said.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully, "What do you mean? Did you dig it?"

"Thank you teacher, we learned."

After Baoyou said this, he immediately disconnected.


[When someone is fighting upside down, the anchor can help and give advice, right?]

[Accomplice, you are an accomplice! 】

"Brothers, don't be too sensitive." Zhang Yang told the barrage with a smile: "The tomb just now buried at least a first-class official."

"Pay attention. It's an official of the first rank or above in the Zhili Province of the Ming Dynasty. It's still a puddle. Is the tomb that easy to dig?"

"It's not that I look down on him. Even if the police don't go, he will still have to dig for half a month to find something valuable."

When Zhang Yang said this, he was at a reservoir hundreds of kilometers away.

An amateur archaeologist was helping his accomplice move the water pump into the van.

"Hua Zi, are we digging in vain?" The old man pointed at the turtle stone sculpture in the distance and said with unfinished meaning.

"There is nothing we can do. Master Zhang has sentenced us to death."

The man named [Hua Zi] pointed to the Bluetooth headset he was wearing.

He heard clearly what Zhang Yang and Danmu said just now.

As a novice tomb robber, he mainly focuses on "taking advice".

Since Master Zhang said nothing could be dug out, he wouldn't dig it out.

Safety first.

"Then where should we go next?" the old man asked.

"Let's find a smaller tomb first. This kind of big tomb is too big to be carried out." Hua Zi sighed with emotion.

"Let's do some small field development first."

"Didn't we see Guangxu's grave on the way here? Let's dig it out for him at night and ask Master Zhang to identify it then."

"Why does it have to be Master Zhang?" the old man questioned slightly.

"I saw it on Tieba. Some people said that Master Zhang really knows how to rob tombs. He may be a tomb robber recruited by the government."

"If we want to make progress, we must find seniors like this to learn from."

"Got it!" The old man gave Hua Zi a straight thumbs up.

Zhang Yang still doesn't know that Cheng Laoer's story has been put on his head by some evildoers.

By the time he knew it, the version had already been iterated to:

"Master Zhang is the disciple of Yao Yuzhong (the number one master outside the customs) who received a suspended death sentence."

But that's another story.

Now Zhang Yang was staring at his new treasure friend's treasure with a hint of confusion.

What Baoyou took out was a small pair of scissors covered with rust.

The blade of the scissors is very short, only as long as your thumb.

Baoyou said that this was something passed down from his ancestors, and his grandfather told him to pass it on.

[Is this for cutting cows?]

[Like what veterinarians use]

[Isn’t this a modern thing?]

Zhang Yang also thought it was something modern and contemporary at first.After all, he is a scissor. No matter how old he is, he cannot be as old as the late Qing Dynasty.

But the production time shows that this humble pair of iron scissors was produced in 1401.

In the third year of Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty.

"You're a bit old for Scissors."

"Is this the only thing passed down? Are there any others?"

"and this."

Baoyou took out another toothbrush-like thing from the drawer.

The handle of the toothbrush is made of wood and the bristles look a bit thick.

Zhang Yang asked Baoyou to pick it up and look at it carefully.

"This is also from the Ming Dynasty."

[Is there a toothbrush in the Ming Dynasty?Are you kidding me?]

[The ancients used willow branches to brush their teeth. Do you think I haven’t read historical novels?]

[If this is from the Ming Dynasty, then I also have it at home]

"This is boxwood, and the bristles nailed to it are not the same thing as those plastic toothbrushes you have at home."

Zhang Yang lightly criticized the barrage and continued to ask Baoyou:
"Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Baoyou took out something like a thin bamboo tube, as if squeezing out ointment.

The surface is yellow and has a metal cover embedded on it.

Like Huo Zhezi.

"Teacher, can you help me see if this is ivory?" Baoyou asked, pointing to the yellow "bamboo tube".

"Of course not." After Zhang Yang identified it, he shook his head: "This is a dog bone."

"Is this a container you are using to store something?"

"Yes, there are a few silver needles inside."

Baoyou opened the tube made of dog bones, shook it twice, and sure enough, a handful of silver needles came out.

Place them in a row on the table, six in total.

Each needle is about the same length as an adult's middle finger. The handle of the needle is a little thicker, and there are fine small bumps on the surface, which should be used to prevent slipping.

[You call these nails silver needles? ? ? 】

[This thing is called the soul-suppressing nail]

[Shouldn’t silver needles be as thin as hair?]

[Hua Tuo: If I give you an injection, you might die]

The silver needle was so thick that Zhang Yang felt it was real.

Most silver needles in ancient times were originally the thickness of embroidery needles.

He was surprised that the history of these silver needles was much older than the dog bones used as containers.

The bones date from the late Qing Dynasty, but the silver needle dates from the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Friend Bao, where are your ancestors from?" Zhang Yang was very curious.

Because now it seems that scissors and brushes, like silver needles, are medical supplies.

Scissors are used to cut away carrion, and brushes are used to clean wounds.

They might even be surgical instruments.

"My ancestor was Zhang Tianshi's disciple." Baoyou said.

Of course Zhang Yang didn't believe this. His own surname was Zhang. He knew that Zhang Tianshi was from the Eastern Han Dynasty, so there was no way he could pass on these things.

"My grandfather said that silver needles are blessed and have fairy energy, which can drive away ghosts, dispel evil spirits and protect the body."

"These ancient silver needles must be used in conjunction with Qimen Dunjia."

"It's just a pity that in that era, all Qimen Dunjia's books were burned..."

Baoyou's tone of voice didn't seem to be making up a story.

He must have been deceived by his grandfather.

Zhang Yang did not deny him, but asked:
"Is there anything else?"

"And a knife."

What knife?Scalpel!

A rusty iron single-edged knife. Compared with a modern scalpel, the tip of the knife is a little warped.

After 600 years, it feels like it can still be used after a while.

"Friend Bao, don't talk about Zhang Tianshi. Your ancestor is definitely an old Chinese doctor with profound medical skills!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine? But aren't these people who perform surgeries?" Baoyou asked doubtfully, "I think they might be veterinarians."

"I feel like your ancestor's coffin board won't hold up anymore."

Zhang Yang cleared his throat and told the other party:

"Who did the bone scraping to cure the poison? Have you forgotten?"

"Military doctors who fought in ancient times had already started performing surgeries."

"Traditional Chinese medicine is not as simple as boiling herbal medicine as you think."

 I went to the hospital today. I am sick, so I have been busy all afternoon. I will update you all tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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