Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 208: Family, let’s have some fun

Chapter 208: Family, let’s have some fun

"Auntie, when Kangxi was still alive, Red Mansions had not been written yet!"

Chu Ziqiang couldn't stand it any longer. His sense of justice drove him to go up and explain it to his aunt.

The latter glared at him and said with contempt:

"Are you Kangxi? Or did you write Red Mansions?"

"If there was no Red Mansion at the time of Kangxi, what would be painted on this thing of mine?"

"This is inconsistent with history." Chu Ziqiang was very hard-headed and stern in his words, sticking to the bottom line.

But he didn't expect that the aunt was even more stubborn.

"Isn't history studied by people? If it's inconsistent with history, as you said, then they studied it wrong."

"This treasure of mine can prove that there was a Red Mansion during the Kangxi period."

"Oh, then this thing is a cultural relic, isn't it more valuable?"

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

[The logic is perfect and impeccable]

[Auntie’s valuation of the baby has increased by another [-] million]

[Forget about second on the list, you are no match]

[Let Master Zhang take action, he is the aunt killer]

Seeing how angry Xiao Chu was, Zhang Yang was afraid that something might happen to his body, so he quickly provided remote support:
"Mr. Cao was born in the 54th year of Kangxi's reign."

"The Red Mansion was only written in the ninth year of Qianlong's reign."

With history as evidence, Chu Ziqiang's confidence doubled.

"Auntie, experts have verified that The Red Mansion was written in the ninth year of Qianlong's reign."

"But yours belongs to Kangxi."

This time, the aunt actually nodded. She admitted that what Xiao Chu said was right.

"No problem. Qianlong was earlier than Kangxi. The Red Mansion came first, and then came this thing of mine."

It's over, it's over.

Zhang Yang heard Chu Ziqiang's breathing getting heavier.

Auntie has only made Xiao Chu angry twice. If she does it a third time, will she vomit blood?
Unable to talk any more, he quickly asked Chen Yanguang to take action.

The way Brother No. [-] on the list handles the problem is very simple - if it’s difficult to communicate with your aunt, then find someone to communicate with.

"Brother, what's in your box?"

Chen Yanguang found a treasure holder who looked gentle and gentle.

"Xuande Lu." The middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses answered softly.

"Quick, quick, look at the Xuande stove."

Zhang Yang urged Chu Ziqiang to look away. Looking at each other for too long would not be a good thing for him or Auntie.

What the elder brother took out from the box was a Xuande stove with double bridge ears. Of course, there was a "Made in the Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty" underneath.

The lighting at the scene is not very bright, but this Xuande stove is very reflective and the patina is quite round.

"It's a good thing."

Zhang Yang took a closer look and found that it was a high-quality imitation from the Qing Dynasty, and the lowest market price was more than [-] yuan.

This is the first real thing I saw on site today.

Zhang Yang quickly said in the live broadcast room:

"This brother is holding an authentic antique Xuande furnace from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

“And it’s a masterpiece that has been handed down from generation to generation. If it has a clear provenance, it can be auctioned for six figures.”

"It means there is something real!" Chu Ziqiang agreed.

His tone sounded much better.

It doesn't matter how many fakes you see, as long as there is a real treasure in the end, it will make people feel comfortable.

But others at the scene seemed to have a different view:
"Young man, your stove's coating is wrong."

Next to the middle-aged man, an old man holding a gilt bronze Buddha statue pointed:
"This is a Buddha statue from the Ming Dynasty in my hand. Look at the patina on mine, and then look at yours."

"Don't you think your stuff is freshly polished?"

Just as the Treasure Master was about to explain, another old man holding a painting stood up and said:

"It's not just the patina problem, there's also a problem with the shape of the device."

"It doesn't look polished at all."

The most amazing thing is that the aunt just now came out directly to persuade the treasure friend:
"Stop appraising it. It's a complete waste of money."

"If you go out now and say that you have something to do, you can go to them and get the appraisal fee back."

"When the experts say your stuff is fake later, it won't be sold."

Her words hit Chu Ziqiang's gun. "Auntie, this one is more real than yours." Chu Ziqiang said loudly.

"The one you have is definitely not from Kangxi. This one is a genuine imitation from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

"Are you still trying to persuade others?"

As soon as Chu Ziqiang said these words, it was an aunt who was angry, and the scene immediately became lively.

In one word, noisy!

Soon, security came over, forcibly separated the two groups of people, and rushed to different teams.

[What are the security guards doing?Do you still need to be taught when watching a play?]

[I don’t know why, I support the second eldest brother on the list to kill the national treasure and help the old lady]

[The treasure friend who played with the Xuande furnace had obviously never seen such a scene and was confused]

Zhang Yang thought to himself, he would be confused.

That treasure friend didn't know that Xiao Chu and Aunt had already had a fight before the official quarrel started.

Such a sudden quarrel, it seemed like they were fighting for him, how embarrassing.


"I was wrong, family members, this is all the National Treasure Gang."

Chu Ziqiang pointed the camera at himself and said to the audience in the live broadcast room and Lian Mai's Zhang Yang:

"Boss, I really feel like I can't communicate with them."

"It's okay. If you can communicate, you're not far from joining them." Zhang Yang comforted.

At this time, the expert appraisal booth a few places away from Xiao Chu and the others suddenly became lively.

Under Zhang Yang's command, Chen Yanguang squeezed into the front line of eating melons with his mobile phone.

The scene that Zhang Yang expected came a little early.

In front of Mr. Yan Datian, an expert in metalware appraisal, an old man wearing a shirt and looking like a retired cadre pointed at a Buddha sculpture on the table and said:

"This has been authenticated by Teacher Che Lijun. It is definitely authentic."

oh?Teacher Che’s masterpiece?
Zhang Yang quickly looked to see what it was.

A gilt copper statue with a golden appearance, shaped somewhat like a blooming lotus.

But what bloomed were not petals, but small Buddha statues.

This is the "Seventh Buddha Statue".

The one in the middle is Sakyamuni Buddha.

There are six more on the left and right sides, which are the six Buddhas that existed before Sakyamuni became a Buddha.

This is a typical Gandhara-style Buddha statue from the Sixteen Kingdoms to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, the piece on the appraisal table is a typical antique handicraft.

The reasons given by Teacher Yan Datian are also very convincing:
"I also have a collection of this thing at home."

"The biggest difference between my piece and yours is that the manners of each Buddha statue are the same."

"Unlike yours, each Buddha statue has a pose."

In order to convince Baoyou, Teacher Yan even gave reference materials.

In Yi County, Jinzhou, Liao Province, there is a Fengguo Temple from the Liao Dynasty. The Seven Buddha Hall inside enshrines seven Buddha statues with solemn appearances and consistent postures.

"Why are you talking about the Liao Dynasty? This is a Buddha statue from the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Baoyou didn't believe Teacher Yan's words at all, especially after hearing that the other party had a similar collection.

Wenwan is something that the less it is, the more precious it is. In his eyes, Teacher Yan is suppressing him.

This way he can sell his own at a high price.

So Baoyou emphasized again and again:

"I asked Teacher Che to authenticate it."

"His reputation is better than yours, right?"

Baoyou Che Zulun talked back and forth but refused to leave because he was determined to make Teacher Yan change his words.

Of course, Yan Datian, who has genuine items in his home, cannot comply with his wishes.

They are all experts in treasure appraisal who have been in the industry for decades. Who hasn’t lost his temper yet?

"Don't leave. I'll call Teacher Che. He's nearby and will come right away."

Yan Datian twitched his beard and said:

"Now I seriously suspect that you made up the lie that Teacher Che appraised your stuff, and wanted to use our program to show off the imitations."

Zhang Yang was thousands of miles away and had already brought melon seeds and cola in front of the camera.

"Family, let's eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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