Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 211 Miscellaneous Appraisal Expert Zhang Yang

Chapter 211 Miscellaneous Appraisal Expert——Zhang Yang

"It's too urgent. You made the call too urgently."

"Especially you, classmate Xiaochu."

Afterwards, Zhang Yang held a summary meeting to summarize the problems of the offline Lianmai live broadcast.

Chu Ziqiang has a big problem.

Because the Longquan kiln was the favorite of his fourth uncle, Director Chu couldn't sit still when he called.

As for Teacher Che and Boss Su, they would immediately find someone to invite them to tea.

I don’t want to leave any room for Lawyer Fang to show off.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang came forward in time and convinced Director Chu.

Let him calm down and finish the treasure appraisal activity first before arresting anyone.

"But why do I think you are afraid of losing money for the event you organize?" Chu Ziqiang questioned.

"What nonsense are you telling the truth?" Chen Yanguang stood up to support Zhang Yang: "I think Brother Yang is trying to give Lawyer Fang some room to maneuver, so that Teacher Che will be sentenced longer."

how long?

It is possible to surpass Cheng Erye, and there is a high probability of successfully hitting the "ten-year prison sentence".

Zhang Yang felt this was an unexpected surprise.

His main purpose was indeed revealed by Chu Ziqiang.

"I'm just afraid of losing money at the event."

We are all our own people, what's wrong with talking about it?
"But it's not me who loses the money, nor the studio. It's the auction company we cooperate with."

"I'm going to Yangcheng tomorrow. There's an event there, and I have to continue to cooperate with them."

Zhang Yangren is still in Linhai, and his heart has already flown to the scene of the Yangcheng event.

You can earn 200 million by holding an auction in Linhai. You can at least double that by going to a first-tier city like Yangcheng.

And looking at the experts from Yanjing sitting on the stage, Zhang Yang felt really itchy.

It is with this mentality that [Miscellaneous Appraisal Expert - Zhang Yang] stood on the appraisal stage of the "Light of Yangcheng" Treasure Appraisal and Auction Event.


In mid-September in Yangcheng, typhoons come one after another.

The treasure appraisal audition was scheduled between two typhoons, during the three or four days when there was no rain in the weather forecast.

Zhang Yang sat on the appraisal table at nine o'clock in the morning, and at [-]:[-], he welcomed the first treasure friend who came to appraise the treasure.

The other party first handed over an open notebook.

"Master Zhang, can you sign your name first? I'm your fan."

He also showed the fan card in the live broadcast room, which is level 11 and has been with the host for 121 days.

Big fan!
[Nausea, I really have fans]

[Baoyou, please help me get an autograph too]

[Ask this person to report his Douyin ID and assign him to the housing management]

【This child care is not cheap, isn't it】

"Hey, thank you for your support."

Zhang Yang feels that he has experienced the joy of offline appraisal.

He scribbled his name on the paper, with a "star-like" attitude.

"Thank you, Master Zhang. I will treasure it well."

Baoyou put the notebook into his schoolbag, and then took out the things he was going to identify.

Three small wooden boxes, each with a small bead lying in it.

The background color of the beads is sky blue, with round, eye-like patterns on them, which are deep sea blue.

There are varying numbers of "eyeballs" on each bead, and there are white ring patterns around them.

At first glance, it looks a bit Cthulhu-esque.

If you watch it for a long time, you may develop a brain.

Zhang Yang took the one with fewer "eyeballs" in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The touch of the thing is very similar to glass, especially the dark blue "eyeball" part on it.

Looks like it's stained with heavy metal.

"Name: Dragonfly Eye Glass Beads"

"Material: Soda-lime glass"

"Production time: 512 BC"

"Detailed information: The original glass produced in the Mediterranean region was introduced to the Chinese mainland via the Silk Road, which to a certain extent stimulated the origin of local glass."

Fifth century BC?

At this time, near the Mediterranean Sea, it should still be the ancient Persian Empire.

In China, it is the late Spring and Autumn Period.

It turns out that at that time, Persian things had already been introduced to the Central Plains!
Zhang Yang sighed inwardly and looked at the treasured friend in front of him.

The possibility of small glass beads being passed down from the Spring and Autumn Period to the present is almost zero.

It must have come out of the tomb in modern times.

Now let’s see if Baoyou is good at it.

"Teacher, why do you look at me like this?" Baoyou touched his face: "I like women."

"Sorry, occupational disease, occupational disease."

Zhang Yang waved his hand apologetically and began to tell the origin of the baby.

"These three beads of yours are dragonfly eye glass beads, a kind of decoration in ancient times." "The late Spring and Autumn Period is very open."

"Such ancient things cannot be valued. You are my fan, so you should understand."

"Any questions?"

Baoyou pursed his lips, as if hesitating whether he should say anything.

Finally, he decided to tell Zhang Yang in a low voice:

"Actually, I bought these from tomb robbers."


Zhang Yang blinked, is Yangcheng so rampant now?
Are you telling me this in broad daylight and in public?

Baoyou didn't realize the problem and asked:
"Can you help me find out where the tomb was unearthed?"

【glass bead?Can you play marbles in the Spring and Autumn Period? 】

[What are you talking about, why are you whispering]

[Sure enough, the on-site treasure appraisal is not as interesting as the live broadcast]

[That man has a sinister look on his face and doesn’t look like a good person at first glance]

Zhang Yang looked a little complicated and pointed at the policeman on duty in the distance.

The police car was parked outside.

Baoyou is working here, the risk factor is 9.9.

"Brother, have you forgotten that we are appraising treasures offline, not online."

"It's okay, can I just donate?"

Baoyou told Zhang Yang frankly:

"This thing can't be sold anyway, so it's out of my hands."

"I want to know right now, what kind of tomb did the group of tomb robbers I met in Tianguang Ruins steal? Can such a thing be found?"

"Is there nothing else?" Zhang Yang asked, "You have washed these beads, but I can't see anything!"

"There are more." Baoyou took out a transparent sealed bag containing small dry soil clods.

"I broke this from the dragonfly's eye."

"I told you earlier!" Zhang Yang took it and looked at it carefully for a while: "It should be a tomb from the Chu State in the Spring and Autumn Period."

"I don't know anything else, because these beads of yours are from the ancient Persian Empire and have nothing to do with the civilization of Chu."

"Made abroad? Isn't that very valuable?" Baoyou suddenly felt a little excited.

"I overthink it. This was a trade item at that time. Many ancient tombs were unearthed in large quantities in the past, so these things are obviously from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but the prices have never been high."

"Then I'd better donate it." Baoyou sighed and said, "Anyway, when I bought it, I only spent dozens of yuan."

Dozens of dollars?Zhang Yang hissed.

The auction price of such a dragonfly eye from the Warring States Period abroad is at least [-].

A few dozen yuan turned into [-] yuan.

This treasure friend can already book today’s [Leak Picking King].

"Actually, you can hold it in your hand first and keep it safe."

Zhang Yang thought about it for a moment, saying that 500 yuan worth of treasure in exchange for [-] yuan + certificate is a bit too cruel for treasure friends.

But he couldn't mention the name of Hailin Museum directly. After all, it was in the territory of Yangcheng, so he had to give Deputy Director Zou some face.

I can only give tactful suggestions:
"When this program is broadcast, the cultural relics department will take the initiative to contact you about your donation."

"In time, they will make up for some of your losses."

Baoyou was stunned at first, and then he saw Zhang Yang raising his eyebrows at him, and he immediately understood.

"Thank you teacher for pointing out the maze!"

"You're welcome." Zhang Yang waved his hand gently, signaling Baoyou to keep a low profile.

The people sitting around him are old experts. They know more, so they have to be more humble.


The first treasure that was opened for appraisal was an authentic cultural relic from the Spring and Autumn Period, and Zhang Yang's mood was unprecedentedly high.

Then, it was wiped out by the National Treasure Gang.

"You need to look at Qin to see jade. Do you understand that you dare to sit in the expert's seat?"

A treasure friend who was holding a fake ancient Han jade became so angry after being pointed out that the item was fake that he insisted on teaching Zhang Yang how to identify it.

He also took out several books written by experts from the National Museum from his bag and said he wanted to discuss them.

With such a big event, Zhang Yang had no time to pay attention to him and quickly dismissed him:
"I'm just a miscellaneous appraisal expert. For jade appraisal, you go find Teacher Bai."

After this strange treasure friend left, Zhang Yang immediately found the staff and put up a sign like an instruction manual and placed it behind his seat sign:

[For calligraphy, painting, ceramics, and jade, it is recommended that you find the corresponding experts for appraisal]

[Only professional miscellaneous appraisals are provided here]

Having this brand is equivalent to "a dog's head saves life" to avoid being accidentally injured by the National Treasure Gang.

The effect of this move is still very obvious.

Several treasure friends who were originally queuing up with porcelain bottles took the initiative to leave the queue in front of Zhang Yang.

Went to Mr. Wan who was appraising the porcelain next door to Huo Huo.

The next treasure friend who came to appraise the items could tell at a glance that they were miscellaneous items.

Because what he brought was a few gray stones.

(End of this chapter)

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