Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 221 Never lose money if you sell it

Chapter 221 If you don’t sell [-] yuan, you will still lose money.

"You can really hear it!" Baoyou said with a serious face: "If you don't believe me, teacher, try it."

"Okay, let me feel how rough it is."

Zhang Yang picked up the conch and put his ear to it.

Five seconds later, he felt like his intelligence had been insulted.

Where is the sound of the waves?

There was only the murmur of the surrounding voices mixed together.

You can still faintly hear Teacher Bai next door angrily criticizing the National Treasure Gang.

If there is such a thing as consecration, Zhang Yang thinks it may be that Baoyou himself was consecrated and had auditory hallucinations.

But no matter what, this thing is right.

Moreover, it is of the highest quality among Tibetan Buddhist cultural relics.

Zhang Yang put the conch back on the table and briefly introduced his judgment to Baoyou:

"This is a Tibetan conch from the Daoguang period. It is most likely a treasure given by the emperor to the eminent monks in the snow area."

"What's the approximate value of Daoguang's things?"

Baoyou didn't seem to be religious, so he actually asked the price.

Zhang Yang can only give a basic reference price:

"The market price of a treasure like this is around 15."

"But in fact, this is a unique treasure. If it is auctioned, the price will be higher."

"How much did you spend on the invitation?"

"I didn't spend any money." Baoyou shook his head.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang looked at the other party doubtfully.

He doesn't look like an aborigine from the snowy area either.

Can such a precious cultural relic with religious overtones be passed down from generation to generation?

"My father is a devout Buddhist. He paid to reshape the golden body of a Buddha statue in an ancient temple."

"This conch was given by the eminent monk in the temple."

[That’s almost the same as buying it]

[Nonsense, you may not lose so much if you buy it]

[Faith is priceless, this time it’s Baoyou’s appearance]

"It's very good. Then, treasure friend, keep it in your collection."

It’s hard to recommend people to take pictures of a treasure like this.

Zhang Yang even thought that Baoyou might have brought things for appraisal behind his father's back.

He had encountered such things before.

Many old people like these treasures that need to be "pleased". The main theme is "faith is priceless".

Only children like Baoyou can bear the bitterness behind it.

"No, no, no, I'm just here for the auction."

Baoyou refuted Zhang Yang's words, then explained with a wry smile:
"My dad is lying in the hospital right now. The daily hospital bills cost thousands."

"Since all the gods and Buddhas in the sky can't protect him, then I can only sell his belongings."

"I still have a lot of such things here."

Baoyou lifted a large suitcase from his side.

After opening, there are various Tibetan Buddhist instruments inside, such as Vajra, Dharma drum, Dharma bell, etc.

There are also various statues, most of which are gilded Buddha statues.

"Is it all your father's invitation?" Zhang Yang asked.

There are so many gold-plated things. If you "please", it won't cost tens of millions?
"Yes." Baoyou nodded helplessly: "My father is in the seafood business. He always feels that he has sinned deeply and keeps praying to God."

"Especially when he got sick later, he threw a lot of money into it..."

"Your father is really a fool." The uncle who was watching behind Baoyou made a timely comment.

This assessment is accurate, but too heart-wrenching.

Zhang Yang originally thought there would be a conflict, but Baoyou turned around and nodded in agreement.

It can be seen that Baoyou has realized it.

Zhang Yang didn't waste any time and quickly divided the contents of the box into two piles.

He then gave a very pertinent opinion:
"This pile is antiques from before the late Qing Dynasty."

"I suggest you go backstage and look at the estimated auction price before deciding whether to bid."

"These are all new. You can go find the source of the things."

"It doesn't mean that new ones are necessarily worthless. Some of them have been opened by masters and have very high market value."

"Thank you, teacher!" Baoyou stood up and bowed deeply to Zhang Yang.

"No, no, no, I wish your father a speedy recovery."


[I originally thought it was a joke, but I didn’t expect it to be so tragic]

[Actually, it’s not bad. His pile of stuff is worth at least a few million dollars. Do you guys have the savings?]

[If you eat diaosi with steamed buns mixed with pickles, others won’t appreciate your impression]

[Brothers, I have realized that feudal superstition is harmful to people. I will smash the Guanyin Guanyin when I go home at night]

[I think you just don’t want to pay the public food]

No matter what happened, after being deconstructed by the barrage, it suddenly changed.

Zhang Yang couldn't explain it, but he always felt something was strange.

Forget it, let’s appraise the treasure.

It's the turn of the old man who made the critical comment just now.

The things he took out were wrapped in layers and placed in a small wooden box.

Zhang Yang took a look and saw that the box was authentic Hainan Huanghuali.

Although it is a modern handicraft, it is worth at least four to five thousand.

Is it the classic "the box is the most expensive, the old man is the oldest" thing again?
"This is my ancestral treasure. A Frenchman offered [-] yuan before, but I didn't even sell it."

Maybe it's because while waiting in line, the uncle kept bragging to the people around him about how awesome his stuff was.

As soon as he finished his introduction, there were people waiting in line behind him, crossing their arms and commenting sharply:

"Stop telling stories to deceive the experts. Take the things out and take a look first."

"What are you in a hurry for?" the uncle said angrily.

He first spread a layer of white cloth on the table in front of Zhang Yang, and then slowly opened the box, filling the room with a sense of ceremony.

"This is a golden dragon?!"

Zhang Yang covered his mouth in surprise.

The uncle looks like bronze, but he is actually a king.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most beautiful treasure Zhang Yang has seen today:
Two lifelike golden dragons, holding each other head to tail, formed a circle.Curly dragon whiskers, powerful dragon claws, clearly visible dragon scales...

If it could be paired with glowing special effects, this would be an absolute national treasure!
[This subject, is Long Yangzhi good? 】

[Obviously it’s The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty]

[No, uncle, are you serious? 】

"How is it?" The uncle turned around and said proudly to the people around him: "How, what, how?"

Passerby A: "Handicrafts, what's there to say?"

Spectator B: "I found it on the Internet, 218 yuan."

Chi Guabing: "Listen to what the experts say first."

Zhang Yang saw that the uncle turned around in frustration, and smiled to support him:

"This is a bronze dragon body from the late Qing Dynasty. It's no problem. It's a serious antique."

"You see these two dragons forming a circle, it's actually because this is the base of something, and there should be something else on it."

"There are still some signs of wear on the dragon's back."

"Is this for the emperor?" the uncle asked with concern.

"Absolutely. The five-clawed golden dragon must be an artifact used by the royal family."

"If you don't sell the [-] yuan, will you lose money?"

"It's definitely not a loss. It's no problem to double it now." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Uncle, next, it’s time for group teasing, right?

Unexpectedly, the uncle just nodded his thanks and silently put the things into the box.

Without saying a word, he turned around, raised his head, and said "hum".

The treasure friends who were watching just now quickly retreated to a passage.

The uncle took his time and walked out of the crowd slowly, as if he had just been crowned.

【Pressure for a lifetime! 】

[Uncle is mighty, I, Long Aotian, am convinced by this show of pretense]

[Who was mocking the uncle just now?Pull it out and run around]


The last treasure friend who came for appraisal that day was Mao Shiqi.

After seeing that Zhang Yang was an expert in appraisal, he didn't try to find connections through the back door, but honestly waited in line for several hours.

His statement "I have been completely transformed" seems to be true.

Before the appraisal, Zhang Yang asked:
"Should I turn off the live broadcast?"

What he was thinking was: Mao Shiqi had been in there for too long, and he might not be aware that many versions of the cultural relics protection laws had been updated outside.

If he really took out the contraband, he could at least persuade him to surrender.

But Mao Shiqi said very confidently:
"No, they are all things obtained through normal channels."

He has said so, of course Zhang Yang must trust him.

The first piece is a yellow-green jade pendant.

Zhang Yang recognized this kind of thing, a dragon head and a silkworm body, a typical [Dragon Silkworm Jade], a popular ornament during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

This jade pendant was originally supposed to be light green, but now it's a little yellow...

Because there is Tuqin!

Ah, yes, yes, Obitoqin's Spring and Autumn Period jade was bought from a legitimate source.

Are you sure you didn't buy it from Mi Lang?

Here, Mao Shiqi is still concerned about the authenticity of things.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's true at first sight, of Spring and Autumn."

"Did you buy this?" Zhang Yang asked one more question.

"A gift from a friend." Mao Shiqi replied without thinking.

This answer shows that he has indeed done research and knows that gifting is legal.

Zhang Yang thought he could barely pass.

The second treasure is packed in a long wooden box.

Bronze sword?
When I opened it, it wasn't, but it wasn't too different.

It is also a piece of bronze.

The shape is a bit like a clown's hat: a bow-shaped metal groove in the middle and curved copper bells on both sides.

The green patina is uniform and elegant, giving it a freshly unearthed beauty.

"This is a bow-shaped device from the early Western Zhou Dynasty."

When Zhang Yang spoke, he glanced at Mao Shiqi.

It’s hard to say, this is the last one.

The bow-shaped device is something that can only be unearthed from the chariot pits of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Ancient cavalry tied the bow-shaped part to their waists, and the curved parts on both sides were used to tie reins, so that one person could ride a horse and shoot arrows at the same time.

"He's old too!"

Mao Shiqi touched the mustache on his chin and seemed very happy.

Maybe he noticed that Zhang Yang was looking at him, so he immediately added:
"This is also a gift from a friend."

[Is this person a friend of the anchor?]

[You don’t look like a serious person]

[The leader’s friend is a tomb robber, which makes sense]

【Script?Who will go to the venue to identify the bronze? 】

Zhang Yang also wanted to ask, why did you come to the venue to identify the bronzes from the tomb?

Can't I take a picture so I can see it for you?
Well now, there were too many uncles and aunties watching, and they were talking about bronzes, so the police on duty had already come over.

But Mao Shiqi didn't seem to realize this.

He was still taking things out.

"There's more?" Zhang Yang couldn't believe it.

Most people can take out an unearthed cultural relic and explain it for half a day.

Now Mao Shiqi is about to take out the third item. Are you planning to stay at the police station tonight?

"This is the last one. Please help me see if it's from Northern Qi."

Mao Shiqi pointed at a painted pottery warrior equestrian figurine and said.

"Huh? Beiqi? Does the direction have to be so clear?"

Have you discovered the tombs of Northern Qi? !
 Recommend a fairy novel


(End of this chapter)

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