Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 224 The telegram rang, and the evil thoughts started to stir.

Chapter 224 The phone rang, and my evil thoughts started to stir.
Does this make any difference?

The more Manager Zhao thought about it, the more confused he became, and his CPU almost burned out.

Fortunately, he had enough experience in dealing with this situation and took a deep breath to calm down.

Putting on a flattering smile, he said to Zhang Yang:
"You can just discuss it directly with Miss Cao when the time comes. She will give me the share I deserve."

"Look, do you want to have a good chat with Miss Cao tonight?"


Zhang Yang nodded and agreed to meet Cao Jiayun tonight.

But there is one more problem.

Now you don't have to think about it to know that Manager Zhao must have been bribed.

Of the four people present at the scene, three were from the same camp.

The person named Cao, the person named Zhao, and the E-level female anchor...

Zhang Yang was a little afraid of being outed.

On the Internet, anyone can be Tang Monk. No matter how beautiful he is, he is nothing more than a pink skull, and he can speak harshly:

"That's it? No way!"

But when it comes to offline, it might become:
"She was born in 05. I can't beat her, so I voted."

Unless, bring Xu Jie with you.

Director Xu's threshold is relatively low. When the time comes, Zhang Yang will not be afraid of getting involved himself, but will be worried that Xu Jie will scare others.

Hearing that Zhang Yang was going to take him to socialize, Xu Jie was a little unhappy at first.

No one wants to hold back the boss’s drink.

But after knowing that he would meet the female anchor Yuanyuan he had met before, he immediately abandoned the two sisters and took a special taxi directly to the address given by Zhang Yang.

"Are you that high?"

Zhang Yang looked at Xu Jie sitting next to him, swaying as if he had eaten too many fungi.

Xu Jie raised his eyebrows with a wicked smile and asked him:

"Boss, do you know how much money the top brother in Yuanyuan's room paid her to meet offline?"

"Twenty W?" Zhang Yang guessed a number casually.

"Oh? Boss, you are very knowledgeable."

"I learned it all from Boss Chen," Zhang Yang said.

"Brother Guang? That's true."

"I heard that he has more than 100 accounts. With just his account, he can attract young anchors."

After Xu Jie sighed, he became even more excited.

He will soon be able to experience the treatment of the top brother, and he is looking forward to it.

A few minutes later, the door to the private room opened, and Manager Zhao walked in front, welcoming Miss Cao and Yuanyuan in with a smile on his face.

Cao Jiayun first apologized to Zhang Yang when they met:
"Master Zhang, I kept you waiting for a long time. There was a traffic jam on our way here."

"It's okay, it's okay, I let you go, it's even." Zhang Yang said kindly.

He had promised before that he would go to Zhaoqing to patronize Cao Jiayun's business if he had the chance.

But I couldn't get away, and I couldn't get interested.

So the other party sent messages and explicitly hinted at it several times, but he just pretended not to see it.

Now that we have to talk about business seriously, of course we have to get rid of this matter.

It will take a while for the lion to open his mouth.

"Master Zhang, I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me."

Cao Jiayun covered her mouth and smiled:
"Come on, let's sit down and talk slowly."


Under Zhang Yang's deliberate avoidance, Xu Jie stood between him and Cao Jiayun.

But a certain director named Xu's bottom line was too flexible, and he was taken down with just a few words of "good brother".

He quickly changed places with the female anchor.

Unfortunately, what Xu Jie didn't know was that after changing positions, he completely lost the meaning of existence.

Yuanyuan didn't even look at him after that. She picked up the small wine glass and handed it directly to Zhang Yang:
"Master Zhang, let me toast you."

As long as Zhang Yang refuses, she will bully others and stick to Zhang Yang.

Xu Jie watched eagerly from the side, thinking:
"Boss, when are you going to ask me to stop drinking?"

He didn't wait long. After Zhang Yang drank two drinks, he started to make excuses.

Otherwise, I really can’t stand it.

While the woman was pouring wine, Zhang Yang directed her to look in the direction of Xu Jie:
"Yuanyuan, this is Brother Jie, he is your biggest fan."

"I think you can offer this cup to him."

"Hehe, Master Zhang, I am also your biggest fan. I am in your fan group."


Zhang Yang blinked. Is there a female Bodhisattva among his fans?
Why are those single men in that group still complaining about the lack of female fans?
"It's true, she always admires you, Master Zhang!" Miss Cao cut in at the right time.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes as he listened.

Cao Jiayun said the same thing, which was not simply a compliment to herself.

They may really be "peeping" at themselves.Zhang Yang deliberately pretended not to believe it and successfully met the ID of this "female fan" - [Master Zhang Women's Clothing Fan].

"I didn't expect you to be my fan!"

Zhang Yang smiled sheepishly.

When the other party got mad at him, he quickly kicked the account out of the fan group.

Then change the topic and fast forward to the main topic of today’s meeting:
"Let's talk about cooperation first, otherwise the food will be served later."


Cao Jiayun snapped her fingers handsomely.

Manager Zhao moved upon hearing the sound and opened the suitcase he brought through the door.

It contains jade samples.

As a waiter, Yuanyuan thoughtfully put on white gloves for Zhang Yang and made a gesture of invitation.

Please get started!

The first piece is an imperial green jade bracelet.

The weight written on the parameters is 82.89 grams, and the ring is about 56mm. It is obviously a high-end jewelry tailor-made for ladies and ladies.

"The cost price of this thing, including the rough stone and processing fee, is 98."

Cao Jiayun introduced Zhang Yang with a smile:
"The starting price is set at 1000 million, what do you think?"


Xu Jie was the only one present who was surprised by the amount.

In his opinion, this is even more outrageous than the price of a certain Internet celebrity’s eyebrow pencil rising from 10 yuan to 79 yuan.

He looked at his boss, hoping to read some useful information from Zhang Yang's face.

Is this thing worth it?

Zhang Yang's expression told Xu Jie: 1000 million is really not expensive.

He has read all the information on the bracelet.

Not only is it imperial green, it is also a well-established Burmese material. With these two points alone, the market price cannot be lowered.

What really surprised him was that the other party could keep the cost down so low?

This is not 30 years ago. The information in Laokeng has long been divided up by local forces, and some are even in the hands of the armed forces.

The other party deliberately revealed the cost just to show off its muscles.

The person named Cao has something!

"Is there any more?" Zhang Yang asked, "Where is the heart material of this bracelet?"

Jade is all solid. After cutting out the bracelet, there will be a round cake-shaped jade material left, which is called the bracelet core material.

The imperial green bracelet heart is worth looking forward to.

Cao Jiayun smiled and directed Manager Zhao to take out the second lot - a jade pendant with a double dragon pattern.

Regardless of the carving or the appearance, in feudal society, it was qualified as a jade pendant for princes and princes.

The starting price is 350 million, which is also quite satisfactory.

Okay, now the male leek's wallet is also arranged.

Zhang Yang couldn't find anything wrong with these two lots.

He had already begun to calculate in his mind how much he would get in the end.

After tactfully driving away the other three people, Cao Jiayun explained to Zhang Yang:

"The gross profit from these two items is 100 million, and I can get [-]% of it."

"I take [-]%, isn't it a bit too much?"

So generous?Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed.

"Ah?" Cao Jiayun looked at Zhang Yang with a horrified look: "That's not what I meant."

"I mean, the two of us can share this [-]%."

"Seventy percent of it belongs to my boss."

Is it reasonable?Actually quite reasonable.

Even if you don't go to the auction, the quality of the imperial green is here, making millions is not a problem.

Cao Jiayun came specially to participate in this jewelry auction, just because she wanted to make more money.

"Half of [-]%?"

Zhang Yang muttered, pretending to be hesitant.

He could accept this price, but he still wanted to see if the other party could add more.

At this moment, Cao Jiayun's phone rang.

Zhang Yang stopped and waited for her to hang up the phone.

With a multi-million dollar business, nothing can disturb it, right?

But Cao Jiayun actually made an apologetic expression, stood up, and said she wanted to go out and answer the call.

A call from her boss?
As an appraisal expert, Zhang Yang’s eyesight was very good, and he saw the message on the other party’s phone prompting the call at a glance:

【Literary Game Tycoon】? !

(End of this chapter)

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