Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 276 There is an old friend in the west of Shenghai

Chapter 276 There is an old friend in the west of Shenghai

There is something wrong with these two people!

Zhang Yang murmured in his heart, this is not online, where he can have fun casually.

Offline, using your real name, and even showing your face. If you say such things, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable?
If you want to kill your relatives for the sake of justice, grandpa doesn’t want it anymore?

Are you a bigot, or are you confident?
But now that we have talked about this, why not just report your family status to avoid having to explain it to your friends in the comment area later.

The couple holding the treasure seemed to hear Zhang Yang's heartfelt wishes.

The man spoke and continued to introduce the origin of his treasure:
"Expert teacher, I'm not lying to you. My grandfather was really one of the oldest employees of Shenghai Cultural Relics Store when it reopened in 78."

"Forty years ago? Those are indeed old employees."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, preparing to carry him away as soon as he finished telling his story.

It's going to be investigated anyway, and the things here will be clarified sooner or later.

"He retired in 07 after not working for more than [-] years."

"Although he only had 30 years, he really made a lot of money. Basically every month he would bring an antique home."

"I remember this potted plant very clearly. It was at the turn of the century that he brought it back as a New Year's gift and gave it to my sister..."

【burst!burst!burst! 】

[Did this person forget to take his medicine when he went out?]

[Obviously he has a grudge against his grandfather, so he came to report it]

[Maybe that person is not his grandfather, but some enemy]

The barrage finally became active, but Zhang Yang had no intention of watching it.

He was thinking, should he continue to listen to the revelations?Or just call the staff to carry them down?
Nowadays, stories of grandchildren cheating their grandfathers are common, and it is normal to destroy relatives for the sake of justice.

But this was the first time that Zhang Yang saw Baoyou being so deliberate.

Just when he hesitated, the two treasure friends continued to use their strength.

The wife took out a pure gold bracelet inlaid with pearls from her pocket, with a pattern of flying phoenixes engraved on it.

Judging from the craftsmanship and the color of the gold, it is at least gold jewelry from the late Qing Dynasty to modern times.

The man introduced:
"My grandfather also brought this back from the cultural relics store, and my grandmother passed it on to my wife."

"And this is just one piece of a set of gold jewelry. The original owner of the thing is said to be a princess from the Qing Dynasty..."

This bracelet, is it weird?
He's so old-fashioned, he's just like a grandma.

However, most of the gold jewelry of the nobles in the late Qing Dynasty was melted into small yellow croakers (gold bars) during the troubled times.

From Zhang Yang's perspective, this was a rich lady's jewelry at that time.

"This bracelet weighs a full fifty grams." Baoyou emphasized.

It sounds like it's talking about weight, but it's actually talking about value.

Zhang Yang understood that no matter what the purpose, Baoyou was thinking about Fa'er's evidence, but in fact there was really no need.

Those two cloisonné potted plants alone are worth over 20 yuan.

Not short of the 5 to [-] yuan of this gold bracelet.

Seeing that the two of them were still going to take something out, Zhang Yang quickly stretched out his hand to interrupt the spell:
"Enough is enough."

"That's enough for the judges to sentence your grandfather to life."

"You can keep the rest at the police station and take it out slowly."

The two treasure friends still listened to the advice and took out their hands from their pockets.

Then, the man asked Zhang Yang:

"Which police station will the experts hand us over to?"

"What? Do you have any special needs?"

Zhang Yang came to Shenghai for the first time, and he was unfamiliar with the place, so he thought he had some explanation.

For example, people from Pudong cannot join Puxi's situation?
Baoyou shook his head and replied:

"I don't have any special requirements. I just want to see if the police station you send us to is up to par."

[Go, that’s such a loud tone] [Is his grandfather the underwater emperor of the Huangpu River? 】

[How can a petty thief be a big shot?]

What he said... Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, if they hadn't taken out two 10,000+ treasures, these two people could basically be diagnosed as mentally ill.

Zhang Yang made a "please leave" gesture and prepared to help them cover the black cloth on the potted plant.

At this moment, Baoyou suddenly read a name to the live broadcast mobile phone camera, the name of a powerful person who walked out of Shenghai.

"I boil it!"

Zhang Yang was shocked.

An idea suddenly came to mind: self-destruct truck!

He hurriedly went to get his phone, but it was already too late. The keyword was triggered, and there was no suspense. The live broadcast room was blocked instantly.

"Are you sick?"

Zhang Yang looked at Baoyou angrily.

The latter cupped his hands at him and said with a smile:
"Expert, I'm sorry."

"I have no other ideas. I mainly want to use your platform to seek justice."

"Justice, you should call the police! Why are you trying to punish me?"

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of the police on duty. Based on his understanding of the Internet police and their efficiency, the uniformed people over there should be here in three minutes at most.

Then, he got into the police car again.

"I've reported it, but it's useless. I'm covering it up with all my strength!" Baoyou sighed.

"My grandfather is just an ordinary employee, and the things he brings back are worth tens of millions. How can such a thing be investigated?"

"Okay, okay, you don't have to tell me so much." Zhang Yang waved his hand: "The more you say now, the more I will have to say when I record the confession."

He then stood up and called to his treasure friends who were still lining up behind him:
"My fellow collectors, I have something to do at home and I have to leave temporarily for a while. You can find other experts nearby to appraise the collections in your hands."

"If you have to ask me to authenticate, wait until you come down to the staff and scan the QR code to register."

"When I come out... no, when I come back, I will give priority to registered Tibetan friends for identification."

After saying this, Zhang Yang looked at the couple in front of him:
"Why are you still standing there stupidly? Come and surrender with me!"


When I came out of the police station after taking the confession, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon and it was already dark.

Zhang Yang stood on the side of the road and let out a long sigh of relief.

He was getting bored to death while waiting for someone to take a confession.

The policeman handling the case suggested that Zhang Yang try not to broadcast live without delay because the risks of offline activities are too high.

Situations like this couple's have happened before when they held events at a nearby gym.

However, someone ran away that time, and many anchors who were live broadcasting at that time were banned.

Finally, someone came to the police station and wanted to get a certificate to unblock them.

"Why doesn't anyone rush when I live broadcast?"

Zhang Yang couldn't figure it out.

Even if he is a man, it is a bonus for Nan Tong in the live broadcast room!

Since there is no such benefit, it is better not to broadcast live, because Xu Jie is not around and no one is watching.

Zhang Yang thought like this and was about to take a taxi back to the hotel when suddenly a police car stopped at the door of the police station.

After the car door opened, a young man jumped out of the car with his head lowered and his hands behind his back, followed by a uniformed policeman.

"Xu Jie?"


"Why are you here?" they both asked in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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