Chapter 280 Please taste it
"Fu Fatty Antique Shop, the owner must be a fat guy, right?"

When Zhang Yang walked into the antique store, with this idea in mind, he first looked for where the boss was.

Standing behind the counter is a lady wearing a cheongsam with exquisite makeup. She looks very capable. She should be the boss's wife.

The fat man sitting at the counter, head tilted up and snoring with his mouth wide open, must be the boss.

The business in the store was very average, with only seven or eight customers shopping inside.

This may have something to do with the positioning of the entire third floor as a ghost market. The purpose of going up to the third floor is to buy street stalls and browse serious antique shops. The second floor is full of them.

Those who are willing to come to this store are either regular customers or young people like Zhang Yang, who mainly want to "just take a look."

Seeing Zhang Yang walk through the door, the eyes of the woman standing behind the counter lit up.

Come, come, today's profit is coming.

She didn't speak in a hurry and quietly kicked the fat man next to her awake.

When Zhang Yang started to look at the antiques on display in the store, she walked out of the counter and greeted them.

"Boss, long time no see!"

"Long time no see?" Zhang Yang was stunned and pointed at himself: "Do you know me?"

Damn it, he’s not a fan of the live broadcast room, right?
"I don't know you, but I think you look very familiar. Maybe we have met before."

The woman winked at Zhang Yang, the teasing meaning was very obvious.

Hearing that the other party was just trying to get close, Zhang Yang felt relieved. This kind of thing must be between strangers.

Without worrying too much about this issue, he asked the other party:

"Boss, do you have any recommended antiques here?"

"Of course there is. The Ming and Qing porcelain we have here is the most famous in the entire market."

The woman pointed to the china counter on one side, with four cabinets filled with bottles and jars.

Most of the old men and women who come to this store are standing in front of the counter corresponding to the porcelain, which shows that this is really a hot-selling product.

"Okay, then I'll go over and take a look first. I'll trouble you again when I have the antiques I want."

Zhang Yang finished his sentence, quickly got rid of the woman, and walked directly to the porcelain counter.

When he reached the crowd, he continued to move forward without even looking at the porcelain.

Since porcelain is the best-selling item in this antique store, even if it had leaks, it would have been bought by someone long ago.

The rest are obviously fakes or imitations, maybe they were purchased just yesterday.

Staying in a place like this for a second longer is a waste of time.

The real treasures in antique shops are often hidden in those deserted areas. Because few people know about them, they are likely to stay.

For example, in front of Zhang Yang, next to the inferior Sanxingdui mask, was the long red box.

There are three big characters written on it - "like bone chopsticks".

Chopsticks made from elephant bones are also made into commercial products.

The trademark is "Xiangqiu Brand", and the advantages of elephant bone chopsticks are also marked in traditional Chinese on the box, such as "not afraid of boiling water, not afraid of acidity, will not burst" and so on.

At first glance, it is the animal products that were sold domestically in Xiangjiang or Southeast Asia in the early years.

However, elephant bones and ivory are a bit different.

No matter the sentence or the material itself, they are not of the same level.

Zhang Yang just picked it up, looked at the condition of the chopsticks, and put them down after confirming that they were products made more than 20 years ago.

Installed in the same wooden pavilion as the elephant bone chopsticks, there are also six pastel spoons, which are handicrafts from Jingdi Town and have a history of more than ten years.

These two things give people a very strange feeling, a bit like daily necessities collected from the countryside.

The next few things he saw quickly confirmed Zhang Yang's guess.

An old-fashioned door lock made of modern copper, with the keyhole on the side and a stick-shaped key;

A copper bowl from the late Qing Dynasty seems to be a medicine bowl used for drinking traditional Chinese medicine;

A 30-year-old red wooden scale with a large iron hook on it, which should still be usable;
Even the old teacher’s ruler was collected. It was a full box, and the store thoughtfully marked it “for educating naughty children”...

Zhang Yang glanced at the yawning fat man over the counter from afar.

Just by looking at these things, he could almost conclude that this fat man must have a really good treasure in his hands. It just mattered whether he had more or less.

But how to get people to take it out is a big problem.

Zhang Yang touched his trouser pocket. Fortunately, he brought his business card.



Zhang Yang walked to the cabinet and reminded the two people who were scrolling down their phones.

I'm coming to talk business with you.

The woman raised her head and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile:

"Handsome, what's the matter?"

"A little thing. I was there just now and saw a lot of old objects from the late Qing Dynasty and modern times. I wanted to ask if there are any more expensive ones?"

"These things worth tens of yuan are meaningless."

As Zhang Yang spoke, he handed over his business card.

The woman took it and took a look.

"Hiss~ So you are?"

She quickly handed her business card to the fat man next to her.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up from the stool after picking up the business card.

"Are you Mr. Zhang of Hedong Group?"

Fatty Fu looked at the business card for a while, then looked up at Zhang Yang, with a very surprised expression on his face.

As for it?
Zhang Yang didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big.

What is written on this business card is "Hedong Group, Director of Marketing and Purchasing Department, Zhang Wuji".

He specially asked Chen Yanguang to help customize it.

The original intention is to have multiple vests to facilitate things. For example, now, I can use this identity to attract the other party's attention.

But now, this situation is taken too seriously.

Is this boss a victim of the Hedong Group?

Zhang Yang took a protective step back and asked doubtfully:
"Boss, do you also know about Hedong Group?"

"I definitely know, Mr. Zhang."

Fatty Fu lowered his body, pulled out the drawer, and said to Zhang Yang while rummaging through things:
"Did Mr. Zhang go to the group's annual meeting last year? I was a performer at the East China Branch of the group. Do you have any impressions of the fat guy who did the belly dance?"

Belly dancing?

Zhang Yang didn't expect that this boss was still a flexible fat man.

But he can't pretend to understand things he has never seen before, just tell the truth:

"I only joined the company this year and was not in the group last year."

"That's right, then you must be recruited by Miss Cheng, right?"

Fatty Fu took the initiative to explain to Zhang Yang, and finally pulled out a white booklet from the drawer.

It says "Confidentiality Agreement of East China Branch of Hedong Group".

While Zhang Yang was flipping through the booklet, Fatty Fu continued to explain:

"Didn't something happen to Mr. Cheng and the others a few months ago? I read on the news that Ms. Cheng is now managing the group and has been cut off from the domestic business."

"It was quite a big deal at the time, and many people got in. Fortunately, I was in charge of the group's business through regular channels, so I was released after a few days of investigation."

Speaking of this, Fatty's tone was filled with joy.After Zhang Yang read the pamphlet, he understood what was going on.

To put it simply, Fatty Fu is a professional "second-rate dealer" who receives a salary from the Hedong Group.

He is responsible for buying some real old items from the "one-way dealers" who go to the countryside to supply them to dealers across the country, and sell them together with the group's fake goods.

After the Cheng family and his son came in, the group directly cut off this part of the business, and his salary, which was guaranteed to be paid during droughts and floods, was naturally gone.

"Then are you still receiving the goods?" Zhang Yang only cared about this question.

If you accept it, I have a business here.

"No more. The last time I received the 60 yuan, before the group's reimbursement process was completed, Mr. Cheng came in."

"That's a pity." Zhang Yang curled his lips helplessly.

I originally wanted to take a bite of the dividends from Hedong Group.

"Mr. Zhang..." Fatty Fu pursed his lips and took out an account book: "This is the account book for the 60 yuan, do you see it?"

"You don't want me to reimburse you, do you?" Zhang Yang asked with a surprised look on his face.

Is the topic moving a little too fast?
At least verify first whether I am really from Hedong Group?

But this is Zhang Yang's overthinking. For a group whose founder is in jail and whose employees have many jobs, who would be so full that they would fake it?
Fatty Fu now just wants to find a way to get the money back from Zhang Yang. He complained:
"Mr. Zhang, you have also seen that my store is not doing well, and life has been really difficult recently."

"The eldest son in the family is going to high school, and the annual tuition alone is more than 6 yuan. If he doesn't have enough money, he will drop out of school..."

That’s not too bad, right?

Zhang Yang just wanted to laugh.

Just what Fatty Fu said, if put in a talent show, he wouldn't even be able to pass the pre-selection.

He didn't have time to stir things up with the other party, so he directly made a stop gesture, stop!
You listen to me first.

"60 is a small thing, I can advance it myself, but I have to see what kind of goods you receive."

Zhang Yang wanted to see first what kind of goods this man had received.

If there is something you really like, just pay and take it away.

"Of course, if the thing is not worth the price, then you can only go to Boss Cheng in prison to find a solution."

"how do you feel?"

"Look, you really need to look." Fatty Fu nodded repeatedly in agreement. He ordered the woman next to him: "Kick them all out and say we are closed."

5 minute later.

The antique store, which was always deserted, is now completely deserted.

In order to prevent anyone from coming back, Fatty Fu pulled down the rolling shutter halfway and put up a "Closed for Business" sign.

After finishing all this, he asked Zhang Yang to wait for a moment and began to pull the clerk to move the boxes out of the warehouse.

There are six large boxes of old items that are said to have cost 60 yuan, with an average of 10 yuan per box.

Without exception, the boxes were filled with white foam.

"Look at each item one by one, or do random inspections?" Fatty Fu asked.

Zhang Yang checked the time and saw that the treasure appraisal event started at ten in the morning. It would definitely be too late to watch it all. He planned to go back to the hotel and relax for a while before going to the venue.

"It's a bit late today. I'll look through one box first. If there's nothing wrong, you can bring everything to me tomorrow."

"Okay, please choose that one." Fatty Fu made a gesture of invitation.

"Just this one." Zhang Yang pointed to the largest box.

There should be big items in the big box, right?

"Mr. Zhang, you are really discerning."

Fatty Fu gave a thumbs up and said:

"The things in this box were all collected by me from an antique dealer who has already entered."

went in?
Zhang Yang suddenly seemed to understand why Fatty Fu's antique shop was so big but the business was not doing so well.

Perhaps his connections are now exchanging experiences in prison.

Out of caution, Zhang Yang asked first: "Isn't this stolen property?"

"No, no, the police have already come to check."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. If I sell stolen goods, my sentence will definitely be heavier than yours. I once had a friend who bought three level three cultural relics from a tomb robber, and he was only sentenced to six months..."

Is the sentence for three third-degree crimes punishable by six months?

It may have been two months now.

Zhang Yang looked at what Fatty Fu took out from the box, a bronze statue.

The statue is only slightly larger than a steamed bun, a bit like a seal, with a hexagonal base and a fat bird carved on the main body.

The thing must have been passed down from generation to generation, because some parts of the surface have turned red. Without long-term use, this effect cannot be achieved.

"Name: Copper Quan"

"Production date: 1309 AD (Yuan Dynasty)"

"Detailed information: Weights used by ancient people when weighing, as the weight standard of items"

The copper weight is usually a weight, which can be strung with a rope and hung on the steelyard.

However, bird-shaped copper weights like these without holes are generally used for weighing on scales.

Either it is used to weigh medicinal materials, which require strict dosage control; or it is used to measure the weight of metals, such as gold and silver.

Zhang Yang weighed the bronze bird in his hand. It was estimated to weigh two ounces, which was considered a relatively large bronze bird.

He remembered very clearly that in a museum somewhere, there was also a one- or two-layer bronze coin from the Yuan Dynasty. It was clearly marked as a third-level cultural relic.

"What was the crime of the person who sold you these things?" Zhang Yang asked Fatty Fu curiously.

"I heard that he robbed a tomb with others, but found nothing. He got angry and stole vegetables from local farmers, and was caught on the spot."

"It turned out to be them."

Zhang Yang nodded. He had actually seen this news. It ranked fourth in the "Ranking of Idiot Tomb Robbers".

However, this person's tomb robbing skills are average, but his level of collecting goods is really good.

In this box of things, in addition to the copper weights from the Yuan Dynasty, there are also 戥子 (three sounds of "deng") from the Qing Dynasty, which are the small scales commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine stores when taking medicine.

This gun is not only exquisitely made, but also comes with a wooden packaging box.

The box is shaped like a bag for badminton rackets. The scale is put into a wooden box and can be taken anywhere.

"Is this wiping out the fortune of an old Chinese medicine doctor?" Zhang Yang thought to himself.

He watched antiques being brought out one by one, including incense sticks, silver needles, and even a pure copper medicine jar.

Although not all of them are antiques from the Yuan Dynasty, they are from the Third Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty at the latest.

It is definitely inherited from a traditional Chinese medicine family.

It's just that most of these things are folk cultural relics, with high cultural value and low economic value.

It will definitely not reach the price of 10.

The first box that comes up is a sign of losing money?

Zhang Yang lowered his overall expectations for the six boxes of things in front of him.

Seeing Fatty Fu's hand stretching deeper and deeper, he asked:
"Is there any more down there?"

"Yes, there is also a treasure at the bottom of the box!"

As Fatty Fu spoke, he took out a red wooden box from the box with his hands.

He placed the box gently on the table:

"Mr. Zhang, please taste it!"

(End of this chapter)

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