Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 292 The old house in the late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 292 The old house in the late Ming Dynasty

Baoyou, every copper coin on this copper coin sword is a genuine Shunzhi Tongbao.

As the earliest copper coin in the Qing Dynasty, the value of Shunzhi Tongbao is more than 100 yuan each, so the price of this sword and the copper coin itself is more than 2100 yuan.

But Baoyou bought it for 8000 yuan.

"Teacher, just tell me, is it a small profit or a blood loss?"

In Baoyou's tone, Zhang Yang could faintly hear the feeling of "losing money and dying in the live broadcast room".

"Don't worry, we are all collectors, talking about money is too vulgar."

"Do you know the scientific name of this thing?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I know, it's called the Qingji Sword." Baoyou quickly replied: "It is written in "Sou Shen Ji" that the Qingji Sword has the function of warding off evil spirits and bringing good luck to the house. It was once a must-have for Taoist priests in Maoshan. One of the props.”


"Right? You big-headed devil, please sew more."

In "Sou Shen Ji" it is written about green clam money, the money sword is used to ward off evil spirits in the house, and the Taoist priests in Maoshan use peach wood swords...

Afraid of being led astray by Baoyou, Zhang Yang quickly spoke up and said:
"The scientific name of this treasure of yours is [Money Tree]."

"Have you ever heard of money trees? This sword-shaped one is one of the special-shaped money trees. It was more popular in the Qing Dynasty, especially in the late Qing Dynasty."

"The money tree like yours, although it is all made of Shunzhi Tongbao, but judging from the patina and wear marks, it should have been made by craftsmen during the Qianlong period. But even so, it is already a sword-shaped money tree, and the age is relatively It’s early.”

"Really? Wouldn't that be very valuable?" Baoyou looked surprised.

"Of course, to be conservative, I would give him 12." Zhang Yang estimated.

[12 is too conservative, I have seen Guangxu’s money trees cost 12]

[How can the value of 21 Wen coins from the Qing Dynasty increase so many times after being made into a sword? 】

[Understood, let’s use a one-dollar coin to make a sword]

[Trivia: Deliberate damage to RMB will result in a fine of [-] yuan]

After Baoyou heard the quotation, he laughed, but he was not as excited as he imagined. He muttered:

"Is it so valuable? Damn, I bought it for eight thousand!"

Zhang Yang knew what he was struggling with. He just believed the old salesman's story and felt a little sorry.

Originally there was something wrong with the Blue Dragon Medal, which meant that the old man was probably a liar, but now a real thing appears, what's going on?

"Teacher, what should I do with this sword?" Baoyou asked the question to Zhang Yang with some confusion.

"I understand what you mean." Zhang Yang sighed softly and said, "How about selling it to me for [-] yuan!"

"Let me bear the uneasiness of conscience for you. As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

"That's not necessary!" Baoyou quickly interrupted Zhang Yang, as if he was afraid that he would be persuaded.

"I'm going to find the uncle now to find out. Goodbye, teacher!"

"Okay, there will be no timetable after that."

Zhang Yang smiled and waved to the camera.

He originally thought that the words "go back to find the uncle" were just Baoyou's excuse.

Unexpectedly, before the next broadcast, this treasure friend came to Lianmai again.

The other party told Zhang Yang and the audience in the live broadcast room that when he returned, the uncle had already escaped.

The stall owners next to him were all laughing at Baoyou for being stupid and giving money to others out of pure innocence.

"Why don't you tell them directly that what you bought is the real thing?"

"I said it, of course I had to say it, I slapped them in the face hard on the spot."

Baoyou smiled, showing a bit of pride.

He told Zhang Yang that there happened to be an antique shop nearby, and he sold the money tree directly to the owner of the antique shop who knew the goods for 11.

Real or fake, what kind of antique market fairy tale?
Zhang Yang suspected that the next second, Baoyou would start promoting a certain antique market.

But I didn’t expect that only gifts were waiting for me.

Possibly to express his gratitude to Zhang Yang, Baoyou started to buy gifts vigorously, and within a short time, he became the number one in the live broadcast room this week.

"Enough is enough."

Zhang Yang made a stop gesture to the camera. It was not worth delaying the broadcast for such a small amount of money.

"We don't like this in this live broadcast room. We usually do it before the appraisal. If you miss something, it's your own ability. There is no need to act like you have a share in it."

"Teacher, you misunderstood. I was originally going to give this money to the old man." Baoyou explained: "Now that he is not here, it is the same as giving it to you, teacher."

"I don't have a sick wife..."

"Wait a minute, you think I'm a scoundrel on the Internet, doing charity here?"

"I rely on my ability to make a living. Now go back to the antique market and I will help you appraise a few street stalls. The gift just now will be regarded as the cost of the appraisal." Zhang Yang said very principledly.

"Ah? Is there still such a saying in the live broadcast room?" Baoyou thought for two seconds and clicked his tongue: "Well then, I bought something just now, please help me identify it."

"Bought again? Good guy, you make money in the antique market and spend it in the antique market, but you don't take a penny home, right?"

"Come on, take it out and take a look!"

Zhang Yang was curious about what this lucky friend bought this time.

At the other end of the video, Baoyou took out a package, the kind wrapped in sheets that had been washed until they turned white.

After opening it, there are many things inside:
A copper coin sword, a stack of yellow paper, and an octagonal bronze mirror.

"Friend Bao, are you taking over some Taoist priest's business?"

Zhang Yang saw this set when he visited the antique market.

People who sell these things usually wear a yellow Taoist robe with a Bagua array embroidered on the back, and smell of incense, as if they have just finished morning classes in a Taoist temple and set up a stall.

When encountering someone who seems easy to deceive, the fake Taoist priest will wave his whisk and say, "Fellow Taoist, please stay..."

This treasure friend obviously stayed and left money to others.

"Hey, teacher, can you help me look at this thing?"

"It's almost the same. You still need candles, ingots, cockscomb blood, etc., and you can go to the countryside to perform rituals for people."

"No, no, teacher, I don't want to be a Taoist priest. I just want you to help me take a look at these things."

"That's it... let's take a look." Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation.

"Did people tell you that this money sword is made of 108 Qianlong Tongbao?"

"Yes, do you want to count the quantity?"

Baoyou is indeed a person who can believe the little story told by the old man running the stall, and he actually plans to count the number of copper coins clearly.

In order to prevent the average IQ of the audience in the live broadcast room from being lowered, Zhang Yang quickly stopped him:

"Stop counting. This is made of iron, with some copper plating on the outside. It's not a copper coin at all."

He then waved his hand to indicate the next item.

"Yellow paper...not bad. Baoyou, you must have been a city dweller since you were a child, right?"

"what happened?"

"This yellow paper was sold in bundles for 15 yuan a bundle during the wedding period in rural areas." Zhang Yang explained.

"And your Bagua Mirror. This thing is hung on every door in Guangdong Province. It's [-] yuan and [-] yuan with free shipping."

"I bargained with the Taoist priest from Pan Jiayuan for 18 yuan for this set of things. How much did you pay for it?"

"I...I am one thousand and eighty." Baoyou replied.

"However, he also gave me something."

He took out a talisman from his pocket, with a red order written on the yellow paper:
"This is the amulet given to me by the seller. He said it can ward off a bloody disaster."

"What the hell?"

"Brother, what are you going to do, fight?" Zhang Yang was almost stunned when he heard this. The true Taoist priest before had never had such a battle.

If it wasn't for religious practice, it would be hard to explain, but Baoyou also said that he was not a Taoist priest.

"Absolutely. I'm going to break the feudal superstition tonight." Baoyou replied in a very serious tone: "I came out today to buy my outfit."

[I understand, this is not a treasure friend, but a Taoist friend]

[Could it be that the Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain went down the mountain for the first time and forgot to bring his tools? 】

[Could it be an anchor? I see online anchors who specialize in breaking down feudal superstitions]

"Okay, I'll treat you as performance art..."

Zhang Yang didn't want to get entangled. After appraising the things, his task was completed.

But Baoyou seemed to have something to say and stopped him:
"Teacher, are you free to do a video chat tonight? I would like to use your live broadcast room to promote it."

"Is there a possibility that you are already promoting..." Zhang Yang was speechless.

"No, the audience in the live broadcast room will only think of me as a clown." Baoyou analyzed calmly.

"It seems that Baoyou has studied psychology."

"But for publicity, can't you just start a live broadcast yourself?" Zhang Yang asked back.

"No one will watch my live broadcast, so it won't be a good publicity."

"It's easy. You send me a private message and I'll take a look first. If there is something, I'll go to the fan group to help you attract people."

This is not the first time that Zhang Yang has solved this kind of problem. Previously, a fire-spreading brother came to the live broadcast room with the ID name [Prometheus] and gave him gifts while promoting it.

One account was blocked and another one was immediately added.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to let Xu Jie make a deal with Brother Mai, but found that what he sold was all that could be found on the Internet. Not to mention that he was a small-time movie porter, his aesthetics were very average.

Later, Xu Jie appeared in the live broadcast room to give his own explanation, which made Prometheus feel ashamed and never came to advertise again.

A live broadcast that breaks down feudal superstition?
Sounds interesting.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and decided that this time he could go and check it himself.


At exactly eleven o'clock that night, Douyin's backstage prompt indicated that the anchor "Tietou Adventure" that Zhang Yang had followed in the afternoon had started broadcasting.

When I clicked in, I saw that it was an outdoor live broadcast late at night, and it had a great atmosphere.

The anchor is a young man with a somewhat rough appearance. From the sound of his voice, you can tell that he is the treasure friend of the day.

Zhang Yang sits up straight and shows respect for 5 minutes. If there is no work, he can leave.

"Master Zhang, are you already watching?"

The anchor held a flashlight in one hand and the money sword he bought during the day in the other, and said to the camera.

Behind him, there was a dark grassland, and the faint sound of insects could be heard.

Zhang Yang didn't know whether the other party could hear his inner answer. Anyway, half a minute later, the anchor said to himself:

"Then let's set off now."

Then he started heading towards the deserted grassland behind him.

Zhang Yang was cracking melon seeds and watching with relish.

"Wow, can the cameraman stop shaking? This camera is shaking like Parkinson's..."

I don’t know where Baoyou found the amateur videographer, but the picture kept shaking.

Fortunately, the mobile phone used for the live broadcast has good radio reception, and I can clearly hear the anchor walking in front saying:

"Master Zhang, what we are going to now is an ancient building from the Ming Dynasty."

"Nearby villagers said that strange sounds would come from here at night, but as long as someone came close, there would be nothing."

"I asked a Taoist priest to come and see it before. He said that there were injustice cases here in ancient times and there were injustice spirits..."

Hahaha, how outrageous!

Zhang Yang almost laughed out loud. This strong narrative style of "getting closer to science" + "legendary stories" is really a bit funny.

Especially the low-quality money sword the anchor held, knowing it was a fake but still pretending to be fake.

"It's here."

The anchor and cameraman walked to a broken wall and stopped.

"Master Zhang, this is the building from the Ming Dynasty."

The flashlight shone on the Ming Dynasty building he said had been abandoned for so long that only ruins were left.

However, Zhang Yang used his golden finger to identify it and found that this wall was indeed a broken wall from the Ming Dynasty, built in the second year of Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty.

If it hadn't been late at night, he would definitely have suggested that the two of them wander around, maybe they could find some antiques.

It's a pity that now, the two people doing the live broadcast probably have no interest in treasure hunting at all.

"Then let's go into the house now!"

Baoyou showed off his equipment to the camera. At some point, he had already hung the Bagua mirror on his chest.

Even apart from its metaphysical function, it is still more than enough to serve as a protective mirror.

Walking along the broken wall to the left, the two quickly found a gap.

Baoyou just took a step forward from the gap, and suddenly there was a "creak", as if he had stepped on a wooden board.


"It looks like red wood. Come and help me light it up."

In the video, the two of them were working together, and Zhang Yang could see clearly that there were several fragments of a wooden bed that were made more than 30 years ago buried on the ground.

This shows that this old house from the Ming Dynasty was lived in before.

There are actually many old houses like this in the countryside, with a history of hundreds of years, but they were abandoned due to the natural demise of the villages...

"There seems to be something underneath!" Baoyou broke off the wood and shouted.

Soon, the camera phone was fixed to one side, and the cameraman also appeared in the lens. He was a middle-aged man about the same age as Baoyou.

The two of them worked together to quickly lift up the broken bed frame that was half buried in the soil and began to pull it on the ground.

"Found it!" Baoyou dug something out of the soil.

"Quick, quick, show it to Master Zhang!"

There were only three viewers in the live broadcast room, and Zhang Yang’s account avatar was very conspicuous, so Baoyou knew he was in the live broadcast room.

"Teacher, can you help me identify what this is?"

Looking at what was in front of the camera, Zhang Yang slowly entered a "?"

[Aren’t you getting rid of feudal superstition?Why did you change it to treasure hunting? 】

"We'll sleep here at night, waiting for the yin energy at its peak to come into contact with the dirty things here."

Baoyou's explanation was full of gimmicks, and Zhang Yang was quite satisfied.

He looked at the thing in Baoyou's hand.

It is a thin metal product with a copper coin shape in the center that is round on the outside and square on the inside, with the four words "long life and wealth" written on it; on top is a pagoda-shaped cover; at the bottom is a blooming lotus carved.

[This thing is a copper hanging flower from the Qing Dynasty, placed on the bedside to ward off evil spirits and protect people from longevity]

"Is this thing valuable?" the cameraman asked.

[The market price is 2000 yuan]

"It's done!" Baoyou said excitedly: "We are really lucky people, we can still make money!"

"Hehehe, it's true, and Master Zhang happens to be in our live broadcast room."

[Anchor, there seems to be a... figure behind you]

 Thanks to the heroine-less supporters for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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