Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 294 Liangzhu Civilization

Chapter 294 Liangzhu Civilization
"The devil is stunned, the devil is stunned!"

"I see you are all stunned!"

Someone has just climbed out of the cellar and is about to be handed over to the police by the person who rescued him. His mentality is inevitably a bit broken.

"No, what are you planning on doing?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I, Xiao Shiyi, have been in prison for six years and my sentence has not been reduced even a day."

"In the past six years, I have devoted myself to studying law. I know more about property protection law and criminal law than you do. As long as we divide the money in the money cellar, delete our contact information, and insist that it is passed down from our ancestors, Even if the police come, they can't do anything to us..."

"Really?" Baoyou's right hand holding the phone froze in mid-air.

Someone is still talking on the phone:
"I have already notified the local police. Do you have any other information you would like to add?"

Baoyou: "Can I withdraw the alarm?"

Policeman: "I'm sorry, this is not possible. Please wait patiently. A policeman will come over soon to help you solve the problem..."

At this time, Taoist Master Quanzhen, who had changed out of his Taoist robes, came over and asked:

"What did the police say? How long will it take to send someone here?"

"The police said..." Baoyou pointed to the man who was still trying to convince others: "He is a problem."

"I'll come over and deal with him later."

"Killed directly? Is it so serious?" The Taoist priest widened his eyes and said with a look of fear: "Fortunately, fortunately you invited Master Zhang, otherwise we would be in misery..."

At the same time, Zhang Yang, who was thousands of miles away, sneezed heavily.

He glanced at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and quickly got into bed.

But maybe because the live broadcast just now was so exciting, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Unable to sleep anyway, with some strange mood, Zhang Yang turned on the Douyin live broadcast. They said that female anchors are more relaxed at night. Since they have stayed up to this point, let's go and see it.

The first live broadcast room that popped up was boring, but it turned out to be a treasure appraisal anchor.

At the moment, Lian Mai is appraising a jade ring.

If Zhang Yang hadn't suffered from an occupational disease and the person appraising the treasure was a female anchor, he definitely wouldn't have stayed a second longer.

Now, let’s take a look at the level of our peers.

The ring shown by Baoyou has an irregular-shaped white jade inlaid on the golden ring setting.

Under the illumination of the light, the jade gives off a warm luster.

Zhang Yang was still observing, but the female anchor had already given her judgment:
"This is Hetian jade, but it is not a small seed material. There are traces of roller processing on it."

"Then how much can I sell this for?" Baoyou asked.

"Has the weight been weighed? Usually these are sold in grams..."

This female anchor is quite professional. She didn't give the price directly, Zhang Yang thought.

At this time, the item information appears:

"Name: Jingbai Jade Ring"

"Material: Copper, Quartzite"

"Production time: 2023"

"Detailed information: Jingbai jade is a common quartz jade. It was first discovered in the western suburbs of Yanjing and is often used to imitate Hetian jade."

Jingbaiyu?Quartzite?Zhang Yang was a little surprised when he saw the information.

The quartzite he had encountered before and used to make jewelry was either white chalcedony used to imitate lychee jelly, agate of various colors, or dyed to pretend to be jade.

Imitation Hetian jade?It’s really the first time I’ve seen it.

Looking at the luster of the jade on the ring holder in the live broadcast room, it does look like Hetian jade.

The female anchor was eye-catching, but this was definitely a problem in video treasure appraisal, so Zhang Yang didn't find it strange.

He lightly swiped his phone, Douyin accurately pushed it, and it was another treasure appraisal live broadcast room.

"It's bad. I stayed in the live broadcast room for too long and was arrested by big data."

Zhang Yang knew that if he didn't do something, his title would be useless.

He hurriedly closed the live broadcast room to watch something normal, but by chance, a new treasure friend came on the live broadcast, and the one he wanted to appraise was a jade ring.

The shape and color are similar to the one in the previous live broadcast room.

What a coincidence?Zhang Yang frowned.

When he was appraising it, Baoyou had already started chatting with the anchor, saying that this was the ring he bought based on Hetian jade seed material.

After looking at it for a few seconds, the anchor quickly made the wrong judgment and said that it was indeed genuine Hetian jade seeds, and that such small seeds were rare.

However, the item information shows that this ring is still fake Hetian jade made of Beijing white jade (quartzite).

Something's wrong!Zhang Yang suddenly smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

He continued to browse other treasure appraisal live broadcast rooms.

At one o'clock in the morning, big anchors like Teacher Catfish and Master Yue have already stopped broadcasting, and those who are still working overtime are basically small anchors with less than [-] people.

And more than half of these small anchors are currently appraising the same quartzite ring.

Zhang Yang patiently watched more than a dozen anchors, but only two of them were not sure whether it was Hetian jade. He suggested that Baoyou go to a jade institution to test it himself, but the rest were fooled.

To say that the entire army was wiped out is an understatement.

With such an organized appraisal and the items obtained being so confusing, it is obvious that these treasure appraisal anchors are being targeted.

The reason why they concentrated on identifying at this point in time is probably to prevent the anchors from communicating with each other after the broadcast, and to catch them all without warning.

"There should be some good shows in the past few days."

Zhang Yang glanced at the anchor's group. The group should be lively during the day tomorrow.


The next morning, Zhang Yang was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

I originally thought it was a continuation of yesterday's drama, but the missed call showed it was a call from an unknown number in Jin Province.

As expected, those who are rude are from out-of-town gangs, and acquaintances cannot do such disturbing things.

The phone rang again...

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Brother Yang!" the man on the other end of the phone called very affectionately.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yang couldn't tell the person's identity.

"I'm Xiao Shiyi, Mao Shiqi introduced me."

"Oh, you are Mao Shiqi's brother."

After Zhang Yang told Baoyou to call the police yesterday, he went to play Douyin, so he didn't know that the man who crawled out of the cellar was named Xiao Shiyi.

But the way the other party named him made it clear that he was a member of Xiangtou's team and should be Mao Shiqi's sworn brother.

"What do you find me for?"

"Yes, it's urgent." Xiao Shiyi replied: "I was just released from prison last month. After contacting Lao Qi, he gave me some contact information and said that if I couldn't contact him, he would contact you."

"Mao Shiqi disappeared again?"

Zhang Yang thought for a while and realized that he had not cared about the whereabouts of the two brothers from the archaeological team for some days. He heard that they were traveling across the country.

If you enter a place where there is no signal, it is normal to be unable to contact you.

"I can't contact him either. Why don't you find Chu Ziqiang."

"No, no, no, if I don't look for him, I will look for you, Brother Yang."

"Why are you looking for me?" "I'm looking for you to get me out. I was taken to the police station by a group of fools. I finally got a chance to make a phone call. Old Seventeen told me, Brother Yang, you have connections in the police field, your hands and eyes are Tongtian, I’m counting on you now, Brother Yang!”

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless and asked curiously: "Were you caught by the villagers digging other people's ancestral graves?"

"No, no, I was caught digging for money. Here's what happened..."

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Eleven told what happened in great detail.

Including: how he contacted his former accomplices after he was released from prison, how he found a money cellar from the Ming Dynasty, and how he was locked in a cellar and planned to starve to death because of a verbal dispute...

Zhang Yang shouted: Wonderful!
"I really regret it now. I should have listened to Old Seventeen at that time and come directly to Brother Yang as your subordinate after I am released from prison."

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Shiyi's tone was very regretful.

Zhang Yang thought about what happened last night, smiled and comforted him:

"It's okay, there's still a chance in the future."

"Really?" the other party asked in surprise: "Brother Yang, when can you fish me out?"

"Next time, definitely next time."

"Ah? Not next time, what about this time?"

"Consider this time as a test I give you to see how you make a choice in a desperate situation."

At the end of the sentence, Zhang Yang did not forget to cheer for the other party:

"I have an old master here who also entered the palace for the second time. After he was released from prison, the gears of fate began to turn immediately. Now he is worth tens of millions. You are still young, so take your time."

After hanging up Xiao Shiyi's call, Zhang Yang quickly called Mao Shiqi.

This guy has more than 100 brothers. If they come to join him one by one, they won't be able to sleep peacefully in the future.

But Xiao Shiyi didn't seem to be lying, and Mao Shiqi couldn't be contacted at all.

Zhang Yang could only do the next best thing and called Chu Ziqiang.

"Brother Yang, what a coincidence. I happened to be looking for you too, but I didn't expect you to call me."

"Oh? What's the matter with you?"

"The Liangzhu Forum I told you about last time has started activities here. When will you come over?"

"I'm not invited, so why are you here?" Zhang Yang is not very interested in this kind of academic activity. After all, he is stronger in practice, not theory.

"That's not easy. I'll ask the organizer to send you an invitation letter."

Chu Ziqiang chuckled and told Zhang Yang that the person in charge of the event was his second uncle's former subordinate and was in his Chu family's network.

"Brother Yang, please don't be confused. That crappy live broadcast room, even if you are the first brother, can't a supervisor just ban you?"

"Now is an excellent gold-plating opportunity. According to inside information, the big boss will be coming in a while. If you can sneak into the meeting, it will be equivalent to finding the answer to the version."

Big leader?Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the picture on the news.

Chu Ziqiang's inside information is really powerful.

Such an important matter requires the use of the Chu family's connections. Zhang Yang believed that it was not Xiao Chu's impromptu decision.

There must be instructions from his second uncle behind it.

Anyway, there is nothing important happening recently. The auction in Shenghai is just waiting to collect the money. Zhang Yang has some intentions for this Liangzhu Forum.

He corrected Chu Ziqiang's wrong idea out loud:
"Your statement is a bit too utilitarian."

"As a lover of ancient culture, I have this golden opportunity to learn about ancient cultures around the world. If I miss it, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Yes, yes, Brother Yang, everything you said is right. Anyway, after you have packed up, come to Lin'an as soon as possible, otherwise I, a bastard, will have no confidence in my heart." Chu Ziqiang said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll prepare." Zhang Yang agreed.


Lin'an and Linhai are not far apart. You can tell this just by looking at their names.

Except for Xiao Tang, who had to stay in Linhai due to his heavy studies, the remaining two people in the studio followed Zhang Yang to Lin'an.

This is considered a serious business trip.

The Liangzhu Forum is a global cultural forum, and weird things are possible. Zhang Yang thought that if it was broadcast live, he might be able to eat the first piece of cake.

Chu Ziqiang, who arrived in Lin'an first, took Zhang Yang and his party to the local hotel.

"Brother Yang, the day you chose is really amazing."

"There happened to be a club today and they held an exchange meeting in the conference room of the hotel. It was considered a warm-up activity."

"Wait a minute, do you want to go take a look together? The quality is quite high."

"You said so, is there any reason why I shouldn't go see it?" Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

After putting their luggage away, the group of people arrived at the large conference room on the first floor without stopping.

Here, a discussion titled "Chinese Culture is Just a Secondary Civilization of Liangzhu Culture" is ongoing.

When Zhang Yang entered the conference room, a man who looked like an old professor was introducing to everyone present:

"...To sum up, the Dawenkou culture of Mount Tai is the legendary Yandi tribe."

"The Liangzhu civilization is the legendary Huang tribe."

"Let's look at the Central Plains at that time. The actual rulers should be the Chiyou people, the ancestors of the Miao people. This is clearly described in the legends of the Miao people. The Chiyou people first lived on the edge of the Yellow River."

"As the largest and most prosperous civilization on the continent where we were at that time, the Liangzhu Civilization naturally wanted to invade and expand. They were first resisted by the Yandi tribe. Neither tribe won, so they joined forces to invade the outside world. , at this time there was the legendary Battle of Zhuolu..."

"Where is Zhuolu? Some people say it is Zhuozhou."

"But according to the records in "Yi Zhi", Zhuolu's real name was Pengcheng, which is now Xuzhou. Take a look at the map. Is it very reasonable for a war to break out in this place?"

"After the great victory of Yan and Huang, the first dynasty in the history of the Central Plains appeared, the Yu Dynasty!"

Zhang Yang stood in the last row and was stunned for a while.

Usually, the most common treasure appraisal is to analyze which ancient cultural relic the object was unearthed from. Now, the Liangzhu Civilization and the Yu Dynasty were directly equated.

After that, if someone brought a jade cong from the Liangzhu culture and said it was used by the Yellow Emperor, Zhang Yang didn't know whether he should refute it.

"Who is that old professor on the stage? Is the source of the information reliable?" Zhang Yang asked Chu Ziqiang in a low voice.

Now my group is the target of science popularization, but if the speaker is unreliable, then the science popularization will become brainwashing.

"He is Professor Dong. It is said that he has been studying the migration route of the Liangzhu Culture and is an expert on pottery unearthed from various prehistoric cultures."

Studying cultural transmission through the study of pottery?
Zhang Yang thinks it's quite reliable.

On the stage, Professor Dong’s science popularization finally reached the familiar part:
"Dayu relied on his elite Yue warriors to overthrow the Yu Dynasty and establish the Xia Dynasty."

"But the Yue tribe, the barbarians, have no culture of their own at all. They inherited all the culture of the Yu Dynasty, the most obvious ones being the clothing culture and jade culture..."

Zhang Yang nodded while listening. The old professor's words were in line with his understanding.

However, not everyone can understand such a topic. Sister Gao asked weakly from the side:
"Didn't Dayu get the throne given to him by Shun Chan after he controlled the floods? Why does this old professor say he got it through battle?"

"Sister Gao, if you are the leader of a tribe, there is someone under you who is very good at controlling water."

Zhang Yang tried to explain with an example:

"Your choices are: first, make him a flood control official and go to various places to control floods; second, give him your position as leader. What will you choose?"

"I should be able to..." Sister Gao thought: "Control his family in my own hands, and then let him work for me."

"Awesome, Sister Gao, you understand the emperor's mind." Xiao Chu praised with a thumbs up.

"It's just a pity that Dayu himself is also the leader of his own tribe. Sister Gao, your approach won't work."

When Professor Dong on the stage finished his speech, Chu Ziqiang tugged on Zhang Yang's sleeves and asked him in a low voice:
"Professor Dong has many clay pots from prehistoric civilizations. Are you interested in taking a look?"

 It's a little lame, I owe you a chapter first
(End of this chapter)

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