Chapter 303 Professor Dou

While Zhang Yang was shopping, the eyes of the two Central Asians looking at the warehouse at the entrance had glanced at him more than once.

The two people communicated quickly in their hometown dialect:

"That young man over there seems to be picking out something he thinks is genuine, and his movements are very picky!"

"Who isn't? Do you think that fat sheep didn't choose the treasure in his heart?"

"That's right. Anyway, these things are mixed together, and I can't tell them apart."

"Yes, since I went to the Central Plains Province to learn antique technology, the high-end goods we make are becoming more and more realistic. I guess we won't have to transport things from home to here in the future..."

"It seems like a fat sheep has arrived, and it's two ladies."

At the warehouse gate, the seller's supervisor in charge of receiving customers was leading two young girls over.

Just as the two gatekeepers were about to greet them, the supervisor suddenly spoke up and said very sternly:
"Go away!"

"These two are distinguished guests, I will receive them personally!"

At this time, Zhang Yang didn't know that two destined people came to the scene.

His attention was attracted by the pieces of glassware in front of him.

There are some genuine glass bottles here, which are actually made using the ancient glassblowing technique.

It's rare to see a treasure like this anywhere else.

The oldest thing among the things should be the blue vase. The bottle body was shaped into the shape of Medusa by the ancient Romans.

It dates back to around the 2nd century AD.

Do you want to take it away?

Zhang Yang was actually a little hesitant. The ancient Roman civilization was different from the ancient civilization of Iran. It did not have a clear successor.

This glass vase may have been unearthed anywhere along the Mediterranean coast, and may have even been spread to the Parthian Empire on the Iranian plateau through trade.

It’s a question of who to give it back to, and whether they want it or not is also a question.

No matter, just take it back and study it slowly.

Anyway, if you buy something with 500 yuan, you won’t suffer a loss or be fooled.

Just when he reached for the glass vase, there was a sudden exclamation from a few rows of shelves away.

Then there was a string of rapid bird songs, so gurgling that I couldn't understand them at all.

You could only tell that the speaker was in a hurry and was chattering crazily.

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment and realized that after communicating with each other, the foreigners didn't take it seriously and continued to push the cart forward.

But before the row of shelves came to an end, behind him, the warehouse supervisor hurriedly chased after him.

"Sir, sir, please wait a moment."

"Is something wrong?" Zhang Yang turned his head, looking very alert.

When he recognized the other person as the manager who was receiving customers, his first reaction was: he had been caught for only buying genuine products.

But there are only seven treasures in the stroller now. This guy came a little too fast!
"Was it you just now who picked up a sky-blue glaze porcelain bottle from the container in row D?"

Porcelain bottle?

Zhang Yang knew what the other party was talking about. The thing was in the cart behind him, so denying it seemed meaningless.

He thought for a moment and replied:

"To be precise, it's not picking up, it's pre-ordering. From the moment I put the items in the cart, it's just the final step of payment."

"Do you have any objections? Do you want to take it back if you don't follow the rules and stop doing business in the future?"

"No, no, no, but..."

The supervisor turned around and looked in the direction he came from.

Zhang Yang followed his line of sight and saw two tall beauties walking in side by side at the end of the shelf.

There are many beauties on the streets of Lin'an, but this is the first time he has seen such beautiful twin sisters.

But it was just amazing at first sight, because Zhang Yang immediately realized a problem:
These two people are here to cut off the beard.

The Central Asian in front of them is their lackey.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first."

Zhang Yang wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

"No!" One of the sisters said to stay: "Sir, can we have a chat?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Yang protected the things behind his back.

"It's the sky blue glaze porcelain vase that was on the shelf over there just now."

"You're talking about the porcelain vase from the Ilkhanate." Zhang Yang deliberately pointed out the age of the item, and then told the other party: "Unfortunately, I plan to spend money to buy that thing and keep it in my collection."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the warehouse manager was a little surprised. He probably didn't expect that the young buyer in front of him really understood.

However, the sisters were not surprised by this, and continued to ask Zhang Yang without much pause:
"What is your purpose for collecting this thing?"

In their opinion, most collectors have two purposes for collecting antiques:

Pretend to compete, or make money.

And they have enough confidence to deal with these two purposes.

"Purpose?" Zhang Yang didn't expect anyone to ask him this kind of question, and said casually: "Of course to study the history of ceramics around the world."

"This porcelain vase that appeared in Central Asia during the Yuan Dynasty profoundly reveals the process of the spread of traditional Chinese culture to the West along the Silk Road, and is of great significance to the study of the global history of ceramic culture."

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, the twins looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Damn it, what did you just hear?
Isn’t that what we are going to write our master’s thesis?

Unless the handsome young man in front of him is a genius in the junior class, he probably hasn't graduated from college yet.

Do you also study the history of ceramics?Who are you fooling?

To put it bluntly, it is implying more money.

Although they rejected Zhang Yang in their hearts, the two of them still asked politely:
"Sir, how much do you value this porcelain vase?"

"Academics are priceless." Zhang Yang replied calmly.

Just kidding, this is a baby that's going to be on the front page of the newspaper.

Maybe it will be a stepping stone to shake hands with the leader and take a photo.

"How about [-]?" The sisters quoted directly.

This price surprised the supervisor who was watching the show nearby.

After all, their price is only 5. Has it increased so much in just [-] minutes?
If it weren't for the reputation of doing business, he would have wanted to take the things from Zhang Yang and resell them to earn the fifty-two thousand.

"Are you so rich?"

Zhang Yang looked at the two people opposite him and saw that their clothes and conversation didn't look like leeks.

The real leek should be like the big brother on the list, wearing beach shorts + slippers + sunglasses + a crooked smile.

"This is the highest price we can afford. The thing itself is not worth so much. Even if it were sold to a first-tier auction house like Christie's, it would not be able to fetch this price."

"But for those of us who study the history of ceramics, it is really worth the price." The two sisters said sincerely.

"We, the people who study, the history of ceramics?"

Zhang Yang repeated this sentence with a confused tone.

"Yes, we are graduate students in archeology at Shenghai University, and this porcelain is related to the topic of our graduation thesis."

"Handsome guy, just help me!"

One of the sisters tried to act coquettishly towards Zhang Yang, but with little success.

Zhang Yang frowned and thought for a moment, then asked them:

"Who is your mentor?"

"I told you, you don't know me either." The girl who failed to act coquettishly replied arrogantly.

"How do you know I don't know you if you don't tell me?"

"Okay, then I've said it. Our tutor is a nationally renowned expert on the history of porcelain. He often participates in programs on major TV stations, Professor Dou Biao."

"do you know?"

It turned out to be Teacher Dou.Zhang Yang thought, this makes sense.

The twins in front of them were immediately convinced that they were the true successor of Teacher Dou, and they were as clingy as their mentor.

Back at the police station, Teacher Dou forced Zhang Yang to do the appraisal for him.

If he insists on leaving now, these two girls should also come up and hug him, right?
In order to avoid such an embarrassing thing from happening, Zhang Yang could only take the initiative to reveal his identity:
"Two nephews, your master and I are actually old friends."

"What?" The sisters were startled.

"If you don't believe me, you can call Professor Dou and ask if Zhang Yang is his good friend."

Under normal circumstances, if Zhang Yang said this, the two girls would definitely not believe it.

But when I think about what he said with certainty before, such as "academics are priceless" and "studying the history of ceramics", it seems that there is a few percent possibility that it is true.

To be on the safe side, the sisters called their tutor.

After hanging up the phone, both girls' expressions became very complicated.

It feels like a wealthy father has found his schoolgirl to be his stepmother.

"Master Zhang...Master Zhang, okay."

The elder sister of the two, the one who was not coquettish, had the courage to say hello.

As for the younger sister of the two, she was too embarrassed to speak.

"Hahaha, okay." Zhang Yang nodded and handed the two of them a business card.

Since he is a nephew, he still needs to have a good relationship. After all, Teacher Dou will be invited to deal with the National Treasure Gang in the future treasure appraisal activities.

Is the Yuan Dynasty porcelain vase the subject of two people?
Then let them study for a day for free.

The sisters were very excited after getting Zhang Yang's promise.

At this time, the warehouse manager who had been silent until now spoke.

"Expert Zhang, right? It sounds like you should be a relatively famous young expert."

"Excuse me, what is the purpose of coming to us?"

It's broken, I forgot I still have this product.

Zhang Yang felt something bad in his heart.

Should I call the police in advance?But the stone carvings there haven't been appraised yet, which is a pity.

"Director Mohammed, do you have any problems with Master Zhang coming here?"

After the sisters identified their camps, they took the initiative to defend Zhang Yang.

"Of course there is a problem. Since he is the same expert as Professor Dou, then him coming here is equivalent to the God of Gamblers going to the casino, which is against the rules."

These words blocked the mouths of the two girls, and they looked at Zhang Yang for help.

The latter shook his head and sighed helplessly.

What else can I say? I can only give half of the credit to the experts who help the cultural relic appraisal committee.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call. We'll sit down and explain this later."

"Okay." The supervisor nodded: "I'll wait for your explanation, expert."

It is a pity that until the Central Asian manager was extradited back to China, he could not wait for Zhang Yang's explanation.

The few people put down the trolley and sat down in the office when the police in charge of cultural relics crime arrived.

When the police were arresting people from the warehouse, Zhang Yang, Xiao Chu and others waited beside the police car for Boss Lan to appear.

Finally, after everyone in the antique warehouse was emptied, everyone saw a decadent Boss Lan.

"Mr. Lan, are you okay?" Zhang Yang asked with concern.

The situation is urgent, so act in advance. I forgot to inform this man.

Boss Lan was about to have an attack, but when he looked up and saw two beautiful faces beside Zhang Yang, his emotions instantly dissipated in the air.

"Brother Yang, who are these two?"

"Oh, they are Zhong Qing and Zhong Che, my nephews."

The Zhong sisters understood Boss Lan’s look and what Zhang Yang meant, so they said in unison:

"Hello, Uncle Lan!"

" guys." Boss Lan's eyes twitched, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable with his identity.


It was still early, so after breaking up with everyone, Zhang Yang followed Cheng Zongwen to their family's property in Lin'an.

A centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone a behemoth like the Hedong Group.

One of the lake-view houses that Xu Jie reviewed originally belonged to Cheng Zongwen.

However, Zhang Yang followed Mr. Cheng to his house not because he wanted to see Martha who was gathering dust in the underground garage. He went to pick up the leaks.

To be more precise, I want to receive Cheng Zongwen's private collection at a low price.

In the living room of the villa, Mr. Cheng introduced the origin of the things with some emotion.

"My things are basically all my lover's grandfather sent them back from the island province as a dowry."

"My grandpa still had some status in the team back then. Although his family was all in Yanjing, after being kidnapped, he had no choice but to get on the ship."

"According to his later letter, he said that there were more than 900 boxes of cultural relics on board the ship with him."

Zhang Yang is quite familiar with this history, because Mr. Ma from Yanjing previously introduced him to the situation of his family elders.

When he heard the number of more than 900 boxes, he immediately realized that it was the third and final batch of cultural relics shipped to the island.

Originally there were 1700 boxes in total, but because there were not enough ships, only more than 900 boxes were shipped.

"Is grandpa in charge of the escort at that time?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"Actually, I don't know this. But I guess, yes. Because some of the things he sent back in the early years are staggering. Without permission, you should not be able to access them."

"Really? How good?"

Zhang Yang's interest was instantly raised.

Since ancient times, the treasures that have been guarded and stolen have always been good.

Not to mention, the target was the more than 60 treasures that were shipped to the island at that time. Basically, they were all old collections of the Qing Dynasty palace, and their quality was guaranteed.

"They are all good things anyway. Let me show you something small first."

Cheng Zongwen didn't give in. He turned around and rummaged in the cabinet in the corner for a while. After a while, he came back with a small black box.

After the box was opened, there was a square white jade seal inside.

The button of the seal is engraved with a squatting chilong, with eyebrows and beard floating back and connected with the body; the tail is bifurcated, a bit like a fish's tail.

"What's written at the bottom here shouldn't be the six words [Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal], right?" Zhang Yang asked guessing.

"Yangping" refers to Yangping Mountain in Qinglin County, Bashu region;
"Dugong" is the position of Taoist leader;
"Zhi" is the place where Taoists engage in legal activities.

Zhang Yang guessed whether it was these six characters. In fact, he just guessed that this was the seal of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.


"Master Zhang, are you really a descendant of Master Zhang?" Cheng Zongwen looked at Zhang Yang with a smile.

This is of course a joke. If he were really the successor, he would be cultivating in Longhu Mountain right now.

He picked up the seal and gently pressed it on the white paper he had prepared.

What was printed was indeed [Yang Ping Zhidu Gong Seal] with six Yangwen nine-fold seal script characters.

"You can think so." Zhang Yang replied with the same smile: "I have seen a seal like this from the Qing Dynasty."

"Your piece is from the mid-Yuan Dynasty, so it's quite precious."

"However, since Zhang Daoling founded the religion, basically every dynasty changes, the seals of the Tianshi Mansion will go through a process from being lost to being redone, so there are conservatively estimated to be five or six such seals."

"When you say this, I'm surprised." Cheng Zongwen looked at the seal, and his tone was inevitably a little disappointed: "I originally thought that this was the first-generation Celestial Master Seal."

"It's okay, this one can be considered a cultural relic. But..."

Zhang Yang changed the subject and asked with some expectation:
"Now that the Heavenly Master's seals are back, where are the only pair of male and female swords that can kill evil?"

(End of this chapter)

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