Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 305 We are going to get rich!

Chapter 305 We are going to get rich!

Facts have proved that not all the things stolen by the guards are good goods.

At least there is still a pile of Sikuquanshu in the box in front of him, under the Sikuquanshu.

Most of these old books are "Collections" in the "Jingshi Ziji".

The most precious one was written during the Qianlong period and should be the original ancient book originally published by Wenyuan Pavilion.

On the last page of the book, you can also see a large red seal with "Treasure of Qianlong's Imperial View" printed on it.

"Your grandpa-in-law is so fierce!"

Zhang Yang looked at Qianlong's seal and gave Mr. Cheng a thumbs up.

With or without the imperial seal, the value of something is as high as the sky.

"How about it, are they all genuine?"

"No." Zhang Yang shook his head, holding the only original ancient book and explaining: "Although most of them are handwritten manuscripts from decades ago, there is such an original book, which is already better than several The dragon robe is going to be precious.”

"Are there any fake ones?"

After hearing this, Cheng Zongwen frowned and asked Zhang Yang:

"Why are there still manuscripts? Who is so bored that he could copy so many copies, or in sets?"

"Hey, we have to talk about what happened after these ancient books were transported to the island."

Zhang Yang briefly introduced the situation to Mr. Cheng who didn't know the inside story.

More than 70 years ago, the island province did not have much development and construction, so how could it have the conditions to preserve hundreds of thousands of cultural relics?

So at that time, a large number of boxes containing cultural relics were piled up randomly in the warehouse at the dock.

As a result, when the typhoon came, the water flooded and dozens of boxes were destroyed on the spot.

In order to preserve these important "cultural heritages", island residents built museums and arranged for people to manually back up these ancient books.

Of course, they were ambitious enough to make several copies, but it turned out that the complete Sikuquanshu contained 36000 million words and more than [-] volumes. It was impossible to copy them all, not at all.

The project was halted halfway through.

After hearing this, Mr. Cheng cursed secretly.

He wanted to half sell these things and half give them to Zhang Yang as a favor. What's going on with this box of fake books now?

Seeing that Zhang Yang was still admiring the Sikuquanshu in his hand, Cheng Zongwen just wanted to skip this topic quickly.

He quickly picked up the tools and continued to open the next box.

The last wooden box was larger than the others, and the label said "Buddha".

Zhang Yang originally thought that it would contain some gilt copper Buddha statues. After all, these were the most popular and valuable metal statues in the Qing Dynasty.

But after opening it, I discovered that there was nothing related to Buddhism in the box.

"Who put this label on it?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"I don't know, it's definitely not posted by a Buddhist."

"Hahaha, that's true."

Zhang Yang accepted the first wooden sculpture handed over by Cheng Zongwen.

The carving shows a man wearing armor and looking like a general, sitting on a bench with a solemn expression.

"This is a seated statue of Emperor Zhenwu from the Ming Dynasty."

As the Taoist deity most admired by Emperor Yongle, the purpose of the wooden statue of Emperor Zhenwu is to compete for the incense of Buddhist statues among the people.

So this is why Cheng Erye said that people who label people do not believe in Buddhism.

"This one probably costs 20 now." Zhang Yang estimated.

"Only 20..."

Cheng Erye was not satisfied with the price and asked Zhang Yang:
"Is it because Taoism is not prominent now that it is so cheap? How much would it be worth if replaced by the same Tathagata Buddha statue?"

"Tathagata? That would be good if it's worth one-third." Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh and replied.

He told the other party the reason: "This is a wooden statue without any painting. It can sell for 20. That's because he is the Zhenwu Emperor and is too rare."

"Not bad." Cheng Zongwen sighed and nodded.

He then handed Zhang Yang a painted wooden sculpture, which was beyond his knowledge.

"Who is this carving?"

"If you look at his face, he looks a bit like Sammo Hung, but he is wearing a pair of red shoes and playing with a bird in his hand..."

"You actually think this is a bird? Go get an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. This is obviously a toad." Zhang Yang said, pointing to the animal in the hand of the wood carving.

"Toad? If you hold this thing in your hand, won't it cause blisters?"

"That's a mortal. This is Liu Haichan, a Taoist immortal and the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, who is half a step away from being ranked among the Eight Immortals."

"It's such a big deal... Just tell me how much this painted wooden sculpture is worth?"

"It's more expensive than the statue of Emperor Zhenwu, at least 25."

The two wood carvings are of similar age and were both made during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.

In terms of craftsmanship, there is not much difference. Emperor Zhenwu's armor is as detailed as the rusty flowers on Liu Haichan's robe.

However, the colored ones are always a bit more expensive than the black and white ones, not to mention that the wood carving of Liu Haichan is partly made of lacquered gold.

Mr. Cheng knew all the remaining items, so Zhang Yang took them, determined the age, and quoted an intended price. That was it.

"A standing wooden statue of a dragon girl made by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, [-] yuan;"

"A seated statue of Guan Gong in late Ming Dynasty, 60 yuan;"

"Ming dynasty Xuande gilt bronze seated civil servant statue, 30;"


Until a lacquered gold statue holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword appeared.

Of course Cheng Zongwen knew the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, but this ferocious-looking figure was obviously not Guan Gong.

"Who is this? The gold paint on it is quite well preserved."

"Let me take a look?" Zhang Yang took it.

After looking at it for a moment, he looked at Mr. Cheng and asked:
"Look in the box to see if there is anything similar to this one."

"Yes...this. I know him. This is Guan Gong."

"Wait, there's one more thing..."

Seeing that the three statues were ready, Zhang Yang called to the other party.

"Okay, okay, no need to look for it."

"These three pieces are a set. The one sitting on the bed in the middle is Guan Gong, the one holding the box is Guan Yu's son Guan Ping, and the one holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword for him is his deputy general Zhou Cang."

"This is a complete set of statues of the martial sage Guan Gong, the kind that are placed on the desk to receive incense and offerings."

"When you say that, I seem to have an impression..." Cheng Zongwen touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "I saw this set of things in my father's study 30 years ago."

"Good guy, do you remember everything that happened 30 years ago so clearly?"

"Yes, I remember it very clearly. At that time, I probably thought that Zhou Cang was the thief who stole the knife, so I broke the knife in his hand and stuck it to Guan Gong's hand."

"Hahaha, Mr. Cheng, you are indeed a wonderful person."

Zhang Yang thought to himself that he knew why the other party could remember what happened 30 years ago.

He must have been beaten very badly at that time.

"Is this set valuable?" Cheng Zongwen asked.

"It's so-so. This is a Buddha statue made in Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty. Although it is difficult to get a set together, after all, it was mass-produced at that time. The total number is 10,000+."


Cheng Zongwen shook his head unhappily.

He told Zhang Yang that the only thing left in the box was a wooden and gold-painted statue of the Heavenly Official.

"The Tianguan statue is in good condition and costs at least 15 yuan." "It makes you laugh. I didn't expect that the most valuable ones are the animal products. The antiques behind them are not as good as each other."

"Don't say that." Zhang Yang comforted: "This is a piece of thought sent back by my grandfather-in-law. Maybe he was mainly playing with animal products at the time and didn't understand anything else."

"Really? I think this is the only way to explain it." Cheng Zongwen nodded: "This New Year, I will go to the island province to burn more paper money for him."


Adding up several boxes of things, even if all the animal products were given away, Zhang Yang estimated that it would cost 300 to [-] million.

He wanted to ask Cheng Zongwen for the total price on the spot, but the other party didn't mention any money at all.

When Zhang Yang directly asked about the price, Mr. Cheng was also evasive and looked at him from side to side.

He looked like he wanted to default on his debt.

After Zhang Yang gave him the specific address and contact number of the Hailin Museum warehouse, Cheng Zongwen disappeared out of thin air and could not be contacted at all.

"This is the first time in my life that I have seen a seller like your father-in-law who refuses to pay for the goods."

When Zhang Yang was on the phone with Chen Yanguang, he couldn't help but complain.

"Never mind him, don't worry too much about millions of dollars." Chen Yanguang, who was far away in Egypt, said lightly.

"Speaking of which, why did you go to Africa?" Zhang Yang was a little curious.

In the antique business, I have only heard of people going to Egypt to purchase goods, but not of people going to Egypt to sell goods.

Going to Africa to sell antiques is like going to India to sell tableware. People grab it with their hands and there is no use for it at all.

"Who told Khufu's Pyramid to be in Africa?" On the phone, Chen Yanguang's tone was a little tired: "Hui Hui has to go to the extreme scenery of every continent to take wedding photos."

"The result is that last week I wore a down jacket to watch the aurora in Iceland, and this week I wore short-sleeves to climb the pyramids in Egypt. Next week, I will fly to Antarctica to find penguins..."

"Do rich people also want to travel like this with special forces?"

Zhang Yang admires Chen Yanguang's perseverance from the bottom of his heart. As expected, not everyone can eat soft rice.

"It's okay. I'll try to take this photo once in my life. I'm still waiting to eat your wedding wine!"

"I'd like to lend you auspicious words. I'll give you a bouquet of flowers when the time comes."

"Hahaha, I'm not the bridesmaid... I still have a live broadcast task here, so I'll hang up first."

Zhang Yang was about to hang up the phone when Chen Yanguang suddenly stopped him:
"Wait a minute. Didn't I take the initiative to call you today?"

"I haven't said anything yet."

"It seems so." Zhang Yang recalled for a while, but he didn't know why he went off topic while chatting.

"Why did you specifically make a satellite phone call? Don't tell me, it was to test the new features of your Huawei phone..."

"Of course not." Chen Yanguang explained: "There are brothers in your fan group who want to see the scenery of the Egyptian pyramids. My IP was exposed, and they all asked me for help."

"Let's see if you have time at four o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, it's ten o'clock here, and you can have a round with me in the Egyptian pyramids?"

"There's no need. Just take your wedding photos."

Zhang Yang rarely directly rejected Chen Yanguang.

The fans in the group were ignorant, but he knew that Chen Yanguang was busy with business.

Besides, there are a lot of travel videos about the Egyptian pyramids on the Internet, and Zhang Yang has watched them several times on Douyin.

Inside the pyramid, it is actually a regular man-made cave, all stones and without any scenery.

He explained: "I haven't broadcast live for a long time, and many friends are waiting in line."

"That's it... okay, I'll just pretend to be dead in the group."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang greeted Xu Jie to prepare for the live broadcast.

It’s been a long time since I sat in front of a live broadcast computer, so my skills are a bit rusty.

Especially with the crazy online shopping festival that just passed, it is estimated that many people will be cut off.

Zhang Yang was mentally prepared to spend the afternoon looking at jade and jewelry.

Soon, Lian Mai met his first treasure friend.

"Teacher, wait a moment, I will open the door."

"Open the door?"

"Everything is in the yard."

"Oh, it looks like a big deal, so please show us."

Baoyou pushed open the wooden door of his house. The yard was surrounded by red bricks and large iron gates. It looked a bit like a farmyard in the North China Plain.

The courtyard is almost filled with stone sculptures.

They are all common stone tables, chairs, stone lions, etc., as new as if they were just carved.

It can be seen that Baoyou's family should be engaged in stone carving business.

"We usually buy and collect stone sculptures. A few days ago, the elders of the family went to the countryside and came back with some good things. They wanted to ask the teacher to help them take a look."

"Okay, don't be nervous, just give me the picture of the baby."

Zhang Yang could tell that Baoyou was a little afraid of society, and his voice was trembling.

"Okay... okay, let's look at this first."

Baoyou pointed the camera at a cylindrical stone platform.

"Stop, don't move."

"Look at the door carved on it and let me take a look."

I originally thought that the treasure friend was made of bronze, but when I took it out, it was at least platinum.

I saw a double door carved on the side of the cylindrical stone carving, with two door buttons carved in detail;
On the top of the door, there is a circular character "Shou", and there are bats surrounding the door, which means "luck and longevity come to the door";
In front of the door is a stone staircase sloping towards the countryside;
Other places are full of relief patterns of auspicious clouds.

【What is this? 】

[It's a bit like the handrail of a stone railing. Just look at the bottom to see if there are any cutting marks.]

[This kind of stuff is everywhere, it’s not worth much]

"Baoyou, do you know what this is?"

"My dad said that this thing was used by ancient people to display flowers."

"Yes, the scientific name is a flower stand, which is used to place potted plants. But your flower stand is a bit special."

"First of all, look at it. It is full of patterns on the side, with almost no white space. This is generally called [full work] in the industry."

Zhang Yang analyzed it slowly, because this thing was very expensive, and he had to let everyone understand why it was so expensive.

"Looking at the carved patterns, they are all auspicious cloud patterns, indicating that this gate is in the sky, which is the cave of the immortal."

"The last thing is its material and age. This is white marble from the mid-Ming Dynasty."

[Damn it, the buffs that add money are stacked up]

【Just one for the royal family】

[I take back what I just said, white marble things can’t be everywhere]

"My dad spent [-] yuan to buy this." Baoyou took the initiative to introduce it.

"Then your father is a real cow."

Zhang Yang said with admiration:

"A pair of white marble stone lions usually costs about 200 million. Although your flower stand is a bit small, it is more workmanlike and has a good meaning. If it were me, I would be willing to pay 60."

"Holy shit!" Baoyou was very surprised and couldn't help shouting: "Dad, come here quickly, you're going to make a fortune!"

The much-loved moment of getting rich is finally here.

Baoyou's father heard the news and trotted over.

After hearing the whole story, the middle-aged man didn't believe it at all:
"The white marble can be sold for 60 yuan? That's nonsense. This expert is right, then you can sell it to him directly."

(End of this chapter)

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