Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 313 Do you understand merit?

Chapter 313 Do you understand merit?
"Although the upper and lower couplets are integrated, if you look carefully, you can still see that there are a few words that are different from other words..."

This is not the first time that Shen Shuyu has met an elder to test her eyesight, so she has a very good grasp of the art of language.

There were a few different words in what she said. When she pointed out every word, everyone found that they were all concentrated in the second line.

Naturally, there is a problem with the entire second line.

Zhang Yang only found out later that Master Wang's test was just a gift.

Mr. Ma passed Shen Shuyu like this when he was in junior high school.

When they were discussing within the Ma family, they had evolved to the point where they could randomly take a partial picture of the inscription and let everyone analyze the source.

That level of difficulty is even higher than looking at half of a painting.

"Compared with Wu Changshuo's original manuscript, these words are not inferior in terms of writing power, but they obviously bring some of their own understanding, and the traces of imitation of "Shiguwen" are slightly lighter."

"That's all I can tell."

Shen Shuyu pursed his lips and smiled, then stepped back slightly to free up the space behind the desk.

At the same time she finished speaking, Master Wang had already started applauding.

He said in an admiring tone: "Okay, no wonder Teacher Ma always looks proud every time he mentions his granddaughter. Now I understand."

"But you said that the writing power of the words in the second couplet is no weaker than that of Wu Changshuo. It really puts a premium on the face of an old guy like me. I can't stand it, I really can't stand it."

With Wang Guosheng's words, this test is basically over.

Next, of course, Ma Junqing was standing by to say a few words of honor to her daughter, adding a few exaggerated words of politeness along the way.

During the rest of the time, everyone admired other calligraphy and painting works collected by Master Wang in the study room.

It can be seen that Master Wang prefers modern calligraphers and painters.

Huang Binhong, Lin Fengmian, Pan Tianshou, Liu Yazi, Lu Yanshao, Wang Quchang...

Zhang Yang has never heard of many authors.

But Shen Shuyu could quickly recall the nicknames of these people, and even their lives and works they were good at.

After a while, Zhang Yang was deeply impressed by Miss Shen's knowledge in calligraphy and painting.

Like Wang Yuyan from Mantuo Villa.

Maybe these are the children who grew up among antiques as Master Wang said.

Until about [-] o'clock in the evening, considering that the father and daughter had to take a taxi back to the hotel, the calligraphy and painting appreciation meeting had to end in time.

After watching the two guests get on the bus, Zhang Yang was about to say goodbye to Master Wang, but the old man stopped him.

"Zhang Yang, how are you feeling today?"

Zhang Yang saw Wang Guosheng raise his eyebrows playfully and knew what he was asking.

So he answered honestly:

"Miss Shen is quite nice, but I'm still young and I'm actually not in a hurry to get married..."

"Have you already considered getting married?" Master Wang pretended to be surprised and said, "It's not good to be too anxious. Emotional matters should be taken step by step."

Zhang Yang: "...Master, isn't the purpose of blind date just to get married?"

Wang Guosheng shook his head: "Teacher Ma and I want you two young people to get to know each other first."

"I will treat you as a college classmate and introduce you to a girl. If we can chat with you, we will talk about other things."

"Is that so?"

Zhang Yang nodded, thinking that maybe he had really misunderstood.

I am used to seeing too many blind dates in novels and movies, and I thought that as long as they are introduced by an elder and two people fall in love with each other, they will get engaged and get married directly.

There is no doubt that Shen Shuyu is excellent. At present, it seems that he is even the best among the peers that Zhang Yang knows now.

"Anyway, old man, I have done all the work I can do." Master Wang stroked his gray beard and said with a smile, "I can help you confirm this girl's family background, education, and ability. There is no problem."

"But whether I am a good match for you or not, you have to feel it yourself."

"I know."

Zhang Yang nodded with some emotion. A master who could do this would be a standard sage master in ancient times. He sincerely said to Wang Guosheng,

"Thank you, teacher."

"There's nothing to thank you for. Remember to clean the studio tomorrow. I'll take them, father and daughter, to see your career."

"No problem, don't worry."


Early the next morning, Zhang Yang issued an emergency order to enter the "highest combat readiness state" in the work group.

Everyone arrived two hours early, arranged their workstations, and welcomed the most important guest in the history of the studio.

"Who is it? Boss, just tell us!" Sister Gao and Xiao Tang asked Zhang Yang while cleaning up the conference room. "If you don't tell us, we will feel like there are ants crawling on us. It will be so uncomfortable!"

"Elders in the family." Zhang Yang told the employees: "They came specifically to inspect the operation of my studio. If it doesn't work, they will freeze my bank card, and our studio will be close to bankruptcy!"

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked.

Sister Gao was the first to come to her senses and lightly kicked Xu Jie, who had come over to watch the fun:
"Hurry up and notify Tao Chang in the small dark room, and ask her to lock the door and go out for safety."

"Is Miss Tao back?"

Zhang Yang still didn't know about Tao Chang's return. Last time, this person said that he had gained something and went back to Jingdi Town to cook chicken cups.

"She's back. As soon as she came back, she locked herself in the room and kept mumbling. I was afraid that she would scare the guests later."

After Sister Gao arranged Xu Jie's work, she arranged for Xiao Tang to buy fruit.

After all, she is a migrant worker who has been working for many years. Although Sister Gao is a part-time administrator, she still knows how to receive distinguished guests.

She finally came up with the idea of ​​making public:

"Boss, go and decorate the conference room."

"You used to keep all those antiques in the cabinet. Can you take out one or two to calm the scene?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded and did not refuse: "You go and do your work first. I will figure out how to show off the capabilities of our studio."

He had actually already thought about what to do - that is, do nothing but tidy up the desktop.

Including the banner wall, plaques, torture instruments, etc. in the live broadcast room, all remain the same.

The more realistic it is, the less likely it is to cause problems.

After lunch, Zhang Yang took Master Wang and the Ma family father and daughter and took the elevator to the entrance of the studio.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, there were three "bang, bang, bang" sounds, and the salute sounded.

Golden sequins sprayed into the air and scattered, and golden rain began to fall directly at the elevator door.

Three employees waved the salute they had just fired and shouted enthusiastic slogans:
"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Pa bang bang bang bang (crazy applause)..."

"Zhang Yang, what are you doing?" Ma Junqing looked at Zhang Yang, with curiosity and confusion in his eyes.

"This is a spontaneous welcome ceremony by the employees. You are welcome to visit." Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

He glanced at Shen Shuyu behind him. There was only surprise on the girl's face, not fright.

It shows that although the employees are a bit deliberate, the atmosphere is indeed in place.

Zhang Yang quickly introduced three conspicuous bags.

After confirming again and again that there are only so many people in the studio, even Master Wang was a little surprised:
"Last time I came here, there were only three employees, and now there are still three. Have you never hired anyone since then?"

"That's enough. Everyone has a suitable workload and is happy to cooperate with each other." Zhang Yang explained.

"Yes, yes." After receiving a wink from Sister Gao, Xu Jie quickly stood up and said, "Our company is like a big family, we respect and help each other and are very friendly."

"Hmm~" Master Wang nodded and boasted, "This is natural leadership and a business wizard."

"Our museum is also in the same situation. After he took over, the employees there have been obedient and we have never heard of any problems."

In fact, even if there is a problem, he, the hands-off shopkeeper, will not know about it.

Zhang Yang couldn't hold himself any longer after hearing this, so he quickly ushered a few people into his office.

When the group entered the room, the three employees looked at each other and quickly came to Xiao Tang's workstation.The display screen opens to the video editing interface, and if anyone comes out, they pretend to be discussing slicing.

Led by Sister Gao, the three of them whispered:

"That old man should be Master Wang who came here before. I met him at the Hailin Museum before."

"Who are the two remaining people?"

"I don't feel like I'm a relative of the boss." Xu Jie analyzed with a thoughtful expression, "Looking at the tone of the boss's words, he seems quite different from them."

"I noticed one thing, the girl who came, she kept laughing from the beginning to the end." Sister Gao recalled, "And there was something wrong with the way she looked at our boss, like...appreciation, yes, admiration. .”

"Oh, then I know." Xu Jie suddenly realized, "She must be the boss's girlfriend, and that man is the boss's father-in-law. They are here to inspect the boss's work."

"No, I don't think the boss has a girlfriend..." Xiao Tang said doubtfully, "I've never heard him say that."

"You don't understand this. We boys won't tell our colleagues if we are single, just like I am single. Do you know?"

Xu Jie smiled slightly, showing a proud and showing off expression.

Unexpectedly, someone is hurting me.

What responded to him was the speechless gazes of the other two people:

"We already knew that."

"When you hid in the stairwell and called for a kiss, we all heard it in the office."

"Even the cleaning lady who comes to collect the garbage bags has seen you going crazy."

"I'm going, you guys..." Xu Jie almost spat out blood.

Just when he was about to ask his two colleagues how much they knew, the door to the office opened.

Zhang Yang came out first and waved to Xu Jie:

"Brother Jie, get ready for the live broadcast."


15 minutes later, Zhang Yang put on his makeup and walked into the live broadcast room.

After Master Wang and Teacher Ma visited, they went to catch up with old friends, leaving Shen Shuyu here to feel the atmosphere of Zhang Yang's work.

When Miss Shen saw that he was wearing fake old makeup, she covered her mouth and laughed.

"What do you mean by makeup?"

"The effect of the program is necessary. Didn't you notice it when you watched my live broadcast before?"

"I didn't expect it to be painted with makeup." Shen Shuyu shook his head, "I thought it was a special effect for the live broadcast."

"The special effects are not good, so I have to make up."

"You can find a stool to sit on. I've been live broadcasting for a long time and I can't stand standing all the time."

"Okay, I'll take a look from a distance."

Shen Shuyu quietly found a corner, moved a chair and sat down.

For Xueba, she had been exposed to live broadcasts before, but this was his first time seeing such a live broadcast by a "big internet celebrity" with hundreds of thousands of fans.

Zhang Yang sat in front of the camera, communicated with Xu Jie, and adjusted the camera position.

Afraid that Miss Shen would appear in the live broadcast, he looked back specifically.

"Why are you sitting there..."

Zhang Yang waved and pointed to his side:
"You can't take pictures from this place."

"Is that so?" Shen Shuyu stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and quickly moved over.

Xu Jie, who was sitting behind the camera, saw this scene and was convinced that the man and woman in front of him were definitely not ordinary relatives, but they didn't seem to be boyfriend and girlfriend either...

"Okay, the live broadcast begins."

"Three, two, one..."


Audiences who received the broadcast start reminder quickly came to Master Zhang's live broadcast room.

In just 2 minutes, the audience reached 3000 people.

"Good afternoon, brothers!" Zhang Yang greeted everyone, "Come here early today and leave early later. I have something to do tonight."

[Okay, the anchor is getting better and better now]

"It's not that I'm rowing, it's because there is no live broadcast content, and the brothers don't work hard to find the baby, so I don't have the ability to appraise it!"

[Can’t you chat with your brothers without identification?]

"We can't just chat for hours. I'm not an electronic pet."

"This is a technical live broadcast room. We have to be different from female anchors who only provide emotional value..."

Zhang Yang answered the barrage's questions plausibly. This has become a daily routine in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, his hands were not idle.

All preparations have been made, just waiting for someone in the background to apply for continuous wheat.

"Come, come, welcome your first treasure friend."

"Hello anchor, let me introduce myself first." Baoyou clasped his hands in front of the camera, "I am a devout Buddhist. I heard that the anchor is a bit discriminatory against religious people, so I came here to ask a question."

Shen Shuyu on the side was a little surprised when he heard this.

I thought to myself, why do I encounter someone looking for trouble when I come here?
She looked at Zhang Yang worriedly, but she didn't expect that the latter made a "stop" gesture directly to the camera.

"Wait, don't ask yet." Zhang Yang interrupted, "Let me ask you a question first, why do you have so much hair?"

"I believe in Tibetan Buddhism and don't need to be tonsured."

"Okay, how do you explain the tinfoil burning?"

"I have natural curly hair." Baoyou said plausibly, "Besides, my hairstyle does not affect my beliefs."

"Okay, you ask your question."

Zhang Yang had already used the two sentences just now to confirm that the other party was here to do some work.

He has never seen a Buddhist with an afro.

"My question is, anchor, you don't seem to believe in the merits of Buddhism?"

"I heard before that you think releasing air adds merit, and you still want to ask an eminent monk to sit on the assembly line to consecrate it?"

Baoyou talked about Zhang Yang's past live broadcasts with a tone that was as familiar as Shu Jiazhen's. From the first listen, you knew that he was a die-hard fan of the live broadcast room.

Normally, Zhang Yang would have cooperated and acted.

But now, with Shen Shuyu by his side, it's better to be more serious. What if there is an old man in the girl's family who believes in Buddhism?
"You may have misunderstood. Our live broadcast room highlights freedom of belief. You can choose from Confucianism, Buddhism, or Taoism. The anchor is only responsible for appraising treasures."

"I've finished answering the questions. If you don't have any baby, I will disconnect the mic."

"Wait, of course I want to identify it."

Baoyou said, taking out a brown drum-shaped wood carving and a wooden stick with an oval tip.

"Oh, wooden fish!"

Zhang Yang saw obvious knocking marks on the top of the wooden fish, indicating that it was a practical tool.

Let’s look at the age again, it was made during the Xianfeng period.

"This is a wooden fish from the late Qing Dynasty. There is nothing wrong with it. Did it get it from a monk?"

"I'm not trying to identify this, I just want to ask..." Baoyou knocked on the wooden fish, making a crisp sound of "dong dong dong dong", "Can my merit +1 every time I knock it like this?"

"I'm afraid not." Zhang Yang shook his head, "You may not know that wooden fish were first used by Taoist priests."

"As early as the Tang Dynasty, Taoist priests used this thing as a ritual tool for preaching, but it was later stolen by Han Buddhism."

"You have to knock it in front of the Buddha in the temple to gain merit."

(End of this chapter)

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