Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 319 A gang of more than 20 people

Chapter 319 A gang of more than 20 people

If you speak openly, it will make the diving man very angry.

Not worth ten thousand yuan? Impossible, I must have said that on purpose, it’s disgusting.

So the diver man cursed angrily and kept asking Zhang Yang's identity.

"If you can, tell me who you are. When I come out, I won't have any of your good juice."

Wait for you to come out?

Zhang Yang hid in the night, smiled and asked:

"You don't think you can come out right after you go in, do you?"

"What if I don't? I'll go into the sea to catch something, and I'll be locked up for 24 hours at most."

"Impossible." Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head, and said in a friendly manner, "In a case just decided in March this year, someone dug out a copper chime while digging sand in the river, and sold it for 30 yuan. He was sentenced to five years in prison."

"30...these things I have are not worth 30." The diving man felt that he had caught the loophole in Zhang Yang's words, "You just said that this bowl costs several thousand yuan each, and the total cost is only tens of thousands of yuan. "

"Yes, but did you really only get these few bowls?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile, "The police will definitely go to your house to search. Confessing earlier will be considered surrender~"

The man was stunned for a moment and realized that Zhang Yang was trying to trick him. He said harshly, "I'll just take out these few items. What do you do with it?" Then he closed his mouth and said nothing.

I don’t want to scold him anymore, I don’t want to reveal my secret.

But suddenly not speaking at this time is no different from admitting that he took out other things.

"How do you know he fished out other things?" Shen Shuyu asked quietly from behind.

"New porcelain from the sea like this is buried in sand tens of centimeters or even one meter deep. It is usually packed in wooden boxes, bamboo baskets or even large tanks. Before discovering this new porcelain, it must have been You will find other porcelain or metalware on the surface, but the quality is not as good as these bowls."

"If so, then he will probably be sentenced to several years in prison."

While Shen Shuyu was talking, the light of a flashlight in the distance shone on the seaside.

The police are here.

Although they are under the jurisdiction of the same police station, the police who came in the evening were obviously different from those who came in the afternoon, because as soon as the leading male police officer came over, he greeted Zhang Yang: "What a coincidence, Director Zhang."

"Haha, it's quite a coincidence." Zhang Yang had no impression of this person. He guessed that the other person might know Captain Liu.

"Curator?" The diver raised his head fiercely and asked, "What curator, the curator of the museum? Which museum?"

The police who arrived noticed the middle-aged man who was under control and immediately understood that he was the target of tonight's mission.

The policeman pointed at the diver and asked Zhang Yang:

"Why is he asking for your information?"

"They say they want us to walk around without food." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

He didn't take such harsh words to heart at all, because as the saying goes, dogs that bark don't bite.

However, the policeman obviously didn't want to get used to this person. Hearing these words, he frowned and didn't even bother to go through the process. He just took out the silver bracelet and put it on the other person.

When the fisherman explained the case clearly and the police were about to close the team, the leading policeman specifically said to Zhang Yang:

"Don't worry, we will definitely educate this boy well and we will definitely prevent him from having any thoughts of revenge."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhang Yang nodded, accepting the other party's kindness.

It wasn't until Zhang Yang met Captain Liu and chatted with him about what happened tonight that he learned the policeman's name, Ning Zhengdong.

Speaking of which, he is also an acquaintance of Master Zhang's live broadcast room.

The first time Zhang Yang met the old man who was fighting against Lian Mai in the live broadcast room, it was the policeman Ning Zhengdong who went to the scene to catch the tomb robber. Later, he was promoted based on his accumulated merit and was transferred to the police station under the Linhai City Bureau. vice director.

But these are things for later.

Now, after bidding farewell to the fishing guy, Zhang Yang still drives to take the Ma family and his daughter back to the hotel.

The three of them didn't talk much along the way.

Teacher Ma felt that his behavior in breaking up the fight just now was a bit clownish;
  Miss Shen is a bit shy;

Zhang Yang simply couldn't find a topic for a while.

But in the end, Shen Shuyu took the initiative to ask Zhang Yang to take out his phone and add all his friends on various platforms.

The relationship between the two has obviously progressed further than before coming to Mr. Weng's house.


The next morning, because Master Ma was in some condition, Miss Shen hurriedly flew back to Yanjing with her father.

Before leaving, they made an appointment with Zhang Yang. After a while, when the treasure appraisal event was held in Tianjin, they would ask Zhang Yang to go to Yanjing first and lead him to meet Shen Shuyu's elders.

"Okay, kid." On the way back to the museum, Master Wang sat in the passenger seat and gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up, "I think back then, when I went on a blind date for the first time, your wife didn't even take a fancy to me."

"It was me who was begging for nothing and reading love poems under your wife's building every night, so she agreed to be friends with me first."

"Then you will finally become my master's wife!"

"But that's because I worked very hard." Master Wang shook his head, "I didn't even see where your efforts were."

"The only thing I can say is that that day, Teacher Ma and I asked Mr. Weng to match your horoscopes and said it was a match made in heaven."

"Is there still this matter?" Zhang Yang didn't expect to visit Mr. Weng, and there was something hidden behind it.

"Otherwise, why would I ask you to give him such an expensive gift?" Wang Guosheng explained, "The Weng family has been doing this for generations. If you don't get along but have a good relationship, they can still use tricks. , help you resolve the crisis."

"Is that so? It's amazing."

Zhang Yang knew without asking that the way to resolve the incompatibility would definitely require money.

Probably because the things he gave were already very valuable, and the other party was embarrassed because of the money and Master Wang's face, so he could only say that it was a "match made in heaven."

He said good things and gained the trust of the Wang family and the Ma family. Zhang Yang knew in his heart that he deserved to make money!

After sending Master Wang back to the museum, Zhang Yang quickly drove back to the company without feeling hot on his buttocks.

The company, which has always been deserted, has another guest arriving today.

As soon as Zhang Yang entered the door, he heard Chen Yanguang's "goose goose" laughter.

One can't help but wonder why he is so happy.

After seeing Zhang Yang, the first thing Chen Yanguang asked was:
  "Why are you alone, where are your siblings?"

"Huh?" Zhang Yang glanced at the three employees.

Whoever they saw, they lowered their heads silently.

Apparently all three were informants.

"Yes, Brother Yang, where is the girl you are dating?" Cheng Shihui also asked.

"She went back in the morning."

"Are you in the right frame of mind?" Chen Yanguang asked, and then explained the reason why he was so concerned, "We are already preparing for the wedding, and now we have to decide on the best man."

"If you are chosen, come and be my best man, and you can also grab the bouquet."

"The best man grabs a bouquet with a hammer..." Zhang Yang nodded speechlessly, acknowledging, "Forget it, we need to have more contact."

"Wuhu, the truth has come out. It's great." Chen Yanguang eagerly showed off to his fiancée beside him, "Let me tell you, my best men can't all be singles like Awei and Binbin."

"Come on, come on, I'm here today and I brought some treasures with me."

Chen Yanguang pointed to the box on the table.

Four large cardboard boxes.

Zhang Yang guessed that it must be the foreign exchange-earning porcelain that Hedong Group had purchased overseas. With such a big box, he was not in a hurry to appraise it, so he didn't even think of stepping forward to open it and check it out.

But Chen Yanguang was not happy anymore and took the initiative to pull Zhang Yang to the smallest cardboard box.

"Those three are all exported porcelain. I don't think they are valuable, but you must take a look at this box."

"What is so expensive?"

Zhang Yang is a little strange. He knows Chen Yanguang very well. This is the Emperor of Leeks.

Although Jinpen has now washed his hands and is even trying to cut leeks from foreigners, the name of the Leek Emperor is still spread in the world.

You won’t run into a liar again, right?
  Zhang Yang opened the carton hesitantly and put a layer of white foam on top, which was quite professional.

After peeling away the foam, the first antique that surfaced was a sky-blue five-tube bottle.

The so-called five-tube bottle is actually based on the ordinary porcelain bottle, with five vertical round porcelain tubes added to the shoulders of the bottle.

A bottle style that was popular in the Song Dynasty and was basically no longer seen in the Ming Dynasty.

"Which tomb is this barn from?" Zhang Yang muttered while looking at it.

The five-tube vase is a practical device. Some say it is a candlestick, and some say it is used for flower arrangement.

However, most of the five-tube vases from the Song Dynasty that have been handed down to this day have only one purpose - as burial barns, which means "a good harvest".

"Hehe, it's not bad. I heard it was unearthed from a puddle." Chen Yanguang smiled, "I bought it at the antique market near Huang Bin's house. When I first saw this thing, I thought, this is not a soul bottle. Well?"

"The quality of unearthed cultural relics is guaranteed."

The distinction between the soul bottle and the barn was not so clear, so Zhang Yang did not correct him.

He asked Chen Yanguang:

"You know they are unearthed funerary objects, but you still buy them?"

"I bought it for you." Chen Yanguang said generously, "The seller probably didn't know the product, so he only sold it for [-]. I think it's celadon from the puddle."

"This is Longquan kiln, from the Yuan Dynasty." Zhang Yang took over Chen Yanguang's words and said, "Look at the glaze, it's obviously been buried in water with high salt content for a long time... Wait, this is porcelain from the sea!"

Zhang Yang took a closer look and smelled the faint fishy smell of sea water.

It shows that they were sold directly without being properly cleaned after being picked up.

"Huh? Porcelain from the sea? Isn't it possible that I still lost money?"

Nowadays, Chen Yanguang is no longer what he used to be. He has seen a lot of the world, and he is still familiar with porcelain from Haiilao Longquan kiln, which is relatively famous in the collecting world.

"It's not a loss. Do you still remember what the seller looks like?"

"Of course, who am I?" Chen Yanguang smiled crookedly and took out his mobile phone, which even showed the seller's face clearly.

Zhang Yang originally guessed that the seller might be the diver from yesterday, but after a closer look, the difference in appearance was a bit obvious.

This seller is obviously older.

However, when Chen Yanguang scrolled through the photos, Zhang Yang still discovered the connection between the two.

At the stall of a Hailao porcelain seller, there is a blue and white bowl whose pattern has been washed away by the sea.

Only the center of the bowl still has a circular pattern.

The pattern is exactly the same as the Yongle blue and white bowl that Zhang Yang saw yesterday.

Isn't this the kind of stacked blue and white bowls with the sand exposed?

Due to tidal action, exposed porcelain will be impacted by seawater at two high tides and low tides. The utensils will constantly rub against the sea sand, naturally losing their smooth glaze and becoming rough.

"It's not someone you know again, is it?" Chen Yanguang felt something was wrong when he saw Zhang Yang's expression.

"What should we do? We have to give Captain Liu some performance again." Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly.

For example, how can Linhai, a small city, accommodate two teams of people engaged in the porcelain fishing business at the same time?

There are only so many places on the coastline where you can sneak into the water, so how can it be so easy to find a sunken ship!
  "Do you want to watch the next thing?" Chen Yanguang felt a little disappointed.

I thought I had picked up the tomb robber and lost it, but I didn’t expect that a group of water monkeys had picked it up.

It's boring. Compared with tomb robbing, diving and salvage are not legendary at all.

"Look, and we have to finish it right away and then send it to the museum."

"This batch of sea-harvested porcelain must be desalted and dehydrated quickly, otherwise the porcelain will soon become useless."

Zhang Yang didn't waste any time. He called Librarian He and Captain Liu to come over and directed Xu Jie to get some light salt water to soak the porcelain from the sea.

In addition to the five-tube bottle, there is also a set of blue and white glazed powder boxes from Dehua Kiln in the box, a total of four pieces of different sizes.

The people who salvaged it didn't even wash the sand in the box, so they took it out and sold it in a hurry.

The rarest thing in the box is a celadon-glazed medicine jar from the Longquan kiln of the Yuan Dynasty.

The bowl for holding medicine and the pestle for pounding medicine are both made of porcelain.

"This is my first time seeing this thing. Does your museum have it?" Chen Yanguang asked, looking at the medicine jar in Zhang Yang's hand.

"No, this type of Longquan kiln is rare in the entire Chinese collection world."

"Are you so awesome?" Chen Yanguang's expression perked up with Zhang Yang's words.

"It's so awesome. The main reason is that this porcelain medicine pestle is difficult to preserve." Zhang Yang said with emotion, "I'm afraid the complete set can only be found on the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea."

"How much did you spend on this?"

"It's cheap, only eight thousand."

"You've made a lot of money, now it's at least [-] yuan." Zhang Yang gave Chen Yanguang two thumbs up, "Brother, you are getting better and better at shopping!"

"Okay, stop bragging. Can I still ask you to reimburse you for the eight thousand yuan?"

"Well, that's good." Zhang Yang nodded and stopped bragging.

In the final calculation, a whole box of porcelain is basically celadon from Longquan kiln in the late Yuan Dynasty, as well as Cizao kiln near Linhai, and a small amount from Dehua kiln.

Although the total value may be less than [-], behind these porcelains is probably the treasure of an offshore shipwreck.

"I wonder if this sunken ship can be touched by [Nanhai No. [-]]."

Zhang Yang felt YY in his heart.

If "Dunhuang on the Sea - Nanhai No. [-]" can be one-sixth the size, the person in charge of the Linhai tourism department can use this as a gimmick to buy hot searches and drive the local tourism industry in Linhai.

If it could be one-third the size of Nanhai No. [-], then Zhang Yang would apply to join the archaeological team, because it would be a big deal that could be published in newspapers and documents.

If only I could have half of it... Before Zhang Yang could finish thinking about it, Captain Liu arrived.

They also brought explosive news:

"The kid you caught Zhang Yang last night confessed. They are a team of about twenty people. It is conservatively estimated that they have fished out more than a thousand pieces of porcelain from the bottom of the sea."

"So many?" Zhang Yang quickly introduced Chen Yanguang's affairs to Captain Liu.

This guy's cell phone had a picture of the suspect's face.

"This information is so critical!" Captain Liu was about to invite Chen Yanguang back to the police station on the spot.

"No matter how critical it is, you don't need to bring me into the situation, right?" Chen Yanguang was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay." Zhang Yang patted his good brother on the shoulder, "I'll go with you. I'm very familiar with that place."

(End of this chapter)

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