Chapter 348 So imaginative

"Master Ren, do you know the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau? Did they buy the Luoyang shovel from you?"

Da Zhuang raised his eyebrows at the old man, his sly look clearly meant he was joking.

But Master Ren did not answer immediately after hearing this. Instead, he secretly glanced at Zhang Yang.

The expression looked a bit like a guilty conscience, but it wasn't obvious.

It took him two seconds to answer: "No, no, Lao Zheng from the Cultural Relics Bureau is the first college student in our village. During the Chinese New Year last year, we drank together. We are old acquaintances."

"It turns out it's related. Then I'll trouble Master Ren."

Shen Xingyue made the decision for everyone and asked the old man to help contact the staff of the County Cultural Relics Bureau. Zhang Yang was silent and had no objection.

The call was quickly connected, but Master Ren didn't turn on the speakerphone, so Zhang Yang could only hear what he was saying.

"Hey, Lao Zheng..."

"There is an ancient tomb from the Ming Dynasty in our village, just a few dozen meters behind Yang Shulin's house. There are many Eucommia trees beside it. Do you remember it?"

"I didn't judge that it was a tomb from the Ming Dynasty. It was an expert from Yanjing who said it. He is a national-level expert. Can he be wrong?"

"Come here quickly. What you are wasting is the expert's time. Be careful not to eat and walk around."

"Okay." Master Ren hung up the phone, "Expert, Miss Shen, Lao Zheng said he will be there within half an hour. Let's... go to my house to sit down now?"

"Thank you, Master, but Master Zhang still has something to do..."

Shen Xingyue means that the three of them can solve the rest.

Zhang Yang can go back to live broadcast.

But Zhang Yang didn't think so. He waved his hand and said, "My matter is not urgent. Let's meet this old Zheng from the County Cultural Relics Bureau first."

"The matter of ancient tombs is very important. Since so much thought has been spent, of course we must do the best we can. This is our unshirkable responsibility."

These words were a bit hypocritical, and of course they were not what Zhang Yang meant.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Master Ren.

I probably felt this way from the first time I saw him walking over with a Luoyang shovel.

If you were just an ordinary tomb explorer, you wouldn't be able to understand it even if you used a Luoyang shovel to take samples from the mound.

Without the experience of more than ten or twenty tombs, one would certainly not be able to analyze the seals.

This point is based on Master Cheng's experience. Zhang Yang believes in him.

The old man in front of me was definitely not telling the truth.

Moreover, the fact that he took the initiative to help contact the staff of the County Cultural Relics Bureau was also very suspicious. Zhang Yang even felt that it was hard to tell whether the old Zheng who came later was really from the Cultural Relics Bureau.

That's why he insisted on staying.

Shen Xingyue and these second-generation G players are okay as the atmosphere team. If we really rely on them, that would be too abstract.

Zhang Yang didn't want to have someone dig up the ancient tomb on his back just as he stepped forward. Those who didn't know thought he was helping the tomb robbers.


About twenty minutes later, the roar of motorcycles came from the highway. Master Ren's eyes lit up and he told everyone that this was Lao Zheng.

Soon, the staff of the Cultural Relics Bureau that the old man mentioned appeared in everyone's path.

Despite his nickname "Old Zheng", he is actually much younger than Master Ren. Judging from his appearance, he is not yet forty years old.

He greeted the old man from a distance, and when he got closer, he looked at Zhang Yang and the others, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why are they all young people? Where are the old experts from Yanjing?"

"Hello, I'm Zhang Yang, Kuli, an expert from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the youngest cultural relics protection expert." Zhang Yang stood on the spot and introduced himself.

"Is it true? There is such a young expert?"

"Do you have ID?"

Lao Zheng didn't quite believe it. After all, the young man in front of him definitely looked no more than twenty-five years old.

Are the second-generation people in Yanjing no longer pretending to be fake?

Even if you are a related party, you should be reasonable.

"Of course you have documents, but you have to tell us first, your specific identity?" Zhang Yang asked. "Didn't Uncle Ren tell you? I'm from the County Cultural Relics Bureau. Here, here is my work ID."

Lao Zheng handed over a certificate.

A work ID card with a blue background, packed in a plastic ID holder.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the other party actually had the certificate and carried it with him.

"Zheng Shenghu, still a deputy director?"

"This official seal does look real, but I have never seen what it really looks like."

Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed in his heart. After reading the information on the certificate, he didn't rush to return it to the other party.

When you can't tell whether something is authentic or fake, the best way is to have it authenticated.

The certificate was produced in 2013 and stamped in the same year. There is no contradiction in this.

Looking at the detailed item information, it also shows that it is indeed a genuine work permit.

But there is a passage at the end of the message that cannot be ignored:

"Due to personnel changes in the County Cultural Relics Bureau, this work permit has been deactivated in 2018."

Expired certificate? !

Who would carry expired documents with them?

There is indeed something wrong with this old Zheng and the blacksmith Master Ren.

But Zhang Yang didn't say anything. This was the opponent's home field. If the two men wanted to escape, they would just hide in the woods. There was nothing they could do.

He returned the certificate to Lao Zheng and nodded:

"It turns out to be Deputy Director Zheng, disrespectful."

"Let me also show you my ID. Although it is only an electronic file, it can be found on the official website of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage."

After seeing the certificate displayed by Zhang Yang, Lao Zheng immediately changed his expression.

He stepped forward and shook Zhang Yang's hand very familiarly, as if he was trying to curry favor with the leader.

After some polite exchanges, the topic returned to its original point:

What to do with this ancient tomb from the Ming Dynasty?

Zhang Yang had a direct showdown with the opponent:

"Based on the available information, this should be the tomb of Zhu Shili, the cousin of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty."

"Based on the specifications of this tomb and the historical data in the local county annals, I am 80% sure that it belongs to the wealthy county king Zhu Shili."

"No robber holes have been found on the surface of the tomb, but after all, it is an ancient tomb that dates back nearly 600 years, and there is a large amount of gold and silver jewelry inside. It may not have really escaped the hands of tomb robbers."

"I plan to go to the province this afternoon to find an archaeological team. The day after tomorrow at the latest, I will lead people to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the entire tomb. By then, once the sign of the cultural relics protection unit is erected and the camera is installed, this ancient tomb will be able to It’s protected.”

Zhang Yang deliberately emphasized the time point of "the day after tomorrow."

In case these two idiots don't know when to take action.

"Thanks to Master Zhang for your hard work." Lao Zheng said with a moved face, "Our grassroots conditions are limited, so it's up to experts like you to take action..."

Knowing that the other party was just pretending, Zhang Yang found it boring to listen to flattery.

After a few casual words, the unknown ancient tomb was "handed over" to Lao Zheng in a serious manner.

On the way back, Zhang Yang quickly called Captain Liu:

"Old Liu, if I say that there are two potential tomb robbers who have a certain possibility of attacking a Ming Dynasty tomb, would you like to send someone to keep an eye on them in advance?"

"Of course." Captain Liu replied without thinking, but then added, "How likely is it?"

"50%, either steal it or not steal it."

"Anyway, in the past few days or the day after tomorrow, when that ancient tomb is protected, they will have no chance."

Zhang Yang really planned to find someone to inspect the tomb completely, but it wasn't someone from the province, but a combination of Xiao Chu and Qiao Shan.

On the other end of the phone, Captain Liu was silent for less than a second and immediately replied:

"Where is the ancient tomb? I'll send someone right away!"

(New Year’s Day holiday tomorrow, more updates will begin)

(End of this chapter)

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