Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 35 The world is really small, live capture

Chapter 35 The world is really small, live capture

"Teacher, look, if I return this sign now, is there still time?"

The young man spoke in a flustered tone.

What Zhang Yang and the barrage said made him, a straight man, tremble involuntarily just now.

I treat you like a brother, but you think?

"Don't panic, maybe he bought the wrong one!" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, it should be, no, it must be a wrong purchase." The young man comforted himself.

[I bought it right, haven't you made up your mind yet? 】

[So flustered, I must have thought of some details in life]

【This is called love】

Seeing that the young man still didn't consciously disconnect, Zhang Yang made up again:

"Of course, under normal circumstances, when you buy this kind of landscape card, you will ask what is engraved on it, so I just said that the chance of buying the wrong one is actually very small."

"Love is innocent! Brother."

"Ah? No, no, no, I'd better go and give it back to him."

The young man became more and more panicked as he listened. After saying this, he hung up the video.

【This person looks like Sao Ling, not like Meng Yi】

[The sound is really not the same, no wonder I panic]

"No, brothers are talking about 0 and 1 here, I don't understand, can you talk about something I can understand?"

@雨中Listening to Lihua: [Teacher, you just said that life and death go hand in hand, is that true? 】

"Oh? What's the situation? The big brother in our live broadcast room also received this kind of thing?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows at the camera, and asked, "Do you want to connect and let me take a look for you?"

"Maybe it's also love?"

@雨中听落花: [No need, no need, the item was given to me by a girl]

【? ? ? 】

[Go to hell, stranger]

[@平安小梨花, sir, this way]

[Yuhuang still remember how many thousands he lost in buying the bracelet? 】

"At least 2000 million." Zhang Yang answered the barrage.

"This water friend said it well. Although it is a bit annoying, if I buy stones and make others earn 2000 million, they will probably marry their daughters and wives to me."

"So don't be sad for the poor buddies in the live broadcast room."

"Okay, let's connect to the next Baoyou."

[Face the blast and apply to connect with you]

"This netizen is a torso."

"Come on, show off your Yasuo... no baby!"

"Hi, teacher!" It was a middle-aged man who spoke, and the surrounding environment was relatively noisy, as if there were many people talking beside him.

The other party's camera was facing the ground. On the uneven ground, there were four or five porcelains, including bowls and saucers. Most of them were blue and white, and there were some traces of dirt on the white glaze.

like the real thing.

[This background looks like a construction site]

[Which construction site shipped the goods? 】

[This must be true, it depends on how much it is worth]

[There are also fake products on the construction site, the old man on the construction site specializes in deceiving people]

"Brother is from the construction site?"

Zhang Yang felt that what the barrage said made sense. These days, the ground was not paved with concrete, and the surrounding area was still noisy. It really looked like a dormitory on a construction site.

"No, we are here..."

Just as Baoyou was about to explain, an unexpected voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Police, don't move!"

"Put down everything in your hands and squat down on the spot!"

The person holding the mobile phone and Zhang Yang Lianmai should have heard the voice of the suspected police, put the mobile phone on the bed, but forgot to hang up Lianmai.

So, thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, together with Zhang Yang, watched the bed board while eavesdropping on the movement on the other side of the video.

"Be honest, don't move around."

"Which of you sold a bronze bell the day before yesterday? It's at the gate of Linhai University."

"Yes... Wu's second son went..." A man who was obviously not a policeman replied.

"Who is Wu's second son, stand up."

"Report to the police comrades, Wu Er Er has gone to buy cigarettes."

[Fuck, here comes the note! 】

[Live broadcast to arrest Lao Jiumen, right? 】

[I've heard about Master Zhang's live broadcast, and I finally caught up with him today]

[Teacher, say something quickly! 】

Zhang Yang looked at the barrage and "shhh" at the camera.

He can talk, but now is not the time, the comrades of the police are busy!
"Oh! What about the things you dug up yesterday?" The police continued to ask.

"Old Guan, hurry up and tell the police comrades where the things are!"

"It's all here..."

"Hey, there are quite a few, and they are all displayed. Is this ready to be divided?"

"Xiao Feng, come here and take stock."

Hearing the voices getting closer, Zhang Yang boldly shouted:
"Hey, can you hear me?"

[The anchor is awesome! 】


[I would like to call it the most amazing job today]

【Listen to Lihua in the rain to send out aviation rocket X10】

"Hey, whose cell phone is not turned off?"

The police at the other end really heard Zhang Yang's voice.

The phone was quickly picked up.

In the camera, four or five shirtless men are squatting on the ground, and people in police uniforms can be vaguely seen at the edge of the camera.

"Don't hang up, don't hang up! Comrade police, I have something to say!"

The policeman who picked up the phone turned the camera around.

In the video, a middle-aged policeman in police uniform stared at Zhang Yang for two seconds.

"Master Zhang Appreciating Treasures? You are Douyin's appraisal anchor."

It turned out that he was watching Zhang Yang's live broadcast information.

"Yes, we are a positive energy live broadcast room. Comrade police, look at the upper left corner, there is an official certification." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

【Why does Master Zhang feel panicked? 】

[The way he talks seems to be rare! 】

【The policeman, that's him, he sold stolen goods for Lao Jiumen】

"Are you selling stolen goods for tomb robbers?" the policeman asked with a frown when he saw the barrage.

"How is it possible, I am a serious appraiser."

"Comrade policeman, are you at a construction site? Did you come because of a bronze bell?"

The police were on duty, and they were about to turn off their cell phones. When Zhang Yang mentioned the bronze bell, he immediately stopped what he was doing and asked:

"How do you know about the bell?"

It's really my own business, Zhang Yang is a little excited.

The Wang family moved so fast!

However, this speed is not surprising. The streets are full of cameras now, and yesterday the old man was wearing such a conspicuous yellow vest. He kept checking along the road monitoring, and it was easy to find his construction site.

"I overheard it just now."

After wasting the police's time, Zhang Yang hurriedly "compensated" with an important message:
"I looked at the porcelain of those people, and I can confirm that the things are basically from the Ming Dynasty."

"Okay, got it."

The policeman didn't have time to chat with Zhang Yang, so he immediately disconnected the mic.


Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and lay down on the gaming chair.

[The anchor is sweating again? 】

【Legs should be weak】

Zhang Yang looked at the barrage, only to realize that Chen Yanguang had secretly swiped a 5000 yuan gift.

He arched his hands at the camera and thanked:
"Thank you, Brother Bang, for adding the chicken drumsticks to my brother!"

@雨中听落花: [Good job, I'll help you buy a trending search]

"No need, no need, the tree attracts the wind."

"I didn't work hard just now, luck, luck has arrived."

"Okay, let's continue with the mic."

(End of this chapter)

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