Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 364 Specializes in collecting incorrect coins

Chapter 364 Specializes in collecting incorrect coins

"It's over. I lost four thousand and five thousand, but it's not a big problem."

Baoyou quickly figured it out and said, "In our line of work, we do have to bear certain risks."

This can be solved by oneself, and both Danmu and Zhang Yang are convinced.

【Brother 666】

【A life without internal friction must be happy】

【I will obey you even if I don’t support you】

[Brother must be very rich, he doesn’t care about this]

"Baoyou specializes in collecting Yuan Datou?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, I transferred the wrong currency. Teacher, look at this."

Baoyou took out another Yuan Datou, this one was coated with pulp.

And you can tell at a glance that it is the wrong version, because the entire pattern is offset a little downward on the vertical axis.

This was because the machine that made silver coins at that time was crooked.

"How much is this one worth to you?" Zhang Yang asked very curiously.

He only knew that if the wrong version was not taken into account, this kind of "one yuan for three years" Yuan Datou was worth at most eight hundred.

Although it is a silver dollar, the circulation volume is too large, it is said that there are hundreds of millions.

The reason why wrong edition coins are expensive is precisely because basically every piece is unique.

Especially for Yuan Datou's machine-cast silver coins, the probability of deviation is very low, and it is almost impossible to get them to be exactly the same.

Also because the mistakes are different, the price of each one is also different.

"I received this from another collector for 50,000 yuan. Is it okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Yang nodded. This was indeed a bit wrong.

Generally, the bigger the mistake, the more valuable it is.

There was a Longyang piece at auction before, and "Wuxu" was mistakenly cast as "Xuwu". When it was finally auctioned, it seemed to be only 20,000 yuan more expensive than the ordinary one.

The typos are still not as exaggerated as the pattern offset.

But Baoyou has something even more exaggerated.

"Teacher, look at this again."

What Baoyou took out was a wrong version of the double-flag copper coin.

The entire picture is offset in the horizontal direction. On the front, only "Twenty Money" can be seen on the front, and half of the pattern on the back is offset.

"Can you tell which province this copper coin is from?"

"It's from Hunan Province. If it's genuine, the market price is twenty yuan a piece. How much did you pay for it?"

Baoyou slapped the camera: "Five hundred."

"Collected in the Miao Village in western Hunan, I picked up a small leak."

"Teacher, do you think it's worth selling it for 50,000 yuan?"

[Good guy, are you pretending? 】

[What good luck, this thing must be worth 50,000]

[It’s uncomfortable, I’d rather be the one picking up the leaks]

"If your Yuan Datou is worth fifty thousand, then this copper coin is worth at most five thousand. Why, someone offered fifty thousand to buy yours?"

"Hehehe." Baoyou smiled after hearing this, "Of course not, I just wanted to see if you would be fooled, teacher."

"Being a good friend is not the sixth one, right?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows at the camera, showing a slight look of disdain.

Want to dig a hole? Thinking too much.

"Actually, I don't think five thousand is worth it."

"Then look at these again."

Baoyou turned the camera and pointed it at a table beside him. There was a row of copper coins on the table, and it seemed that they were all coins of the wrong version.

The only difference from the wrong version of the double-flag coin just now is that the degree of pattern deviation is different.

"So many? How long have you been collecting?"

"It must have been twenty-two years since 2002." Baoyou recalled, "At that time, I heard someone say that a wrong-edition RMB could be sold for tens of thousands, and I started to want to collect wrong-run coins."

"In the end, I didn't receive a few RMB coins, but I received a lot of wrong-edition copper coins. I feel like it's easy to make mistakes in modern coinage." "Hahaha, that's true. These were all produced by the local mint at that time. Yes, the yield rate of the production line will definitely be lower."

"By the way, can you show us the wrong version of RMB coins in your collection?"

Zhang Yang has never seen a wrong version of a banknote in real life, but there has been a legend circulating in the world that a wrong version of a banknote is worth half a million.

"It's not here, it's already been sent for filming."

Maybe Baoyou felt a little embarrassed for not fulfilling Zhang Yang's wish, so he turned to Zhang Yang and said, "How about I show everyone my collection of [Triangle Circles]?"

The triangular round refers to the three-year one-yuan Yuan Datou minted by a mint in Northeast China from 1948 to 1954 to satisfy the stability of the local financial market.

This kind of silver dollar is basically unknown to most people. It is regarded as a temporary currency in special times.

In order to distinguish it from the original Lao Yuan Datou, the mint at that time changed the mold. The "mouth" inside the round character on the back was changed to a triangle.

Hence the name "triangular circle".

The price is several hundred yuan more expensive than the ordinary silver dollar, around one thousand and fifty yuan.

The characteristics are obvious, and Baoyou is so professional, there should be no mistake.

"No, no, no, we are appraising treasures, there is no need to show off our wealth."

"Haha, good teacher." Baoyou smiled, "Then next time I receive the wrong version of coins, I will come and show it to the brothers in the live broadcast room."


After sending away this professional collector of misprinted coins, a young treasure friend came, who also collects ancient coins.

But it's just an ordinary [Double Flag Coin worth twenty Wen].

The market price is twenty yuan.

Baoyou turned the copper coin over and over to show it to Zhang Yang several times, as if to hint that there was something strange, but Zhang Yang really didn't notice it.

"Friend Bao, please stop transferring it and tell me directly. What do you think is special about your double-flag coin?"

"I don't know, but I consulted an expert from the [Chengqian Collection] auction company yesterday, and he said that my piece is worth hundreds of thousands."

Baoyou was a newbie when he heard it, because Zhang Yang had never heard of the auction company he mentioned.

No one even heard it in the barrage.

The prices given by this kind of auction company cannot be endorsed.

Zhang Yang looked at the front of the double-flag coin again, and there was no wrong version. Besides, even if it was the wrong version, the treasure friend just showed it, and one coin only costs a few thousand yuan.

Why is it worth hundreds of thousands?

Even if you are making up lies, there must be a basis for it.

"Experts say what version of the Double Flag Coin is this? Since it's worth hundreds of thousands, there must be an explanation, right?"

"No." Baoyou replied with some confusion, "Experts said that the coating of my copper coin is very good and the quality is not bad. There have been similar collections sold before, and the price was hundreds of thousands."

"By the way, he also gave me some auction records."

Baoyou shared the chat history with Zhang Yang in a private chat backstage.

Zhang Yang laughed after reading it.

A super simple scam.

After simple mosaic processing, he directly displayed the screenshot in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Yang introduced Danmu and Baoyou:

"This is a very typical scam to defraud appraisal fees."

"Please pay attention to the auction record given by this expert. It said that the transaction date was May 2018, 5, and the transaction price was 17 million. This was obviously made up, because even the auction company did not dare to mark it for fear that others would find the same thing."

"Searching for keywords, there are indeed similar records, but they are auctioning souvenir copper coins. This picture was uploaded, and it was photoshopped from the photo of the copper coin sent by Baoyou, so it must be exactly the same as his."

[Then just go to this company and find an expert, right?]

[How do you find a leather bag company? 】

[If this is a fake auction company, you can call the police]

[Yes, this should be considered a scam]

"It's really hard to classify this as fraud. Please note that at the very beginning, Manager Jiang said [there are upfront fees, no door-to-door visits, no acquisitions]. This is very important."

"What's the key?" Baoyou asked.

"When you pay the fee and send the item over, the other party will tell you that although the item is genuine, it is actually only worth a few dozen yuan, and when they ask you if you want help finding a buyer, you will know where it is. It’s crucial.”

"For them, it's very important to cheat money reasonably and legally."

(End of this chapter)

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