Chapter 372 Tea Pet

Seeing so many "trophies" from Teacher Miao, Lin Yupan was a little confused.

I really want to take them all away.

But his reason told him that this was not possible.

Lin Yupan thought for a long time and finally said:

"I want this auspicious beast."

"Other things, Teacher Miao, please hand them over and try to get a chance to make meritorious deeds."

It was rare that Lin Yupan could still think about the old man at this time. Teacher Miao felt very helpful, and Zhang Yang also looked at him highly.

Seeing that Teacher Miao still wanted to evade, Zhang Yang directly said to settle the matter: "Okay, then let's do what Director Lin said."

"You two, wait a moment, I'll contact the local cultural relics department in Sanchuan City."

"Aren't you going to call the police?" Teacher Miao asked.

He has been doing some psychological construction for a long time. Wouldn't it be in vain if he didn't call the police?

Of course Zhang Yang would not let his work go in vain.

"Don't worry, wait until the cultural relics department arrives before calling the police. This will add weight to your case."

This is not the first time that Zhang Yang has done this kind of thing, he is familiar with it.

When the people from the cultural relics department arrived, they briefly explained the situation. Before starting to take stock of the cultural relics, Zhang Yang excused himself to the toilet and left.

With a precious cultural relic in his pocket, he took a taxi directly back to Linhai.


It wasn't until the next morning, when Zhang Yang was preparing to go to the studio to start the live broadcast, that the call from Sanchuan City came.

Ask him if he took anything away.

"Yes, but that thing is already in the collection of Hailin Museum. Seeing the cultural heritage disappearing among the people, I took it back and kept it properly. There should be nothing wrong with it, right?"

"They are all national cultural relics. They should not be preserved wherever they are placed..."

"I'm the director of a museum. Don't I know more about cultural relic protection policies than you do?"

"It's no problem, I've recorded it..."

In a total of four sentences, he directly dealt with the researcher who was looking for trouble.

This trick of cheating is a traditional skill in the domestic cultural relics circle, and Zhang Yang has long been self-taught.

Unless the National Museum bullies the small ones to borrow the exhibits, no one can take away the exhibits in the Hailin Museum.

"Boss, who is calling you? Are you being criticized so much?" Sister Gao asked curiously.

"An unlucky guy who was sent to do something that offends people." Zhang Yang summed it up succinctly.

It was impossible for the person in charge of the Cultural Relics Bureau in Sanchuan City not to guess that Zhang Yang meant to bring the things back directly.

The person sent to negotiate with him at this time can only be an unlucky person.

"Actually, I am also the unlucky one."

Sister Gao suddenly answered inexplicably.

"Ah?" Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment and then asked, "Is your old lady acting like a monster again?"

The only person who could make the optimistic Sister Gao say such things was her mother-in-law—the only person in the world who could control her to death.

The old lady buys strange things every once in a while, and is a professional at giving warmth to scammers.

Zhang Yang has helped her appraise several Tibetan items, but apart from the fresh Gabala, she hasn't seen anything real that she bought so far.

"You can't hide anything from the boss." Sister Gao smiled sheepishly and said, "My mother-in-law went on a trip a few days ago and was tricked into buying a cassock."

"The eminent monk said that her life is not good and she needs to ask for a Buddhist treasure to change her life. Otherwise, she may become a widow this Year of the Widow."

"She spent thirty-eight thousand dollars to buy a cassock, which she said was worn by an eminent monk from the Ming Dynasty..."

"It seems that your mother-in-law is devoted to Buddha." Zhang Yang said with emotion.

To be honest, if a friend from the live broadcast room came to ask this question, Zhang Yang would advise her:

Otherwise, just ask your mother-in-law to become a monk.

This is going on day by day, when will it end?

However, Sister Gao is an excellent employee after all. As a boss, Zhang Yang should be more tactful and not too hurtful.

He thought for a while and asked Sister Gao: "Have you ever considered that your mother-in-law is actually the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva?"

"She didn't want to see the scammers suffer, so she deliberately gave them money?"

Sister Gao: "..."

"Boss, I just want to ask your help to see if it is possible that this cassock is real." "I looked at it before and it seems to be sewn together from small rags."

"Oh, that's a hundred-year-old robe. All real eminent monks use this kind of cassock. Have you brought it over? Let me take a look at it for you."

"I can't bring him here." Sister Gao shook her head with difficulty.

Because her mother-in-law now wears her cassock all day long.

Sister Gao could only settle for the next best thing and took a lot of pictures, including distant shots and close shots, so that the details and the whole could be seen clearly.

From a distance, it looks like a square red cloth with many golden patterns, a bit like the cloth covering the quilt in a hotel.

Only by looking at the details can you discover that it is made up of many small rags embroidered with the eight-treasure pattern, stitched together.

After Zhang Yang looked at the photo, he looked up at Sister Gao.

"Sister, can you sew clothes?"

"No way." Sister Gao shook her head confidently, "Who sews clothes nowadays? They just throw them away if they are torn."

"I've never sewn clothes, but I've seen stitches before."

"Do you think the stitches in this photo look like they were made by a sewing machine?"

Sister Gao looked at the photo of Zhang Yang's fingers, tilted her head and thought for a while, then seemed to understand: "You mean, this was sewn by a sewing machine?"

"That's not right. My mother-in-law can use a sewing machine herself. Can't you see that this is a modern thing?"

"Is it possible that she would buy something if she knew it was modern?"

Zhang Yang's words completely stunned Sister Gao.

She murmured to herself: "Does she just want to give money to a scammer?"

Zhang Yang helped analyze: "If the scammer made her happy, it is possible."

Seeing that Sister Gao still needed some time to understand the truth behind this, Zhang Yang glued the last bit of beard on by himself and went to live broadcast first.


In the live broadcast room, there are already more than 10,000 treasure friends waiting to watch the live broadcast of Master Zhang's treasure appraisal to spend the most difficult time on Friday afternoon.

The first treasure friend who came up took out a gray-white figure sculpture.

The carving shows a middle-aged man in a robe, sitting at a stone table in front of a tree, holding a cup in his hand, with an elegant and easy-going smile.

"Teacher, can you tell what the theme is?"

"Please bring the camera closer..."

"Come, show me the bottom..."

Although the material of the gray statue is a bit like sandstone, if you look closely, its material is more grainy than stone.

This is a purple sand sculpture.

For what kind of utensils is it customary to use purple sand as the raw material for sculptures?

The answer, of course, is the tea set.

"Friend Bao, this thing of yours is carved from the famous tea sage, Lu Yu."

"You can think of this thing as an ornament on the tea tray, or call it a more unpopular name - tea pet."

"Tea pet? What is it?"

[Aren’t tea pets all toads?]

[I guess only tea drinkers in the South know what a tea pet is]

【Do you want a humanoid tea pet? To be honest, it’s a bit abnormal]

"Tea pets are small sculptures of tea drinkers who irrigate themselves with tea when they have nothing to do. They look like pets on the tea tray, hence the name."

"Some people in the barrage asked why there are tea pets in human form, but in fact the earliest tea pet was the Tea Sage Lu Yu. To be fair, if you pour tea on the Tea Sage, even if he has a spirit, he will only feel comfortable."

"Tea pets, like purple clay teapots, need to be warmed by tea. The better the coating, the more valuable they will be."

"Is it patina?" Baoyou understood the word and asked Zhang Yang, "The purple clay pot is red and mine is gray. Is it because of the patina?"

"That's really not the case."

"There are many colors of purple sand sculptures. The coating on yours should look like it has been soaked in tea for two or three years. It is still far from mature."

(End of this chapter)

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