Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 386 Resistance to Burial Objects

Chapter 386 Resistance to Burial Objects

Seeing that the father and daughter in front of him seemed to be really convinced by Zhang Yang and planned to buy a barn, Boss Li smiled.

It's just that when he was proud, he got a little carried away and said superfluously:

"I'm not bragging, Mr. Abdullah and Ms. Bashar. Even if these pair of barn jars were placed in the Song Dynasty in ancient China, they would have to be burial vessels that only princes and generals could afford. Ordinary civilians People simply can’t afford it.”

"It's a perfect match for your status."

"Burial vessel?" Bashar'el repeated doubtfully.

She blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhang Yang: "Mr. Zhang, didn't you say they are a pair of gifts?"


"Let's start with the Chinese funeral customs." Zhang Yang said, touching his chin pretending to be profound.

However, he suddenly found that the people around him, including Chen Yanguang, were looking at him curiously.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"We are all waiting for you to tell us about Chinese funeral customs." Bashar replied.

Several local Indonesian buyers who came to watch also echoed in unfamiliar Chinese: "Yes, yes, brother, tell us."

"Not too bad, this is an exhibition."

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang, just feel free." Mr. Li made an inviting gesture.

"Then I'm going to make a fool of myself?"

"Ahem." Zhang Yang cleared his throat and said, "Chinese funeral customs can be traced back to the Stone Age. People at that time had the habit of using jade objects for burial."

"The reason is that ancient people did not have a comprehensive understanding of the world. They could only use realistic thoughts to understand the surrounding environment. For those incomprehensible things, they made imaginary things one by one, which were intertwined with human civilization but not consistent. Parallel world."

"For example, the world of gods and ghosts, and at the same time call the world you live in the human world."

"Death, in the eyes of the ancients, is the end of physical life in the human world, but it is the beginning of spiritual life in the world of gods or ghosts. The function of funerary objects is to allow people to continue to use or enjoy them in another world... "

After Zhang Yang explained in simple terms, he spread his hands and asked:

"Do you guys have any more questions?"

These were all told by the old professors at the National Medical University when he was in Yanjing.

It can be seen as the official explanation of burial objects.

Like a barn, although it is also called a "soul bottle", its greatest role is to store food so that the deceased will not suffer from hunger in the other world.

Perhaps all the burial objects, including jade objects, were not meant to be taken to another world, but simply to ensure that the body did not rot.

The jade garment with golden threads was made for this reason.

"I have a question."

"Is the ghost world really a fantasy?" Boss Li retorted seriously after hearing this, "I think it's better not to be so absolute about this kind of thing? There are many people in Southeast Asia who can communicate with spirits."

Except for Chen Yanguang and the two Saudis who couldn't understand complicated Chinese, everyone else nodded and agreed with Boss Li's statement.

In terms of feudal superstition, Southeast Asia is not inferior to Africa and Oceania.

Zhang Yang wanted to say that it was because flying leaves was legal in Southeast Asia, and some people had hallucinations and felt like they could communicate with other worlds.

But seeing how serious Boss Li and the others were, he was too lazy to correct them.

"So, these pair of barns are also for people to use the things inside when they are in another world, right?"

Bashar was convinced by Zhang Yang's logic and was even able to explain it self-explanatoryly: "They are just containers. In theory, anything can be put inside."

"Smart." Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"Break it...wuwuwuwu." Chen Yanguang wanted to make trouble again, but Zhang Yang covered his mouth in time.

"If that's the case, then I can't have this thing anymore." Basha'il shook his head with regret.

"Why?" Boss Li became anxious when he heard that the sponsor didn't want to buy it. "If it's too expensive, the price can be negotiated."

"No, no, no, Mr. Li, you misunderstood. It's not about the price."

"My parents and I are devout Islamic believers. We cannot be buried with any belongings after our death. These are contrary to our beliefs. I very much hope you can understand, Mr. Li."

Bashar's words were very serious, and he even gave a religious salute, which scared Boss Li and quickly returned the salute.

"I understand, of course I understand. What I just meant was actually..."

Boss Li wanted to remove himself, but was speechless for a moment and could only look to Zhang Yang for help.

"Mr. Li means that now Chinese people will collect these funerary objects as works of art, and they may not necessarily be used for burials." Zhang Yang explained to the rescuer.

"I can understand what you mean, thank you Mr. Zhang. But I still can't accept it from the bottom of my heart." Bashay shook his head with a smile.

"Me too," the old prince added.

Since the big benefactor said it so straightforwardly, Boss Li naturally did not dare to say "no" and quickly led the father and daughter to see other blue and white porcelain.

Although those items are cheap, the price can be increased if the father and daughter need it.

"Let's go, follow up and take a look." Chen Yanguang pushed Zhang Yang forward.

"Why are you so anxious? I'm not buying your stuff."

Zhang Yang glanced at Chen Yanguang strangely. Wasn't he causing trouble just now? Now he was suddenly trying to be courteous again. He was a bit schizophrenic.

"It seems you really don't understand, Director Zhang. What is blue and white porcelain? It is the main product of our group."

When Chen Yanguang said "we", he specifically pointed at himself and then at Zhang Yang.

Hint Zhang Yang, don't forget, he is the "Director of Marketing and Purchasing Department" of the group. Although it is a false position, he is still one of our own.

"Just now, I couldn't sell a tiger from the Northern and Southern Dynasties and a barn from the Song Dynasty. They are all cultural relics that are prohibited from being bought and sold in the country. Maybe they were dug up by some tomb robber."

"Only blue and white porcelain can make big money."

"I have already thought about it. The short-term goal of the group is to let everyone in the Saudi royal family get a piece of high-imitation blue and white porcelain from the Hedong Group." Chen Yanguang smiled arrogantly, and his dream was beautiful.

"Wait, what did you just say?" An idea suddenly flashed in Zhang Yang's mind, but he didn't catch it.

"Short-term goal? Our group's..."

"No, the previous sentence, what happened to the tigers in the Southern and Northern Dynasties?"

"It's a cultural relic dug up by tomb robbers." Chen Yanguang touched Zhang Yang's forehead suspiciously. He suspected that Zhang Yang was ill.

"Yes." Zhang Yang slapped his thigh, startling Chen Yanguang.

"What's right? Why are you so surprised?"

"The tigers from the Northern and Southern Dynasties must be unearthed cultural relics. Although it is quite abnormal to bury a chamber pot with it, it can only be preserved completely in ancient tombs, not even ash pits."

"What's wrong with the burial objects? This is in Indonesia and it's not illegal." Chen Yanguang shrugged and replied.

"It's not illegal, but this is an exhibition of porcelain from the sea. What's the point of selling cultural relics from the sea?" Zhang Yang asked rhetorically.

"You mean, Boss Li?" Chen Yanguang understood what Zhang Yang meant, his eyes widened instantly, he covered his mouth and whispered: "Maybe he is the overseas leader of the tomb robbers?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then why should we trick him into the country and kill him?" Chen Yanguang made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Well, he has been to Linhai before."

Afraid that Chen Yanguang would ask why he didn't borrow money from him, Zhang Yang didn't say anything about Qianlong's Buddhist scriptures. He only said that Boss Li wanted to buy the collection of Hailin Museum. But from the fact that he dared to go shopping in China with such arrogance, it can be seen that he probably has no criminal record, so he probably has no direct connection with the tomb robbers.

"They are most likely to be downstream buyers, and they are the kind that purchase in large quantities."

"Then we have nothing to do with it, right?" After hearing Zhang Yang's guess, Chen Yanguang replied with interest, "Rich people in Southeast Asia like to collect cultural relics. For bosses like him, there are not even ten thousand but eight thousand in Southeast Asia. It can’t be managed.”

"I know." Zhang Yang laughed dumbly, "I'm just curious now, how many good things he has, what if there is a national treasure?"

"Forget it, let's go see what price the blue and white porcelain has been raised to."

"That's right, make money, make money!"

When he heard about making money, Chen Yanguang's frowned brows stood up again, and his excitement was palpable.

For the next two hours, Zhang Yang felt dominated by Chen Yanguang.

From time to time, he would go up to communicate with Boss Li and ask him if he could slightly raise the price of the porcelain on sale.

There is no way, the price of these blue and white porcelain from the sea is a bit ridiculously low.

These are all genuine products. Even the fakes from Hedong Group dare not sell them at this price.

Chen Yanguang was forced to secretly call his wife and asked if he could send more money. In the future, he would no longer sell fake goods, but would buy real goods from Boss Li and sell them.

Cheng Shihui said that he would ask his father, Mr. Cheng Er, before making a decision.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the Saudi father and daughter off from the exhibition hall.

Carrying goods is really tiring.

And looking at the transaction amount, it was only over one million, so it was really just a hard-earned money.

Zhang Yang felt cheated by Boss Li.

But the main reason is that the sponsor is too picky.

One is an old prince and the other is a young princess. The porcelain they are willing to buy must first of all be beautiful and must shine under the light.

This has already screened out a lot of porcelain.

The glaze of most sea-sourced porcelain is a bit dull and lacks the luster of treasures handed down from ancient times. This is the inevitable result of being washed away by sea water.

Secondly, the father and daughter also requested that things must have a good meaning, and they would not ask for burial objects or the like. Asking about them would be against the teachings.

Finally, it must be rare porcelain, not a common item that everyone has. Otherwise, how can we show the uniqueness of the royal family?

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, can't you lie to them and say that everything here is unique?" Boss Li sighed as he looked at the backs of the father and daughter's luxury cars.

Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head: "I can help you round up the meaning of the barn, but the black-and-white data like the world's quantity cannot be faked."

"He didn't even need to ask knowledgeable people. He just took a photo and read it online. If he had any questions, wouldn't he be exposed immediately?"

"Yes." Boss Li nodded.

However, he hesitated to speak when he looked at the elephant-headed military holder in Zhang Yang's arms, worth two thousand Indonesian rupiahs.

After hearing that blue and white porcelain elephant holders were very common decorations in the Ming Dynasty, Bashayel immediately forced the thing to show off.

She said it was a gift for the first time, and if she wanted to reciprocate the gift, she would go to her house as a guest tomorrow.

Zhang Yang wanted to refuse, but almost dropped the thing to the ground.

"Mr. Zhang, tell me, does the princess want to recruit you as her consort?" Boss Li asked, touching his chin.

"The one in your arms is a token of love."

"Don't make me laugh, Boss Li." Zhang Yang smiled, "A token of love worth 10,000 yuan is not the same price as a black slave now."

"Hahaha, just kidding." Boss Li realized that he was being a clown and quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, visiting their home tomorrow is our last chance."

"Would you like to discuss what to bring?"

“It’s best to arouse their curiosity and then take them to my gallery to spend some time.”

"This time I will give you 30% of the profit."

"It's a bit difficult to handle." Zhang Yang said pretending to be difficult.

He is no longer interested in the hundreds of thousands of hard-earned money. He is more concerned about what Boss Li has.

If you can bring back a national treasure from Indonesia, then this time will be considered worthwhile.

"I really didn't know before. It turns out that devout Muslims resist burial objects, but Chinese antiques are basically burial objects, right?"

"Your porcelain from the sea is a special case, but the quantity is too large."

"Unless, Boss Li, do you have any special antiques on hand?"

Zhang Yang asked as if pointing, but his expression was as calm as ever.

Facing the camera in the live broadcast room every day, it is impossible for an experienced actor like him to show any flaws.

"Special antiques..." Boss Li hesitated for a while, looking at Zhang Yang and then Chen Yanguang, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, I made a decision: "I'm really a bit of a bargain."

"You two are sacrificing your entertainment time and visiting my place tonight?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, but still didn't show the slightest interest.


That night, Zhang Yang and Chen Yanguang were dragged to Boss Li's private gallery.

The gallery is on the first floor and contains paintings by famous European artists.

Zhang Yang saw Joan Mitchell's "Untitled", Edvard Munch's "The Scream", Picasso's "Seated Woman with Hair in a Bun" and so on.

They are all imitations, none of them are real.

This is also normal. It is impossible for more than one billion oil paintings to be placed in a glass showcase without a security system.

The real treasures are in the basement.

When he opened the basement door, Boss Li said to Zhang Yang with a heartbroken look on his face:

"You may not believe it when I tell you. When the last tsunami came, my 300 million worth of antiques were washed away."

"Since then, I have made a rule that valuable antiques cannot go to the second floor."

The door opened, and Chen Yanguang was startled by the statue standing at the door.

It turned out to be a headless Buddha statue.

Zhang Yang took a glance and found that it was a stone bust of Sakyamuni Buddha from the Sui Dynasty, and it was a life-size statue.

Although the Buddha's head is nowhere to be found, it can still be regarded as a masterpiece among the Buddhist statues of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

"Please!" Boss Li turned on the light and made a welcoming gesture.

"Thank you, we are here to open our eyes today." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

He knew he had come to the right place.

What's the point of trying to trick the Saudi royal family into making a few stinky money? This is the real treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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