Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 389 Construction Waste Picking Master

Chapter 389 Construction Waste Picking Master

"Come, let's give a round of applause to the first treasurer to participate in the qualifying competition." Zhang Yang said, applauding gently.

In fact, Xu Jie bought a small speaker specially used for applause in the live broadcast room. It cost 30 yuan and could make the audience laugh at the talk show with just one press.

But after Zhang Yang tried it a few times, he found that it was a bit inappropriate in the treasure appraising live broadcast room, because many people like to appraise treasures in a dark environment. As soon as the laughter came out, it instantly became gloomy.

This is the case for the first brother who came up to level up.

It was obvious that Zhang Yang started broadcasting at 1:30 in the afternoon, but it was just like 11:30 in the middle of the night. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

"Teacher? Can you see it?" He was still asking.

"Brother, turn on the light. It's dark here now." Zhang Yang was speechless.

He didn't believe that Baoyou couldn't see his own picture.

"No, antiques cannot be exposed to light. Teacher, don't you know?"

"I know, but how can we identify it if we can't see it?"

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he laughed. Sure enough, the forest was big and there were all kinds of birds. Was he fooled by some public account?

"Besides, even if you are afraid of light, you are not afraid of law, right? For those cultural relics that are particularly sensitive to light, light of about 50 lux is no problem."

"Some cultural relics that are insensitive to light only need to be below 300 lux."

"What is lux?" Baoyou asked.

Zhang Yang: "..."

Does a treasure appraisal anchor still need to explain physics knowledge?

Will I have to teach you how to use a light meter later?

No, Zhang Yang felt that there must be another explanation.

He thought for a while and asked the other party:

"Brother, what do you collect?"

"Mural." Baoyou replied.

Murals are usually made of mineral pigments, which are indeed afraid of light. It is definitely not good to illuminate them directly with the flash of a mobile phone. Zhang Yang understands Baoyou’s mentality.

"About what era is it from?" he asked.

"There are ones from all ages, the earliest ones should be from the Han Dynasty."

"What about the latest one?"

"The latest one is probably from the Ming Dynasty. There was a Buddhist temple in the Ming Dynasty that was demolished, and I found it."

【What are the leaks from the demolition of Buddhist temples? What the hell?]

[Normal, everything could be torn down in those years]

[It seems that this treasure friend is also a bit old]

"In the Ming Dynasty, it's fine if you shine it with a little light. You just need to use a piece of paper to block the flash of your mobile phone. It's the kind of notebook paper."

"Is this okay? Let me try?"

"We have to try, otherwise our continuous wheat streak will only end here." Zhang Yang did not rush the opponent, but he still asked him to hurry up.

Everyone is waiting to see the baby.

Baoyou waited for more than a minute, and the tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room only watched the black screen for a minute. Fortunately, the anticipation of "Ming Dynasty Murals" was very high, and everyone was still willing to wait.

Finally, a glimmer of light appeared in the picture over there.

"Can you see it now?" Baoyou asked.

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded.

This treasure friend is very thoughtful. The murals in his home are placed flat in glass display cabinets, just like the cabinets used to store jewelry in jewelry stores.

This is indeed easier to store than hanging.

In the lens, the Ming Dynasty mural described by Baoyou shows the main body of the portrait is a statue of Guanyin. Guanyin's eyes are tilted upward, as if she is looking at something.

The only one who can make Guanyin look up to is Tathagata Buddha.

Combined with the uneven edges of the mural, it is obvious that it was cut out from a large mural.

"Friend Bao, why is your mural incomplete? Is this just one piece?"

[Emphasis added, assigned]

[It seems to be true, otherwise the anchor would be laughing now]

[This is my first time watching a treasure appraising live broadcast. Isn’t this kind of mural a cultural relic? Can ordinary people collect? 】

[Ordinary people can collect anything, as long as you don’t buy or sell]

"Yes, the other Bodhisattvas have been separated by others." Baoyou replied very honestly.

"When did the division of the spoils happen?" Zhang Yang asked.

At present, there is not much information that can be reflected in the item information. It can only be seen that the original painting of this mural should be from the Ming Dynasty, and it was repainted in the Qing Dynasty.

It hasn’t been touched much since then and has been passed down to this day.

"It must have been June 2011, I remember it very clearly."

"So accurate? Friends, you are the one." Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up.

He could tell that the other person was telling the truth, and he was... very confident.

It has only been 2011 years since 13. If there is a problem, there is no way to escape it.

"Teacher, what do you mean by giving a thumbs up? I really didn't steal this, this is a legal collection." Baoyou explained.

"I believe it." Zhang Yang nodded, "Although this is a mural from the Ming Dynasty that was repaired in the Qing Dynasty, I completely believe that your origin is legitimate."

"How else would you dare to show it?"

Zhang Yang is already planning to look at the next thing.

What did the murals of the Han Dynasty look like?

"But I don't believe the barrage." Baoyou said.

"If they don't believe it, there's nothing I can do unless you can explain the source clearly to them."

"Yes, this is from the Daxingshan Temple in Chang'an. It used to be a key cultural relic protection unit in Shaanxi Province. It was later demolished. I found this piece among a pile of construction waste."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yang asked in surprise, "The things came to you in 2011... You mean, in 2011, a provincial cultural relics protection unit was demolished?"

Originally, Zhang Yang hadn't noticed this point in time, but when Jing Baoyou said this, it seemed very strange.

"Yeah, incredible, right? I find it incredible too." Baoyou said with a smile, "That place was originally a park."

"I've known since I was a child that the temple inside was from the Ming Dynasty, but in 11, the temple was suddenly surrounded by scaffolding and safety nets."

"At that time, I thought, is this a minor repair or a major overhaul? So I contacted the person in charge of the construction company responsible for the repair, and they told me that the purpose of the fence was to be demolished..."

If what Baoyou said is true, then he must have saved this mural from the construction waste dump by relying on his carefulness.

This is not what the barrage said about "taking the initiative to explain the details of the crime."

He knew the rules well and called the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau first to ask them if they knew about it.

As a result, the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau stated that this was a decision made by the park owners themselves and they had no idea.

Already ordered to make corrections.

The four words "ordered to rectify" are very interesting, because it was almost demolished at that time.

Baoyou said that he understood at that time that this matter must be a mess in the end, so he could safely accept the things.

"Damn it, once you tell this story, I no longer even want to report you." Zhang Yang said very sincerely.

"Speaking of which, your other murals didn't come from this way, right?"

"Hehehe, it's true." Baoyou smiled proudly and said, "I first started doing this because when I was traveling to Bashu, it must have been 03. Jinguanyi was to be demolished. I asked the local The workers came back after buying something."

"Later, I found someone to look at it and they said it was from the Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately, it was incomplete, otherwise it would definitely be a cultural relic."

"I thought at that time, if there are demolitions and demolitions here in Chang'an every day, there are no mistakes in the demolitions? As a result, I really found a lot..." [The Cultural Relics Bureau came out to be beaten]

[Demolition and construction, construction and demolition are all to create jobs. Can the pattern be bigger?]

[Don’t be embarrassed, reinforced concrete structures are safer]

[Perhaps they are just trying to absorb excess building materials, so please don’t over-interpret it]

"Brothers, be careful what you say and do." Zhang Yang glanced at the barrage and was startled.

What's going on? Why did you start going to the Cultural Relics Bureau?

The problem is that Zhang Yang is an expert in the protection department of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

On your own?

"Friend Bao, you don't have to tell me the origin of the other things later. I'm afraid you won't be able to celebrate the New Year outside this year."

"Yeah, yeah," Baoyou responded repeatedly.

He did understand the rules and immediately understood what Zhang Yang meant.

It's okay to say something casually, but if you emphasize it repeatedly, people will doubt your true nature.

Baoyou quickly took Zhang Yang to see all the murals.

There are twenty-one items in total, most from the Ming Dynasty and some from the Qing Dynasty.

The oldest one is from the Southern Song Dynasty, but in modern times, it was restored with industrial paints and has completely lost its cultural relic value.

After Zhang Yang identified each other one by one, Baoyou couldn't accept it.

"Why aren't there any old things? Why were there still people painting murals in the Ming and Qing dynasties?"

Zhang Yang could answer both of these questions, but he chose to comfort Baoyou from a different angle: "From my perspective as a treasure appraisal anchor, you are already very good."

"From the time I started collecting to now, I have met between less than 1,000 and 800 collectors. You are the only one I have met who has no professional background or even learned relevant knowledge. He collects so many genuine items purely by intuition. of."

[Low EQ: Play around; High EQ: Rely on intuition]

[The word "only" is a bit exaggerated. I haven't done it yet? 】

[Because the sources of his things are all demolished ancient buildings, the house is old, and the murals inside are not new.]

[Does anyone know if it can still be dismantled now? There is a temple in my hometown]

"Thank you, teacher. You're very grateful." Baoyou's tone softened a little, indicating that Zhang Yang's words were useful.

"You're welcome. You are also doing your part to protect cultural relics."

In Zhang Yang's eyes, as long as they don't destroy cultural relics or sites for selfish reasons and simply collect them, they are actually protected cultural relics.

Because history has proven that sometimes things in the hands of ordinary players can be passed down forever.

"If I were to grade you, you would be an A-grade collector." Zhang Yang concluded.

"Our staff will contact you later, please read the private message carefully. By the way, we will use the official account of "Huayu Gate" to send you a message. Be careful of some fake accounts to engage in fraud."

"After you register, you will be given a 50% off discount coupon that is valid forever, and it will be one every month from now on..."

After saying goodbye to his first treasure friend, Zhang Yang looked at the barrage.

Although some people questioned the behavior of giving away coupons, they were immediately dismissed by sensible netizens.

One coupon a month may seem like a small amount, but if you use it well, you can save tens of thousands without any problem.

This discount range is already very abnormal in today's antique market where prices are becoming more and more transparent.

In other words, Zhang Yang was able to eat steadily by importing sea-cooked porcelain from Indonesia.


"Teacher, I feel that I must be S-level."

As soon as the second treasure friend came up, he started to talk a lot before the things were revealed.

Zhang Yang was about to refute him when a light suddenly hit his eyes.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be because there was a big bald head on the other end of the video, the same style as Saitama.

That Baoyou said it would be no problem if he had S-level strength, but there was nothing wrong with Zhang Yang just assigning him a C-level.

"No problem, friend Bao. But if you don't show something within ten seconds, I will have to let you go to C level and develop slowly."

"Hahaha, no, no, no, no, I'll show you right away."

Baoyou turned the camera and focused it on the pile of ceramics on the table.

To be precise, they are all Tang Sancai.

"Teacher, let's take a look at the cheapest one first."

"which one?"

"That's the dwarf."

Baoyou pointed the camera at a little red-clothed figurine wearing a black official hat.

Because the figurines have no necks and their hands are in their pockets, they look very strange.

[I feel a bit like Fan Xiaoqin]

[Zhuo, who said I can’t get out if I look like Fan Xiaoqin?]

[It’s not similar at all, I feel more like Brother Dayi]

You can make random comments, but Zhang Yang can't make random comments, so he just nodded and said softly "Yeah".

"How did you get this Tang Cai figurine?"

"I bought it at the neon auction." Baoyou answered quickly and took the initiative to quote the price, "The auction price is 150,000 yuan, which is 7,400 yuan if converted into RMB."

"I got it for eight thousand yuan."

"Is it okay?" Baoyou asked Zhang Yang worriedly.

"It's not a big problem. It's a figment of the Neon Man. It's probably worth eighty yuan."

I bought Tang Sancai for 8,000 yuan, and asked me if it was real or fake?

Zhang Yang laughed out loud.

"???" Baoyou was stunned for a moment, "What is a fiction?"

"Although Tang Cai is a funerary object, its shape must be logical."

"Which tomb owner do you think would like this thing? Who did the craftsman refer to to create such a thing?"

Zhang Yang asked two questions in a row, and everyone in the barrage rushed to answer them.

[The owner of the dwarf's tomb can't let the craftsman make it according to his own style? 】

[This thing doesn’t even have a neck, it’s outrageous]

[The ancients paid great attention to proportion and coordination, and it was impossible to create such a thing]

"Furthermore, although fatness was regarded as beauty in the Tang Dynasty, all the unearthed human figurines were, without exception, slender. This kind of short and fat figure was made up by Neon to make them funny."

In fact, Zhang Yang still had one thing left to say, and that was:

"The auctions in Neon are not very formal."

Because there are suspicions of AOE, there are many viewers now, and it is easy for problems to occur.

But this is the conclusion reached by Zhang Yang after investigating the auction records.

It is also a painted pottery lady figurine from the Tang Dynasty. It was sold for 8,000 yuan at an Osaka auction and 200,000 yuan at Christie's just two months before and after the auction.

After domestic ancient cultural relics were no longer available for auction, almost every auction in Neon had Tang Cai.

The total number that is about to be auctioned is more than three times that of all Tang Sancai collections in the country.

Zhang Yang has been thinking, who is buying it?

(End of this chapter)

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