Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 404 The whereabouts of the hanging coffin

Chapter 404 The whereabouts of the hanging coffin

"Teacher, you actually..."

After listening to the method Zhang Yang taught him, Baoyou was a little surprised at first, and soon became moved.

Master Zhang is really, so gentle. He doesn’t hide his secrets in this way and contributes directly for free.

If it had been someone else, they might have been charged.

"Thank you." Baoyou bowed sincerely.

"Uh, no, no, no."

The other party was suddenly so serious, which made Zhang Yang somewhat uncomfortable.

The one who was full of emotions seemed to have left, and he came to see me one last time as a farewell gift.

He highlighted the key points for Baoyou again:
"I just provided an idea. The focus is the origin of this thing. Do you remember it?"

"Remember, Master Zhang Beiru's master in Xiangjiang is a carver named Pang. You can determine the origin of this thing by asking Master Zhang."

Baoyou repeated what he just said, and then asked Zhang Yang: "Why do I want to find that Master Zhang? The teacher is also Master Zhang. Who did you say carved the thing? Is there anyone who refuses to admit it?"

"This..." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and explained awkwardly, "You can also try it. In fact, not everyone recognizes my identification results."

At least in the live broadcast room, there are many people who don't recognize it.

You can meet several in a day.

After leaving the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang really doesn't dare to vouch for how convincing he is in the market.

[Anyway, I trust the anchor’s appraisal]

[Master Zhang is the most conscientious appraisal expert I have ever seen, I just trust him]

[To be honest, who among you has heard of Zhang Beiru? Anyway, I haven’t heard of it, but the brothers in the live broadcast room should all know Master Zhang]

"Teacher, look at the barrage..."

Baoyou pointed to the mobile phone used for live broadcast. He took a sneak peek at the barrage and felt that what everyone said made sense.

Zhang Yang also leaned over to take a look, and quickly bowed his hands to everyone:
"Thank you to the audience for your support, but you all have come to my live broadcast room, so you must know me. When you leave the live broadcast room, I am the same person..."

"Okay, dear friend, is there anything else you want to identify?"

"No more, no more." Baoyou put away the bergamot hand of this bamboo carving.

Before leaving, he shook his fist at Zhang Yang and said, "Master Zhang, come on, you are the best treasure appraiser in my heart."

"Haha, thank you." Zhang Yang smiled back.

Baoyou's words were much more genuine than the barrage of comments, and Zhang Yang felt very grateful for them.

He sat up straight unconsciously and politely welcomed the next treasure friend.


"Teacher, have you seen this thing?"

The new friend asked a very interesting question.

Zhang Yang smiled, saying what he said, even if he hadn't seen it before, he had seen it now.

Of course, Baoyou's stuff is indeed special, and he does have the confidence to ask this question.

It's a sword from the Qing Dynasty (the second tone of xin).

Just looking at the appearance, it looks like a rectangular hole dug in the middle of a palm-sized octagonal bronze mirror.

If you are not an expert, it will be difficult to imagine that this is the protective gear between the ancient blade and the handle.

The function of the sword tangs is the same as the sword grid, which is to facilitate holding the sword (knife) and protect the user's hands.

However, unlike the sword grid, the shape of the sword tangs is generally relatively simple, mostly round, and octagonal is rare.

And the He Baoyou collection has so many complex patterns, which is extremely rare.

"This sword is good, very good."

"Here, the director moves the camera over and shows the audience the details."

Zhang Yang rolled a piece of paper into a long strip, inserted it into the knife, made a gesture of holding the knife, and showed everyone the function of this thing.

[It turns out to be the guard of the knife]

[I thought it was a bronze mirror, Bai was so happy]

[Don’t mention it, the decoration on it is quite exquisite, it shouldn’t be a bargain]

[It’s okay if the sword itself doesn’t have the quality of a sword. Unexpectedly, it doesn’t even have a hand guard]

"Everyone pay attention to the decoration on it. It is actually very similar to the bronze mirror."

"This side is obviously polished and has a distinct metallic luster. It is the side facing the enemy, so it is the front."

"There are flower baskets, fish drums, swords, fairy flutes, lotus flowers, gourds, round fans, and yin and yang boards on it. These eight things are the weapons of the Eight Immortals in ancient times. Together they are called the [Dark Eight Immortals], which means using weapons to imply the meaning of the Eight Immortals."

"This kind of decoration generally only began to appear during the Kangxi period, and then became popular throughout the Qing Dynasty. So if you see the decoration of the Dark Eight Immortals in the future, whether it is porcelain or wood carvings, it will be after Kangxi."

"Like this one from Baoyou, it dates from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

Invisibly, Zhang Yang taught Danmaku some tips for identifying antiques, that is, the age of the decoration and the artifact itself must match.

But the viewers in the live broadcast room didn't seem to care about this.

They were counting which of the "Eight Immortals" they were, and discussing who among them had the strongest combat power.

Zhang Yang thought it was Lu Dongbin, but he didn't want to join the barrage battle.

"Shouldn't you be concerned about why the Eight Dark Immortals appear on Cold Weapons?"

"This is a pattern that symbolizes good luck and longevity. It appears on a knife used for killing people. How unconventional!"

"This is not simple. I win every time I compete. Wouldn't that mean I can live longer?" Baoyou said without thinking.

"It makes sense."

Zhang Yang took another look at the decoration on the front of the sword. It turned out that sometimes blessing oneself with longevity was also a curse on the enemy.

Okay, let’s look at the back.

The decoration on the back of the sword is more complicated than that on the front, and is divided into two parts: the base map and the relief.

The bottom is the traditional "ten thousand words but not the end" pattern.

It is a pattern with many "swastikas" connected together, which means good luck and longevity.

On the bottom of the decoration, there are eight relief characters for longevity. The shapes are different, but the meanings are almost the same. They all mean to wish longevity.

"The longevity buff of this sword is fully stacked."

"Other people usually carve dragons, lions, etc. on the sword, which means ferocity and domineering. You have to find a new way to do this. I wish you a long life."

"That opponent will definitely not be able to beat him." Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly.

"Hahaha." Baoyou laughed out loud and took out his mobile phone to write down what Zhang Yang said.

There was someone waiting behind him. Of course Zhang Yang would not give him time to write down his quotations, but urged him and asked:

"Baoyou, do you still have any doubts?"

Zhang Yang now knows just by looking at the item information that Baoyou bought this item from an old relative, so he has no doubts in his mind.

The main task now is to help people solve their doubts.

"I want to many steamed buns is this knife tanner worth?"

"Steamed buns? What steamed buns?" Zhang Yang didn't react for a while.

"Steamed buns usually cost one yuan each." Baoyou explained, and asked Zhang Yang in turn, "Teacher, isn't this a slang term in your anchor circle?"

"Maybe I and them are not in the same gang." Zhang Yang smiled, but the term steamed buns is quite interesting. This kind of "white + big + soft" things are generally very popular among people.

"This one of yours should be worth seven thousand steamed buns. If you eat three of them a day, you can last about seven years."

"Ah? But I spent 10,000 steamed buns on it." "Then there's nothing we can do. We can only starve for three years."

"Teacher, can you be like my friend just now and help me think of a solution." Baoyou pleaded, "This is my first time buying antiques. I have no experience. I just want to get my money back."

Zhang Yang: "..."

Zhang Yang didn't want to pay attention to such a request.

Can a loss of three thousand be considered a loss? How many people have lost tens or even millions without saying a word?

It just so happens that Zhang Yang really knows how to sell at a high price, so he can't pretend not to understand.

"If you want to sell at a high price, let me recommend you target customers."

"Little days." Zhang Yang said.

This kind of antique from the Qing Dynasty is not a precious thing, and it can be sold to anyone.

"Huh? Do they also buy our Chinese antiques? Aren't they all stolen?" Baoyou asked in surprise.

This is a normal reaction. In the eyes of most people, foreigners do not understand the beauty of Chinese cultural relics.

Neon and Goryeo may be slightly better, but not by much.

"You might not have bought other antiques when you were young, but this is your sword."

"What happened to Daotan?"

"Do you know about samurai swords? Neon samurai swords also have blades. Although they were stolen from our country, they promoted them and became an independent collection category..."

Zhang Yang gave a very brief introduction to the collection of knives and tangs at Neon. This was a kind of popular science for the viewers in the live broadcast room, treasure friends, and collectors queuing up.

In my childhood, the craftsmen there made various kinds of knives. Not only did they become an independent handicraft, but with long-term promotion, they even found a market in collector circles in Europe and the United States.

At this time, Baoyou took out his simple traditional sword from the mid-Qing Dynasty, which was a bit like an ancestor coming out of the mountains.

"If you sell it to Xiaori, I suggest you sell it for 50,000."

"For no other reason than to give them a huge cut and make them pay for the so-called sword collection."

"I understand." Baoyou took the collection back from Zhang Yang and put it back in the box. "Thank you, teacher. I'll look for it and see if my classmates who work at Neon can help me sell it."

After saying these words, Baoyou turned around and said to the Tibetan friends behind him:
"Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely sell it more expensively, and I won't make my life cheap."

[Big brother has a strong desire to survive]

[It’s okay to sell this kind of thing. The country will take care of the truly precious things]

[I also think that ordinary people should not worry about whether they should sell it or not. What should not be sold will never leave the country]

[Yiwu small commodities should be launched to imitate these antiques and harvest the neon market]

[You are thinking too simply. Since it is a separate collection category, there are people who will appraise the value of things in my childhood.]


In addition to this treasurer who came to appraise the treasure with a knife and tango, at around six o'clock in the afternoon, when the day's treasure appraisal activity was coming to an end, another treasurer came to appraise the weapons.

However, his things were not as beautiful as the knives and tangs. They were all very rusty, as if they had just been dug out of the soil not long ago.

Zhang Yang picked up one of the items and checked it in his hand. The item information quickly emerged:

"Name: Iron Spear Dart"

"Material: Iron"

"Production time: 1578 (the sixth year of Wanli)"

"Detailed information: This is a type of iron spear dart commonly used by the Bo people in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty. It is a sharp weapon used for self-defense and is often found in funerary objects."

Bo people?

The word Zhang Yang looked familiar, and he quickly remembered that when Xiao Chu was busy in Yibin a few years ago, wasn't he searching for treasures and ruins related to the Bo people's hanging coffins?
He quickly went to see the "source of the item".

The process by which the Bo people made this iron dart could be ignored. Seeing the thing being put into the hanging coffin as a burial object, Zhang Yang couldn't help but frown.

Sure enough, it came out of the hanging coffin.

When he saw that it was discovered and picked up by local villagers half a year ago, Zhang Yang's expression relaxed a little.

Okay, just not a tomb robber.

Constantly encountering things unearthed from tomb robberies makes Zhang Yang, a cultural preservation expert, feel a little worried about the current situation of cultural relics protection.

Fortunately, the treasure friend in front of me bought it online. As for the online shopping channel, of course Douyin is the omnipotent one.

"Does Baoyou specialize in collecting ancient weapons?" Zhang Yang asked tentatively.

"Absolutely. I used to collect antiques from all over the country, but now I basically cooperate with suppliers from all over the country and buy them online."

"Oh, that's it." Zhang Yang nodded in coordination with Baoyou.

Judging from the appearance of Baoyou, I guess there are no suppliers. He probably just searches for videos on related topics on the Internet and buys good things when he sees them.

Zhang Yang has seen many small vendors doing this job on Douyin.

There are not many people, but the victory is diligence.

Under some unpopular categories of antique videos, the recipients are all familiar faces.

It’s not a big problem for Baoyou to brag offline.

"Are these three iron spear darts the only ones? They are a bit rusty, so I can't tell much about them." Zhang Yang said in a pretentious and embarrassed manner.

"There is also a knife. I bought it together, but I didn't bring it with me."

Baoyou gave a photo. If you say it is a knife, it would be more appropriate to say it is a dagger with a handle.

Plug a long pole into the back, similar to a spear.

"Okay, these are all things built in the mid-Ming Dynasty."

"The rust is too severe. Keep it as an antique. It is difficult to sell it at a high price in the current market."

Zhang Yang did not mention the matter of the Bo people and the hanging coffins for the time being.

The way Baoyou obtained these antiques was very serious, and he was also good-looking, which gave Zhang Yang the confidence to wait until the event was over before contacting him.

"Is it really from the Ming Dynasty?" Baoyou didn't feel sad because Zhang Yang said "the price can't be sold." Instead, he asked in a very excited tone, "Teacher, can you be sure?"

"It's all rusty, how can you tell?"

"Just look at the rust color and the shape of the vessel. These should be used by ethnic minorities in the southwest."

Zhang Yang's last explanation coincided with Baoyou's source of supply.

He immediately lost any doubts, nodded with conviction, and thanked her profusely.


After the day's treasure appraisal activity ended, Zhang Yang did not rush to call it a day. Instead, he called Xiao Chu first.

"Hey, that hanging coffin you talked about last time, are you still following up?"

"It's on hold." Xiao Chu said while playing mahjong, "The first month of the new year is not over yet, who cares about this kind of thing."

"Oh. Then I have clues here, so you don't care, right?"

"No...that's not right." Xiao Chu almost said that he didn't care. He confirmed with Zhang Yang, "Aren't you in Handong to appraise treasures? Can you get any clues about the hanging coffin?"

"Yes, and it's obvious."

"Really or not...Brother, how sure are you? The last time I went to the scene, I was almost exhausted and had no results. I really don't want to run a second time in vain."

"If I'm sure, I'd say 50%."

"Either you're sure, or you're not sure, right?" Xiao Chu said, grabbing Zhang Yang's lines.

"Wrong, it's either to find the hanging coffin you've been looking for, or to find a new hanging coffin somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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