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Chapter 411: Counterfeit with signature

Chapter 411: Counterfeit with signature
"Three more patterns, bergamot, peach, pomegranate, more children, more happiness and longevity."

"It looks like something from the Qianlong imperial kiln..." Zhang Yang took the ceramic Ruyi in his hand and checked it repeatedly, making sure that no information was missed before putting it down.

"Xiao Zhang, I only have two words to comment on your vision." Lao Zhao pretended to give a thumbs up at the side, "Excellent!"

"Uncle Zhao, thank you for your praise." Zhang Yang smiled pretending to be shy.

The other party likes to brag, and it has been like this just now, and by now Zhang Yang is used to it.

It felt like Lao Zhao was afraid of making the atmosphere awkward and was looking for something to say when he had nothing to say. Of course Zhang Yang accompanied him in the performance.

Among all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong liked Ruyi the most. Ruyi porcelain in the imperial kiln was fired in large quantities starting from the Qianlong period. Therefore, when you see Ruyi porcelain with exquisite decorations on the market, you first consider whether it is imitated by Qianlong.

Lao Zhao's piece is not a high imitation, but an authentic piece from the imperial kiln. It can even be said that it was fired for Emperor Qianlong back then.

Far more precious than ordinary Qianlong official kiln porcelain.

Zhang Yang's mental estimate was around 800,000. When the market was good in the past two years, it wouldn't be a problem to sell it for 1 million.

This case has a lot of value. Regardless of what help Lao Zhao has done to others, he can be sentenced to at least five years.

However, Lao Zhao didn't seem to be worried about this matter at all, and he happily showed off to Zhang Yang and said, "Hey, Xiao Zhang, I'm not lying to you. Some of them also tried to fool me with fake porcelain, but I kicked him out." .”

"But if this thing is true, it will be worth a lot of money." Zhang Yang reminded very tactfully, he was afraid that the other party had a mental problem.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lao Zhao signaled to Zhang Yang to relax, and then clapped his hands.

After two snaps, the bodyguard outside the door walked in carrying a box.

And baby?

Zhang Yang looked at Lao Zhao in confusion, wondering why he deliberately kept this thing and took it out now.

Could it be that there are some priceless cultural relics inside?

The box was opened, and there was also a piece of porcelain Ruyi inside. On the surface, it looked exactly the same as the one just now [Ruyi with Green Land, Yangcai, Tangled Branches, and Flowers, Consecrated with Three Multiple Patterns].

"This is?"

"These two pieces are a pair." Lao Zhao explained, "Come on, Zhang Yang, let's take care of the eyes again."

"A couple?" Zhang Yang took it over doubtfully.

Ruyi has never heard of a pair.

But if they really are a couple...that's definitely a good thing.

Because a pair of Ruyi porcelain from the Qianlong imperial kiln can be sold for three to four million without any problem, and three million is the level of "ten years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or even the death penalty."

Soon, Zhang Yang completed the appraisal.

The new one I picked up is a pure fake, and it was made last year, replicating the original one just now, one to one.

"Uncle Zhao, are these really a couple? I don't study well, so don't lie to me."

"Hahaha, do you see what's wrong?" Lao Zhao replied with a smile.

Lao Zhao's attitude convinced Zhang Yang that he was definitely not deceived. This fake might be a high-quality imitation that he found someone to order.

There is a high probability that this is a trick to exchange the civet cat for the prince.

"This thing may not be a problem for a layman, but I can't get along here." Zhang Yang told Lao Zhao truthfully, "If I read it correctly, this should be Tao Chang's handiwork, right?"

"Oh? You really saw it?"

"Her family's workshop in Jingdi Town makes the best porcelain that's close to pastels." Zhang Yang said casually.

Anyway, the source of the item's information was clearly written, it was a fake made by Tao Chang's studio. As for how Zhang Yang could tell, it was what is often called "eyesight" in the industry.

If you don't have good eyesight, you won't be able to see the dense information on items clearly.

"Zhang Yang, your ability is indeed the same as what Miss Tao said." Although it was still the same old compliment, Lao Zhao's attitude was obviously much closer than before, "She said that it is absolutely impossible for her to make high-quality imitations to escape you. s eyes."

"So, this is the main reason why Uncle Zhao came to see me today?" Zhang Yang asked, "Try this high imitation to test the water?"

"That's not true. I was also surprised to learn that you, Zhang Yang, and the guys in Jingdi Town who made counterfeit products actually cooperated in private."

"Hey hey hey..."

Lao Zhao's smile was a little vulgar, but it also revealed something: he and Tao Chang were not very familiar with each other.

Otherwise, knowing that Zhang Yang and Tao Chang are related, he would not have called him so casually, nor would he have left out the Hedong Group and Chen Yanguang when mentioning Tao Chang. That is the real "tie".

"Come on, let's continue."

"You don't want to replace them all, do you?" Zhang Yang pointed to the remaining gray boxes in the room, and then pointed to the fake porcelain Ruyi on the table.

If all bribes are artificially turned into fakes, there is indeed a chance...

"It's not that they were replaced, it's that they were originally fake." Lao Zhao corrected Zhang Yang's statement and told him, "As a well-known porcelain collector in the circle, I saw some people showing off with fakes. In order to clean up the antique market, I It shouldn’t be a problem if you just accept the things and throw them into the warehouse to gather ashes, right?”

"No problem." Zhang Yang replied perfunctorily.

He was not interested at all in how Lao Zhao planned to escape legal sanctions. He just wanted to continue the identification and end it quickly.

But Lao Zhao just refused to let Zhang Yang get his wish, and suddenly the conversation changed and he said: "But it's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"What if the person in charge of the inspection discovers my genuine product? It's illogical for me to accept fakes from others when I have the real ones."

"It seems so..." Zhang Yang continued to be perfunctory.

He had already heard that this old Zhao was holding back some bad news.

The words he just said were completely designed to talk to himself. Anyway, no matter what Zhang Yang said, Old Zhao would unfold the map of Yan Kingdom bit by bit, and then pull out the dagger inside.

"So I have to ask Zhang Yang to do me another favor." Old Zhao Tuqiong saw it and pushed the genuine porcelain Ruyi in front of Zhang Yang, "This thing, from now on, it belongs to the Hailin Museum. The collection of cultural relics.”

"And this fake was secretly copied by Tao Chang when she was studying in your museum."

"As a professional collector, I am very familiar with this kind of fakes. I saw it right away."

"Look, it's been polished and signed inside."

Lao Zhao picked up the fake and illuminated it with the flash of his mobile phone. He could vaguely see the "Hedong Group" logo inside.

This was the anti-counterfeiting method originally suggested by Zhang Yang and adopted by Chen Yanguang. Unexpectedly, it became Lao Zhang's method to prove his "innocence".

"At that time, I knew as soon as I saw the signature that the thing was a fake, so I tried my best to convince the person who gave the gift... From the beginning to the end, I knew that the thing was fake."

"Reasonable." Zhang Yang nodded and pushed back the Ruyi porcelain from the Qianlong Imperial Kiln.

"what happened?"

"We have just submitted the list of cultural relics in the collection, and it is too late to add it now," Zhang Yang explained.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's your own private collection and put it in the museum." Lao Zhao immediately came up with a solution.

Of course Zhang Yang would not agree to this plan.

The matter of keeping stolen goods can be big or small, it all depends on how big of a crime Lao Zhao committed. The problem is, looking at his professional approach, it's hard for Zhang Yang not to suspect that the other party is carrying some big case.

"It's not appropriate, there are so many things..."

"There are indeed a lot of things, but don't worry, Xiao Zhang." Old Zhao chuckled, took out a card from his pocket, placed it on the surface of the porcelain Ruyi, and pushed it together with the box in front of Zhang Yang.

"I'll spend some of my thoughts first. The wind has been a bit tight recently. When it loosens up later, there will definitely be more than one card."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang didn't expect that the situation took a turn for the worse, and even his bank card popped out.

Now he didn't even dare to stretch out his hands, so he quickly put his hands in his pockets.

Old Zhao saw Zhang Yang's resistance, and the expression on his face revealed that he was feeling a little uncomfortable, but he still said rationally: "That's right, you young man, you have never experienced such a thing."

"Forget it, I was the one being abrupt, let's continue looking at the rest."

"No problem." A smile bloomed on Zhang Yang's face again, but his mentality completely changed and he was no longer as relaxed as he was at the beginning.


Porcelain is indeed the hardest hit area for Lao Zhao.

Most of the things he brought over were porcelain from the official kilns of the Qing Dynasty.

The porcelain Ruyi at the beginning was priced at 800,000 yuan, which set the tone very high, and every subsequent piece was priced higher than this.

In particular, there was a sedan vase inscribed with an imperial poem by Qianlong, which alone provided the three million needed for a ten-year sentence.

Before he finished reading the porcelain, Zhang Yang did some mental calculations and found that the value of the case seemed to have reached 20 million.

"The last thing..." Zhang Yang breathed out silently and glanced at the Mediterranean fur ball on Lao Zhao's neck.

I haven't started reading the treasures of calligraphy, painting, and miscellaneous things yet. Isn't it going to be to the point of eating peanuts in the end?
"This is the top priority." Old Zhao became rarely serious, stepped forward and opened the box for Zhang Yang very seriously.

It seems that he is afraid that if he opens the box, he will damage the things.

After the box was opened, there were four identical small wine glasses inside.

This type of cup is Chenghua Doucai’s chicken cup?

Zhang Yang was startled and glanced at Lao Zhao quietly again. This was the rhythm of a life sentence on the road.

Looking back at the treasures, Zhang Yang picked up one of them and looked at it. The information about the item made his eyelids twitch twice.

It turned out to be a high imitation made by Tao Chang after he went back to improve the craftsmanship after studying here.

Three others... and two more.

But there was one piece that was indeed genuine. Zhang Yang picked it out and put it on the table.

Seeing Zhang Yang's actions, the muscles on Lao Zhao's face twitched, and he was obviously nervous about this treasure.

"Yongzheng's Doucai Chicken Cup, Uncle Zhao, are you afraid of making a mistake by putting it together with these three fakes?"

"You can tell the difference so quickly?" Lao Zhao asked in disbelief, "Have you seen these imitations before?"

"No, but there are too many special things about the Yongzheng official kilns. Miss Tao can imitate them, but not completely." Zhang Yang said in a light tone.

When it comes to the chicken cup, many people know that it was a wine cup specially made by Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty after admiring a picture of a hen from the Song Dynasty and being moved by the hen's behavior of protecting the chicks and nurturing the young in it.

But few people know that the father and son of Kangxi and Yongzheng had similar feelings to Emperor Chenghua, and this was the first time they started imitating chicken bowl cups.

Especially during the Yongzheng Dynasty, the emperor would even personally participate in the production process of the chicken cup to determine some key details.

"Yongzheng's chicken cup is basically a complete imitation of the Chenghua one in the Forbidden City, but there are a few changes..."

At Lao Zhao's invitation, Zhang Yang briefly explained to him the differences.

"Chickens are divided into two groups, roosters, hens and chicks. They are also separated by rock roses and bamboo and daylilies, but the manners of the chickens are completely different."

"Look at the rooster's tail. It looks like a peacock spreading its tail. It has nine feathers in total. It's completely different from the one in Chenghua..."

"Secondly, look at the composition..."

"That's it." Old Zhao nodded suddenly after hearing this, "After Zhang Yang said this, I suddenly became enlightened."

"It's good to be cheerful." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded.

He didn't want the other party to go to jail with problems. When the time came, there wouldn't even be anyone to ask for advice. How depressing it would be.

Yongzheng's Doucai Chicken Cup is not an isolated item. Sotheby's just sold one last year, with a transaction price of 1500 million.

Zhang Yang also valued the chicken vat cup at 1500 million.

Because the item information shows that they are basically the same item.

The briber bought something from one of the world's largest auction houses with clearly marked prices. Old Zhao wanted to use the fake goods that Tao Chang had just made to trade them?
Zhang Yang could only wish him good luck.

There is no need to look at the remaining things.

"Uncle Zhao, wait a moment, I'm going to the bathroom."

"Okay, let's take a break." Lao Zhao nodded and agreed, half-lying on the chair, as if he was very relaxed.

But as soon as Zhang Yang went out, Lao Zhao's bodyguard followed him.

It shows that Lao Zhao is still nervous.

Zhang Yang didn't say much about this, just let them follow. Monitoring the curator of the museum in the Hailin Museum was not something that professional bodyguards alone could do.

Because Zhang Yang has his own VIP restroom.

This was built when Wang Jianye was in office. Whether it was to satisfy some of his special hobbies is unknown. In short, it has a password and is soundproofed quite well.

As soon as Zhang Yang entered, he couldn't wait to dial Uncle Shen's phone number.

"Hello? Zhang Yang, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, is it convenient for you to talk?" Zhang Yang asked first.

"It's convenient, you say."

"What's going on, my uncle? Why did you send a bomb to me?" Zhang Yang couldn't help complaining, "Old Zhao said he asked me for help, but now I have someone watching me when I go to the bathroom. Is it reasonable?”

Zhang Yang knew that he had to first let Uncle Shen understand that Lao Zhao's matter had caused trouble to him, and also take a look at the other party's attitude.

Let’s see if Uncle Shen tacitly allowed Old Zhao to do this.

"Surveillance? Don't be impatient. Speak slowly and let me hear what's going on."

"Let me make a long story short. I have only seen less than half of what he brought. The current market value adds up to more than 35 million."

"How many?!"

There was a clang on the other end of the phone, as if someone stood up in shock and knocked down the stool, but it wasn't Uncle Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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