Chapter 420 Night Attack
"Smell it, what next?" Baoyou did as Zhang Yang said and looked at the camera with confusion in his eyes.

He felt like he was being cheated, but he wasn't sure.

"Is there no smell?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, it just smells like earth."

"There are many different kinds of soil smells, and manure is also soil. Can you describe this smell in detail and find similar smells in daily life."

"It's a bit like the smell of mud beneath a pond."

"That's right, it smells like green paste." Zhang Yang nodded and analyzed.

【Green plaster mud? Isn’t that something only found in tombs?]

[The person who co-authored this article is a peasant]

[We don’t have such people in Jiucaigou, they should be from Laojiumen]

"Teacher, do you mean that this thing of mine is real?"

"I saw the comments saying that this thing has a smell unique to ancient tombs."

Ancient tomb?

The director and female host of the program were shocked when they heard this word.

This is an area they have never touched.

Looking at the picture on the monitor, combined with the analysis of the barrage, everyone's eyes widened.

Could it be that the young man at the other end of the video is the legendary tomb robber?

Master Zhang can actually chat and laugh with the tomb robbers live, and he feels like he is not an ordinary person.

"No, I never said such a thing." Zhang Yang shook his head, denying Baoyou's guess, "I just saw such a big hole in the horse's belly under your statue, and I felt something was wrong."

"Looking at the shape, it is indeed a Hu man's horse-riding figurine from the Liao and Jin Dynasties. There are indeed holes in the bottom of this type of vessel."

"This was left over when we were modifying the details of the pottery figurines, but they are usually not this big."

"When you tell me that you can smell the green paste, I will be sure that there is something wrong with this thing."

"It should be a fake made by a small workshop somewhere in the south. It's a high-end imitation that was buried in the soil and plated with gold."

"Ah? Why?" Baoyou asked very cooperatively.

"The reason is very simple. These things are usually buried as funerary objects. If there is a strong smell on them, they can only be buried in the ground in the south."

"Because the water table in the south is high, the burial objects have a smell."

"But if you think about it carefully, the geographical location of the Liao and Jin dynasties did not extend their influence to the south at all. The tombs of their nobles are all in the northern land. Normally, they would only smell like ordinary loess."

Zhang Yang's explanation was very detailed. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was doing a program on a TV station.

If it were in the live broadcast room, instead of asking Baoyou to smell the smell of soil, I would have directly asked him to put it in his mouth and taste it.

"Then I made a loss." Baoyou said in annoyance.

His reaction was somewhat belated.

Being able to spend money to buy this thing is outrageous in itself.

Even if the pottery figurines are real, they are most likely from the Song Dynasty and cannot be bought or sold.

"It's okay, this is the strength of our Jiucaigou." Zhang Yang nodded and comforted Baoyou.

Once a leek, always a leek.

What can I say if I lose money when I buy something from Leek? Of course I have to work hard to make money and continue to buy more fakes.

[The more leeks, the more fakes you buy, the fewer fakes there are on the market, and the fewer fake leeks you can buy, so the more leeks, the less leeks]

[We, Jiucaigou, have supported an industrial chain of manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods, and how many people have we supported?]

[Trivia, dealers selling fake goods do not pay taxes, so Leek was defrauded of money and did not contribute to the country. It is not as good as the stock market]

"No, teacher, you are wrong. This is not all my strength." Baoyou refuted Zhang Yang's words.

"My dad is also an old leek. Let me show you his collection."

"You take it? Wait a minute, isn't uncle at home?"

Zhang Yang stopped Baoyou.

If the person involved is not here, it is better not to take it out for appraisal.

There are a lot of people today. If something turns out to be fake, it will be difficult for Baoyou’s father to get rid of the stuff in the future.

The old man will blame Zhang Yang, an expert in treasure appraisal, for failing to protect everything.

"He's not here, but I'm an only child. Aren't my dad's things mine?"

"Besides, my dad buys all pottery from Majiayao. He can only collect it for himself. He can't sell it if he doesn't plan to sell it. Teacher, please help me find out what's wrong?"

"Okay, please be careful and don't break things for me."

Zhang Yang heard that the tone of his treasure friend's words was a little too filial, so he had to give special instructions.

To avoid any human tragedy.

While waiting for Baoyou to pick up the things, the female host An Ran, who was positioned as a vase, couldn't sit still and insisted on asking Zhang Yang:

"Master Zhang, have you also done research on Majiayao painted pottery?"

"Let's do a little research. In fact, antiques are all the same in my eyes." Zhang Yang said very lightly, with a normal tone.

But in An Ran's view, he was a bit too pretentious.

So many experts who study Majiayao painted pottery are not pretending. How can an Internet celebrity from outside say that they are all the same?
She said a little mischievously: "As expected of a curator-level expert."

"I wonder which Hailin Museum you are in is stronger than our Majiayao Painted Pottery Museum?"

This is a rather tricky question to ask.

The honor of Majiayao Painted Pottery Museum is so strong. It was once rated as "Top Ten Private Museums in Asia in 2014" and is also a provincial "Cultural Industry Demonstration Base".

Now that we are on someone else's territory, normal people would say that the owner's is stronger.

It's equivalent to belittling oneself in disguise.

But An Ran met Zhang Yang.

Regarding this kind of problem, Zhang Yang mainly tells the truth:
"Of course it can't be compared academically. Who can compare with professional museums in the study of Majiayao culture?"

"Our Hailin Museum focuses on rich collections, and its benchmark is provincial museums. As a curator, my strength is my broad knowledge. If you ask me to write a paper about research on antiques, I can't do it. "

"Haha, Master Zhang, you are so humble..."

"I'm not being immodest. Hey, my friend Bao is back. Let's take a look at things first."

An Ran still wanted to speak, but Baoyou came back in time, so Zhang Yang of course took the opportunity to choke her back.

"Master Zhang, this is it."

Baoyou brought out a large clay pot with a very unique shape.

If it weren't for the black stripes on it, I would have believed it to be something from ancient Egypt.

The spout is a human head with very vague facial features. After removing the spout, it looks a bit like a tumbler.

[Damn it, does Majiayao still have such a thing? 】

【666, gained experience】

[It’s quite mysterious, it does smell like ancient humans]

[There won’t be any national treasures, right?]

"Teacher, my father bought this from an expert. It must be true, right?"

"Bought it?" Zhang Yang asked back.

Baoyou immediately realized the problem and changed his words: "I got it in exchange for hiding."

"It was exchanged for the treasures I collected, and there was no monetary transaction involved."

"I just let it slip."

"Okay, you have a strong sense of defense." Zhang Yang nodded in approval.

Baoyou all call themselves Jiucaigou. If they don’t have any awareness of this, they must be fake fans.

But his vigilance was completely redundant when it came to this piece of painted pottery.

"Friend Bao, when I saw this thing of yours, I immediately thought of a place. Do you know where it is?" "Where?" Baoyou asked curiously, "Is it Lintao?"

The Lintao Baoyou mentioned is the county where the Majiayao ruins are located. It is considered a very important geographical indication in Yangshao culture.

Of course, he was just dreaming when he asked back.

"I'm thinking of neon." Zhang Yang replied.

"This thing of yours is called the neon version of Majiayao in our circle."

"Here, the director can help us find photos of the Majiayao double-stained teapot with human patterns, and we can show it to the audience later."

Zhang Yang got into the mood, directing the TV station director like he was directing Xu Jie.

But everyone thought there was nothing wrong with this, as if Master Zhang should be like this.

Before the director cut out the picture, Zhang Yang briefly commented on Baoyou:
"Friend Bao, don't you think it's strange when you see the shape of this thing?"

"The head and the body of the pot are connected together. It's just a thin spout. What can it do?"

"In addition to the shape, let's look at the patterns. The patterns on the bottle are almost covered. With such a big bald head, the facial features are so poorly made, and there is no paint. What's the point of making it out?"

"A review of ugliness?"

Zhang Yang asked several questions in succession and directly helped Baoyou think about them.

At the other end of the video, Baoyou nodded heavily: "I think you are right, teacher, this should be a fake."

But Baoyou was not sad at all.

"How about it, brothers in Jiucaigou in the live broadcast room, my dad and I didn't embarrass everyone, did we?"

When Baoyou was "showing off", the director also found the photos.

The scientific name of the cultural relic Zhang Yang mentioned is [Neolithic Age Majiayao Culture Painted Pottery Double-series Pot with Human Patterns].

It is a pottery from the collection of the Chinese History Museum.

Basically, when it comes to the "human face" decoration in Majiayao pottery, this thing cannot be avoided.

It's just that the way it presents a human face is completely different from that of Baoyou.

It is a human image carved on the bottle.

The front of the human body is bare. The head is molded on the neck of the pot. The facial features are complete, and the ears and open mouth are particularly prominent. It looks a bit scary.

The hands and feet are symmetrically attached with clay strips. The hands are carefully carved and you can see clear fingers; the two feet are relatively rough.

There is a protruding belly button and waist on the body, and the key parts are specially circled in black.

But the most outrageous thing is that there is a certain organ painted on the middle of the pot, which is also the middle of the human body.

Anyone familiar with Majiayao painted pottery knows that Yangshao culture has a strong tradition of fertility worship, and there are many double-moon patterns on related cultural relics.

In addition, Yangshao culture is a matriarchal society based on family units, so the image carved on this dual-line bottle is considered by experts to be an ancient shaman with female characteristics.

Anyway, no matter what it is, among the tens of thousands of cultural relics unearthed from the Yangshao culture, this is the only one with a complete character image.

"This is the correct way to open the Majiayao human-shaped painted pottery." Zhang Yang explained.

"Like the one your father collected, Baoyou, it's obviously a fabrication."

"To be honest, it looks very much like the Canopic jars used to hold mummy viscera in Egypt..."

[This authentic product is so awesome]

[That is, it is a TV station. If it is placed in Master Zhang’s live broadcast room, it will definitely be blocked because it is exposed]

[Neon people really like this kind of imaginary thing that combines Chinese and Western things. I saw it in the movie]

After seeing off the treasure friend of Jiucaigou, Zhang Yang was about to win the next one, when the director suddenly said in the headset that the time has come.

ah? Where is the live broadcast going?

Amid the complaints from the audience, the host reluctantly explained that there will be a special event for a night tour in Longxi in the evening, and he hopes everyone will continue to pay attention.

Although there is no Master Zhang, it will still be particularly exciting.

"It'll be fine without me." Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the TV station is good, in terms of live broadcast, it is really not as good as your own studio.

Except for the appearance of the female host, she is inferior in every aspect.

This suspension has come just in time.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Zhang Yang found out that the reason for temporarily stopping the live broadcast was simply because Director Wan felt that he was too popular after watching his live broadcast.

If it continues, the TV station will be setting up a stage for Zhang Yang to sing, which is contrary to their original intention of hosting this program.

Anyway, from directing to hosting to field management, there was no sense of participation, so Lian Mai Jianbao, as promised, ended in a hurry under the instructions of the leader.

But Zhang Yang did everything he needed to do.

Director Wan still kept his promise and removed the staff surrounding the ancient tomb. At the same time, he asked the local village chief to be responsible for recruiting migrant workers.

Now Xiao Chu's archaeological team can start work.


In the evening, at the guest house, his roommate Chu Ziqiang sighed while calling his second master.

"Second Master, you don't know how difficult it is to communicate here."

"I drank the wine and ate the food, but the city museum and the county cultural relics bureau just didn't want to lend it to anyone."

According to the previous working model of the archaeological team, except for Mao Qi, the tomb explorer, and Zhang Yang, the treasure appraiser, the rest were temporarily recruited staff from relevant local departments.

Who let Lao Chu, the gangster, become so big?

But when Xiao Chu came here, he felt defeated. Director Wan was completely out of touch and only focused on business, not friendship.

Borrow someone? Okay, let Master Zhang do another three live broadcasts.

Zhang Yang didn't have much objection, but Chu Ziqiang felt embarrassed.

If Zhang Yang is sold three times, will he still be a human being?

"Brother Yang, how about..." After Chu Ziqiang finished calling, he looked helplessly at Zhang Yang, who was playing with his mobile phone.

"Don't look at me. You said it. If you betray me again, you will be stripped of the soap in the shower." Zhang Yang threatened.

"I didn't say sell it." Chu Ziqiang muttered aggrievedly.

"It really doesn't work. Brother Yang, please help me. Find someone from Linhai. It's just for money."

"Okay, I'll think of a way, but I can't guarantee that..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Before Zhang Yang could finish speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting him.

After going out, Xiao Chu was still quite vigilant. He made a silent gesture to Zhang Yang, and then tiptoed towards the door.

Through the peephole, he saw a familiar face.

"Mao Shiqi, you're up so late at night, why are you here?"

Chu Ziqiang muttered, opened the door and walked out.

"Brother Qiang, please come out. I have something to tell you."

"What's going on? You two have to carry someone on your back?" Zhang Yang asked jokingly while lying on the bed.

Mao Shiqi put his head in from outside the door, smiled, and said hello to Zhang Yang.

"It's a little private matter, Master Zhang. You should go to bed first."

"Okay, you guys can talk slowly."

Zhang Yang responded casually, and then lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

He didn't notice at all that Xiao Chu didn't speak after he went out, and was completely silent.

It wasn't until he was getting ready to go to bed and checked whether the door was closed that he realized that the door was closed.

Just didn't close it.

"This Xiao Chu is really unreliable."

Zhang Yang complained and went to close the door. He had no idea that someone had been waiting for him outside the door for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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