Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 428 teaches how to buy authentic pottery

"The filial sons of the barrage, please calm down." Zhang Yang gently knocked on the table, reminding the barrage to pay attention to his face.

"And you two, who is a decent person who would ruin his ancestral graves for you for a few hundred dollars?"

"Don't worry about my ancestral grave."

Zhang Yang originally wanted to say that he didn't know where his ancestral grave was.

But he was afraid that the two brothers would cause trouble to other ancient tombs with the surname Zhang, so he finally changed his tune.

"Hey, teacher, you are wrong. At least half of the epitaphs we rubbed were approved by the tomb owner's descendants."

"Yeah, five hundred yuan isn't much, but it's definitely a lot."

Zhang Yang: "..."

"Okay, okay, please pay attention to yourselves. If you rub cultural relics and cause damage, you will be imprisoned. It's possible for three or five years."

"Really?" Baoyou asked.

"Why has no one ever told us before?"

"Who would have thought that you people who were engaged in rubbing epitaphs would dare to do it without even understanding the legal risks involved?" Zhang Yang curled his lips and smiled.

The longer he has been exposed to the antiques industry, the more he feels that many people in the industry come in to give away items.

It all depends on when the state starts to conduct strict inspections. As soon as the state takes action, many people will have to go in every minute.

"If you don't believe it, just go to Douyin and search for any criminal lawyer's live broadcast room, and ask the lawyer who is doing the live broadcast. You will know everything, right?"

"Is there anything else you want to identify?"


"Then I'll do it first..." Zhang Yang was about to hang up the video when an idea flashed in his mind and he suddenly remembered something strange.

He looked at Baoyou opposite and asked aloud:

"Friend Bao, the incense burner you asked me to identify just now is not for sacrificing in front of this tomb, right?"

"People are still worshiping their ancestors, do you just want to take the incense burner away? Do you have any sense of public morality?"

"How is it possible, how could we be like this..."

Baoyou was so anxious that he hung up on Lian Mai without even finishing his words.

But it's okay. Zhang Yang has already taken a screenshot and will send the relevant information to Captain Liu later for him to record.

It's already spring, and Zhang Yang feels quite embarrassed that he hasn't found any results for Captain Liu yet.

After all, during the Chinese New Year, Captain Liu personally wrapped a red envelope for Zhang Yang, saying that it was their custom that married people should give red envelopes to unmarried juniors.

Zhang Yang couldn't defeat him, so he accepted it.

I thought that after the new year, I would find some clues about the tomb robbery case and send them to Captain Liu.

"The next treasure friend is Wang Badao, a pottery lover."

"This online name is a bit interesting."

Anyway, if it were Zhang Yang, he would not dare to name him "Treasure Appraisal Expert Zhang Ba Dao" because if he was recognized by an acquaintance, his name would no longer be Zhang Yang, but Zhang Ba Dao.

"Hello, Wang Badao."

"Um, hello, teacher." Baoyou didn't seem to expect Zhang Yang to be so enthusiastic, and his tone of voice was a little timid.

"Well, teacher, today I want to ask you to systematically look at the pottery in my collection."

"I know you're pressed for time, so I won't talk nonsense later. Please help me see if it's true or false, and if it's true, just help me estimate the price."

"If there's no problem, I'll start now."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yang stopped the other party, "It's okay to see if it's genuine, but if the pottery is genuine, it's generally difficult to value it because it's a cultural relic with restricted trade."

"I know this."

Baoyou is very knowledgeable and knows what Zhang Yang means.

"If it's not convenient for you, teacher, to estimate it, just tell me an accurate date."

"That's no problem. If it's true, I can help you estimate the level of the cultural relic for free." Zhang Yang nodded and agreed.

Baoyou's movements were exactly as he said, not sloppy or sloppy at all.

After Zhang Yang agreed, the other party quickly took out a red pottery plate.

At first, Zhang Yang didn't see the secret of this pottery plate.

I thought to myself, this is just an ordinary red pottery plate. Is there anything I can collect?

Until under his command, Baoyou showed him the pattern on the plate.

What is painted is a snake coiled in a circle, spitting out letters.

Zhang Yang couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth.

Good guy, someone has deceived you.

"This is a modern imitation of the Taosi dragon plate."

"The authentic product is a representative cultural relic of Yao culture. It is impossible for ordinary people to collect the authentic product."

The excavation of the Taosi ruins was very late and did not begin until the 1980s. The relevant cultural relics have never appeared on the market. It can be seen that the protection work has been done relatively well.

[Obviously it’s a snake pan, why is it called a dragon pan? 】

[Does this snake have a piece of wheat in its mouth? 】

[When I first looked at it, I thought it was a silver krait, but I didn’t expect it to be a dragon]

Hearing that it was fake, Baoyou reacted violently.

He directly picked up the hammer from the ground, pointed it at the pottery plate, and smashed it down hard.

It seems that he is imitating Teacher Wang Gang and wants to destroy the fakes directly.

However, he obviously underestimated the hardness of the pottery plate, and there was no movement after smashing it.

After all, it was made by ancient people as a container, and it is so thick that it still has impact resistance.

Of course, after Baoyou angrily repaired it three times, the imitation pottery plate was finally shattered to pieces.

Then it was wiped into the trash can with a rag and returned to its correct position.


Baoyou said in a low voice.

It's not like asking for Zhang Yang's opinion, but rather like giving him encouragement.

Then, a black and thick pottery sculpture was placed.

Zhang Yang looked sideways for a while before he finally saw what the carving was.

It turned out to be a bird.

The bird head is carved and has the charm of a chicken.

A small opening was opened at the tail, and the interior was hollow, proving that this thing was still a container.

Zhang Yang couldn't imagine what this thing could be used for.

However, the item information shows that this thing still has some background.

"This imitation of yours is a bird-shaped pot from the Liangzhu culture."

"The organization in Xiangjiang once auctioned a bird-shaped pot like this in 2008. At that time, Liangzhu culture had not yet become popular, and the items were not very precious."

"But after I saw your imitation today, I seriously doubt that the original one in the auction was also a fake."

"This device is so weird."

"No matter what the original is, anyway, my friend, this piece of yours must be a modern handicraft. It's a sure thing."

[Hahahaha, it hurts my heart]

[Christie’s also auctioned fakes in the early years, and they had a non-fidelity agreement]

[There is really no need to collect antiques from before the Shang Dynasty. The chances of them being imitations are too high]

"Teacher, actually..."

Baoyou hesitated to speak, and finally seemed to have made a very difficult decision.

He took out another bird-shaped pot from under the table.

It's almost the same as the one just now. The only difference is in the position of the bird's head. The new one is more flexible.

Baoyou patted the newly brought out bird-shaped pot and told Zhang Yang:
"This piece of mine came from an auction in Xiangjiang in 08."

"I just made a couple."

"Uh..." Zhang Yang was speechless for a moment.

Baoyou is a bit unlucky. Not only did he buy a fake at Christie's, but he also paired it with another fake to make a pair, thus maximizing his losses. "That means my judgment is correct and it is indeed false."

"Both of your two items are fake." Zhang Yang said with great certainty.

This time, Baoyou also did not respond to him with words.

In response to Zhang Yang, there were two crisp sounds of breaking clay pots, which sounded really healing.


Baoyou seemed to have spent a lot of effort to shout these words, feeling a little exhausted.

The third piece is a gray pottery and colorful kui.

The outside is gray, and the inside and the end of the handle are painted with red mineral paint, which looks very bright.

The function of Kui is a bit like a ladle. In ancient times, it was a large spoon specially used for making wine.

"Friend Bao, this piece of yours is a prototype of the real thing."

"And there are many more, basically unearthed cultural relics from the Han Dynasty."

"However, it is a pity that your case is thousands of years away from Han, but it should only be a few years away from us."

[Euphemistic, too euphemistic]

[If you don’t be more tactful, my dear friend, it’s time for you]

[Baoyou, go ahead and smash it, won’t you feel bad? 】

After a "snap" sound, the gray pottery and colorful pottery completely turned into pieces.

But after smashing it, Baoyou didn't cheer for himself this time, but silently brought up another thing.

It stayed like this after that. He seemed to have no energy to speak.

Zhang Yang became more energetic. It was also interesting to find the source of fake goods:
"Fake, imitating the feather pattern red pottery gourd vase of Yangshao culture;"

"This is an imitation of the Xindian culture's bird-pattern amphora;"

"The red pottery piranha of Dawenkou culture, a classic fake;"

"Imitation of the Han Dynasty, green glaze hunting pattern three-legged pottery tripod;"


"Friend Bao, why don't we get here first?"

Zhang Yang saw that Baoyou's movements in picking up things were getting slower and slower, and he could even no longer lift the hammer.

He must be physically and mentally exhausted.

In the end, this three-legged cauldron broke one leg, and then stopped smashing it down. I felt that Baoyou was still a little reluctant to part with it.

Maybe it’s also heartache.

Only then did Zhang Yang think of a pause.

The main reason is that the program just now was so effective that it gave me the pleasure of chopping melons and vegetables.

Thinking about it again, Baoyou's heart was bleeding when he smashed these things. They were all bought at a high price and hidden as if they were treasures. Now they are all fakes.

The barrage naturally made me excited.

"Okay." Baoyou uttered one word with difficulty.

"Friend Bao, if you really just want to collect pottery, let me help you with an idea." Zhang Yang couldn't bear to make a small suggestion.

"If you go to your hometown in the countryside, or the surrounding villages where the economic conditions are not that good, and there are thatched houses and tile-roofed houses, you go to the village to collect this kind of pottery. Out of ten, at least three will be from the late Qing Dynasty. of authenticity.”

"Of course, they are definitely not worth anything."

"If you insist on collecting pottery from these ancient civilizations, then I really can only wish you good luck."

"Well, thank you, teacher." Baoyou thanked weakly and took the initiative to disconnect the microphone.


After the afternoon live broadcast, Zhang Yang originally planned to take a look at the current situation in the museum, but Xu Jie suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong, Love Saint?" Zhang Yang asked.

Yesterday, Xu Jie must have been in a good mood. He posted a selfie on WeChat Moments with the caption: Don't call me a lover, I only fall in love with you.

Then Aite hit his girlfriend.

Zhang Yang didn't even know about this at first, but Sister Gao forced him to go over and ate a mouthful of dog food. Of course, he had to use his words to regain his position with Xu Jie today.

However, Xu Jie didn't seem to feel embarrassed by the title Love Saint.

He even responded with enjoyment.

Too perverted.

Let Xiao Tang say it straight: It took a lot of effort to come to work, but I didn't expect to see a pervert as soon as I arrived.

"Boss, actually I have a merciless request." Xu Jie said a little coyly.

Zhang Yang looked a little queasy at his look and waved his hand: "Since it's an unkind invitation, there's no need to invite him."

"You want what you want."

"Boss, do me a favor, the kind of person who saves lives in the world!"

"Okay, tell me then, and I'll see if I can help."

"Definitely." Xu Jie said very confidently, "Tomorrow night is my girlfriend's father's birthday. Her father is a middle-level technician in a state-owned enterprise. He doesn't smoke, drink or play mahjong. He just likes to collect antiques."

"I want my boss to help me choose a gift. It would be best..."

"It's best if I look for it directly in the museum's inventory and sell it to you cheaply, right?"

Zhang Yang said what Xu Jie was embarrassed to say.

If I didn’t have this intention, I wouldn’t ask myself this question at this time.

The latter nodded heavily, took Zhang Yang's hand and began to express his gratitude.

"Thank you, boss. My father-in-law is a Pig and he is forty-nine years old this year."

After giving the simple information, Xu Jie looked at Zhang Yang expectantly, waiting for him to give him ideas.

"Okay, you are a pig, right? Wait a minute, I'm going to get something."

Zhang Yang returned to his office and took out the curator's exclusive tablet.

There is a list of the artifacts in the company's inventory.

Search for artifacts related to "pig" directly in the list.

The one that pops up the most is "Jade Pig".

"Jade? This is fine." Xu Jie was very excited when he saw the search results, but he still didn't forget to ask Zhang Yang for his advice, "right? Boss."


"I'll lend you a pair of jade pigs. If they match well with your father-in-law, you don't have to return them."

"Really? Then what does it mean to be compatible?"

"On his birthday, let your father-in-law close his eyes, hold a jade pig in each hand, and say: Resurrection, my love!"

"If your father-in-law is obviously a different person when he opens his eyes again, then it means he is a good fit."

"Bleach! Isn't that just the upper body?"

Xu Jie shook his head violently and rejected Jade Pig's plan.

"Boss, what is this pig-faced dakini?"

"Illiterate? This is a sculpture. It must be a sculpture."

"Boss, I feel like if you said it, you didn't say it..." Xu Jie replied weakly.

"Okay, then I'll tell Love Saint more carefully."

"The Dakini are the link between ordinary believers and Buddha and Bodhisattvas, or the messengers who convey messages."

"According to the shape, it is divided into two types: human form and animal face..."

"This is good." Xu Jie nodded excitedly after listening to the introduction, "My father-in-law is a Buddhist, so he should like this kind of thing very much."

"Boss, how much can you sell me for?"

"Generally, we don't sell this kind of collection of cultural relics." Zhang Yang said with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face, "For the sake of your hard work, I will give you an internal employee price."

"Eighty-eight thousand and eighty-eight."

"Pfft~" After hearing this quotation, Sister Gao, who was drinking water at the side, spat it out, and then laughed mercilessly:

"Hahaha, 88,000 yuan to buy a birthday gift, Love Saint, you must not not buy it!" (End of Chapter)

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