Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 430 Teacher Bai 800 yuan for 1 hour

Chapter 430 Teacher Bai costs 800 yuan an hour
"Welcome everyone to tonight's Linhai Light-themed auction..."

The words of the host on the stage made Zhang Yang's mouth twitch uncontrollably.

The light of the sea? Coincidence?

Why do you seem to be here for your own "Light of the Sea Forest" sign?

Zhang Yang continued to listen and found that it was really not a coincidence.

Because the host said in her introduction that the Linhai Light auction had been held all over the country, and the place names she gave happened to be places where Zhang Yang had held events.

Not such a coincidence, right?
If there really is such an auction, Zhang Yang must have heard of it.

In fact, not only Zhang Yang, but Xu Jie also heard something was wrong.

He had also participated in activities organized by Zhang Yang, so when he heard the introduction, he knew it was plagiarizing the Hailin Museum.

The kind of copy that doesn't cover up at all.

Xu Jie was not as calm as Zhang Yang, so he directly asked his girlfriend next to him:
"Xinxin, where did you get the news about this auction?"

"Why do I feel weird?"

Xiong Xin didn't know how to answer, so he threw the question to his father who brought him here.

The latter frowned, turned sideways and asked Xu Jie:

"They just read the opening remarks, and you feel something is wrong?"

"Do you, a man, still have a sixth sense?"

"This activity was introduced by one of my masters in the collecting circle. If you feel that you don't have the money to participate in the photo shoot, just go out quietly by yourself. There is no need to make these excuses. This will only make me look down on you."

Father Xiong's words were so harsh that Zhang Yang wanted to quarrel with him.

But I can’t help but someone is willing to endure it.

"No, no." Xu Jie quickly defended, "I think it's fine. I made a mistake just now."

"Uncle, don't be angry."

Zhang Yang almost dropped his jaw when he saw this scene.

Wow, is this still the unruly Xu Jie?
Did this woman named Xiong Xin drug him?

When Father Xiong got angry, Xu Jie would kneel down and sing Conquer for him.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and felt that he should support his employees, so he whispered in Xu Jie's ear:
"There is indeed something wrong with this activity, so be careful."

"Your father-in-law may have been brainwashed."

"Yeah." Xu Jie responded restrainedly.

He also knew that Zhang Yang was right, but the situation was not right now. He could only look at the front desk intently, not daring to complain anymore.

In comparison, Zhang Yang is much more comfortable.

Today he plays Niu Jie, a fresh graduate who comes here to see the world.

So it doesn't matter how he plays.

When the host introduced the auctioneer and auction organization, Zhang Yang directly checked online.

Not only can this auction organization not be found online, but the auctioneer cannot be found either.

The former is barely acceptable.

Some auction organizations are secondary organizations affiliated with other companies. If you can't find the parent company, you really can't find it online.

But the auctioneer is different.

Licensed auctioneers need to register with the government. It would be a bit outrageous to not be able to find any information at all.

Zhang Yang looked at the reactions of the people around him. They were all very similar to Xu Jie. They looked at the stage intently, without many movements or expressions. At most, they clapped mechanically, like bionic people.

"Is this a game?"

"Are these people actors, or have they been brainwashed like Father Bear?"

"Damn, this isn't going to be a big Turing test, is it?"

Zhang Yang's thoughts began to wander, but as soon as the first lot appeared, his thoughts were brought back.

"Now, please allow me to solemnly introduce to you the first auction item today - a jade ring accessory from the Spring and Autumn Period."

"This lot was selected and presented by the famous jade appraisal expert Mr. Bai Hebo."

"Collectors who often come into contact with Douyin treasure appraisal all know that Mr. Bai is the most popular jade appraisal expert on the Internet. The authenticity of the jade appraisal by his hand is generally recognized. He has been working in the industry for decades, and almost Zero mistakes…”

Zhang Yang was stunned when he heard this long paragraph of praise for Bai Hebo.

Don't tell me, it's a bit like what Teacher Bai wrote himself.

He is a bit narcissistic.

Could it be that this activity has something to do with Teacher Bai?
Zhang Yang couldn't believe it.

Just when he was wondering, Teacher Bai's video started playing on the big screen.

The format of the video is a bit like the one used to wish everyone a Happy New Year during the Chinese New Year. In the video, Teacher Bai wished the Linhai Light Auction a complete success. He also said that he had selected a few items to give away and hoped that everyone would like them.

After seeing this video, Zhang Yang felt confident.

Fake, absolutely fake.

This video was synthesized by AI, and the video image uses the blessing video that Teacher Bai recorded for a TV station this year.

As for the audio track, it should be intercepted and generated from the live broadcast clip.

Zhang Yang knew this clearly because when the video was taken, others were watching the excitement not far from Bai Hebo, and what he said at that time was not at all what he said.

With this background in mind, Zhang Yang was not so surprised when he saw that Lot 1 was a very low-end fake. A jade ring from the Spring and Autumn Period does not have any soil on the surface. Instead, there is a large black mass of unknown substance on the side. It should be that too much pigment was added during chemical corrosion.

"The starting price of this lot is 70,000 yuan, with a single increase of 2,000 yuan."

"Please bid."

As soon as the host finished speaking, someone in the distance held up a sign and shouted: "Eighty thousand!"

Where does this come from?
When Zhang Yang was confused, the auctioneer helped answer the question:

"Mr. Wang from Linhai Jade City bids 80,000 yuan. Is there anyone who bids higher than this?"

Is there another jade city in Linhai?
Why have you never heard of it?

Zhang Yang feels that his understanding of the world is constantly being refreshed.

Could it be that I am a fake Linhai person? Is there actually another world at a higher latitude?

The most outrageous thing is that there are still people who are supporting this with their words and deeds.

Father Xiong looked at the jade on the stage with great interest, nodded and commented:

"This thing is pretty good. It is indeed a treasure that King Linhai always admires."

"It's a pity that my current financial resources are not worthy of owning such a top-notch jade. It is really a great regret in life to miss such a treasure."

In this case, Xu Jie’s point should not be too obvious.

Then, Xiong Xin poked Xu Jie with his elbow.

Then he pursed his lips in the direction of the stage, signaling for him to take action.

Fortunately, although Xu Jie is a bit of a licker, he is really poor and will not be carried away by his emotions when faced with such a situation where he has to spend money.

Mainly because I'm not qualified to get carried away.

He chose to consult Zhang Yang for his opinion:

"Boss, what do you say?"

"Seven yuan. If it's more than seven yuan, Sister Gao and I will laugh at you forever."


Xu Jie knew he couldn't raise his hand.

But faced with his girlfriend's suggestion, he still had to show off, and quickly explained in a low voice: "I don't think this thing is right, it should be a fake."

"Can you tell?" Xiong Xin was also stunned for a moment.

"Of course, didn't I tell you? My boss is a national treasure-level expert, and I learned a lot from him."

"Really?" Xiong Xin was surprised and happy, "Then if you see something really valuable later, you must tell me."

"I bought it for my dad. He will definitely support everything we do in the future."

"No problem, don't worry." Xu Jie glanced at Zhang Yang and said confidently.

On the field, the bidding continues.

The "rich people" from Linhai began a crazy pursuit of this first jade pendant, and the price instantly climbed to 11.

Finally, he was photographed by an aunt.

Just as the auctioneer announced the deal, Zhang Yang also raised the sign in his hand.

"Sorry, buyer No. 9527, this auction has come to an end, you can no longer bid."

"I'm not bidding, I just want to ask the auctioneer a question."

"Question?" The auctioneer on the stage frowned, but looking at Zhang Yang's young appearance, he wasn't too nervous. "Okay, can you ask quickly?"

"I am asking this question on behalf of a friend who is far away in Yanjing."

"He asked me to ask you, since it is a jade pendant from the Spring and Autumn Period, which country does it come from during the Spring and Autumn Period?"

"This question..." the auctioneer pondered, pretending to turn over the manuscript paper in front of him seriously, and said with great regret, "I can't reply to you at the moment."

"After the auction ends, we will choose an opportunity to hold a meeting with celebrity appraisers. Experts like Mr. Bai will come to the scene in person. Buyer No. 9527, you can ask Mr. Bai in person at that time."

"Other Tibetans who want to attend the meeting can also consult our staff after the meeting..."

After Zhang Yang heard this, he was heartbroken.

Just now, he told Bai Hebo, who was far away in Yanjing, about the situation at the scene.

Teacher Bai was very calm. He said that this was not the first time such a situation had happened.

There are always bitches using his name to do bad things.

While he asked Zhang Yang to call the police immediately, he also suggested that he stand up and expose the other party directly.

It’s just that the questions given by Teacher Bai are a bit too academic.

Not only did he not challenge the auctioneer, he also asked him to advertise.

I heard from Father Xiong next to me that the ticket price for this so-called "Celebrity Appraiser Meeting" is 800 yuan.

After submitting the application, you can enjoy one-on-one appraisal services from experts, one hour at a time.

Zhang Yang called him a good guy. If Bai Hebo knew that he only sold 800 yuan an hour, he would probably be angry to death.

Teacher Bai's plan didn't work. Zhang Yangxin said that he would have to use his own methods to deal with this kind of fraudster.

Zhang Yang directly made a video call to Captain Liu.

Isn’t this the first big case of the new year?
(End of this chapter)

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