Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 452 The Terracotta Warriors and Horses Appear!

Chapter 452 The Terracotta Warriors and Horses Appear!
Of course it was a joke to ask for sponsorship, but as a fan of the authorities, Xiao Chu actually took it seriously and even clamored to invest 500 million.

Of course we don’t want this publicity of investment.

He held a treasure appraisal event and subsequent auction, and the total expenditure did not exceed 10 million.

If you accept Xiaochu’s sponsorship, you’ll get dividends, right? Then you can't work for him?
In the end, the two of them discussed it and decided that it would be enough for Chu Ziqiang to sponsor five hundred yuan.

After scanning the payment code, Chu Ziqiang became concerned about this event:

"Brother Yang, where will our next event be held?"

"There is no result yet. I was originally planning to go to Jiangcheng, but the approval from the Cultural Relics Bureau over there has been difficult. Now I may have to think about it again."

"That's probably out of the question." Chu Ziqiang told Zhang Yang very skillfully, "This kind of approval jam is actually a disguised form of persuading people to quit."

"If you don't have a good choice, I recommend a city."


"The ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties, Chang'an."

"What do you say? What can you say about Chang'an?" Zhang Yang really wanted to visit Chang'an. After all, during the live broadcast, the treasure friends around Chang'an were really able to dig out treasures.

"Hey, Brother Yang, you can apply for it yourself. I guarantee you will pass." Chu Ziqiang didn't say it clearly, but judging from his confident expression, he must have a strong relationship behind it.

"Okay, then I'll find someone to make arrangements later."

"Speaking of which, do you have anything to do with Xiangjiang?" Zhang Yang asked Chu Ziqiang.

"If you have something to do with it, then I can lie down at home."

"This really doesn't happen." Chu Ziqiang shook his head quickly.

He looked at Zhang Yang with some worry: "Brother Yang, what about you? Do you have any acquaintances over there? You don't know how to start from scratch, do you?"

"Yes, don't worry, I have many friends over there."

"Um... Then you still ask me?"

"Hey, don't I want you to have a sense of participation?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled at Chu Ziqiang.


After returning to Linhai from Yanjing, Zhang Yang only rested for two days before flying non-stop to Chang'an.

I thought Chu Ziqiang's relationship was very hard, but I didn't expect it to be as hard as diamonds.

Ding Qiang just submitted the application, and within two days, the approval results came out.

Not only did the local government approve their application, people from the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau also called and asked if they could arrange help. Zhang Yang was even given a list of venues to choose from.

This is the benefit of having a relationship.

From then on, in Zhang Yang's heart, the name Chu Ziqiang was deeply bound to the term "ultimate relationship household".

Chang'an welcomed him so, so of course Zhang Yang had to make a gesture.

He first went to the site to inspect various venues and chose a venue that was close to the bus station and had the most convenient transportation, so that collectors attending the event could go home at night.

Then, Zhang Yang took Ding Qiang, who was already the director of the auction company, to have a meeting with the local cultural relics department and reached a strategic cooperation agreement.

Finally, we contacted the local TV station and agreed to produce a special program.

After finishing all these things, April has arrived in a blink of an eye.

The Qingming Festival holiday is over and the "Hailin Light Chang'an Station" is about to begin.

The bus stops in Chang'an City were covered with posters promoting the event.

Zhang Yang has been planning for a long time and wants to promote the "treasure appraisal" + "auction" event he organized.

I didn't expect to succeed so easily in Chang'an.

What started as a small private museum has transformed into a large-scale cultural and museum event co-organized with the municipal government.

But whether this event can be a complete success depends on the collection level of Chang'an private collectors.

Zhang Yang was a little tired from the preliminary preparations, so he was lazy during the audition stage and did not sit behind the familiar appraisal table.

However, he was not idle during the four days of auditions.

He became a temporary reporter for the TV station, interviewing collectors who were lining up at the audition site.

If you encounter those that are particularly good, you will be directly recommended to enter the second stage.


The first day of auditions.

Zhang Yang wore a white shirt, and the TV station's professional makeup artist gave him a three-quarter hairdo and exposed his belt. He instantly looked ten years older.

"Director, won't this be a bit greasy?" Zhang Yang looked at himself in the mirror and asked with some uncertainty.

Although I don’t rely on my reputation to make a living, there’s no need to destroy my image, right?
"No, no, no, this is particularly good."

"I see, Teacher Zhang, you now have the charm of that internet celebrity scholar."

"Is that a good thing to say?"

Zhang Yang sounded a little scared when he sounded like a banned internet celebrity.

"Of course it's good. When you go out like this, you are no different from CCTV reporters. That's called professionalism."

The cameraman, director and makeup artist all brainwashed Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang could only comfort himself. This is how TV stations produce programs.

This interview is unscripted.

The director asked Zhang Yang to choose random interview subjects.

You can also ask questions casually. Anyway, it will be edited and even discussed in a meeting before the content is finalized.

Since it was a random choice, Zhang Yang followed his own aesthetics.

Unexpectedly, the director was a bit inconsistent. After interviewing four people, he started to criticize Zhang Yang.

"Teacher Zhang, ours is a treasure appraisal program for all ages. We don't have to select beautiful women."

"And you are all going after those girls who are well-dressed and have good figures. When the time comes to cut it off, everyone will be tired of it."

"Director, you are a bit of an amateur." Zhang Yang retorted, "According to my analysis of young collectors, they are not tired of beautiful collectors."

"It looks good, I love watching it."

"Um, but the leaders may not like to see it." The director reminded helplessly, "Our interviews should still reflect the social outlook and show the general situation of our Chang'an private collectors."

"I understand." Zhang Yang nodded clearly.

His next interviewee went directly to the uncle holding the terracotta warriors and horses.

"Hello, uncle, we are the outdoor interview team for this event. Can I spare you a few minutes for an interview?"

"Interview?" The eldest brother looked at the camera and then at the queue in front of him, "How about forget it, I'm waiting in line."

"It's okay, our team staff will help you occupy it. If the baby is good, we still have a spot to pass to the second stage."

This time, an official television station participated in the production of the program. After discussing with the directors of the television station, Zhang Yang decided to add a second stage of "going on TV" to the original audition stage.

Collectors who have entered the second stage can take their collections and accept the appraisal by a four-person expert team in the TV station's studio hall.

The mode is similar to "Huayu Gate", except that it will be made into a short video in the end.

There are currently 40 places prepared for the second phase, and Zhang Yang has eight in his hands.

He planned to divide the time evenly over four days and select two Tibetan friends who had the most effective programs in one day.

When Zhang Yang said that there was a second phase of through train, the elder brother's expression immediately changed.

"Comrade reporter, you told me earlier, then where should we go for the interview?"

"Just here."

Zhang Yang led his eldest brother to take two steps forward and leave the team.

"What's your last name?"

"My surname is Dong."

"Hello, Mr. Dong." Zhang Yang pointed to the blue and black terracotta warriors and horses in his eldest brother's arms, "Can I show you the collection first?"

"Why is this inconvenient? Let's see."

The eldest brother very generously handed the baby in his arms to the camera.

A kneeling terracotta warrior.

The height is only about half a meter. This height is basically no match for the real thing. (Among the 6000 terracotta warriors and horses that have been unearthed, the average height is 1.85 meters, some are as short as 1.75 meters, and the tallest one even reaches 2 meters)
To be honest, before coming to Chang'an, Zhang Yang was wondering whether he could see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

I didn’t expect to meet him on the first day.

But it's so fake, it makes people very concerned about the mental state of the big brother in front of them.

"Brother, please tell me the origin of this treasure of yours." Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation.

"This was given to me by a friend of mine, five years ago."

"He said this is true. He got it in a village near the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum in Lintong."

"He said it is true. Do you believe it, Mr. Dong?"

"I believe it." Brother Dong replied without hesitation.

"Why?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I have seen hundreds of these terracotta warriors and horses statues in the half month I have been in Chang'an. In everyone's perception, except for the things in the pits, everything else is wrong... "

Zhang Yang did not directly say it was false.

After all, I was doing the interview in a crowd to save some face. If he really has a mental problem, it's better not to irritate him.

"Comrade reporter, you don't know that this thing was bought by my friend before 1974, before the terracotta warriors and horses were discovered."

"Then there's no way it's fake, don't you think so?"

"I think it should be from the Han Dynasty."

The terracotta warriors and horses of the Han Dynasty?

Relevant pictures immediately appeared in Zhang Yang's mind.

This thing does exist, but it's not like Baoyou at all.

The terracotta warriors and horses of the Han Dynasty can be seen as the intermediate form from the terracotta warriors and horses of the Qin Dynasty to the pottery warriors of the Han Dynasty.

They are more exquisite than the common Han Dynasty terracotta warriors, but compared with the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses, they look like a mosaic.

"Brother, how did you recognize this Han Dynasty?" Zhang Yang asked very curiously.

"I asked ceramic experts to identify it. The composition of the clay is the same as that of the terracotta warriors and horses."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Zhang Yang saw that his elder brother didn't seem to be lying, and suddenly found it interesting.

The ingredients are the same, and this is the first time I have seen pottery from this angle.

That carbon is diamond.

It seems that the eldest brother may have been deceived and paid for an expert appraisal.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, asked the other party to put the things on the ground, and took a look at them himself.

As a result, when I stretched out my hand, I found something was wrong with the touch.

I raised my hand and saw, wow, there was black dirt on my hand.

"No, brother, why is this thing of yours still fading?"

Zhang Yang’s question was not difficult for Brother Dong at all. He replied:
"Pottery is different from porcelain in that the firing temperature is a bit low, so discoloration is normal."

"Brother Dong, although I am not an expert, I am not stupid."

"Is discoloration normal?"

Zhang Yang thought for a while and decided to tell this elder brother where he went wrong.

Otherwise, we would have to take many detours.

"The firing temperature of the terracotta warriors and horses is between 800 and 900 degrees Celsius. After they are fired, they are gray in color and cannot turn black at all."

"Also, the real terracotta warriors and horses are all colored. The reason why they are gray now is because the pigments are oxidized, but I can't see any traces of pigments on this thing of yours."

"So in my case, it's a modern tourist souvenir."

After hearing what Zhang Yang said, the eldest brother frowned and glared at him.

Then he picked up the terracotta warriors and horses on the ground, pointed at the camera and said: "Viewers, don't listen to this reporter's nonsense."

"This is a real terracotta warrior."

"What kind of reporters come here to pretend to be experts and give me popular science...isn't it a waste of time? Just wait, I'll find a professional expert to evaluate it and come back to slap you in the face."

"Hahaha." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, "Okay, we'll wait."

Zhang Yang is really worried about such a stubborn brother for the experts who will appraise him later.

Fortunately, because there were so many people making appointments, the security at the site was upgraded this time. Zhang Yang hired three security companies to protect the experts.

"Okay, let's move on to the next one."

Zhang Yang waved to the director and cameramen.

He had found too many girls just now, and now he was going to find his eldest brother specifically to block the director's mouth.

But he had just taken two steps when a tall, thin, middle-aged man with glasses from the team next to him flashed in front of him and stopped him.

"Comrade reporter, I heard that you can send collectors directly to TV?"

"Yes, but the premise is that your things are good and open to the public." Zhang Yang explained his standards.

"We can't let some imitations confuse the public, right?"

"That makes sense." The man nodded, "Then my stuff will definitely do."

"Oh? Are you so confident?" Zhang Yang asked the other party to come to the camera.

Since the eldest brother took the initiative to find me, there is no need to talk nonsense and let’s just look at the things.

This middle-aged man's treasure was packed in a rectangular wooden box. After opening it, there were five nail-like objects lying flat on the black brocade cloth inside.

But they were longer than the nails used today, and the shortest ones were about 20 centimeters.

To be honest, the first time he saw this thing, Zhang Yang thought of the mushroom nails from the Song Dynasty.

I thought to myself, is this something belonging to a tomb robber again?
But upon closer inspection, I realized that these nails were not simple.

They are all made of jade, and they look like this because of a serious condition called Tuqin.

"Friend Bao, please introduce the situation of these things."

"Well, okay." The man held the frame of the mirror and said a little bookishly, "I have been collecting these hairpins for more than 20 years. I have bought and exchanged these hairpins one after another. In hand."

When he heard the other party say firmly that this was a hairpin, Zhang Yang glanced at Baoyou inwardly.

He knew that this person was really professional.

When ordinary people see this thing, it is difficult to associate it with a hairpin.

"What era do you think this is from?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

He wanted to see the level of this old man.

"I think it should be something from the late Neolithic Age, the Yangshao Culture."

"Yeah~" Zhang Yang gave his eldest brother a thumbs up.

What is professionalism? This is professionalism.

"Then do you know where this kind of thing was unearthed?" Zhang Yang continued to ask.

"I don't know about this."

"It's okay. This question is indeed a bit difficult. But your collection level is worthy of recognition. It is the highest level among the people I have seen today."

"Let me tell you, if you see this kind of hosta in the future, you can basically be sure that it was unearthed from the Lintong Jiangzhai site in Chang'an."

Baoyou nodded, indicating that he had learned.

"Well, these things of yours are a bit too precious, so I want to contact the experts and let them talk to you."

"What do you mean?" Baoyou was a little confused, "Isn't it on TV?"

"When the people from the city museum come, they will explain this issue to you clearly."

"Don't worry, it's definitely a great thing."

(End of this chapter)

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