Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 454 Teacher Bai quarreled with Baoyou again

Chapter 454 Teacher Bai quarreled with Baoyou again
“Is it so easy to give away the first ticket?”

Seeing Zhang Yang handing the souvenir representing his advancement to the second round into Baoyou's hands, the director felt it was a bit unreal.

From the time Zhang Yang said he wanted to find a collector who would advance to the second round to the final confirmation, it took no more than five minutes.

Is it a little too fast?

But as a true native of Chang'an, the director knew the preciousness of Yaozhou kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty, so he really couldn't find fault with choosing such treasures for the show.

It's just that Zhang Yang suddenly looks so serious, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

How about we go find a beautiful sister, Master Zhang?

"Hey? Director! What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand in front of the dazed director.

Only then did the latter come back to his senses from his wild thoughts.

"Ah, what's wrong, Teacher Zhang?"

"The interview is over, let's go." Zhang Yang pointed to the cameraman. They had walked four or five meters away, but the director was still in a daze.

"Don't go, don't go."

As soon as Zhang Yang and the director turned around, a man wearing a jacket at the front of the queue suddenly gave up his position at the front of the queue and rushed towards Zhang Yang.

It seemed like he was in a hurry.

"Brother, there are a few more people in front of you. It's your turn to do the appraisal." Zhang Yang waited for the other party to come over and asked curiously, "Aren't you going to queue up?"

This kind of opportunity to be interviewed and go straight to the second round is generally interested in collectors who don’t want to wait in line.

They were all in the front of the queue, so they turned around and ran over, but this big brother was still the first.

It’s really a face-saving gesture.

"I just listened to your explanation, reporter, and I feel that the two of us have similar understandings of collection."

The eldest brother came up very enthusiastically and grabbed Zhang Yang's hand. There was a feeling of regret for meeting each other late in his words.

However, his words sounded a bit strange to Zhang Yang.

Especially what else he said:
"So I think journalist Comrade You can definitely understand my collection, right?"

The meaning of this statement, no matter how you listen to it, seems to be that Zhang Yang’s eyesight is worse than those of experts.

The eldest brother wanted to get away with it.

As if no one understands.

But since the eldest brother is willing to come over, I still have to give him the face of Zhang Yang, let’s see.

See what it is, give him confidence.

"Brother, what treasure did you bring?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Wait, you'll understand as soon as I take it out."

The eldest brother smiled mysteriously and deliberately gave it a try.

He adjusted the schoolbag on his back to his chest and took out a 30cm high rectangular paper box from it.

The eldest brother was very concerned about the contents in the carton. There was an old man nearby who wanted to come over and watch, but he was blocked by the eldest brother with his arm:
"Everyone, please give in. This thing is broken. I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it even if you sell your house."

Such a big battle, let alone publicity, even the usually mature and steady cameraman couldn't help but put the camera up to get a close-up.

"Don't blink."

The elder brother smiled and reached out to open the carton.

A cylindrical object covered with white cloth was taken out.

Matryoshka doll, right? Do you want it to be so mysterious?

Zhang Yang even wanted to go up and help the other party lift the cloth quickly.

Finally, after grinding for a few seconds, the eldest brother slowly unveiled the mysterious veil of the collection.

As the white cloth slowly rises, the first thing exposed is the cylindrical foot.

The glaze looks like blue and white on a white background.

Look at the base. Is this a blue and white porcelain pen holder?
Zhang Yang frowned and looked.

What appeared in front of him immediately made his eyelids jump.

I'm in a big trough, what the hell is this?

A blue and white porcelain... millstone?
Rao is a well-informed Zhang Yang, and this is the first time he has seen such porcelain.

No, this is no longer porcelain, it is a porcelain work of art.

"Brother, can this millstone of yours turn?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

If the elder brother hadn't said just now that he couldn't afford to pay for this thing if it was broken, Zhang Yang would definitely reach out and hold the handle of the millstone and try to turn it twice.

It’s fun just thinking about it.

"No, this thing is too old, but I feel that it should have been usable when it was first fired."

"It's been too long?" Zhang Yang covered his mouth to avoid laughing.

This blue and white porcelain mill, under the irradiation of natural light, has a "thief light" all over it, which obviously has nothing to do with the word "age".

Zhang Yang can make a judgment without looking at the item information:

This thing took no more than ten years to make.

"Brother, what era do you think this is from?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"Yuan Qinghua." The eldest brother replied decisively.

The crowd of onlookers roared, shocked by the eldest brother's bold statement.

The old man who was not too busy watching the theater just now shouted to the people queuing next to him: "Hurry, hurry, hurry, there are Yuan blue and white flowers here, come and take a look."

"A blue and white piece worth hundreds of millions!"

Zhang Yang took a deep look at the uncle.

Uncle, are your eyes okay? Could this be Yuan Qinghua?

If the elder brother hadn't stretched out his arm to stop him just now, Zhang Yang would have really suspected that the uncle and the elder brother were the same family.

"How do you think it looks like Yuan Qinghua?" Zhang Yang asked the elder brother opposite.

"Hey hey hey, you're going to test me, right?"

Baoyou stretched out his finger and tapped Zhang Yang with a smirk on his face, as if he and Zhang Yang were friends joking with each other.

Zhang Yang almost couldn't fix it.

Let me ask you where you can tell that it is Yuan Qinghua. As for being so happy, this eldest brother must not have some mental problems.

However, the eldest brother's next answer dispelled Zhang Yang's doubts about his mental state.

"When I look at Yuan blue and white, I mainly look at the patterns on it and the flint red."

"The flint red color on this artifact is natural and not imitation."

"Furthermore, the decoration on it is a common decoration of Yuan blue and white flowers. I have checked a lot of information on Yuan blue and white flowers, and also went to museums to compare."

What the eldest brother said was so public that I was a little impressed.

It sounds like they have really done some research.

When you know you can't find rust spots, look for flint red, which is also commonly known as "kiln red" or "loquat red".

Ancient porcelain, especially the porcelain from Jingdezhen and Longquan during the Yuan and Ming dynasties, will show an orange-red color in the exposed areas.

This is because kaolin was added to the fetal soil of ancient porcelain. In the exposed areas of the fired porcelain, porcelain ironite crystals are easily formed. After long-term oxidation of these crystals, the so-called flint red will appear.

To put it simply, like the rust of bronze, flint red is grown, and it is easy to see the faults of artificially aged ones.

"Flint red is fine, but it doesn't mean the thing is old. Brother, you should agree with this, right?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Of course, reporter, your point of view is very scientific, I agree."

"Antiques are like this. As long as one thing is fake, then it should be completely rejected." The eldest brother followed Zhang Yang's words very cooperatively.

"Then... what is the shape of this thing?"

Zhang Yang blinked and showed an awkward yet polite smile. "Isn't it a bit beyond the scope of traditional porcelain?"

"You actually have questions about the shape of this thing?" The eldest brother frowned and looked at Zhang Yang, his tone full of confusion.

It seemed as if Zhang Yang said something he shouldn't have said.

"Do you have any explanation for this type of instrument? I'm sorry for my ignorance." Zhang Yang really didn't understand, so he didn't hide it.

"The type of millstone is almost non-existent in porcelain." The elder brother said seriously, "No one here has seen the same type of porcelain, right?"


Everyone, including Zhang Yang, shook their heads.

It's enough to see such a heaven-defying thing once in a lifetime.

"That's alright. Since no one has seen it, the shape of the device shouldn't be a problem."

"Can't it be an orphan?"

"So I was very surprised when I heard you, comrade reporter, questioning the type of artifact. I think young people like you should not treat archeology as truth like the experts on the appraisal stage."

"In that case, private collectors should simply ban it. Anyway, everyone is based on what is found in archeology."

"Well said!" The old man just now cheered and clapped.

"Hey, that's what you meant, brother."

Zhang Yangxin said, thinking that the elder brother was going to say something earth-shattering, he was shocked.

Unexpectedly, it was a phrase that even the National Treasure Gang was tired of saying.

"Original products with weird shapes are not necessarily wrong", this kind of saying is similar to "the ones in the Forbidden City are fake, but mine are real".

These are all things that have lower odds than winning the lottery.

But if the other party insists on talking about this point, no one can convince him.

But Zhang Yang was doing a show after all, and the melon-eating collectors around him were also watching his reaction.

He had to say something, otherwise this blue and white porcelain millstone would be a treasure that "can stump Master Zhang" from now on.

"Apart from the shape and flint red color, the quality of this blue and white porcelain is very problematic."

Zhang Yang quickly switched to the state when he was taking the exam at the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

Isn't it the key point of identification of Yuan blue and white?

I have already memorized it by heart.

"This fetal soil is not the fine white Ma Cang soil commonly used in Yuan blue and white flowers. It should be modern porcelain clay. This can be sent directly to the laboratory to check the composition."

"Looking at the glaze again, it doesn't have the uniform and full feeling of Yuan blue and white. If you look at the flower on the side, I feel that there is something wrong with the porcelain firing..."

"Don't stare at the flaws. Not all Yuan blue and white are perfect, and there are also many glaze problems in the museum." The eldest brother couldn't help interrupting Zhang Yang and said.

"Brother, don't worry, wait until I finish speaking." Zhang Yang smiled and made a stop gesture.

It can be seen that the other party is a little anxious.

I originally went to Zhang Yang because I wanted to bully him because he didn't understand.

Now that so many questions were pointed out in succession, the eldest brother was on the verge of breaking down.

But the big one is actually yet to come.

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "The biggest problem with your blue and white porcelain grinding disc is actually the decoration that you went to the museum to confirm and said there is no problem."

"Patterns? What's wrong with patterns? I've seen them in photos." The eldest brother immediately retorted.

But when he was in a hurry, he spilled the beans.

"Why are you facing photos? Didn't you go to the museum to see them?"

"Well, the online museum is also a museum." The eldest brother said harshly.

"Then no wonder you think it's okay after seeing it." Zhang Yang put away his smile, "Photos can't capture the layered texture of the Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain."

"Look at your millstone. The blue and white patterns on it are only different in shades, not near or far."

"Compared with genuine blue and white porcelain, it's like the difference between paintings painted by primary school students and paintings painted by college art students."

"This is caused by the artistic accomplishment of the counterfeiters of blue and white porcelain. It is not a problem that can be made up for by using soil or pigments."

"What you are saying is too mysterious." The eldest brother retorted.

"I think what this reporter said makes sense."

The uncle next to him who had approved of Yuan Qinghua just now suddenly changed his mind.

Not only that, he also stood up and pointed at the decoration on the millstone and said: "This kind of decoration is obviously made by pasting the picture first and then following the painting..."

The eldest brother is not as well-educated as Zhang Yang.

After listening to the uncle's words, I went directly to chase him away, saying while chasing him:

"Who are you, old man? Why are you everywhere?"

"I'm from Wutongfang." The old man said cheerfully.

"What a bullshit shop, I've never heard of it!"

Baoyou wanted to spit at the uncle, but the latter nimbly dodged it.

"Have you never heard of Wutongfang?"

"Comrade reporter, take the flashlight and shine it on the handle of the millstone."

"Hahahaha, there will be a surprise." After the uncle finished speaking, he raised his head and left with a smile.

Zhang Yang seemed to understand, and took out the flash of his mobile phone regardless of whether Baoyou allowed it or not.

Place the light directly over the handle of the millstone and place your hand on the other side of the handle.

Through the light, the three faint white Chinese characters "Wutongfang" fell right into Zhang Yang's palm.


Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

Who doesn't understand this yet? It turns out that this "Yuan blue and white" millstone was produced in the workshop where the old man worked just now.

This treasure friend who almost had a conflict with the uncle naturally became the clown among clowns. He had a sense of deja vu as he pointed at Zhou Shuren and scolded him for not understanding Lu Xun.

Being coaxed by everyone, the eldest brother became a little angry and shouted:

"What are you looking at? Don't look at it!"

"I'm calling the police if anyone takes pictures again, infringing on my portrait rights."

"Cameraman, if you take pictures of me again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Yang walked to the cameraman, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him not to get angry.

This machine is valuable. If something goes wrong, Zhang Yang will probably have to pay some of the money. Is it worth it?

Let this precious friend go crazy here for a while. If he doesn't restrain himself, security will naturally come to deal with him.

It's a coincidence that Zhang Yang can do whatever he wants.

As soon as he thought about security, two people in security uniforms came towards him in a hurry.

Everyone from the security company had seen their fund manager Yang Yang before the event, so Zhang Yang didn't find it strange that the two security guards came towards him.

He quickly turned sideways to help guide the way:

"You came just in time, there is a national treasure gang causing mischief here."

Unexpectedly, two security guards walked to his door and suddenly stopped.

One of them stood opposite him and said anxiously:

"Master Zhang, Teacher Bai Hebo from the jade appraisal team, got into an argument with Baoyou again. That Baoyou said he won't get up until he sees you."

"Go and have a look quickly!"

"Not getting up?" Zhang Yang smiled, "Is he lying on the ground?"

"It's almost the same, but he's lying on the chair where Teacher Bai is sitting."

(End of this chapter)

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