Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 463 Live broadcast of treasure appraisal is not for everyone

Chapter 463 Live broadcast of treasure appraisal is not for everyone
This last link was arranged by Zhang Yang before the live broadcast.

It is said that it is Lianmai, but it is actually a task assigned by the leaders of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

The fourth national cultural relics census has begun, and a total of 13 counties across the country have been selected as the first phase of pilot areas.

The pilot program started in November last year and has been running for less than half a year now.

Many problems have been exposed.

The problem mainly arises with immovable cultural relics.

The hardest-hit areas are ancient tombs and stone murals dating from the mid-Qing Dynasty to 1911.

These cultural relics and historic sites were not taken seriously in the previous three censuses.

With the development of urban and rural construction, many of them have been seriously damaged.

I heard from Xiao Chu that because he found too many problems, Chu Zhenmin went to a meeting for half a month to study how to solve them.

"Thank you, Teacher Cai, for the explanation. Everyone should keep their eyes open."

16 years have passed in a flash.

Next, experts from Lianmai Cultural Relics Bureau will give their own opinions and introduce the fourth cultural relics census. At the same time, they will introduce the new rules and corresponding benefits to everyone.

As soon as Zhang Yang heard about the origin of the other party, he immediately thought that he could contact experts from the Forbidden City to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room.

This live broadcast room is for his own exclusive use, others should forget about it.

Today, the person in charge of Lian Mai at the Cultural Relics Bureau also works in the Forbidden City.

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of seal in the Forbidden City for more than 30 years."

Zhang Yang pretended to applaud.

Zhang Yang couldn't wait to enter the task phase.

"But I can responsibly tell Mr. Zhang and the more than 60,000 viewers in the live broadcast room that not a single thing from the Palace Museum was lost during the relocation."

Now, in principle, tombs from the Ming Dynasty to 1911 will be recognized as immovable cultural relics.

"Come on, let's welcome Mr. Cai from the Forbidden City with a round of applause!"

"Everything is registered, and there is a register that can be checked."

"If you see something like this in the future, you will treat it as a fake."

Douyin is one of the most important publicity channels.

"Also, there is another important point."

The window for publicity has also changed from television, radio, and newspapers to the current Internet multimedia.

"Good evening, Teacher Cai."

"Hello, Teacher Zhang."

"Affixing such a large seal to a painting can easily cause damage to the painting. No one with a little knowledge of cultural relic protection would do this."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head.

"Now let us..."

The way he sat upright looked very much like a TV host.

"We are doing a special topic on fake antiques today. Today I am trying to ask Teacher Cai to help me see if there is any problem with this kind of seal."

"If you still don't believe it, Teacher Zhang, you can open the painting and let me analyze it for everyone."

He made this request and the person in charge agreed immediately.

One of the solutions currently available is:

"I can probably understand the meaning of the forger. They want to say that this thing is a collection that was lost when the Palace Museum moved."

In less than half a second, Teacher Cai started to laugh.

You know, the third census of cultural relics was still in 2007.

If nothing else, there will be more and more such tasks in recent years.

They also invited Mr. Cai, a veteran expert from the Palace Museum, to cooperate with the publicity.

Zhang Yang showed the seal that read [Forbidden City Museum | Collection] in front of the camera.

After the video was connected, an old man wearing a suit and black-rimmed glasses appeared in the camera.

Analysis is not necessary.

As Douyin's treasure appraisal anchor, Zhang Yang suddenly stood at the forefront of the publicity front.

Zhang Yang's official image will become more and more stable.

The surprise came too suddenly.

When I make a promotional video later, I will help with the dubbing later.

If it weren't for his lack of willingness, Chu Zhenmin would have recommended him to work in the cultural relics department.

Strengthen the publicity of cultural relics protection knowledge and encourage the public to proactively submit clues to immovable cultural relics resources to the cultural relics department.

But there is one exception.

That is, the descendants of the tomb owner are still alive and do not agree with the tomb being recognized as a cultural relic.

Once a tomb is recognized as a cultural relic, the state will provide supporting protection for it.

Later generations cannot destroy it when building houses or building roads, and relocation of graves is not allowed.

It sounds like there are a lot of disadvantages, but there are also advantages.

That is, the tombs will be systematically protected.

Once someone excavates, no matter whether something is unearthed or not, it is destruction of cultural relics and will be punished.

To put it another way, it doesn’t matter what your ancestors did.

Now you can apply for an organization for their graves.

In the future, even if future generations fail to live up to expectations, the country will help you protect your ancestral graves.

Isn’t it tempting to think this way?

Anyway, if Zhang Yang could find his ancestral grave, he would definitely apply directly.

But before he finished speaking, Teacher Cai on the other end of the video suddenly interrupted him.

"Anchor, this thing about you reminds me of a similar method of fraud."

"I happened to meet him recently and wanted to share it with you."

"Really?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise.

This part is not in the script.

But looking at Teacher Cai, it seems that this is really the case.

Since people say there is a similar type, you still have to take a look.

Teacher Cai took a piece of pastel porcelain from the person next to him.

Instead of showing the details of the porcelain, he pointed the foot directly at the camera.

The bottom of the porcelain, which should have been flat and smooth, suddenly had a round red bump next to the signature.

Anyone who often plays with Qing Dynasty porcelain should know this thing.

This is a special mark on the sole of ancient porcelain, called a fire seal. Only porcelain with this mark can be exported abroad.

Therefore, porcelain with fire lacquer seals can at least prove one thing:
It cannot be an unearthed cultural relic.

So you can trade freely in the market.

[This fire seal seems to have words on it]

[Can the anchor enlarge the screen a little bit?]

[No need to zoom in, I can see clearly (that’s weird)]

Zhang Yang feels that the demand for barrage is reasonable.

After he manually enlarged the picture on Teacher Cai's side, he led the audience in the live broadcast room to see clearly the words printed on the paint:

【Beiping Palace Museum】.

There is also a sun in the middle.

This has the same meaning as the flag on the label just now.

"I've been receiving inquiries like this a lot recently."

"Ask whether this kind of thing is true or false."

Teacher Cai explained in detail.

"I can tell you that this kind of fire seal that says "Beiping Palace Museum" is 100% fake."

"The National Palace Museum in Peking at that time was neither engaged in the export of ceramics nor the appraisal business. It was a completely fabricated fire seal."

"I learned it." Zhang Yang nodded.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of fire seals.

But those are the ones in those antique stores that sell reflow porcelain.

That's a real fire seal.

Unexpectedly, there is already a customized version of the fake fire seal for the Forbidden City.

But it's not over.

Teacher Cai waved to the side.

Immediately, another box was handed over.

A very old-fashioned wooden box that looks like it should contain porcelain or metalware.

Zhang Yang originally thought he wanted to see what was inside.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Cai turned the box 180 degrees, revealing the seal on the box.

"This is also a very typical scam."

"Everyone, look at what's written on this seal: Committee for the aftermath of the Qing Dynasty." [Good guy, you are criticizing the Forbidden City]

[Who makes the Forbidden City most famous? There’s nothing you can do about it]

[I feel that Teacher Cai is also very helpless, but some people just believe him]

[Should I avoid buying products from the Forbidden City when I see them in the future? 】

Zhang Yang can actually answer the barrage question.

However, the staff of the Forbidden City were here, so he couldn’t overstep his authority, so he asked in a different way:

"Teacher Cai, are there any antiques marked as origins from the Forbidden City that are worth collecting?"

"That's a good question, and the answer is no."

"Not one thing?"

Zhang Yang asked emphatically.

Teacher Cai seemed to have thought of something this time and hesitated a little, but finally said:

"No, not a thing."

In response, Zhang Yang smiled and did not expose him.

In fact, there are.

There have been several very famous cultural relic theft cases in China.

Among them, cultural relics with the Forbidden City label have flowed into the auction market.

Of course, with the current intensity of the country’s pursuit of stolen cultural relics, those leaked cultural relics should never appear on the open antique market.

So it’s okay for Teacher Cai to answer this way.

The premise is that cultural relics will not be stolen again in the future.

"Okay, thank you very much, Teacher Cai, for coming to our live broadcast room to popularize science."

"Let's connect wheat next..."

Just as Zhang Yang was about to attract the lecturers from the Cultural Relics Bureau, Teacher Cai suddenly interrupted him again.

It seems like I'm addicted to interruptions.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang, for giving me this opportunity."

"If you are still interested in the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, or want to authenticate antiques, you are also welcome to come to our live broadcast room."

“There are professionals from the Forbidden City here to help collectors with free appraisals.”

Zhang Yang:? ? ?
what's going on? Are you still advertising?
In the past, when others advertised, the most they could do was bring goods.

Now this teacher Cai is so good, he is here to dig up Zhang Yang’s roots!

Of course Zhang Yang couldn't bear it and cut off Lian Mai at the speed of light.

[Hahaha, the anchor is anxious]

[Let’s go, let’s go see the experts at the Forbidden City]

[Is the treasure appraisal track so crowded now? Otherwise, the anchor should change his profession as soon as possible]

[I agree, I will change my career directly to tomb robbing]

"I am indeed a little anxious."

Zhang Yang looked at the barrage and admitted this very frankly.

He had been stabbed in the back, so it was reasonable to be anxious.

This further highlights that the teacher Cai from the Forbidden City just now does not respect martial ethics.

However, Zhang Yang really didn't expect that the propaganda people at the Forbidden City would be so perverted.


Seeing Zhang Yang hang up Lian Mai.

Teacher Cai, who was sitting in front of the camera, smiled proudly.

The director's voice came from his earphones:

"Very good, this wave of traffic is very successful, the number of viewers has doubled from before."

"Now hurry up and learn Zhang Yang's Lian Mai Jian Bao."

Upon hearing the words "learn to be public", Teacher Cai frowned slightly.

He is also an old expert. Should he still learn from others when it comes to treasure appraisal?

You look down on people, right?

Could he be worse than that boy Zhang Yang?
Just watch, in less than a month, this official treasure appraisal live broadcast room of the Forbidden City will surpass Master Zhang's treasure appraisal and become the most popular live broadcast room on the entire Internet.

"Hello, Teacher Cai." The new friend was very enthusiastic.

"Hello, Tibetan friend." Teacher Cai nodded very kindly, "What treasure do you want to identify?"

"Oh, I want to identify this."

Baoyou took out a white jade kunkun.

Teacher Cai looked at this strange thing and adjusted the frame of the mirror.

What is this?

What is the theme of the carving?

Parted hair in the middle, overalls, this is understandable, modern character attire.

But why are these eyes so big?
And the mouth, like a chicken's beak?
Teacher Cai scratched his head, a little at a loss as to what to do.

"Asking him about the origin of things, didn't I ask you to watch Zhang Yang's live video? Didn't you watch it?" the director reminded in the earphones.

These words made Teacher Cai extremely uncomfortable.

It's a direct act of reverse psychology.

Don’t ask, just give the conclusion directly.

"Friend Bao, this should be a modern handicraft."

"The material is white jade from Qinghai jade."

"Oh, it turns out to be Qinghai Jade." Baoyou nodded, "Teacher, what's the value of this thing of mine?"

"I bought it for five hundred steamed buns. Did I make a loss or a profit?"

What currency unit is steamed buns?
Teacher Cai was down again.

Fortunately, the director reminded him that "one steamed bun = one dollar".

"It's probably not worth it at the moment."

"The carving is relatively rough and it is machine-carved."

"But my subject matter is good." Baoyou argued, "Can't I get extra points for my subject matter?"

"I don't see what's good about this subject matter."

"Kunkun, isn't it good?"

"Who is Kunkun?" Teacher Cai asked subconsciously.

Hearing this, Baoyou was stunned.

The director monitoring the live broadcast even stopped breathing, and his heartbeat skipped half a beat.

If you don’t understand any of the memes, why are you doing a live broadcast?

Also collapsing was the number of online viewers.

[No fun, let’s go]

[It feels so old-fashioned, this live broadcast is not fun to watch]

[Why don’t the anchors bring the goods directly? I still like the cultural creations of the Forbidden City]

But this is just the beginning.

The next item is the imperial green glass bracelet.

Then, the old man from the construction site returned to the scene in a three-piece suit.

The jade seal of Chuan Guo also showed up.

Teacher Cai himself is not an all-rounder.

Although some things were fake, he was cautious and had to observe very carefully to be sure.

Although there was nothing wrong in the end, the whole process was very long and boring.

He didn't follow Zhang Yang's example and chatted nonsense with his treasure friend during the appraisal.

As a result, he only blocked five treasure friends in a row, and most of the audience in the live broadcast room had already left.

"Next person."

Teacher Cai also feels that he has done a good job.

He excitedly waved to his assistant and asked him to help him connect wheat.

But the assistant shook his head and told him that no one had applied for continuous wheat.

Everyone was gone.

nobody? What to do?

Teacher Cai looked at the guide with an innocent look.

The latter slapped his forehead, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed the number of the person in charge of this project:

"The live broadcast of treasure appraisal is too difficult for our experienced experts."

"As for the cultural relics store, if you don't want the leader, you should go and talk to Zhang Yang directly!"

"Me? I quit!"

(End of this chapter)

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