Chapter 466 Dangerous Question

Li Zicheng’s tomb?

Zhang Yangxin said, this treasure friend may not think of himself as a fool.

It might as well be called Chuangwang's treasure. That thing is at least really mysterious.

Even if he is lying, no one can deny him.

As for Li Zicheng's tomb, it is a key national cultural relic protection unit, located at the foot of Jiugong Mountain in Tongshan County.

It has been officially recognized.

How come the grave was moved to Baoyou's place?
"Friend Bao, do you have any basis for your statement?"

"Isn't it a wild history?"

Zhang Yang asked curiously.

He didn't bother with the age of this tomb.

After all, everything on the outside can be explained as being repaired later.

Freaking statements like Baoyou's are generally based on folklore and are not groundless.

"Of course it's not a wild history." Baoyou replied.

"What I said is well-founded."

"Teacher, look, the name of the tomb owner is Cheng Yonggao. Cheng is the name of Li Zicheng, and Gao is the name of Gao Guiying, Li Zicheng's wife."

"After Li Zicheng was defeated, he took the treasure and the remaining army and occupied the mountain here to become king..."

"What about Yong in the tomb owner's name?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yong is the reign name of Yongchang. Teacher, you should know this, right?"

"I know."

Zhang Yangxin said, Isn't it strange that he knew it? What's strange is that Baoyou even knew that the Dashun Dynasty used the Yongchang reign name.

It seems that I really underestimated these "wild brothers".

The three words "Cheng Yonggao" can actually be explained as being related to Li Zicheng.

It can only be said that it has the flavor of "Zhu Yuanzhang sells Gouzi".

It is worthy of being an unofficial history.

"Okay, friend Bao, it's time to go home for dinner after it's so late." Zhang Yang advised kindly.

"If you have time, you can help declare this tomb. It obviously meets the conditions for this cultural relics census."

"Teacher, don't you believe what I said?" Baoyou asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, there may be something you don't know."

Zhang Yang told Baoyou:

"The tomb of Li Zicheng, which is now a national cultural protection unit, has been dug up a long time ago, and there is indeed a coffin inside."

"Of course, we cannot rule out that the coffin is empty, or that Li Zicheng is not buried inside."

"But the probability of that situation is still more reliable than your wild history."

[Isn’t it possible to measure carbon 14 now? Dig both graves and test them and you will understand]

[No one really believes in unofficial history, right? 】

[The statement that there is a coffin in Li Zicheng's tomb is also not credible. At that time of digging the grave, it was not allowed to not have a coffin inside]

Danmu and Baoyou each have their own opinions, but Zhang Yang doesn't pay attention to these.

All he knew was that this tomb did meet the standards.

An ancient tomb from the late Qing Dynasty with three entrances and two courtyards is enough to apply for becoming a key cultural relic protection unit.

Maybe even provincial.

As for who is buried inside, it doesn't matter.

It can’t be dug now anyway.


"Okay, brothers, it's time to bring the goods."

"Let me give a round of applause to Mr. Qi from the Guobo Cultural Relics Main Store!"

Zhang Yang stood up and made a welcoming gesture.

An intellectual beauty in a gray suit sat next to him after greeting the audience.

Don't look at this girl who is now working part-time as a product anchor. After all, she also graduated with a master's degree in cultural studies and was admitted to the National Museum of Science and Technology in a serious manner.

Previously, he had been responsible for the exhibition design of the museum’s porcelain exhibition hall.

It's just that the cultural relics store was afraid that the person who came would be much weaker than Zhang Yang, so they specially selected a person like this who was comparable to Zhang Yang in terms of stature, appearance, and knowledge.

At least you won't lose face.

"Good evening, audience friends and treasure friends, I am Qi Lele, everyone can just call me Lele from now on."

[Master Zhang’s assistant opened the door loudly]

[My boyfriend can go backstage now, it’s time for the female anchor]

[As the top brother on the list, can I add the female anchor’s WeChat account]

Zhang Yang saw Chen Yanguang's speech in the barrage and took a screenshot.

This will be evidence from now on.

"Everyone, please pay attention to your appearance. Teacher Qi is a special guest this time. I will only come here today. From now on, I will still be the permanent guest in this live broadcast room."

"Be careful, I'll settle the scores later, like the big brother on a certain list."

"Hahaha, Teacher Zhang, you are so funny."

Qi Lele covered her mouth and her tone was a little teay.

However, Zhang Yang only knows how to identify treasures, not bitches, so he didn't realize this.

The main items for sale this afternoon are porcelain.

After all, it’s the first day to bring goods, so of course I have to bring some antiques that are widely recognized among collectors.

I have to say that the cultural relics store is professional.

When I came up, I was given a lucky bag with five Qianlong Tongbao stuffed in it.

Seeing the audience swiping the screen full of fan signs in order to participate in the lottery, Zhang Yang exclaimed that he had learned the lesson.

Qianlong Tongbao only costs a little, and you can get your money back by buying lantern cards.

I will secretly learn this trick next time I broadcast live and give benefits to the audience.

"The first item today is a Chilong vase from the Longquan kiln of the Ming Dynasty."

As soon as Qi Lele finished his first sentence, people from their team brought up the corresponding azure porcelain.

Also placed on the table at the same time was an electric turntable display stand.

Porcelain will spin when placed on it.

"Here, director, please give us a close-up shot."

Qi Lele hooked her fingers at Xu Jie.

The latter was stunned for a moment.

"Cough cough."

Zhang Yang coughed twice and woke Xu Jie up.

Then he motioned to Xu Jie to give way and let the cameraman from the National Expo come.

There is no need to work for your own employees for free.

The live broadcast was paused for two seconds, and the audience thought they were stuck.

After changing the camera team, Zhang Yang took a look at the surveillance footage of his live broadcast.

Under the cool light, a cyan chilong bottle rotates slowly, which is very eye-catching.

At the same time, Qi Lele’s introduction voice came to my ears:
"This vase is made in the shape of a jade pot, with a height of 17.4 cm and a mouth diameter of 5 cm.

The round mouth, slender neck, sloping shoulders and drooping belly are typical of the Ming Dynasty jade pot spring vase shape.

This vase is covered with Longquan celadon glaze, and a chilong is wrapped around the neck and shoulders.

The dragon's body is bent upwards, its teeth are bared, and it is coiled around the neck of a bottle. Its limbs and claws are powerfully shaped, and its hair and hair are exquisitely painted and made with very fine workmanship.

Chi is a kind of dragon in our country's legend, which means beauty and auspiciousness.

For such an exquisite Longquan celadon chilong vase with auspicious meaning, Teacher Zhang thinks, how much should it sell for? "

ah? Ask me?
Zhang Yang turned his head and saw Qi Lele looking at him with a smile, feeling a little strange.

This part is not in the script.

And I usually estimate it based on big data.

Now you don’t have to check it yourself on the spot, right?

But Zhang Yang reacted quickly:

Why do you listen to this woman?

This is your own territory, why don't you decide it for yourself?
"Well, this Chilong bottle is in good condition, but there are more Longquan kilns from the Ming Dynasty in existence, so the price is generally not too high."

Zhang Yang nodded and commented briefly.

"Teacher Qi, please tell me the price, so I can think about whether I can help my friends negotiate the price."

"Teacher Zhang, what's the price in your mind?"

Qi Lele asked, tilting his head.

Zhang Yang answered her with a smile:
"Don't ask, we'll know after you quote the price."

Qi Lele's smile froze when he hit a soft nail.

But the tone remains unchanged:
"Okay, dear collectors, the price of this Ming Dynasty Longquan kiln Chilong bottle is:"

"1250RMB." "Friends in need should quickly place an order to buy it. This is just one piece. If you don't pay after the photo is taken, you will be blacklisted. Please think carefully before ordering."

"At this price, no problem." Zhang Yang seized the opportunity to jump in.

"I've seen it for you with my own eyes. It's good. If you're not satisfied after buying it, just come to me directly in Laihai and I'll take it back at the original price."

"Hahaha, thank you Teacher Zhang for your support."

"Congratulations to the buyer Jiucaigou. Your order has been successfully placed. We will send this item to you as soon as possible. The express delivery will take about..."

"no, I'm fine."

Zhang Yang interrupted Qi Lele's speech.

"Take care, just fill in the address in our museum and I will send it to you when the time comes."

"This is a regular customer of our live broadcast room. He lives in Linhai."

"Oh, he turns out to be a regular customer."

[Not just a regular customer, but also a sponsor]

[He is the first generation of the Leek Emperor in this live broadcast room]

[A year ago, the Leek Emperor was still cutting leeks from jade, but now he has bought the genuine Longquan Kiln product]

[I just bought a piece of Longquan kiln at Christie’s last month. It cost me more than 50,000 yuan. I feel that their piece may not be authentic]

"The one in the barrage who said the auction cost more than 50,000 yuan is too much."

Zhang Yang accurately caught a disturbing barrage.

Christie's was on holiday last month and didn't start shooting at all.

Pure rumours.

This official sale of antiques has the effect of anchoring market prices.

There must be people with interests who are out to cause trouble.

"Don't pretend to be a shill, otherwise you will be blocked by mistake later." Zhang Yang reminded.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang, for reminding my treasure friends. Now let's take a look at today's second piece of porcelain."

"A small print box with colorful dragon patterns from the Qing Dynasty."

"This print box is 3.4 centimeters high and 4.1 centimeters in diameter."

"It is painted with colorful clouds and dragons chasing beads from the Qing Dynasty..."

"The precious thing about this thing is that there are six characters in double-line regular script at the bottom: [Wanli Year System of the Ming Dynasty]."

"According to expert appraisal, it should be an imperial kiln porcelain imitating Wanli from the Qing Dynasty."

After Qi Lele finished speaking, he paused and looked at Zhang Yang.

The director's footage was also given to Zhang Yang.

They really treat Zhang Yang as a tool.

I want to use his recognition to better bring goods.

After renting the venue, the landlord still asks the landlord to perform, which is somewhat unkind.

But this time, they asked the right question.

"Strictly speaking, this piece of porcelain is not from the Qing Dynasty."

"It is a sustenance porcelain from Jingdi Town in the late Qing Dynasty or modern times."

"It is more accurate to say it is modern porcelain."

Zhang Yang mercilessly exposed Qi Lele's words.

The difference between the late Qing Dynasty and modern times is actually the difference between before and after 1911.

In the past few years, the style of Jingdi Town porcelain has not changed much.

In the year 268 of the Qing Dynasty, no matter how shameless an expert is, they will only date this item to the "late Qing Dynasty", leaving no room for imagination.

But the way they carry the goods is a bit unkind.

A vague "Qing Dynasty" will make people subconsciously think of Kangxi and Qianlong.

"It seems that Master Zhang has some objections to the age of this thing."

"Haha, this is normal, after all, the porcelain industry..."

"It's not an objection, it's a confirmation."

Zhang Yang doesn't want to get along with him. This live broadcast can deceive friends, but it can't deceive experts.

I won't do anything to destroy the signboard.

"This is porcelain from the late Qing Dynasty to modern times."

"Just tell me the price."

Qi Lele was almost choked by Zhang Yang's rebuke.

After looking at each other, the director reluctantly quoted the price:

"The selling price of this thing is: 2680RMB."

"It's too expensive." Zhang Yang responded immediately.

"Everyone can buy it according to their own situation."

"I can only say that at this price, you won't lose much if you buy a piece of modern porcelain with a deposit."

"Okay, Teacher Qi, let's move on to the next one."

"OK, all right."

Qi Lele knew that if Zhang Yang said this, even if this thing could be sold, it would definitely not happen immediately.

She quickly introduced the next item.

Qing Dynasty imitation Ge kiln flower mouth cup.

The price is 3000 yuan.

Qi Lele couldn't help but observe Zhang Yang's expression while introducing it.

It wasn't until Zhang Yang showed no reaction after the price was quoted that she breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, the director reminded her again in the earphone:

It’s time to cue Teacher Zhang.

The design of today's program team is to force Zhang Yang to participate in bringing goods.

Qi Lele could only bite the bullet and asked:

"Teacher Zhang, what do you think of this thing?"

"It's not bad. It's considered a top quality imitation Ge Kiln porcelain from the Qing Dynasty."

"Everyone, please pay attention. The dark brown area on this flower-mouthed cup is not the [purple mouth and iron feet] of traditional Ge Kiln porcelain, but a layer of glaze was applied during firing."

"There are no other problems."

[It’s so complicated, I can’t understand it either]

[Yeah, just tell your family if you can rush and that’s it.]

[Three thousand yuan for a Qing Dynasty Ge kiln is indeed not expensive, but Teacher Zhang, please give me a nice word]

[No matter what, let’s rush first, otherwise we will be beaten first]

Zhang Yang didn't have time to watch the barrage.

He is sending a message to Chen Yanguang.

Zhang Yang was asking the eldest brother, what's going on? Why did he suddenly buy porcelain from the Qing Dynasty?
To be honest, based on the level of Hedong Group's antique porcelain, if it is used as decoration alone, the group's antique porcelain is much more beautiful than the antiques sold now.

Because the group's craftsmen imitate the official kilns in the museum, most of the ones sold now are private kilns.

There is an essential difference between the two.

Chen Yanguang quickly replied:
"There is a British overseas Chinese who wants to open a private museum in Australia."

"She asked me to help collect some porcelain from the Qing Dynasty."

“The main thing is to buy cheap and large quantities.”

"As long as there is a cultural relic store live broadcast on Douyin these days, I will buy it."

Zhang Yang read the news and his first reaction was:
Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier?

If he had said it earlier, Zhang Yang would have placed an order directly with the National Museum of China.

The state-owned cultural relics store releases goods to the public every year.

To whom is it not sold?

It's definitely too late to tell now.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and replied to Chen Yanguang:
"Don't leave today. I will give a critical review of each antique later."

"At least you won't be cut too badly here."

After all, he is a good brother, so he still has to help with this little convenience.

But this time, Qi Lele suffered a serious blow.

She simply couldn't explain many of the questions Zhang Yang raised.

With a master's degree in cultural studies, she could memorize manuscripts and engage in academic research. But when it came to every piece of porcelain, she could only use her eyes to ask for help from the broadcaster.

As for the director, he could only pretend he didn't see it.

Otherwise, should he answer these questions?
"What kind of kiln is Sichuan Kiln?"

"How can you be sure that the persimmon red glaze is from Yaozhou kiln?"

"It's obviously your kiln, why do you say it's your porcelain?"

"How can you tell that this ordinary bowl with lotus pattern is from the Ming Dynasty?"

"Are there any experts who can carefully date these things for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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