Chapter 196
In this cultivation world, the formation of alchemy is a watershed, almost blocking ninety percent of monks.

Once a true elixir is formed, it means that from now on, the step will be stepped up, and the class will be truly leapfrogged.

Cultivator Zhendan already belongs to the upper level of the pyramid in the southern part of Yan Kingdom. If there is a strong financial background, there will be infinite possibilities in the future.

Especially in Floating Cloud City, ninety-nine percent of them are scattered cultivators' settlements, where True Alchemy cultivators are admired by all.

As for those who opened shops in Floating Cloud City, except for the shops of the major forces, most of them were Foundation Establishment Loose Cultivators, and there were very few shop owners at the level of fake alchemy.

The casual cultivators who can rush to the real pill will almost all fall into the arms of the business alliance or become the worship of the major forces.

Li Jizhou is now a true dan real person and the owner of Taobao Pavilion, so there will not be a few who will offer him an olive branch.

as predicted,

As soon as the banquet started,
On behalf of the Merchant League, Bai Qicheng personally sent a congratulatory gift worth [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and brought a contract of enshrinement, promising to practice the dojo forever, with an annual limit of [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

This made the neighbors present swallow their mouths watering, the years equivalent to one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones a year is simply a sudden fortune for Qi training and foundation building monks, which they dare not even dream of.

However, for Li Jizhou, this is not enough money for the materials of a Pregnancy Pill.

Of course, the average alchemy cultivator would not start preparing for becoming a baby as early as he did. Most of them just take one step at a time, and will not start preparing for the baby until the late stage of alchemy.

After all, if the alchemy is successful, many people may be stuck in the early stage of alchemy for a lifetime, and it is difficult to make progress.

After forming a pill, it is extremely difficult to advance in every small realm.

In particular, it depends on one's own talent and the quality of alchemy.

Just like Han Zhenren in the Wulaohui Sea Area, he could barely form the lower reaches of the true elixir with Xuan Jing Fruit, and his talent was not above the middle level. If there was no big opportunity in the future, he would never be able to cross the threshold of the middle stage of elixir formation in his life.

For the solicitation of the business alliance, Li Jizhou was honored and sincerely thanked.

However, it still expressed its determination to continue and expand Taobao Pavilion.

In this regard, the deputy city lord highly praised Li Jizhou as a good ally of the Merchant Alliance, and gave him some special treatment exclusive to Zhendan monks.

Afterwards, all the shops in Fang City came forward to send congratulatory gifts.

All kinds of materials, red envelopes, too many to count.

Not surprisingly, some forces near Floating Cloud City also received a summons from shopkeepers of shops set up in the city.
Many forces have specially sent people to make friends with Li Jizhou.

There were also a few Zhendan real people among them.

Most of them also have the meaning of solicitation.

For a time, Li Jizhou was incomparable.

Until most of the presenters have been seated.

The familiar figure came slowly.

"Congratulations to Master Li for obtaining the True Pill, the road is smooth!" The plump and sexy Qi Yuan had a playful smile on her lips. She was dressed in a bright red robe, elegant and luxurious, exuding an aura of True Pill, stronger than Li Jizhou.

With a smile on his face, Li Jizhou got up to greet him.

"Fairy Qi, long time no see. I never expected you to come. Li is far away to welcome you, and I still look forward to Haihan."

Qi Yuan left the Wulaohui sea area ten years earlier than Li Jizhou, and her talent was at least a high-grade spiritual root, and she was a prodigal son, and she had Jin Yangzong as her support, so it was not surprising that she formed a real pill.

Li Jizhou was just surprised that she actually came to participate in his alchemy ceremony.

"Oh? It's been a long time, maybe 20 years." Qi Yuan smiled with her phoenix eyes, staring intently at Li Jizhou's eyes.

Li Jizhou immediately felt relieved when he heard the words.

When he left the waters of Wulaohui, he showed his true appearance to Jiang Li without paying any attention to it. Naturally, he expected that Qi Yuan would know about it later.

He didn't care much about this, at most he made Qi Yuan call her grandpa a lot.

"Fairy Qi, please take a seat first, we will talk about the past later."

"Haha, just what I wanted." Qi Yuan shrugged lazily and sat down next to Li Jizhou.

He just returned to Jinyangzong 20 years ago, and when he learned that Zhang Ruoyu had never left the sect, he realized that the one in Haiyu was a fake.

It's just that, first of all, the fake Zhang Ruoyu saved his life.

Secondly, he has been cultivating in a low-key way in the sea area, and has never done anything wrong with Zhang Ruoyu's reputation.

Thirdly, the person who can pretend to be so similar to Zhang Ruoyu's tone of voice and personality must be someone who is familiar with Zhang Ruoyu.

So she kept this matter to the bottom of her heart, and just told Jiang Li, who had been with him for decades and had a deep relationship.

It wasn't until the next contact with Jiang Li that I found out the true identity of the pretending Zhang Ruoyu.

She never expected that the little qi training Xiaoxiu she met back then in Lingzhu Shanfang City would grow to such a degree.

The day before yesterday, I happened to be shopping in Zixia Immortal City to the east of Floating Cloud City, and I was shocked to learn about Li Jizhou's alchemy ceremony by accident, so I came here overnight.

After she slowly sat down, she closed her phoenix eyes and fell asleep, but the bottom of her heart was the scene when she first met Li Jizhou decades ago.

At the same time, everyone present looked at Qi Yuan who was sitting next to Li Jizhou, and their expressions moved slightly.

"Hiss~ That fairy is so fresh, I haven't seen her on the rouge list."

"How can such a beautiful lady not be included in the rouge list? It seems that the rouge list is just for its name."

"Based on the old man's many years of experience, although this fairy's appearance is not as good as the top ten fairies on the rouge list, but... with her plump and tall figure, tsk tsk, if the old man came to rank, she must be in the top five!"


Even the deputy city lord of Liuyun City, who was sitting on the other side of Li Jizhou, couldn't help but look sideways.
As a Zhendan Daoist who has lived for nearly two hundred years and has real power in Floating Cloud City, his taste has already improved,
The ordinary girl's posture has long been difficult to catch,
Even the stunning beauty on the rouge list, in his opinion, has lost some flavor.

And Qi Yuan's plump but not fat, tall and mature figure exudes an aura that makes him want to move all the time.

"Haha, Bai doesn't know that Daoist Li has such a fairy as a Taoist friend. I really envy others." Seeing that Li Jizhou didn't intend to introduce himself, Bai Chengzhu said with a cheeky smile.

Li Jizhou cupped his hands with a smile, and said to him from the left and right: "City Master Bai praises you, Fairy Qi is Li's elder when he was young, he helped Li a lot, and today he specially came to support him, Li is very grateful to her."

It did not reveal that Qi Yuan was following her.

"Haha, then you really need to treat him well." City Lord Bai laughed out loud, and didn't ask any further questions. After all, the other party is a true dan real person and cannot be forced.

Wait for all guests to be seated.

Li Jizhou picked up a glass of spiritual wine and stood up: "Blessed by the grace of heaven, the alchemy was formed by luck. All fellow Taoists have come here, and I feel deeply in my heart. Please prepare some thin wine. Please drink with me!"

Everyone stood up: "Congratulations to Changchun Daoist! Do it!"
After a round of toasting, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Li Jizhou was also invited by the crowd, pretending to share some thoughts about forming alchemy.

As night fell, the guests gradually dispersed.

Qi Yuan has been waiting...

(End of this chapter)

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