I save spiritual roots for the next life.

Chapter 25 Yin and Yang complement each other

Chapter 25 Yin and Yang complement each other
Become a guest, business blows each other,
Eating and drinking at public expense, toasting...

These series of processes have been experienced in the previous life, and this life will just go through the motions.

In addition, he had been thinking about the Tianji Pavilion in his heart, so after drinking for three rounds, when all the fellow Taoists made an appointment to go to the Tianxian Tower in the inner city to find the fairies in it to discuss the way of harmony of yin and yang, Li Jizhou politely declined, and instead invited Lu Zhenhua to an elegant tea house.

"Brother, is it because you are thin-skinned?" Lu Zhenhua investigated Li Jizhou in detail, knowing that he was not broke before the age of 16, and has been practicing hard since then, so even though he is 16 years old now, he is still a baby.

I just thought he was a child at heart.

"Brother Lu, don't make fun of me, I just..." Li Jizhou smiled slightly, and was about to explain.

Lu Zhenhua has already advised as a person who has been there:

"Hey, dear brother, listen to Brother Yu,
In our practice, we pay attention to the harmony between heaven, earth and man, and the heaven and earth are yin and yang!
Yin and Yang complement each other, the way of man!
What's more... the taste in it, tsk tsk, can be immortal!

In our practice, we all look forward to the longevity and long-term vision, but the years are thin, and the practice is depressing. If there is no interest to adjust it, how boring is the long-life and long-term vision?

Or breed demons.

In the humble opinion of a foolish brother, there is nothing wrong with a virtuous brother practicing hard, but you must not bind yourself.

As the saying goes, the essence overflows from itself, which is the principle of heaven and earth.

Occasionally adjust with taste, it is more beneficial to practice! "

"Brother Lu's teaching, I will remember it in my heart!" Li Jizhou nodded in agreement.

Of course he understands these principles, everything has a limit, anything that is too extreme is not in line with the way of heaven and earth, and he will never be a defender of Taoism against his will.

However, it is even more impossible for him to be affected by those adjustments. Now that the safety and security of his life have not been resolved, how can he have the heart to make adjustments?
"However, I do have other matters to ask for advice today."

"Oh? Come and listen to my brother."

"Brother Lu, do you know that Tianji Pavilion?" Li Jizhou asked.

"The name of Tianji Pavilion, who doesn't know, who doesn't know? Why? Brother and Tianji Pavilion have a relationship?" Lu Zhenhua came interested.

"To be honest, my younger brother judged the rise and fall of talismans before, relying on the information from Tianji Pavilion's mansion newspaper." Li Jizhou pushed the boat forward, pushing out the extraordinary point of predicting the rise and fall three years ago.

"Is there another matter? Tell me in detail!" Lu Zhenhua was shocked immediately.

Li Jizhou didn't hesitate, and covered up his purpose of keeping an eye on the general trend, and explained in detail the factors in the information that might affect the increase in talisman seals.

"It's so!" Lu Zhenhua praised repeatedly, and made up his mind to subscribe to Dibao tomorrow.

"However, my little brother went to the Tianji Pavilion to renew the fee today, and it turned out..." Li Jizhou took advantage of the situation and recounted what happened in the Tianji Pavilion today.

"Buy strong and sell strong?" Lu Zhenhua immediately thought so.

"No! Tianji Pavilion has a strong background, but it is mainly famous for its reputation. It is impossible to do this kind of thing that smashes its own brand." Then he immediately overturned his guess.

"There must be a reason for not being understood by outsiders!" Finally, Lu Zhenhua said firmly.

This coincided with Li Jizhou's judgment.

It's just that Li Jizhou's news comes entirely from the Tianji Pavilion's newspaper, so it is impossible to accurately judge the course of action of the Tianji Pavilion.

"Don't worry, brother Yu. Brother Yu still has some connections in Daoxuan Mountain. It won't take long to figure out their purpose."

"Little brother, wait for the good news!" Li Jizhou cupped his hands.

After bidding farewell to Lu Zhenhua, Li Jizhou replenished his living needs, including Guagua's food supplies and monster pills, and then walked back.

"Ji Zhou, come." As soon as he reached the gate of the small courtyard, the sea of ​​consciousness moved, and a voice came from Zheng Yaoshi's consciousness.

Li Jizhou walked towards Zheng Yaoshi's yard without hesitation.

Life is approaching, and I am asking for myself, I am afraid it is some entrustment before my death.

"Senior." As soon as he entered the courtyard, the light in Li Jizhou's eyes changed slightly.

I saw Zheng Yaoshi, who used to look old but always energetic, turned out to be extremely old at the moment, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of skin on dead wood.

The eyes are cloudy, the eyes are scattered and stagnant, the qi is like a gossamer, and the realm is still down to the level of qi training.

"It's okay, just come here." Zheng Yaoshi sat on the grand teacher's chair and beckoned reluctantly.

Li Jizhou responded and walked over.

"sit down."

"The old man's lifespan is exhausted, and he held his breath just to see the progress of your dual scriptures."

Li Jizhou nodded, knowing what he was thinking, just to give himself a little more spiritual comfort before leaving, and he didn't intend to hide his clumsiness and take out the Hualing powder and antidote he made himself.

"Senior, for the past three years, this junior has not dared to slack off, and has always kept his long-cherished wish in mind. Now that he has achieved something in a small way, please give me your advice."

"Huh? In just three years, you can already make your own strange poison?" Zheng Yaoshi's withered old face was slightly shocked.

"It all depends on the experience and teaching of the predecessors."

"Children can be taught!" Zheng Yaoshi laughed.

Immediately, he reached out and took Hua Lingsan.

Seeing that he was about to test the poison with himself, Li Jizhou frowned slightly. At this time, Zheng Yaoshi's lifespan had expired, his realm had plummeted, and his body functions were no longer what it used to be. He thought about it: "Senior, this poison..."

Pharmacist Zheng saw what Li Jizhou meant, and immediately smiled: "Hehe, boy, the old man's name... well, that's all, you know it's useless, but you only need to know that this old man has spent his whole life researching poison sutras and showing off to others as a pharmacist, so why would you care about the poison made by a young bird like you?"

After speaking, Pharmacist Zheng uncorked the bottle directly.

"Something interesting? It's colorless and odorless...it has the effect of dissolving aura...and also has a slight numbness...similar to cartilage powder."

"Where did you find this poisonous prescription?"

"The younger generation's family is poor, and they don't have any spirit stones to buy poison prescriptions. This prescription is the result of the younger generation's careful study of the classics of poison and medicine. The most important thing is to rely on the experience recorded by the seniors." Li Jizhou said sincerely.

"Self-developed? You..." Zheng Yaoshi's eyes widened immediately, but just as he was about to say it again, he felt his whole body go limp.

The next moment, there was no mana left in his body.

The whole person sat slumped on the grand teacher's chair, except for the rolling of the eyeballs, he couldn't move an inch.

Mouth is unable to open.

"Senior?" Li Jizhou was surprised.


I don't hear Zheng Yaoshi's words, I can only see his eyeballs shaking and gradually weakening, the eyelids are about to close.

"Sin!" Li Jizhou hastily opened the antidote and brought it under Zheng Yaoshi's breath.

After half a sound, Pharmacist Zheng's breath gradually recovered.

But the body is still limp and weak.

There was only one old face that was originally pale, but now there was a layer of burning red.

Li Jizhou obviously felt that his aura had awakened, but he closed his eyes tightly.

Hesitating for a moment, unwilling to waste any more time, Li Jizhou hesitated and said: "Senior, don't worry, you were just careless just now, the main reason is that your lifespan is exhausted and your realm has declined, otherwise..."

"Ahem~ Hey, yes, a person who was about to die unexpectedly fell asleep without knowing it. Xiao Li, the poison you prepared is not bad. It can be seen that you are talented. Please, I will feel at ease." Pharmacist Zheng pretended to stretch his waist.

"Senior's eyes are like torches!"

"Hmm~" Zheng Yaoshi took a deep look at Li Jizhou, but his heart was full of turmoil.

He has spent his whole life researching the Poison Classics, and most of the strange poisons he has prepared are the poisonous prescriptions recorded in the Poison Classics, and very few of them are self-developed.

The main reason is that the poisonous prescriptions developed by myself are far from the effectiveness of the poisonous prescriptions in the Poison Classics.

However, he intentionally did not pass on the poison prescription to Li Jizhou, just because he was worried that Li Jizhou would repeat the same mistakes in his life.

Who knew that Li Jizhou was a born poison king!

In just three years of study, such a strange poison was actually prepared.

With that breath of poisonous gas entering his body just now, Yaoshi Zheng felt that even if he didn't drop his cultivation base, he might not be able to escape the consequences of exhausting all his mana.

And the antidote it is equipped with can quickly detoxify.

Such methods of making and detoxifying poison can be called monstrous!
Fulfilling your long-cherished wish should not be difficult.

While rejoicing, there is also a trace of worry in my heart.

"Xiao Li, for the rest of my life, I have devoted all my energy to making that antidote, exhausted my family's wealth, but I have nothing left for you. However, I have something to say, but I can't say it."

"Junior, listen all the time!" People who are about to die speak well, and Li Jizhou doesn't mind listening to the experience and lessons of the seniors.

"Those who carry heavy weapons should be more cautious, otherwise, once irreversible consequences are caused, it will be difficult to get rid of it for the rest of their lives."

"Juniors, remember!" Li Jizhou was in awe.

However, I don't think so in my heart.

What Zheng Yaoshi said is hard to get rid of, maybe it's just his heart!

After all, he is just a small person in the foundation building period. The time of his life and the things he has experienced may not be as much as his previous life.

And obviously, Yaoshi Zheng doesn't have the heart of a strong man, and he doesn't have the pursuit of longevity.

(End of this chapter)

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