Chapter 30
Turned into a place where there is no one, Li Jizhou will release the quack.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the mine, Guagua was already restless, but there were many bosses there, so he didn't react.

At this moment, Guagua reacted even more.

"Have you been here?"


Receiving an affirmative answer, Li Jizhou secretly nodded.

Four years ago, Guagua came back alone,

He then thought that Senior Xu might have died in the mine.

However, the situation at the Leiling Crystal Mine was complicated at that time, and it was possible to die no matter what.

"Try to see if you can escape!"

"Quack~" Quack shook his head.

"Sure enough!" There was no report about the spirit beast entering the mine in the mansion newspaper for several consecutive years, so he already had some guesses.

Sure enough, there are restrictions in the mine, even escape is not allowed.

"Did you come here with Senior Xu last time?"

"Quack~" Guack nodded.

"How did Senior Xu die?"

"Quack~" Quack shook his head.

"Where did you go last time?"

"Quack, quack, quack~" Guack clasped his head in his claws and shook it even more violently.

He glanced at it blankly, gave it a look of self-experience, and put it in the pet bag.

After looking at the well-connected mines, Li Jizhou took out a mid-level high-grade prohibition talisman and activated it on the spot, and simply started digging on the spot.

Even after digging hundreds of holes, nothing was found.

"It seems that painting cakes is a common trick of all high-ranking people!"

In recent years, there has been a lot of rumors outside, and it has been widely publicized how rich and easy to dig the Thunder Spirit Crystal below. There are also countless minor repairs who have obtained enough resources to build a foundation by digging up the Thunder Spirit Crystal.

There were even quite a few minor repairs who showed up to speak.

"There is nothing new under the sun!"

The walls of the mine were as solid as iron stone, even if Li Jizhou had completed the third level of Qi training, and had Zhen Changchun's mana, which was strong and long-lasting, he could recover his strength quickly, even after hundreds of times of digging, he still felt a little out of breath.

"It's ridiculous, I'm in vain in my two reincarnations, and I have the knowledge and knowledge of the previous life on the earth, and I was tricked by the capitalists to be a bull and a horse!"

Complaints are complaints, but there is no other way. If you want to melt spiritual sand, this method is the safest.

Fortunately, he wasn't tricked into digging for Lei Lingjing.

"Boom, boom, boom~" He gritted his teeth and continued digging.

Before he knew it, he had already dug deep into the forked road.

Go down with another shovel.


A melodious bell sounded instantly in Li Jizhou's mind.

Consciousness suddenly came to a sudden,
There was no time for any reaction, Li Jizhou could only subconsciously close his eyes.

When he opened it again, there were already loud screams in his ears.

"Which little thief dares to attack me, my Lei Lingjing!"

"This is where?"

"Aren't I mining? Why did I come here suddenly?"


Li Jizhou opened his eyes, and found that he was actually standing on a huge and magnificent white jade square.

Surrounded by some minor repairs in the early stage of Qi training, and depending on the situation, they are basically mining.

His heart tightened suddenly, and he subconsciously took two steps back, hiding himself among the crowd.

Looking again,
I saw a majestic white jade tablet more than ten feet in the center of the grand square, with four characters written on the tablet: Lei Yan Shengzong!
"Lei Yanzong!!!"

"Could this be the Lei Yanzong that was destroyed by Moli Daoist 800 years ago?"

"What the hell is going on? Why are we mining here all of a sudden?"

Others also woke up one after another, looked around, and finally looked at the white jade stele in the center, terrified.

"Could it be... this is Lei Yanzong's underground treasure house?" You had a sudden surprise.

"No, look, the sky is high and the clouds are vast here, it's obviously not underground! And this is clearly Zongmen Square."

"Could it be a space treasure?"

"Could it be that Lei Yanzong was not destroyed 800 years ago, and that Da Neng used a strange treasure to pull him into this space?"


Li Jizhou hid in the middle of the crowd, trying to reduce the sense of presence as much as possible, silently counting the number of people, exactly 100 people!

Almost everyone showed shock and strangeness, indicating that they all came to this space suddenly like him.

After a brief shock, more people looked excited.

"The entire Lei Yanzong is here, and all the treasures from 800 years ago must be here too!"

"Lei Yanzong has the chance of Nascent Soul!"

"A chance from heaven, a fairyland is expected!"

In an instant, many people couldn't wait to rush towards the magnificent halls in front of the square.

"Bang bang bang!"

However, the next moment, what Li Jizhou saw was that all the people flying away hit an invisible barrier at the edge of the square, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah! There is an enchantment here, it hurts me to death!"

"The formation enchantment should be at least level three or higher, otherwise we wouldn't be able to detect it at all, it's really fucking unlucky!"

"My teeth are broken!"

Howling and cursing immediately replaced the excited shouts just now.

Except for Li Jizhou, a small number of them did not move, and they were all more cautious.

At this time, their expressions became more serious.

Formation enchantment above Tier [-], this is really heavenly for them, the little shrimps in the early stage of Qi training!

They don't even have the courage to shake the sky.

"Fellow daoists, what do you think?" A young man beside Li Jizhou who had been observing carefully looked solemnly at the few people around him who also did not act rashly.

"Based on my superficial experience, I can't even tell if it's an illusion!" An older monk shook his head and sighed, then simply sat cross-legged on the ground.

"It's not an illusion!" Not far away, another person raised his blood-clotting left hand, and held a magic weapon like a Mitsubishi cone in his right hand.

"My magical weapon is designed to overcome illusions. Even if the magical array is a third-order illusion, I will definitely be able to detect abnormalities when the magic weapon penetrates into the flesh!"

"Is it really a small world space created by a certain master?"

"Shouldn't we be trapped here forever?" A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl asked with wide-eyed eyes beside the first young man who spoke.

If the young man hadn't held her tightly just now, she would have been smashed into disfigurement by now.

"Yutong." The young man turned his head and frowned at her, and the girl hurriedly covered her mouth and stopped talking.

"I can only wait and see how it changes!" The young man looked around at the others, and seeing that none of them had the desire to share, he sighed and sat cross-legged on the same spot.

Soon, the entire square was clearly divided.

Most people are trying to grope for the edge of the magic circle, and strive for great opportunities.

And a handful of twenty or so people, like Li Jizhou, did not move a single bit, just watching the changes.

Time passed until some of those sitting in meditation were getting impatient.

Suddenly, a chuckle came from the white jade tablet.

"Hehe~ This year is not bad. The 26 little guys are able to hold onto one's essence and keep one's mind. It seems that this year, my Thunder Flame Sect is bound to be able to add more fairy seedlings!"

Although the voice was small and soft, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's mind.

Everyone looked there instantly.

I saw that under the white jade stele, which had been inspected countless times long ago and was confirmed to be absolutely normal, a man wearing a white robe with thunder patterns and a gold-plated purple thunder logo embroidered on his chest unexpectedly appeared at some point.

The man's long hair was casually tied behind him, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a playful smile on his face, giving people a free and easy feeling.

Beside him, a three-foot long sword with a black body was suspended in the air, and there were thunder and lightning around him from time to time, making a hissing sound.

The moment he saw this person, Li Jizhou took a deep breath and held his breath, his heart tightened suddenly.

With his knowledge and telepathy, he couldn't sense how high the other party's cultivation level was.

This shows that the strength of the other party's spirit is not higher than him by 01:30 points, at least at the late stage level of Daoist Jiedan.

What's even more frightening is that the flying sword beside him seems to have a spiritual aura in it, at least at the level of a spiritual treasure!

Such a person can kill Li Jizhou countless times in one breath!
 Ask fellow Taoists to help you through the new book period smoothly.

  The editor said that if you don't follow up, you can't test the water, and the data such as favorites, recommendation votes, and book reviews will get worse, and then a vicious circle will follow.

  Li Jizhou thank you fellow Taoists!

(End of this chapter)

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