I save spiritual roots for the next life.

Chapter 303 The Royal Academy

Chapter 303 The Royal Academy
After knowing the plan of Dragon Chapter, Li Jizhou let go of Hong Luan, turned around and returned to the practice room again.

Although his father was headstrong and vain, he was also very suspicious.

It is impossible to be unprepared for the dragon aspect.

In addition, there is Jiuli Tu, a quasi-immortal weapon left by Immortal Lord Jiuli, and there are lessons learned from the overthrow of the Moon Worshiping Dynasty by Cangming Tianzun thousands of years ago. It is very difficult for Long Xiang to do what Cangming does.

But now, no matter how you look at it, you are not a threat to anyone, and you are still the target of being attracted by three parties.

As long as Emperor Jiuli is still there and he does not participate in the whirlpool of the Ninth Prince and the Crown Prince, he does not have to worry about his life safety and can still obtain massive resources.

Why not do it.

Just work hard on your own practice!

Sure enough, in the next month, the Ninth Prince and the Crown Prince came to visit one after another.

The Ninth Prince was brought by Concubine Rong.

Concubine Rong is worthy of being the legitimate daughter of Rong Hou Mansion. She is generous with her money. She bought a second-grade spiritual treasure-level robe worth [-] medium-grade spiritual stones. She is not afraid of fire and water, and is invulnerable to all kinds of magic.

There are also many luxurious decorations.

However, none of them are beneficial to current practice.

Li Jizhou understands this very well.

At the canonization ceremony, the Ninth Prince presented the Bodhi Fruit in public mainly for the purpose of showing off the Bodhi Fruit in front of Emperor Jiuli. However, the effect of the Bodhi Fruit on concentrating the mind was actually limited before the baby was transformed into an infant.

The Ninth Prince's biggest enemy now is the Crown Prince, so naturally he doesn't want another competitor.

However, Concubine Rong's celestial appearance left a deep impression on Li Jizhou, no less impressive than Fairy An Liuli who had discussed Taoism for ten years in her previous life.

Even after giving birth to the Ninth Prince, her face was even more radiant and mature.

Before he left, he even left a message: "Your Highness, your mother and I are as close as sisters. If you don't dislike her, you can treat me as your mother. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me."

In this regard, Li Jizhou naturally did not refuse: "The elders have given me such a gift, and the children will be disturbed a lot in the future."

With Concubine Rong's help, Li Jizhou and the Ninth Prince became like brothers from the same mother, and they seemed to have a deep affection for each other.

“Brother Qi, my uncle often told me that practice must combine work with rest, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble.

It is best to absorb the experience and lessons of many predecessors, take the essence and discard the dross, and turn it into the most suitable way of practice for you.

Furthermore, cultivation is not just about practicing hard. It requires opportunities, insights, and opportunities. It also requires sitting down and discussing the Tao, and learning from each other's strengths.

Next month happens to be the day when our Dynasty Jiuli Academy recruits royal disciples. Many young talents from the entire Jiuli Dynasty and geniuses from all walks of life will flock here.

The eldest brother, the prince, is now the senior brother of the academy. He is the leader and is admired by many disciples. Ninth brother, I have also been practicing for half a year and I am planning to join the academy this time.

On the other hand, Seventh Brother, you have refused to enter the academy many times before, but now you have officially started practicing. Are you still not ready to enter the academy to practice? "

Previously, Li Jizhou was favored by the Holy Emperor Jiuli because of his natural Yimu spirit body, but was eventually taken away from the favor by the Ninth Prince and the Crown Prince's golden elixir. As a result, he had a lonely personality and was afraid of being laughed at, so he refused to enter the academy many times before.

After awakening to Su Hui, Li Jizhou did not consider this aspect for the time being because of his cultivation experience in his previous two lives and the ceremony of accepting the title of king.

Being reminded by the Ninth Prince this time, my thoughts changed slightly.

The Zhongzhou dynasty all used training academies to select dynasty officials, so academies within each dynasty were popular and were basically equivalent to the sects in the Eastern Wasteland.

There are hundreds of colleges and universities in the Jiuli Dynasty, all of which are supplied and controlled by the dynasty, but there are only two top colleges.

The first one to bear the brunt is the Jiuli Royal Academy. The Holy Emperor serves as the nominal dean, and the imperial treasury provides training resources. It also possesses a quasi-sixth level spiritual vein that no other academy has, and is dedicated to cultivating leadership-level talents for the dynasty.The second is Tianshu Taoist Academy, founded by the former Prime Minister Tianshu Shenjun. Although Tianshu Shenjun was convicted and beheaded in the Battle of the Swamp, the academy he founded has survived and has not been targeted. Even the Holy The emperor still allowed its students to serve Tianshu Shenjun as the founder president, and the students of Tianshu College enjoyed the same talent mechanism as Jiuli College, which provided many talents to the court.

In today's court, although many of the imperial cities are controlled by dragon prime ministers, some local officials still have many non-dragon prime ministers.

Li Jizhou guessed that the Holy Emperor used this as a balance to check and balance the dragon phase.

"Academy!" Li Jizhou thought about this and without much hesitation, he agreed to enter the academy at the invitation of the Nine Emperor Brothers.

Of course, the main reason is to collect the wool of the college.

In order to motivate students, the college naturally has rewards.

And there are always winners in competitions with other colleges.

Especially the centralized competition of the entire nine dynasties in Zhongzhou every 500 years, the rewards are even more generous.

Once, he even took out the Xuantian Treasure as a reward for the leader.

Moreover, the top three will automatically be qualified to enter the central ancestral source spiritual sea after becoming gods.

Of course, this entire Zhongzhou competition was not organized by the Nine Dynasties, but initiated by experts within the Ancestral Spiritual Sea.

The rewards are also given by them.

Even the target audience is not limited to Zhongzhou. All forces in Tianxuan Continent can recommend suitable monks to participate.

As for the choice of college, Li Jizhou naturally chose Jiuli Royal College. As a prince, he naturally enjoyed various privileges.

Tianshu Taoist Temple, on the other hand, insists on treating everyone equally. When Tianshu Shenjun was alive, he was famous for admonishing ministers and was best at contradicting the Holy Emperor.

A few days after the visit of the Ninth Prince and Concubine Rong, His Highness the Crown Prince came to visit like a spring breeze.

This time, Li Jizhou was impressed by what the prince was carrying.

Pills, precious materials, and various magical powers and secret techniques are all useful to Li Jizhou at this stage.

The total value exceeds [-] mid-grade spiritual stones.

It was obvious that His Highness the Crown Prince hoped that Li Jizhou would become stronger quickly.

As for the purpose, the next brother Gong Zhong, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince lamented with great empathy that Li Jizhou was upstaged by the Ninth Prince's innate Ten Thousand Dharma Thunder Spirit Body.

Frankly speaking, the Ninth Prince was taught badly by Concubine Rong, which may not be good for the dynasty, so I hope that Li Jizhou can catch up with him in practice and regain his father's favor even though his talent is not as good as his.

Seeing that His Highness the Crown Prince was so respectful, Li Jizhou said that he would work harder to live up to His Highness the Crown Prince's expectations.

Similarly, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also invited Li Jizhou to join the academy and promised to take more care of him.

This made Li Jizhou burst into tears of gratitude.

On this day, Jiuli Imperial City was bustling with activity. Three days later, Jiuli Academy and Tianshu Taoist Academy would recruit a new class of students at the same time. The target audience was not limited to Jiuli Dynasty, but all eligible students from the entire Tianxuan Continent could be admitted.

After all, after being officially admitted to the hospital, he would swear an oath of inner demons and swear allegiance to the Jiuli Dynasty to the death.

Precisely because of the foundation of the Heart Demon Oath, the recruitment conditions are much broader than those of the Donghuang Sect.

It is not just those who have perfect Qi sense and have not yet practiced. As long as the bone age is no more than twenty, the character is passable, and the talent is in the top three hundred, it is also acceptable. Even those who have already practiced, as long as the main practice is not a dead-end practice, the higher the cultivation level, the better. It is a bonus item, but the bottom line of spiritual roots is high-grade spiritual roots.

(End of this chapter)

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