Chapter 33
"Brother, do you dare to ask if you are aware of the strangeness here?" Ye Jingyu walked up to Li Jizhou and bowed respectfully.

Yang Yutong put down the jade slip with some reluctance, but hurriedly followed behind Ye Jingyu.

It wasn't until she got to Li Jizhou's side that she peeked out half of her head from behind Ye Jingyu and looked at Li Jizhou strangely.

Others were desperately looking for the secret techniques of the exercises, trying to memorize them all, but the handsome, rich man in front of him had a calm expression all the time and concentrated on copying them down.

Hearing Ye Jingyu's respectful inquiry, Li Jizhou didn't stop writing, but said calmly, "Calm down!"

"Wow~" These two words seem to have infinite magic power, making Ye Jingyu break out in a cold sweat instantly.

It also made him instantly recall everything that happened after entering here.

It seems that after entering here, what happened in the square just now, Du Momin miraculously weakened a lot from his memory, so that he would subconsciously forget it.

But at this moment, Li Jizhou's two words instantly made Ye Jingyu think of Xu Jiuge's words and what happened in the square.

His color changed instantly, and he bowed to Li Jizhou: "Thank you for your enlightenment, brother!"

Immediately, he hurriedly pulled Yang Yutong to sit on the low couch next to Li Jizhou.

"Remember, we are assessing now, and the first level of the assessment is meditation.

Not to be disturbed by external objects, not to be invaded by desires, those so-called jade slips of martial arts and secret arts are the demonic obstacles that disturb our mind.

Conquer the distracted mind and copy it with peace of mind! "Ye Jingyu took a deep breath and warned Yang Yutong seriously.

"Then these high-grade exercises..." Yang Yutong looked at the records in the jade slips anxiously, very unwilling.

"Don't think about these anymore, treat them as illusions!" Ye Jingyu finished speaking in a deep voice, imitating Li Jizhou, and concentrated on copying.

"Oh~" Yang Yutong pursed his lips, picked up a pen and began to copy, but he was careful.

Then I can copy while memorizing, right?

Time goes by little by little,
In the blink of an eye, a day and a night have passed.

"It's done, it's done, I've finished memorizing this high-grade exercise! Hahaha~"

"I hope it will be longer, let me remember a few more!"

During the period, people continued to send out excited ecstasy.

However, during this period, some people also saw Li Jizhou, Ye Jingyu and the three of them strangely, came to their senses for a short time, and hurried back to the low couch with the jade slips, copying and memorizing.

But as I copy and copy, I can't help but stop writing and think carefully about the content of the exercises.

"Hey, no, what's going on? Why can't I remember this exercise in my mind even though I've already memorized it?"

"What? After memorizing the whole exercise, you can't remember it?"

"I've clearly many times have I remembered? Why is there no one in my mind, it seems that the memory has been erased!"

Until noon, someone suddenly discovered an abnormality, which immediately led to a chain reaction.

"No, no, why is this happening? My top grade "Thick Soil Jue"! I am not reconciled, I will memorize it again..."

Some people fell into madness and memorized exercises even more crazily.

There were also some people who realized that something was wrong, and when they saw someone sitting upright copying, they came back to their senses for a short time, holding the jade slips and copying while pondering.

Days passed by, and a month slipped away in the blink of an eye.

For these small repairs in the early stage of Qi training, one month is the limit of bigu.

Li Jizhou didn't feel hungry at this moment because of the strong and long-lasting mana of Changchun.

But most people are already hungry and flustered.

At this time, 67 of the 41 people who entered the first stage of the meditation assessment were sitting in front of the low couch, either copying quietly like Li Jizhou, or copying without giving up on their memories.

The other 26 people fell into madness, and they were still frantically searching for the jade slips under the bookshelf with red eyes.

"How long is it going to be copied? I've run out of energy!"

"Why isn't Xu Jiuge here?"

"I found out that there is definitely something wrong with these exercises. They can't be remembered at all. After memorizing the entire exercises, they will disappear completely."

"These secret techniques are part of the test, don't think about it anymore, just copy it quietly."


"Brother's character is extraordinary, I admire you!" At this moment, Ye Jingyu, who had been concentrating on copying, couldn't bear it any longer, and stared weakly at Li Jizhou, who was still copying meticulously.

Li Jizhou didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

At this moment, in Ye Jingyu's heart, Li Jizhou seemed to be a figure of arrogance.

Yang Yutong's cultivation base is low, and he has long been weak and exhausted. At this moment, he has long since lost his mind to memorize the exercises. He just emptied his mind and copied them habitually.

She looked at Li Jizhou's side face at this moment, her eyes were full of surprise and admiration.


At this moment, a bell rang.

Immediately, the main door of the main hall opened wide,

Rows of low-level puppets dressed in the uniforms of Lei Yanzong warriors, each holding a golden plate and jade butterfly, filled with gluttonous delicacies, filed in.

Finally stand in a row and do nothing more.

"Spirit beast meat!"

"This is... a steamed flame sculpture!"

"Oh my god, fried colorful snake!"

"These are all high-level spirit beast meat, and the flame sculpture is a first-level high-level monster. Usually, even the bosses of the foundation establishment period have to go around when they meet alone!"

Not surprisingly, these people in the hall are almost not qualified to enjoy this level of spirit beast meat.

Looking at these now, and under the extreme hunger, I almost couldn't help but want to go forward to have a full meal.

A meal of spirit beast meat of this level would improve the realm a little and condense the mana of the dantian for minor repairs like them.

However, these people are all people who have experienced the previous kung fu and secret arts in vain, and they have already understood some clues of Xu Jiuge's psychic assessment.

So temporarily suppress the inner impulse.

However, those puppet warriors came in and didn't move anymore, just stood there, and the flesh of the spirit beast was exposed to everyone like that.

The aroma of the meat is overflowing, tempting the tongue.

"Gudu~" More people swallowed hard.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Only when you're full will you have the energy to copy. This is for us!"

Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and tore off the neck of a Jinyu Mouse-headed duck, and started to eat it hungrily.

The rest of the people saw that the man had eaten the whole duck neck without any abnormality, and some of them couldn't hold back anymore and stepped forward to eat it.

"Brother Yu..." Yang Yutong looked at Ye Jingyu eagerly.

Ye Jingyu turned his head and glanced at Li Jizhou, seeing that Li Jizhou was still as stable as Mount Tai, he said in a deep voice:
"Calm down and copy!"

"Gudu~" Yang Yutong swallowed hard, forcing himself not to look at those spirit beast meat.

Then he looked at Li Jizhou and secretly pursed his lips.

Until the end, among the 41 people who were already sitting on the low couch, 28 people couldn't resist the temptation of the spirit beast meat, and rushed to eat frantically from the puppet wrestler's plate.

The weird thing is, as they ate, the amount of spirit beast meat on the plate increased. In the end, everyone's stomachs bulged after eating, but the spirit beast meat on the plate didn't decrease at all, and...they still didn't stop...



With a muffled sound, the stomach of the first person to eat suddenly exploded like a ball.

The mixture in the intestines flows all over the place,
He looked at his stomach in horror,

Then, both hands still couldn't help stuffing the spirit beast meat from the plate into his mouth.

Once there is the first, there will be the second, just like those who are still crazily memorizing the jade slip exercises under the bookshelf.

In the end, the stomachs of all 28 people burst, but they still kept eating.

(End of this chapter)

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