Chapter 84
The different fire is the birth of the fire attribute holy spirit born in heaven and earth.

Spiritual wisdom has been taken away by the reborn fire-type holy spirit, which belongs to the shedding residue of the holy spirit.

It is immortal, but there is a trace of nature remaining. After the Holy Spirit takes shape, it will escape into the ground and drift with the underground magma.

However, at this moment, Li Jizhou saw that the small milky white flame seemed to be spiritual. It opened its teeth and claws at the croaking, and also inspired a trace of milky white flames to shoot towards the croaking.

This is seriously inconsistent with the records of ancient books read in previous lives.

How can the different fire have spirituality?
"Gah~" While thinking about it, there was a pitiful scream.

Li Jizhou hurriedly gathered his attention, only to see that the small flame only shot out a ray of flame and hit Guagua, burning through a hole in the body of the first-order late-stage spirit beast of Gugua.

And that hole is still expanding visible to the naked eye.

You can see the power of that trace of flame.

Fortunately, the flame was not very accurate, it just hit Guagua's fleshy palm.

"Come back!" Li Jizhou said in a deep voice.

After three breaths, Guagua returned, and there was already a hole the size of an egg in his fleshy palm, and the white flame was still spreading.

"What a domineering fire!" Taking a deep breath, Li Jizhou took out the Ice Soul Talisman and Fire Pill that he had prepared a year ago for recovering the different fire.

The Ice Soul Talisman was activated, and Guagua's fleshy palm was instantly frozen, and the milky white flame only persisted for three breaths before it was extinguished sadly.

After taking Pihuo Pill, he took out Yulu ointment for burns and applied it on him.

Quack finally stopped.

"Go! Take me there." Li Jizhou ordered directly.

Hearing the words, Quack immediately looked aggrieved again, and raised his fleshy palm that had been pierced through a hole the size of an egg.

"Ten copies of Huan Ling San!" Li Jizhou offered the reward directly. This is a spiritual poison developed two years ago. When monks inhale it, they will produce hallucinations. Quagua's favorite.

Trapped charms have a time limit.

Although it is not sure whether this small milky white flame is a different fire, its power is already obvious, and the things I prepared have obvious restraint effects on it.

What is there to hesitate about?
The next moment, Guagua appeared in front of the white flame again, but the distance was a little further away.

And Li Jizhou hid behind it, observing the little flame at close range.

"Pfft~" Seeing the appearance of Li Jizhou and Guagua, the white flame shot out another ray of flame.

Guagua has learned from the past, and this time he dodged quickly.

Li Jizhou kept holding on to its legs and hid behind it, so he was naturally carefree.

But at this moment Li Jizhou saw the flames spurting out of the flames, the already weak little flames became even weaker, and it seemed that they were even unable to launch a second blow.

"Could it be the Fire Spirit?"

"And it's still a fire spirit seedling that has just been born with wisdom?"

After a close observation, combined with the ancient books he read in his previous life, Li Jizhou felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

Huo Ling belongs to the spirit clan, and is the existence at the forefront of the ten thousand clans in the Fangtianxuan Continent. He was born and raised by nature, and once transformed, with his innate divine power, he can be compared to the Nascent Soul True Monarch of the human race!

However, it is rumored that the birthplaces of the fire spirits are basically concentrated in the Wanli Huoyan Mountain in the north of the Western Desert. How could this little white fire spirit be born here?

With this question in mind, Li Jizhou's spiritual consciousness concentrated all around Huo Ling and began to investigate inch by inch.

It turned out to be nothing.

Seeing that the time for the trapped spirit talisman was approaching, Li Jizhou no longer hesitated, took out an ice soul talisman, frozen it instantly, and then took out a jade bottle towards the fire spirit cover.

This jade bottle is the jade bottle filled with clear water that the woman in red secretly gave Gua Gua in Lei Yanzong's strange secret realm.

Li Jizhou had already poured the quack portion into his jade bottle before.

As for this jade bottle, Li Jizhou had already tested it two years ago when he was preparing to capture the strange fire. This bottle is not afraid of fire, and the fine steel is hard to break. Moreover, when he first got a glimpse of the method of formation, he already discovered that there is a very clever formation restraint in it.

"Puff puff puff ~" Seeing the jade bottle cover it, the small white flame desperately spurted out strands of flames, and the whole flame became weaker and weaker, until it was completely unable to resist and was put into the jade bottle.

After observing for a while with a sinking heart, seeing that the jade bottle was unobstructed and the flames had not moved, Li Jizhou carefully put it into the storage bag.


This is why he came here today, and now that the harvest has far exceeded expectations, he is already extremely satisfied.

There is no coveting for the Wen family.

After instructing Quack to flee for ten miles underground, one person and one frog soared into the sky.

"Die! They all deserve to die!" Just after flying into the air, three figures in the distance had already flown away.

The two pursuers behind were still laughing ferociously.

Li Jizhou frowned slightly, and was about to release the flying boat to escape, but he recognized the monk being chased at a glance.

"big cow!"

Li Jizhou was no stranger to the person chasing after him, it was Zhao Gan!

The monk who pursued Wu Daniu together with Zhao Gan was wearing the clothes of the Wen family, obviously the Wen family.

"What's the situation?" Li Jizhou didn't have time to think about it, and quickly flew up to a towering tree, Changchun's mana was connected, and he became one with the tree, disappearing his breath.

"Zhao Gan, let me go, we used to be friends!" Wu Daniu saw that his magic power was exhausted, and his flying speed slowed down, begging bitterly while running.

"Everyone is their own master, don't blame me!" Zhao Gan said in a cold voice, and suddenly waved the magic weapon in his hand.

"Boom~" Wu Daniu fell from a high altitude in response, just under the ancient tree where Li Jizhou was hiding.

"Zhao Gan, don't kill me. I still have children. I swear that I will never get involved in any fights again. I will take my wife and children away when I get back." Wu Daniu was injured and fell to the ground.

"Hmph! Why didn't you think of today when you came to attack my Wen family?" The Wen family monk beside Zhao Gan sneered.

"I can't help it either. I'm in the clan and I can't help myself. I won't do it. Let me go!" At this moment, Wu Daniu's mind was filled with images of his wife and children.

In the early days of Daoxuan Mountain, when the Yang family and the Qian family were fighting, he was actually not so afraid of death.

I even thought that if I was about to face death, I might still be a hero 20 years later.

Because at that time, there were not many concerns.

If you die, you will die, and it will not affect others.

But now, he is really afraid, he has too much concern.

He didn't know what would happen to his wife and children after his death.

"Haha, what a joke, from the moment you join the Yang family, your destiny has already been bound to the Yang family.

If my ancestor of the Wen family hadn't used his hole cards to turn the tide today, I would be the one who died at this moment.

But I will never complain! "The Wen family monk smiled disdainfully.

"Come back against the trend? Can this be turned back?" Li Jizhou was very puzzled as he stayed on the tree, feeling for a moment that he might have overlooked some information.

"Brother Zhao Xian, you should end him. If you hold his head, you will be rewarded by the Wen family. This credit is given to you."

"Thank you Brother Wen!" Zhao Qian was overjoyed immediately.

"No, no, Zhao Gan, you can't do this. Originally, you and we were on the same front. Your Zhao family turned against the water. After the Wen family stabilized the situation, you will not let you go. If we kill him, we can escape!" Wu Daniu saw that the monk of the Wen family was determined to kill.

Hearing this, the Wen Family cultivator immediately distanced himself from Zhao Gan.

Seeing this, Zhao Gan's face darkened immediately: "Wu Daniu, I always thought you were honest, but you still dare to use divisive tricks to drive a wedge between us and the Wen family."

"Brother Wen, don't listen to his nonsense, my father has long said that the Wen family is our strongest backing!"

"Don't worry, am I such a stupid person? Zhao Xiandi, you don't have to worry about it. My family's ancestor has already said that he will only punish the culprit today, and will not bring up the old score after today.

Stop talking nonsense, get rid of him as soon as possible, and then hunt down and kill the rest of the traitors! "Cultivator Wen Family said impatiently.

"Yes!" Zhao Gan agreed, and raised the magic weapon to smash it.

"Plop~" But the next moment, Zhao Gan fell headfirst to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Wen and Wu Daniu also fell to the ground.

"Whoosh~" Immediately, two raging fire talismans shot away from the tree, and Zhao Gan and the Wen family monk instantly turned into flying ash, and disappeared in the sky and earth in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

Guagua came out of the ground, swallowed the two people's storage bags, and then rolled up the unconscious Wu Daniu with his tongue, then escaped into the ground again, without a trace, without leaving a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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