Chapter 167 Parting is for the next reunion

"It means that you just met the time-traveling conditions at that time, and your soul has already flown out of the blue star.

As we all know, travelers can have a second home. As long as you enter this world, my problem will naturally be solved. "

At that time, Sun Yizhou, who was being numb by Tiandao, suddenly saw Qin Yunshuo's soul, and was overjoyed.

Quietly, he made a move, guiding Qin Yunshuo's soul to float to this world, and then Sun Yizhou tapped a little divine sense on him.In this way, it can deceive the perception of heaven.

After entering the world, Sun Yizhou calculated with his fingers, and realized that the final direction of this world was all in Jiang Miao's thoughts.After thinking for a moment, he decisively replaced Qin Yunshuo with his original body by stealing the sky for the sun.

In this way, I only need to pretend to be the system, release some tasks from time to time, and temper Jiang Miao's growth. When she breaks through completely and brings this world into an entity, my karma will naturally disappear.

Of course, for Qin Yunshuo, a descendant who is also a time traveler, Sun Yizhou doesn't intend to trick him either.After he succeeds, he will be sent to make up for it.

In order to improve the success rate, Sun Yizhou also sorted out most of the information he calculated about Jiang Miao and the world, and put it into the form of a novel, which was directly implanted into Qin Yunshuo's memory, making him think that he had entered the novel. .

Qin Yunshuo finally understands the truth of his time travel, no wonder the system requires him to maintain his personality, but at the same time has a flexible bottom line.

"So, Tiandao's question to Jiang Miao is actually a choice at a fork in the road. Giving up love and taking the ruthless way is the best plan calculated by Tiandao. Once you choose me, the ending will be different. Unknown, right?"

Sun Yizhou nodded helplessly and said: "That's right. If you want me to say, this way of heaven is too rigid. Seeing that Jiang Miao had deviated from the established track, she directly withdrew her sword intent, and then ignored it. It hurt me. You have to pay your own money to add another golden finger to your daughter-in-law."

Qin Yunshuo calmly accepted Sun Yizhou's "daughter-in-law" ridicule, and then sighed with emotion.

"So that's how it is, thanks to the dog... No, Sun Yizhou."

Sun Yizhou was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head amusingly.

"You are really strange. In the end, I just used your identity to do my own mission. It is not an exaggeration to say that I used you. Why should you thank me?"

"That's different. I don't know right from wrong. My death had nothing to do with you back then. Besides, since it's time travel, it's the same for me no matter which world I go to. Here, not only the golden finger you gave me , and met Jiang Miao, of course I have to thank you."

What Qin Yunshuo said was sincere, but Sun Yizhou suddenly coughed twice, and touched his nose with a guilty conscience.

"Ahem, that, actually... Actually, I didn't give you anything. Your self-cultivation hanger is brought by the traverser himself, and has nothing to do with me."

Qin Yunshuo's face froze, and he looked at Sun Yizhou in disbelief.

"So you've been whoring me for nothing?"

"What's that called? I'm training you. Why do you always think about the benefits when you're young?"

"Then why not? Should I miss your mission?"

After a meaningless bickering, the two looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

Qin Yunshuo didn't really want to care about it at all. After all, not to mention the failure of cultivation, just those few pills saved his and Jiang Miao's lives, not to mention the inherited sword manual, and Jiang Miao's compensation after giving up his sword intent.

No matter what the original intention was, Sun Yizhou not only did not harm them, but even gave them many benefits, this is an indisputable fact.

To be a human being, you must know how to be grateful. What is the difference between a person who takes others' kindness to you for granted, and even resents how little the other party gives you, and a beast?
After a while, Sun Yizhou stopped laughing slowly, patted Qin Yunshuo on the shoulder and said.

"Cultivate hard, brother, the outside world is very exciting. When the time comes, bring Miss Jiang to play with me, and I will treat you well."

"Why, from what you mean, it seems like you want to say goodbye to me?"

"It's not like, it's really time for us to say goodbye. Although I also want to wait until the task is completely completed before leaving, unfortunately, that bastard Tiandao seems to be eyeing me again recently.

It is also through the cover of this exotic thing that I can come out to meet you.If we don't leave, he and I will have to die together. "

The sudden parting made Qin Yunshuo inexplicably sad, but he quickly suppressed it.

"I still have a lot of things I want to ask you. Well, I can't say anything that is too nasty. Remember your promise. I will go to you when the time comes, so don't turn me away."

"Don't worry, I keep my word, but I'm not talking about you, she is such a good little girl, don't miss it. Do you know that when I saw you being stupid, my blood pressure went up."

"What a lot of nonsense!"

When mentioning this matter, Qin Yunshuo couldn't help but feel a little guilty.But he also made up his mind, after going out from here, he must confess his love to Jiang Miao.

As Sun Yizhou said, such a good girl should not be delayed.

"Okay, let's do it if you decide. Don't you dare to confess your love to a dignified traveler? You are not afraid of being laughed to death when you say it. Besides, you have talked about it before. Do you still want to be irresponsible and a scumbag?" ah?"

Qin Yunshuo smiled a little embarrassedly, then nodded solemnly, expressing that he knew.

Sun Yizhou raised his eyes to look in Jiang Miao's direction, turned his head and said to Qin Yunshuo: "It's about time, she should wake up soon, and it's time for me to go too. Then, before parting, don't you consider calling me righteous?" Father?"


"Hey! Nizi, it's in vain that I prepared a gift for you."

Qin Yunshuo turned his head with disgust on his face, and the only bit of reluctance in his heart was thrown out of the blue in an instant.

"Labor and capital are not rare."

"Really? Then I won't give it. In fact, in order to avoid being angry with you again, I wrote a love guide with the story of the two of you as a blueprint. Since you don't want it, I have to burn it." Lost."


Sun Yizhou: "..." I thought you would change your words, but I didn't expect you to change your words so quickly. By the way, you really don't want any morals, do you?
Qin Yunshuo: Take it easy, isn't it just a title?At worst, I will change my name to Lu Bu in the future, so I won’t suffer.

"Okay, okay, I won't chat with you anymore. The things I gave you will be played in the same format as before. Jiang Miao must be very moved when she sees it. After the show is over, you two can leave at any time .”

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. When you get married in the future, just remember to leave me a glass of wedding wine. Let's go."

"No delivery."

Sun Yizhou left quietly, Qin Yunshuo stared at the void for a long while, sighed sadly, and then regained his composure.

On the other side, Jiang Miao finally woke up from the coma.It seemed that Sun Yizhou had done something wrong, the two were very close to each other, Qin Yunshuo could even hear her breathing clearly, but Jiang Miao was completely unaware of Qin Yunshuo's existence.

Seeing Jiang Miao look around in a daze, Qin Yunshuo muttered to himself: "Finally woke up, so this so-called gift should also appear?"

As soon as the voice fell, the picture appeared again in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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