Chapter 193 Fate Changed
The mysterious boss, no, it should be Qian Fengdao. After introducing himself, he looked at Qin Yunshuo and the two with a smile, waiting for their exclamation.

But who would have thought that the two of them looked unsurprised, nodded slightly, said "Senior Qian Fengdao", and then stopped talking.

"You... aren't surprised at all? Could it be that Chen Yi told you in advance?"

"Brother didn't say it, but it's easy to guess, right?"

Qin Yunshuo spread his hands and said: "Senior is extremely powerful, I knew it from the beginning. He lives in Qingyang City, but has no reputation at all. Coupled with this attire, it is not difficult to guess the identity of senior, right?"

Although there is a "Tao" in Qian Fengdao's name, his image has nothing to do with a Taoist priest.There are rumors that Qian Fengdao often dresses like a rich man on weekdays.

Let's not talk about sons and daughters for the time being, as long as he is shining in gold, you can just say whether he is rich or not, and that's it.

"But even so, I might be Qian Fengdao's friend or something, how can you be sure that I am the real person?"

Regarding Qian Fengdao's question, Jiang Miao took the lead in answering this time: "I heard that Qian Fengdao doesn't like to have close friendships with others, but only has a close relationship with Yuheng Daomen. Senior just now, didn't he just come from Yu Qingniu's side?"

Qian Fengdao twitched the corners of his mouth, turned his head and said to Chen Yi who had arrived at some time, "Your juniors and juniors are all very smart."

Chen Yi smiled without saying a word, while Luo Mingyi laughed loudly and said, "That's natural, how can there be anyone in Master's sect who is not smart?"

No, only senior sister (Ming Yi) you are not qualified to say this sentence.

Luo Mingyi didn't know what her classmates were complaining about. To her, the strength of Qianfeng Daogui Yijing didn't matter. What really mattered to her was the wine.

Qian Fengdao also seemed to understand Luo Mingyi's preferences very well, he took out a storage bag from his arms and threw it over.

"The Green Bamboo Brew is gone, but this newly made Ice Fire Wine is also delicious, try it?"

Luo Mingyi reached out to take it, and was about to open it with a happy face, when the storage bag was suddenly taken away by Chen Yi.

"The Big Competition is coming soon, we have to drink and wait until we finish our business."

Whoa!Chen Yi is raking his ears, when did he dare to control Luo Mingyi's drinking?What's even more surprising is that Luo Mingyi, who was confiscated with the fine wine in person, did not take it back, although he was a little sad, but obediently obeyed.

It seems that the senior brother's family status needs to be re-evaluated.

Qian Fengdao looked at the scene in front of him, and raised his eyebrows at Chen Yi with a half-smile.


"Thank you."

"When I say congratulations, I don't just refer to the fact that you have embraced the beauty, but also includes that you have broken the established destiny, and the future will never be seen."

"You still like to say nonsense."

Chen Yi smiled casually, and didn't take Qian Fengdao's words to heart.But Qin Yunshuo, who was at the side, felt a sudden tightening in his heart at this moment.

How should I put it, Qian Fengdao, who never appeared in the original book, is really too mysterious.

Previously, he saw through the matter of the sword soul at a glance, but now he said something like "an established destiny".

According to the original book, Chen Yi was able to express his heart to Luo Mingyi so quickly, wasn't it because of his own participation?So, what does Qian Fengdao really know?
By the way, Qian Fengdao gave himself a comment before, which probably means that he has met the right person right now, but it will take some time before he becomes a Taoist couple.

It is not yet known whether this matter is allowed or not, but Qin Yunshuo has already decided that after this matter is over, he must have a good chat with Qian Fengdao.

Qian Fengdao turned his head to look at him as if aware of it, the smile in his eyes made Qin Yunshuo feel a little bit seen through for no reason.

Fortunately, Qian Fengdao quickly looked away, glanced left and right, and suddenly raised his finger to Le Shu who was sitting quietly not far away and asked.

"Is that person your friend?"

When he was in the Tomb of Reincarnation, Qin Yunshuo had promised to get Le Shu the qualification to participate in the Tianying Fa Conference, so he would not break his promise.

In fact, for the small sect, the entry qualification alone is already a thousand troops crossing the single-plank bridge, and if they squeeze their heads, they will get that spot.

However, for disciples like them from the big sect, this so-called quota is really worthless and can be settled with just a word.

However, the name of Nanshan Abandoned Disciple naturally cannot be used, so Le Shu suddenly became a casual cultivator.A casual cultivator who was lucky enough to participate because of Qin Yunshuo's recommendation.

Originally for their plan, Qin Yunshuo wanted to keep a distance from Lexu at this time, creating the illusion that "although he recommended you for some reasons, he is actually not familiar with you."

However, since it was Qian Fengdao who asked the question, Qin Yunshuo didn't intend to fool him.To his question of whether the two are friends, he nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"So that's it, another person who has escaped from the established destiny. Interesting, really interesting."

Qin Yunshuo, who had originally planned to talk to Qian Fengdao behind his back, was confused after hearing similar words again, and still couldn't help but test it.

"What do you mean by the established destiny that senior said?"

"Ah, didn't I tell you before that I'm quite accurate in divination! But for some reason, I almost never reveal the divination to others, I just calculate it quietly. But not long ago, I suddenly discovered that, I have calculated many hexagrams before, but now when I do the calculation again, all of them have changed."

Speaking of this, he gave Qin Yunshuo a meaningful look, which made his heart beat wildly, before continuing to speak.

"Although it is said that 'the Dao is fifty, the sky is four or nine', nothing will remain the same. But it is not an easy task for a person to change his fate, let alone so many people whose fate has been changed at the same time. Also Because of this, I have the idea of ​​going out for a walk, and seeing the source of the chaos that leads to the secrets."

The conversation between the two did not deliberately suppress their voices, Jiang Miao and others naturally heard clearly.

Although Qian Fengdao's words were not so clear, he was not considered a riddler either, so they all understood.

To put it simply, everyone's scripts were already written, but due to someone's reasons, these scripts suddenly changed direction.

As for who this "certain person" refers to, the three of them looked at Qin Yunshuo in unison.

There seemed to be no one else besides him.

After all, since Qian Fengdao appeared, he seems to have spoken to everyone in the group of four, but everyone has discovered that he pays far more attention to Qin Yunshuo than to Chen Yi, an old friend. need more.

It's just that they don't understand, what's so special about their little junior (sweetheart)?To be able to quietly change the fate of others, even he himself doesn't seem to be aware of this.

In fact, Qin Yunshuo is clear about this point. Although Sun Yizhou, who was disguised as a system, didn't have time to tell him too many details, he still knows about the heaven and earth in this world.

It's just that it's not easy to tell others about this matter, so Qin Yunshuo just pretends not to know.Anyway, he knows that the way of heaven in this world is not something that will take the initiative to eradicate the existence of heretics, so naturally he will not worry about things like "if you go against heaven, you will die badly".

In comparison, he cared more about Qian Fengdao.

The other party ran over and said these few words without thinking, and no one knew what purpose he had in mind.

What if it is with the intention of "killing the source of change and restoring everything to the original"?Although Tiandao itself doesn't care, who knows if these people care?
In this regard, even if Qian Fengdao got along well with him before and had an irresistible relationship with his elder brother, he would not take it lightly.

"So that's the case, but I don't know if Senior Qian Fengdao is looking for me, what advice do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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