Chapter 204 Yan Mingsheng Looking for Foreign Aid
"Yes, it is."

Perhaps Yan Mingsheng's expression was too frightening, and Chen Zhimeng's answer trembled a little.

"Idiot! Now that you've seen him, why don't you just take action to keep him? If others cross-examine him, they can just say that we will deal with the traitors in the sect. Why should we let him leave?"

Yan Mingsheng was really angry at this moment. As a former "best friend", he knew Le Shu's temperament too well.

That's a cactus that can come back to life with just a little soil and moisture.

Even with Yan Mingsheng's strength, when he thinks of having such an enemy staring at him, he still has a feeling of restlessness.

"I...I wanted to make a move, but...but I was stopped."


"Qian Feng said."

Yan Mingsheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and frowned instantly.

"That rogue cultivator? Didn't he always dislike being nosy? Why did he suddenly intervene?"

Let's move the time forward a little. After Lexu threw down a Xuan Ning flower, he turned around and left.

Chen Zhimeng was startled and subconsciously reached out to grab Lexu's shoulders.

But before her finger could hit it, it was bounced back by a force of spiritual power.

Ignoring the tingling hand, Chen Zhimeng's eyes widened, and she shouted in horror: "Your strength has recovered?"

Her talent is mediocre, even if she has a good father and fed countless resources, her strength is still only in the Fate-Defying Realm, so she will try her best to hug her thigh.

Le Shu had been injured before, and she had seen it with her own eyes. How could she recover her strength so quickly?

"How dare I come to you if I haven't recovered? Well, I don't want to say any more unnecessary words. Tell Yan Mingsheng that I will come to you soon."

Chen Zhimeng subconsciously took half a step back, then thought of something, and a sneer appeared on her face again.

"So what if I regain my strength? I'm not the only one here. All the disciples are ordered to arrest this shameless person who betrayed the master!"

Although this time it was a group of young disciples headed by Yan Mingsheng who stopped by when they were guests at Xumi Buddhism, so there were no strong men at the Guiyi Realm level accompanying them.

But among these young disciples, there are also many in the Purple Mansion Realm and Shentai Realm. Moreover, for his own safety, his father also assigned himself two bodyguards from the Condensation Realm.

With them here, even if Lexu's strength really returns to its heyday, it will be impossible to escape today.

Chen Zhimeng had the same idea as Yan Mingsheng, just catch him first and then deal with him.She didn't believe that someone would offend Nanshan Chuyang because of a trash.

But she was wrong. There are not many people who dare to offend Nanshan Chuyang, but that doesn't mean there are none.Just when she ordered to capture Le Shu, Qian Fengdao appeared.

Without making a move, just relying on a trace of aura, this group of juniors who are no taller than the Soul Condensation Realm lost their ability to move.

"Without the accompanying elders in the family, it's better not to be so arrogant when children do things. In addition, Le Shu is my apprentice. If you have any problems, just come to me and I will carry it for him."

These were the original words of Qian Fengdao, and after saying this, he left with Le Shu.

Without the Guiyi Realm powerhouse accompanying him, even if Chen Zhimeng was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he did not dare to confront Qian Fengdao and could only watch them leave.

A cold light flashed in Yan Mingsheng's eyes, and after a long while, he said coolly: "This matter needs to be reported to your father as soon as possible. Since Qian Fengdao has intervened, this matter cannot be resolved by us. Besides, since Le Shu Having said that he will come again, don't go out alone until the Zongmen's support arrives."

"Okay, my dad has just communicated with him with the jade slip. It's just... shall we just do nothing? At any rate, we should investigate Le Shu's recent situation, right? Qian Fengdao is nothing more than an intermediary It’s just casual cultivators, how dare he really kill us?”

Chen Zhimeng’s words.The anger that Yan Mingsheng had finally suppressed climbed onto his face again.This stupid woman is arrogant and has no brains. If it weren't for her father's support, he would be engaged to her because of his illness.

"Of course Qian Fengdao won't do it, but Lexu will, so if you don't want to die, don't do anything unnecessary. As for the investigation, I will do it."

If he met Lexu by chance in the outside world, it would be almost impossible to check his whereabouts.

But since the other party showed up here, then he only needs to ask the host of this place, the Hehuan Sect, about the situation.

Lexu?Oh, since I have used you as nourishment, it would be better for you to die after using it up.Otherwise, I can't feel at ease.

Yan Mingsheng pondered for a moment, took out a jade slip engraved with the word "Swallow" from the storage bag, and input spiritual power to activate it.Soon, a gentle female voice came out from the jade slip.

"Why did my son remember to contact his mother? Did he encounter some trouble? Or is there something that can't be solved?"


On the other side, Qin Yunshuo has ended his fight with Yu Qingniu, but he has no intention of stepping down.

Now that it has come up, then simply take this opportunity to finish all the fights at once.

Moreover, it seems that the other party has no intention of letting him leave.

"I'm a poor monk who doesn't understand. I'd like to ask Master Qin for some advice. Please."

Bu Tongfei stepped onto the stage, and after calmly saying this, he immediately put on a posture, not giving Qin Yunshuo a chance to refuse at all.

He wanted to get back all the face he lost before.In this way, the position of Buddha son will definitely return to his own hands.

If it didn't work out, the audience was silent for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

Although they had heard from the gossip that the Sumeru Buddhist Sect was going to send Ningpo Realm to fight Qin Yunshuo, they were still shocked when it really happened.

Is Xumi Buddhist sect planning to be completely shameless?Before the disciple lost to Jiang Miao in a row, although it was embarrassing, it could only be said to be a matter of strength; but the way that doesn't work now is purely a matter of character!

Chen Yi, who was smiling all over, his face darkened almost instantly. He looked at Luo Mingyi expressionlessly and nodded in unison.

As the challenged person, Qin Yunshuo didn't have much anger, but he still had a question to ask before doing it.

"I don't understand the name of the master, but it's interesting. I don't know, who gave it to the master?"

Bu Tong was stunned for a moment, then said calmly: "It was initiated by the teacher."

"I see. It seems that the master must have a bad stomach. Otherwise, how could he give the master such a dharma name?"

After breaking through the adverse fate situation, you can live without grains, and of course there will be no more reincarnation of grains.Therefore, it took Bu Tong a while to realize what Qin Yunshuo was referring to, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Is it possible that Your Excellency's reputation is all obtained by playing tricks? It's useless to talk too much. I'll see the real chapter under my hands."

You may not believe it when I tell you, but I’ve never even been a good talker. Who knows how I got this reputation?

After silently complaining in his heart, Qin Yunshuo straightened his expression, and slowly drew out the Wusheng Sword.

Since time traveling, he has never tried to fight with anyone with all his strength.Bu Tong is a leader in the Condensation Realm. His strength is not much weaker than that of his senior brother before the breakthrough. Of course, he cannot be careless.

Moreover, Qin Yunshuo is actually also curious about how strong his sword intention is now.

Condensing Soul Realm, right?Just in time to test the sword with you!

 The Dharma Assembly chapter ends after two chapters. I know some people may find this chapter boring, but there is no other way. This is to connect the past and the next.

  The subsequent situation will be a big scene composed of conspiracy and coincidence. Although the author's writing skills are limited, he still shamelessly wants to challenge it.

  In addition, Le Bai received a good response from this couple, so I decided to write it down like this, but don’t think I’m too cool.
(End of this chapter)

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