Chapter 215 Meeting an Acquaintance Again
As early as in the reincarnation tomb, Le Shu had made up his plan to use the holy pill to stir up the conflict between Nanshan Chuyang and Manshen Temple.

Therefore, since a few days ago, he has already made a plan, and "accidentally" disclosed the news of the Holy Pill in his hand to the Hehuan disciple who deliberately came to chat with him.

Then he specifically pointed out that this elixir needs to be supplemented with the essence of the sun and the moon at any time, so he has to go to the top of the back mountain frequently - the moonlight is the brightest there.

So, that night, the disciple rushed to the back mountain in the dark, saw the holy pill placed on the stone, and then took it into his arms logically.

The disciples of Hehuan, who were blinded by greed, never thought that with such an important thing, how could Lexu let it be left here without him disappearing?

This disciple of Hehuan was probably so happy that he didn't notice that the holy elixir in his pocket actually gave off a glimmer of light - the nine-tailed fox inner elixir, which is famous for its charm and psychedelia. What will happen after it is activated? And metaphor.

This disciple stepped straight out from the towering cliff.Because in his eyes, that is the way down the mountain.

Then, the greedy disciple who didn't even need to be named just took the lunch.Half an hour after his body fell down the cliff, Yan Mingsheng's figure appeared there.

The reason for his appearance is very simple, because this disciple was bribed by him to investigate Le Shu.And this is the place they agreed to meet.

Knowing this, Le Shu determined the place where the Holy Pill absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon.

In this way, this holy pill naturally came into Yan Mingsheng's hands without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Yan Mingsheng was still complacent, thinking that he was lucky enough to pick up treasures when he went out.But tonight, his treasure brought him two big guys.

As expected, people from the Demon Cult and Man Temple came, and they took action with three demon generals, two demon kings, and a total of five Guiyi Realm powerhouses. It was definitely a big deal.

In addition, I don’t know what treasures the opponent used. The entire Hehuan Sect is almost covered with illusory ghost bodies. They are not strong but there are many in number. A group of low-level disciples fell into a hard fight almost instantly. .

What's more, this is not necessarily all, it is very likely that there is still a great power hidden in the dark that has not yet been shot.

After hearing what Le Shu and Jiang Miao had said, Qin Yunshuo twitched his tongue inwardly, but he didn't forget the business, and quickly explained Chi Tianhao's abnormality just now.

Lexu, who was staying near the disciples of Xumi Buddhism, frowned when he heard this. If Chi Tianhao still had contact with the demon sect, then this matter would be a bit difficult.

My original intention was to provoke a fight between demons, Buddhas, demons, and the four forces in Nanshan. On this basis, I also dragged Chi Tianhao, the world-destroying lunatic, into the quagmire, so that he would not be interested in causing trouble.

But if the other party has been connected with the Demonic Cult from the beginning, then things will be complicated.

Strange, Chi Tianhao's era has passed for a long time, and his acquaintances are basically gone. How did he contact the Demon Cult?
Le Shu couldn't figure it out, but right now the focus was not on this. After regaining his senses, Le Shu casually slapped out a ghost beside him, then glanced at a familiar figure in mid-air, and gritted his teeth secretly.

"So, brother Yun Shuo, you wait there first, and try to hold him back without exposing yourself or disturbing Chi Tianhao. I'll come over right away after I've dealt with the matter here. Miss Jiang, since the Yaozu have already dealt with you Nanshan Chuyang is fighting, and the misunderstanding cannot be explained clearly. There is no need to watch over there, come here and help me."

"it is good!"

The light on the jade slip went out, and it was obvious that the two people opposite had hung up the phone at the same time.Qin Yunshuo held up the jade slip stiffly, completely dumbfounded.

What is a fucking surprise... no, what is "trying to hold the other party back without revealing yourself or disturbing Chi Tianhao."?Come here, Le, is this a task that humans can complete?

As long as Chi Tianhao's brain is healthy, he can't stay where he is after he gets what he wants, right?

Let's not talk about whether he will come out from this exit, nor how strong he is after he comes out, whether I can stop him.Just say your request, what should I do?
Arrangement?No, it will alarm the other party.Pretend not to discover his identity and go out to chat with "Tang Xiangling"?Oh, no matter how you think about it, you will be killed and silenced, right?
Qin Yunshuo scratched his hair irritably, and found that he had nothing else to do except pray that Chi Tianhao would not come out so quickly.

grass!So the villains are all bastards, including Le Shu!
On the other side, Le Shu stared at the several figures in the air battle with a sinking face. Fahua, Huai Yingfeng, Taisu Taoist, Wang Mofeng, the four big men shot at the same time. For a while, there was nothing to do with these three demon generals.

As for the two demon kings, in addition to Chen Chong, Qi Shengxue and Liu Yi also rushed over. Three against two, it was also a long-lasting game.

The only big boss present without an opponent was Qian Fengdao.But he also has to shoulder the responsibility of protecting ordinary disciples, and by the way guard against possible hidden masters of the opponent.

In other words, at this time, all the top combat forces have no time to clone, which is the time to make trouble.

Originally, at this moment, Leshu could remotely control the Jidao magic pot to make it burst out with powerful magic energy, and then calmly appreciate the shocked expressions of these monks.

It's a pity that that damned Chi Tianhao forced himself to end himself.He even had to face the lunatic woman that he was least willing to face, tsk!
Chi Tianhao, right?Okay, I will remember this grudge.

Above the sky, Wang Mofeng waved his long sleeves with a cold face, blocking a fire that was attacking him.But the sleeves that were originally wrapped in spiritual power suddenly burned with great momentum.

Wang Mofeng's eyes were fixed, and a wave of sword energy cut off his sleeve, and the cloth blown by the wind was swallowed by the flames in the blink of an eye.Without the burning objects, the terrifying flame still never goes out, it seems that even the spiritual power in this space will be burned up.

"The Balrog, Hu Senyang."

"It's an honor to be remembered by Elder Wang."

A man with an ordinary appearance and ordinary facial features, only a little flame mark between his eyebrows was impressive. Hearing this, he turned to Wang Mofeng and smiled.

Wang Mofeng ignored him, turned his head to look at the other two figures, and said indifferently.

"Red Demon, Ye Renxing. There is also this one, heh, Painted Skin Demon, Yuangui. I didn't expect you to dare to show up. The injury you suffered last time doesn't seem to have taught you enough."

The man known as the Red Devil casually shook his red hair, dodged the Zen staff that Fahua slashed at his head, and then raised his hand to give Taoist Tai Su a head-on blow.Just as he was about to speak, his companion preempted him.

"Heh, old man, I don't have time to argue with you today, I just ask you, where are those two little bastards who were talking nonsense last time?"

"Did you hurt your brain last time? Why should I tell you?"

"As long as you tell me, I will go find them immediately. In this way, you will be four against two. I guess you will be able to keep them both soon, right?"

The red demon's handsome figure tilted abruptly, and the Balrog, who was partnering with Yuan Gui'er for the first time, also showed a smile and froze on the spot.

Although everyone is a demon, it is true that even a dog can't say what you said.In the end, who gave you the confidence to let you sell your teammates without shy away from others?

Wang Mofeng and the others also froze together, and suddenly felt a feeling of "it would be embarrassing to win against this kind of opponent".

But Yuan Gui'er had a serious face, as if she wasn't joking.

(End of this chapter)

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