Chapter 219 People shouldn't be so unlucky

Le Shu was able to temporarily get rid of the tail behind him, thanks to Fa Hua's sudden desperate efforts and the behavior of a group of Buddhist disciples who turned back to join the battle.

Ke Laishu also knew very well that they could not hold on for long.In a battle in the Guiyi Realm, unless both parties fight to the death, death is unlikely to occur.

If Yuan Guier and others are determined to leave the battlefield, it will be difficult to retain them even if we have more people.

Thinking of the way that crazy bitch looked at him, Lexu knew that the other party would not give up before the chance to kill him was completely lost, and would definitely catch up soon.

Therefore, I don’t have much time to plan.But it doesn't matter. They misunderstood that Chi Tianhao was going to cause trouble, so they led people here.Now that I understand the whole story, it's actually much simpler.

Since all the goals of himself and others have been achieved, it doesn't matter even if he turns around and leaves now.As for Chi Tianhao?Haha, is it none of my business?

However, after Lexu's eyes looked back and forth between the secret realm and Tang Xiangling, some thoughts came to his mind.

"Brother Yun Shuo, tear off the sleeping talisman on her body, calculate the timing, and ensure that the first thing she sees when she wakes up is Yuan Guier and others who are about to arrive."

Qin Yunshuo didn't ask Lexu what he wanted to do, and just nodded in agreement.Maybe Lexu himself didn't realize that in the previous contact with him, he actually regarded Qin Yunshuo as a friend.

After all, the worry in emergencies cannot be explained by the reason of "fear of failure of plan".

It seems like... I accidentally whitewashed the future villain?But this result is very good.

Qin Yunshuo smiled lowly, then stepped forward with a serious face, took off the sleeping charm attached to "Tang Xiangling", and then quickly ran away in the other direction with Lexu and hid in a place In the dense forest.

The shouts of killing in the distance were getting closer and closer, and with the roar of "Don't let the witch escape", a female figure in extremely embarrassed state appeared in Qin Yunshuo's sight.

At the same time, "Tang Xiangling", no, Chi Tianhao, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

Chi Tianhao felt that taking this body must be the biggest mistake he had ever made in his life.

Not to mention the previous misfortunes and various misunderstandings, he barely tolerated even drinking Mist Wind for several days because of the rubbish he once had.But after going through so much suffering, there should be some reward, right?

But what happened?When Chi Tianhao entered the secret realm with joy, he discovered something terrifying.Because he had the mentality of throwing away garbage back then, he never considered taking any protective measures for the spiritual crystal.

Counting with fingers, tens of thousands of years have passed since then. These spiritual crystals are not sealed by formations, nor are they contained in a treasure like the Cloud Swallowing Bag.

So of course, these tens of thousands of spiritual crystals and a lot of miscellaneous spiritual herbs have all lost their spirituality and turned into real garbage.

Chi Tianhao, who was full of expectations, experienced the fall from heaven to hell. The despair in his heart almost made this fierce god cry on the spot.

But the matter has come to this, no matter how angry it is, it will not help. Chi Tianhao quickly adjusted his emotions and picked up something that was barely useful among a pile of real garbage.

Then, I don’t know whether the spiritual herbs that were thrown out back then were poisonous; whether several non-toxic herbs had a chemical reaction together and released new poisonous gas; or whether they were simply left out for too long. expired.

In short, when Chi Tianhao opened a box with a look of disgust on his face, the smell inside instantly choked him to tears.After covering his mouth and nose and quickly taking a few steps away, he realized that he had been poisoned.

The poison is not difficult to cure, although because this body is too weak, the poison spreads quickly.But with his own powerful soul, he can still throw out these poisons together with more than [-]% of his spiritual power.

After taking a weak breath and recalling his current situation, Chi Tianhao raised his head numbly.

Is it because I said something back then, "I have no control over my destiny", so now, this thief genius is deliberately playing tricks on me?
How can a person be so unlucky? Is this reasonable?grass!Holding the hundreds of pieces of "waste spiritual crystals" that he had worked so hard to obtain, Chi Tianhao sighed deeply.

Forget it, it's better than nothing. At worst, if you go back and do tasks to earn spiritual crystals, isn't it just bowing to the sect you betrayed?In order to regain my strength, I endured it!

Full of depression and exhaustion, Chi Tianhao took one last look at this sad place, then turned around and stepped out of the secret realm.

As soon as he walked out, Chi Tianhao realized something was wrong.Years of experience in life and death fights made him feel the danger at the first moment.

Someone attacked!

Chi Tianhao subconsciously wanted to gather his spiritual power to fight back, but the stagnant spiritual power and the tingling meridians made his idea come to nothing.

Yes, in order to expel the poison just now, not only did he expend more than [-]% of his spiritual power, but his already weak soul was also somewhat overdrawn, making it temporarily difficult to exert power.

I originally thought that my actions were secretive and no one would notice, and it didn't matter if I was weak, but who knew that as soon as I set the flag, I was slapped in the face by reality the next moment.

The moment before he was hit and fainted, Chi Tianhao seemed to see a figure named Tiandao, speaking in front of him with a lewd expression.

"There is no worst, only worse."

When Chi Tianhao opened his eyes again, before his brain could react, his body responded first.

If I remember correctly, I was attacked by someone, so I fell into a coma.Now that he is not dead, it means that the bastard who attacked him probably did not discover the secret of "Chi Tianhao", but came for "Tang Xiangling".

In this case, he would not be able to make any sharp counterattack to avoid arousing suspicion.The best way is to pretend to be panicked and put defense first.

Of course, with the current state of this body, there is actually no way to make any sharp counterattacks.

Upon noticing the strong man coming towards him, Chi Tianhao was a little confused, but more solemn.

Return to one place?It's strange, with Tang Xiangling's connections, he doesn't seem to be qualified enough to provoke a powerful person of this level?Could it be that his identity was really discovered?Is the other party here for you?
No, calm down!Taking a closer look, the other party seems to be a member of the Demon Cult. With their style of behavior, if they really want to deal with him, they should be taken away directly after being knocked unconscious instead of staying in place.Besides, this person looked like he had just arrived.

So, was the bastard who knocked me unconscious scared away by this woman?
While she was thinking, Yuan Guier, who was speeding by, also spotted Chi Tianhao. When their eyes met, she showed a hint of surprise.

Chi Tianhao, who had not yet thought about how to respond, heard an extremely disgusting "ugh" from the woman in the air the next moment.

No, what does that expression mean?
Following the other party's expression, Chi Tianhao finally noticed his current state.

Her hair was scattered, her clothes were messy, and even her coat was open casually.

But the belt that should have tightened it was now lying quietly in the dirt.From the way it was broken into two pieces, it was easy to tell that the person who took it off was not very gentle.

Chi Tianhao:? ? ?

Chi Tianhao:! ! !

etc!What exactly did the workers experience during the coma?
 Be brave, not afraid of difficulties, and work hard to move forward. There are even more unfortunate things waiting for you ahead.
(End of this chapter)

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