Chapter 226 Discussing the Sharks

Due to the recent tense situation in the world, a group of righteous disciples have returned to their sects one after another.Hanyue Immortal Sect stayed for two more days because of Qin Yunshuo's injury.

However, when Chen Yi and others were about to turn around, Qin Yunshuo, Jiang Miao and Bai Yuanqing said that they would not return to the sect for the time being and planned to go out to practice.

Well, it is quite normal for sect disciples to go down the mountain to practice. Although the situation is tense now, it is not to the point where no one is allowed to go down the mountain.

Therefore, Chen Yi agreed after asking a few questions. Luo Mingyi, on the other hand, wanted to go along with him with great interest, but in the end, Chen Yi was persuaded by one word.

"After we go back, we have to prepare for the contract. As the protagonist, what do you look like running around?"

Luo Mingyi thought for a while and felt that what Chen Yi said made sense. After all, it was his life-long event, so he no longer asked to go with him.

But she told a few people very seriously that if they couldn't come back before her contract ceremony started, then she would come and arrest them personally.

After everything was done, everyone bid farewell to the Hehuan Sect, and everyone embarked on the road back to the Sect.I don’t know what Qian Fengdao was thinking. He had a purely carefree attitude towards his disciple Lexu. After saying, “Come to Qingyang City to find me if you have anything to do,” he disappeared.

But that’s fine, it just so happens that the foursome can act together.Not long after Feizhou left the Hehuan Sect's ground, the four of them said goodbye to Chen Yi and others and set out on the road to Paradise City.

But just half an hour after they left, Tang Xiangling, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up and said that he was also going to travel and asked Chen Yi to put her down.

Chen Yi subconsciously felt something was inappropriate, but Tang Xiangling's request was reasonable and he had no reason to refuse, so he had to agree.

Tang Xiangling left the flying boat with a cold expression. After looking around, he chose a direction to leave.

On the other side, Qin Yunshuo and others estimated the distance to Paradise City and decided to go to the coast first and then take a boat there.

After all, traveling and playing are also part of the experience. In addition to opportunities, the customs and customs along the way are actually a kind of gain.

Moreover, Paradise City is, after all, a subsidiary of the evil forces. Even if they are not afraid, they cannot go through it openly. A little detour can save a lot of trouble.

"Linhai City is not far from here. If we travel day and night, we can get there in one day. But we are not in a hurry, so we can slow down a bit."

After Lexu finished the first half of the sentence, he suddenly seemed to think of something. He glanced vaguely at Bai Yuanqing beside him, and naturally added the second half.

Bai Yuanqing didn't notice Lexu's little move, but she agreed with his words.

"That's right, Mr. Le is very thoughtful. My strength is too low and I can't keep up with your speed. I can't bear to go all out."

In fact, Bai Yuanqing didn't want to follow at first, the reason was that she knew that she was not strong enough, and she was suspected of dragging the three of them back.

However, Jiang Miao and the others insisted on taking her with them. In their words, you are the only one who can make alchemy among the people present. If we encounter some rare medicinal materials and miss them because we don’t know them, wouldn’t we regret it?

Well, no matter how stupid Bai Yuanqing is, she won't believe this reason.However, they were so insistent that Bai Yuanqing couldn't refuse anymore.What's more, she also wants to improve her strength.

Lexu coughed slightly because of Bai Yuanqing's unconscious praise. Fortunately, no one noticed this small detail.

"By the way, is there any interesting place in Linhai City? If there is, we can stay a few more days."

Qin Yunshuo didn't really know much about this city that didn't appear in the plot, so he asked the two encyclopedias next to him.

Lexu lived up to his high expectations. He opened his mouth and introduced: "Linhai City is famous for its shipping. It doesn't have much influence. There is only a second-rate sect, Hai Dao Sect. As for the interesting places..." He hesitated for a moment and seemed to be thinking. He was debating whether he should say it or not, but facing the curious eyes of the three people, Lexu continued.

"... Linhai City doesn't have any famous sights, but the fishermen there often go out to sea to hunt mermaids, so the black market trade in Linhai City is quite active."

"Hunting sharks? But isn't this kind of thing prohibited by all forces?"

Faced with Bai Yuanqing's doubts, Lexu spread his hands helplessly.

"That's true, but there is no shortage of lunatics in the world who are desperate for profit. Not everyone has such a thing as the overall situation."

In this world, every plant and tree has the opportunity to practice and transform, and even reach the top.But only creatures like the mermaids cannot do this, because their physiques are alien species that naturally reject spiritual power.

If you cannot absorb spiritual power, you will naturally not be able to obtain extraordinary power.In this case, the sharks, who only have a few more scales than ordinary people, are not even considered beasts.

Logically speaking, such a weak creature shouldn't have much value.But the fact is exactly the opposite. Although the sharks cannot absorb spiritual power, their flesh and blood are good treasures that can strengthen the body and purify spiritual power. What's even more rare is that there are no side effects.

How do you say that?Just like a three-year-old child standing in a busy city with a thousand pieces of gold in his hand, when a weak person possesses a treasure that he cannot protect, then he is not far from death.

It is impossible to verify when exactly it happened, but after people discovered the role of the sharks' flesh and blood, the sharks who originally spread all over the ocean were almost hunted down in just a few decades.

If not for later, a strong man inadvertently discovered that the mermaids could absorb the hostile energy between heaven and earth, essentially delaying the day when the world collapsed, and immediately united with a group of top forces to issue a ban on killing mermaids.I'm afraid that creatures like sharks can really only be seen in books.

But even so, the remaining sharks were forced into desperation and could only hide in the deep sea, rarely appearing again.

Unlike lawless lunatics like Lexu, Bai Yuanqing is a good, law-abiding child, and naturally cannot accept such large-scale, blatant illegal behavior.

"But if they do this, aren't they afraid of being held accountable by the major sects?"

Qin Yunshuo remained silent and Jiang Miao sighed, neither of them answered the question.Lexu, on the other hand, sneered at first, then seemed to have thought of something, and then silently explained with an expressionless expression.

"The frequency of their killings is not high, and the whole city is covering them up. No evidence can be found even if they want to investigate, so there is no way to convict them."

This is of course a lie. In fact, after learning about the role of the sharks, many sects chose to keep this magical creature in captivity.The nominal reason is to fear the extinction of this ethnic group, but in fact the real purpose is, ha!

Anyway, as long as they are still alive, it doesn't require the other party to take the initiative to clean up the hostility in the world.Therefore, practitioners don’t care whether they are free or dependent on others.

This is what Le Shu originally wanted to say, but he thought that this fact was too cruel for a kind-hearted silly girl, so he changed it to a relatively normal statement.

"Okay, we don't need the flesh and blood of the sharks, and there's nothing to do in the so-called black market. I think when we get to Linhai City, we can just leave by boat. The scenery on the sea is also very beautiful."

The topic itself really made people unhappy, so Jiang Miao changed the subject lightly.

Qin Yunshuo was originally a bit picky, but after hearing about the shark, he stopped thinking and expressed his support for Jiang Miao's proposal.

However, perhaps because he was separated from the large army and was not suppressed by the power of the masses, the protagonist's work-force physique began to show its strength.

Towards evening, the four people who finally arrived at Linhai City encountered trouble before they even entered the city.

(End of this chapter)

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