Chapter 24 Is this how you usually pass the time?

Looking at each other, Jiang Miao suddenly had the illusion that "although I am alive, I am already dead".

Ahhh!Brother, are you sent by God to punish me?Why does it hit me every embarrassing moment?

Here Jiang Miao almost dug out three rooms and one living room, but Qin Yunshuo outside the door didn't know what she was thinking, even if he knew, he would only feel wronged.Conscience of heaven and earth, if your door is ajar, I will not stand directly in front of your door.Who told you to open the door wide, by the time I find out that something is wrong, it will be too late.

However, Qin Yunshuo didn't know Jiang Miao's inner embarrassment, but he had another idea about the current situation.

What does it mean for a woman to sit alone in a room staring at a portrait of a man in a daze?This is not the modern age where idol posters are plastered all over the house. In this era, nine times out of ten, it is because the heart belongs to it.

But if this woman is a heroine like Jiang Miao who has no emotional lines, then there is a second possibility.

The weak protagonist wants to take revenge on the villain who is stronger than himself, so he painstakingly collects his information, finds loopholes from it, and then defeats the strong with the weak to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Although even Qin Yunshuo himself knows that this idea is very nonsense, even so, he doesn't believe that the heroine in the original book who devotes herself to cultivation will be attracted by him. How many dishes do I drink like this?

The two were just thinking wildly, and the other was so embarrassed that he wanted to die on the spot, neither of them spoke first.It was the sword soul in his body who reminded Jiang Miao in time, which brought Jiang Miao back to his senses, closed the book subconsciously, and then realized, why should he panic?The book is not your own, why do you act like a guilty conscience?
After coughing twice, Jiang Miao pretended to be calm and looked at Qin Yunshuo.

"What do you want me, brother?"

Qin Yunshuo vaguely saw the title of the book just when Jiang Miao was closing the book, and immediately overturned his guess just now.

"Oh, recently, don't over-train. Since you have broken through against fate, you must soon accept the mission of the inner sect. Keep in good condition."

By the way, let me play badly for two more days to compete with you, it is really tiring.

Silently adding the last sentence in his heart, Qin Yunshuo thought for a while, but still couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked.

"What were you just looking at?"

Jiang Miao also recovered from the inexplicable embarrassment at this moment, and immediately replied after hearing the words.

"It's just some boring pictures, nothing to do, just pass the time."

After all, Jiang Miao seemed to be afraid that Qin Yunshuo would not believe it, so he pushed the book forward and said, "Brother, do you want to read it?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jiang Miao immediately wanted to give himself a slap in the face. This kind of thing is fine to see in private. He directly brought it to the person concerned and invited others to see it. What was he thinking?Isn't that embarrassing enough?
But he also said what he said, and the senior brother has also accepted the book. If he regrets it at this time, won't he appear guilty instead?

Hey!Isn't it just a ranking based on faces?What can't you see?Take it easy and take it easy.

But after Qin Yunshuo turned the pages of the book, he only glanced twice, then raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Jiang Miao with an unbelievable gaze.This gesture made Jiang Miao's heart sink suddenly.

"You reading this kind of book?"

I'm not, I'm not, I'm innocent, this broken book belongs to Bai Yuanqing!

Jiang Miao originally planned to say this, but seeing Qin Yunshuo's expression seemed to be shocked, he couldn't help thinking: Is there really something taboo in this book?If it's really serious, I can't confess Yuan Qing.

"Is this..."

After a little hesitation, Qin Yunshuo had already held the book in front of her, and pointed to one of them and asked.

"So... you usually use this kind of thing to pass the time?"

Jiang Miao looked up and saw that the book was on the page of Bukong Buddhazi. Apart from a beautiful portrait, there was also a large section of introduction, summarizing the general information of Bukongfozi.On the line Qin Yunshuo pointed at, there was such a description.

"...He was born as a Buddha bone, but it is hard to overcome the mortal calamity. Guide to strategy: You can use his compassionate heart and the thought of saving all sentient beings, and approach him in the disguise of an ancient spirit and a little demon girl, or you may have a chance to succeed."

Jiang Miao:? ? ?
Jiang Miao:! ! !
What the hell! ! !

I said that the dead girl told me not to show the book to others before she left. There are not only portraits and introductions for feelings, but even a strategy strategy?Bai Yuanqing, how many surprises do you have that I don't know?

Wait, since Bukong Fozi's page has this kind of content, then other...especially the senior brother's page...should it also have it?
Not only Jiang Miao was curious about this question, Qin Yunshuo also wanted to know the answer, so their hearts were turned as the pages of the book rattled, and finally stopped on the third-to-last page.

"...Since childhood, he was miserable, indifferent, and cold like a banished fairy. Strategy guide: The only way to break the iceberg is to pull him down from the mortal world with fire-like enthusiasm. It is recommended to approach with daily methods such as healing, medicine, and food. If you have the same experience, the success rate should be higher."

The sky is very blue, the wind is very light, Jiang Miao really wants to bury Bai Yuanqing alive right now.By the way, I also buried myself together.

Are you sure that the contents of this Hammer strategy are not copying her and her senior brother's daily life?Sending cheat books, getting rid of cold poison, cooking food, which of these things have the two of you never done?

Especially the last sentence "the same encounter", hehe, this is not a trick to pull the banished fairy into the mortal world, it is clearly a trick to send her Jiang Miao to hell.

Silence, long silence.

After a while, Jiang Miao said in a shy voice, "Brother, actually this..."

"Miao Miao, I forgot to tell you just now, over there in the mission hall..."

Bai Yuanqing's brisk voice came from the door that was still not closed, and then, like Qin Yunshuo just now, she got stuck in the middle of speaking.

Beautiful teenagers and girls, beautiful books, and beautiful light bulbs at the door, what a harmonious and happy picture... What a ghost!Bai Yuanqing, why the fuck are you still killing and making love?
Jiang Miao felt that she was like a camel with a heavy load on her back, only the last straw would be crushed, but her best friend didn't believe in evil, and brought an elephant with her own hands and smashed it on her body.

The explanation that was originally prepared was interrupted by such an interruption, and he was completely speechless.Bai Yuanqing, on the other hand, sized the two of them up and down, and then fixed her gaze on the book in Qin Yunshuo's hand, with an expression of disbelief.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Senior Brother Qin, for disturbing you... No, what I mean is, if I knew you were here, I wouldn't have come, and that's not right, that..."

After the last sparring incident, Bai Yuanqing was already a little afraid of Qin Yunshuo, and coupled with the embarrassing scene at this moment, she almost spoke her mind.

Fortunately, Qin Yunshuo had come to his senses at this moment, closed the book with a calm face, shook his head lightly and said.

"It's okay, I've finished my business, and I'm about to leave, let's talk."

While speaking, he walked towards the door, and when he was about to step through the door, he paused again, and then said in a rather delicate tone.

"Don't read this kind of book in the future. I don't have anything to do with it. It's just that if Master sees that he is also on it, I'm afraid..."

Qin Yunshuo didn't finish the rest of the sentence, he just shook his head slightly, and then flew away, leaving only Bai Yuanqing who was getting more and more guilty, and Jiang Miao, who was completely petrified at this moment.

"Master, he is also in this book?"

"That... the master master of the sect is strong and handsome, um... it's not surprising that he will be ranked second."

"No. [-]?"

Bai Yuanqing, who knew she had made a slip of the tongue, immediately covered her mouth, but it was too late.

"Who's at the top of the list? It won't be my senior brother who hasn't met yet, right?"

"Uh, that's not true, the top of the list is... the leader of the primitive Demon Cult."

Hehe, that's great, a master, a senior brother, and a Demon Lord.Plus 97 people like Bukong Fozi, everyone is carrying that shit strategy guide.

"So, I not only saw this kind of thing in front of my senior brother, but even took the initiative to push it to my senior brother?"

"Ah? Ah, then...then you are very good."

"Pfft hahahaha!"

Sword Soul, who was poked at the point of laughter by the conversation of these two girls, couldn't hold it anymore at this moment, and burst out laughing directly.

"Miaomiao, you are really lucky to have such a friend. Thinking about the good, at least you will have a lot of joy, won't you?"

Fuck, that made you so much fun, I just want to strangle this guy right now.

"Bai, Yuan, Qing!"

(End of this chapter)

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