Chapter 67 The Two Who Redeemed Each Other

Maybe it was moved by that clean smile, or maybe it was the ease of not having to maintain the persona in recent days, after Jiang Miao sincerely thanked Qin Yunshuo, he made a joke for the first time.

"After you really refine the Chi Yuanzhu, it's not too late to thank you. Besides, I've helped you so much. Could it be possible that a thank you will send me away?"

Jiang Miao was stunned for a moment, then saw the smile on Qin Yunshuo's face, and realized that he was joking.

Usually Qin Yunshuo pretended to be relatively successful, and no one around him would think that his iceberg had anything to do with the word "joking".Even if Jiang Miao has seen through his "essence" of being cold outside and hot inside, he still can't imagine that his sunny and gentle side is so attractive.

"Brother, you look so pretty when you smile, you should smile more in the future."

Probably because she was too tired to relax, Jiang Miao blurted out the words in her heart in a daze, and by the time she realized it, it was too late.

The smile on Qin Yunshuo's face froze for a moment, his eyes looking at Jiang Miao were full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, you are such a protagonist. I remember that the original book said that when you faced the most beautiful man in the world, your complexion did not change a bit. How can you say such facial expressions now?Head hurt?
Jiang Miao was bewildered by Qin Yunshuo's gaze, and hurriedly stammered an explanation.

"No, what I mean is, senior brother, you... this... I... oops! I just want to tell senior brother that it's good to smile more, don't always dwell on the past, people should always look forward. Crying is also a day, laughing is also a day, life is always unhappy... what am I talking about!"

The usually eloquent tongue was completely gone at this moment, and every sentence he said didn't match the beginning and the end, and the last muttering to himself made Qin Yunshuo laugh out loud.

"I understand what Junior Sister means. Thank you for your concern, Junior Sister. I have my own discretion in matters of state of mind, so there will be no problem."

So that's the case, I said that Jiang Miao is very good-looking, how can I imitate the second senior sister to look at the face, it turns out that like the master, he is worried about my state of mind.

In other words, Jiang Miao was originally a kind-hearted person, but now because of various misunderstandings, his relationship with him is not bad.Knowing that I am in a bad mood, I will naturally be a little worried, um, it is reasonable, I understand.

System: "..." You know what a stick hammer, what about his usual cleverness?Oh, you can't understand until Jiang Miao put the words "I love you" on your face, right?Qin, I hate you for being a piece of wood.

"Ah? Oh, master... Brother, you are being polite. We belong to the same sect. We should care about each other."

For some reason, Qin Yunshuo always felt that Jiang Miao's tone was a bit low, presumably he was too tired.

"Junior Sister is also tired, go to bed earlier, I won't bother you, and leave."

"Brother, go slowly."

Jiang Miao's mood was naturally low. When she blurted out that thoughtless sentence, her heart was full of embarrassment, but Qin Yunshuo didn't think about it at all.This certainly resolved the embarrassing atmosphere, but Jiang Miao couldn't help but feel lost in her heart.

Brother, why didn't he understand?If he understands, will he respond to me?Or, he actually understood it, so he deliberately always expressed his rejection in this way?
"Tsk tsk, young and sensitive young girl's heart, I can think about any word here for a long time. If you want me to say, your senior brother is just plain dull. If this goes on, when will you two be together? Why don't you try my method and prescribe medicine..."

Jiang Miao withdrew her shy and tangled expression, skillfully shielded the sword soul again.

In the early morning of the next day, in front of Ji Wufeng's "Dongfu", three figures stood facing each other.

"So, with the help of your senior brother yesterday, you have initially refined the Chi Yuanzhu?"

Ji Wufeng was a little surprised. When Jiang Miao and others reported the mission yesterday, they deliberately concealed the matter of Debao. They wanted to tell Ji Wufeng later, but later they exchanged greeting gifts with their brothers and sisters, and both of them forgot about it.So until now, Ji Wufeng didn't know that his disciple got such a great opportunity.

"Thanks to senior brother's help, the Chi Yuanzhu has been refined for less than half, and within the remaining three to five days, it can be successfully resolved. The disciple forgot about it for a while, and did not intend to deceive. Please forgive me, Master."

"What's this."

Ji Wufeng waved his hand with a smile, stopped Jiang Miao from pleading guilty, and said gently while searching in the storage bag.

"My Hanyue Immortal Sect has its own rules. As long as the chances obtained by the individual disciples are not from improper sources, the sect will not interfere. You can understand the truth of hiding clumsiness at a young age. I can only be gratified as a teacher. How can I blame you? Oh, I found it."

Turning over his hands, he took out a small bottle and a jade slip, handed them to Jiang Miao, and Ji Wufeng continued with a smile.

"Speaking of which, the teacher has not given you anything since you became a teacher, but this is a dereliction of duty. Take this bottle of 'Heart Protection Pill', and take a pill every time you break through. It can not only increase the success rate, but also protect the heart when the breakthrough fails, so that you will not be left with any irreparable injuries.

As for the three sword qi sealed as a master in this jade slip, each of them can kill anyone under the Taoist realm.But you have to remember that it is best not to use it lightly under normal circumstances, except for life and death. As a teacher, you don't want your cultivation to stagnate because of relying on this thing. "

Ji Wufeng, who is feared by the society, is actually similar to Qin Yunshuo in his usual external image, he is the taciturn kind, and the situation of talking so much in one breath only happens when he is facing a few of his disciples.

"Thank you, master, for the gift. Disciples must remember the teachings of the master, and dare not violate it."

"Well, I neglected you a little bit earlier because of your senior brother, so don't feel angry about it. In the future, if you need anything, you can come to find me as a teacher at any time."

Don't look at the four disciples under Ji Wufeng's sect, all of them are dragons and phoenixes, in fact, Ji Daxian Zun doesn't know how to teach disciples at all.

The first two disciples were from wealthy families, and they never reached out to Ji Wufeng for anything other than some daily practice advice.Qin Yunshuo never even asked for advice because of cheating.

It was only after Ji Wufeng witnessed Chen Yi and Luo Mingyi's gift of meeting yesterday that he realized that as a master, he should take more care of his disciples.

Therefore, Ji Wufeng adjusted Jiang Miao's information overnight, wanting to see the situation of his little disciple, so as to decide what to give her.

As a result, seeing it directly made Ji Wufeng break through.

He had no father since he was a child, and his mother was killed by bandits when he was nine years old, and he has been living in the rivers and lakes since then. (Most of the Zongmen’s information is narrated by myself, and the Zongmen will send people to verify it. Jiang Miao will definitely not tell the truth about the specific situation.)
Well, this life experience is so familiar, no matter how you look at it, it is a copy of Qin Yunshuo.One of my apprentices hasn't dealt with it yet, and the other has signs of something wrong?

Fortunately, it was discovered early, and although Jiang Miao was not usually warm to others, compared to Qin Yunshuo, he was much better.Even Qin Yunshuo became much more cheerful under her influence, but he didn't realize it yet.

That's fine, two children with similar life experiences redeem each other, which is much more useful than meddling as an outsider.

Nodding in relief, Ji Wufeng turned his gaze to Qin Yunshuo, and raised his hand at him.

"Yun Shuo, you have also broken through the realm of the altar. Congratulations. If that's the case, let me show you your new sword intent."

(End of this chapter)

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