The infinite life of a certain beauty

Chapter 10 Kirk, Desperate for a Child (New book for collection!)

Chapter 10 Kirk, Desperate for a Child (New book for collection!)


Peter Parker Jr.

Kirk is even very familiar with Peter Parker Jr. in this information, and he is familiar with it, and he can call out a nickname for Peter Parker Jr.

Dutch brother.

Kirk squinted his eyes, grabbed the photo of Peter Parker Jr. on the desktop with his right hand, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar appearance of Peter Parker Jr. in the photo, his eyes flickered slightly.

after awhile.

Kirk leaned on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling of the private room, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He already had the answer in his mind.

In fact, the Spider-Man of this world is still Peter Parker, but, for some reason, Spider-Gwen messed in.

Just like other movie plots and characters also messed in.

such as……

His father-in-law's family and the Continental Hotel where he is now.

Kirk opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

No one can take it away, or cheat him, without paying anything.

There are no exceptions.

The high tables at the Continental Hotel do not work.

Neither could the Volturi.

Right now, this Peter Parker is even more impossible.

After Kirk figured out what was going on with this Peter Parker tonight, he didn't even look at Gwen Stacy's information, but turned his attention back to the fact that Peter Parker tricked him into taking a tube of blood.

He came to New York City because someone tricked him into taking a tube of blood.

The process of Kirk being deceived is a long story.

Simply put.

Before today, Kirk had been living and settling in Paris with his girlfriend Mary Alice Cullen, and his activities basically revolved around the European continent.

One or three years, that is, next year, to be precise, April 22 next year, which is the 100th anniversary of his and Alice's love.

It's a big day.

In order to welcome this big day, it can be said that Kirk began to think about what kind of gift to send to Alice to commemorate this big day when the centenary anniversary came.

He even took the time to make a list just for him.

The top of the list is filled with Alice's hobbies and favorite things.

Bags and shoes?
Too vulgar.

And they have an apartment in Paris, which is specially used to store the high-end clothes, shoes and various limited-edition bags that Alice has bought over the years.

Besides, it doesn't matter if you give this on an ordinary day. On the 100th anniversary, although Alice said the gift was not important, Kirk felt that if he really gave it like this, Alice, who was already so angry and went back to her mother's house, would be even more difficult to coax.

House and yacht?
Too much.

Even in this world, Kirk and the capital of the Eastern Kingdom, which is both familiar and unfamiliar, took advantage of the year when the market opened to buy a set of courtyard houses.

So Kirk almost had his head exploded thinking about what gift to give for this centennial love anniversary.

Kirk even thought about asking Alice what kind of gift she wanted.


Just when Kirk was about to do this, suddenly, he found Alice showing an envious expression while watching a parenting program. Although it was only a momentary expression, Kirk still caught it.

next second.

Kirk understood what Alice wanted the most as a present.

a little life.


A child that belonged to him and Alice.

The more Kirk thought about it, the more he felt that he had found the right answer. No matter what gift it was, it was far inferior to such a gift in terms of value and emotion.

What gift could be more precious than a crystallization of love belonging to the two of them.

The more Kirk thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

But in the next second, Kirk shut himself up.

This is not to say that Alice does not want children, on the contrary, compared to children's desire, Alice's desire is even higher than Kirk.

Just one question.

It is unlikely that he and Alice will have children of their own.

Just can't.

Because of the nature of life, he and Alice couldn't get a little life belonging to them through the steps of natural conception and pregnancy.

But the way is human.

If you can't get pregnant naturally, then go to technology and work harder.

Kirk initially thought of solving this problem through IVF.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Kirk originally thought that finding a black technology that could solve his current troubles would be a piece of cake and a trivial matter in this Marvel Earth where black technologies emerge endlessly.


Until last year when Alice quarreled with him over some trivial matter and ran back to his mother's house angrily, Kirk didn't find a perfect solution.

A company in Paris proposed to use cloning to combine the cloned Kirk with the cloned Alice, and after giving birth to a baby, they would take it back for adoption.

Moreover, that company's cloning technology is very mature, and it can even mass-produce killers and perfect human organs.

But Kirk always felt weird.

Although the cloned person is genetically the same as him from a certain point of view, in the final analysis, it is not him.

Just when Kirk was struggling with this, one day, when Kirk was bored at home in Paris because his girlfriend ran back to his mother's house, he met Peter Parker, who claimed to be Dr. Richard at the time, on a forum.

At first, Kirk just thought of Dr. Richard as an ordinary netizen, but when Dr. Richard said that he was from New York and was an expert in biology, Kirk thought of one thing.

Europe's technology and hard work are not good, but it doesn't mean that New York's technology and hard work are not good.

This is from the Marvel Universe. In this Marvel Universe, there is one place where the number and types of black technologies can be compared to New York City.

Of course.

Kirk actually didn't hold out much hope. It was only when Dr. Richard said that he might be able to help during the chat, that Kirk took a tube of his own blood and sent it over.

It was just a tube of blood, and Kirk didn't care at all.

In order to allow him and Alice to have their own little life, Kirk gave many people a tube of his own blood. On the European continent, almost every famous biologist has a tube of blood.

So Kirk wouldn't be angry about a tube of blood.

The main reason for his anger was because Dr. Richard blocked him directly after he signed for it.

I don't blame you for being unable to help, but it's wrong for you to lie to me.

Kirk thought of the picture of the exclamation point in the text message he sent when he learned that the blood had been signed for and planned to ask Dr. Richard about his progress the next day.

He was not well at the time.


(End of this chapter)

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