The infinite life of a certain beauty

Chapter 31 Aegis Entrance Sign! (Please collect it!!)

Chapter 31 Aegis Entrance Sign! (Please collect it!!)

George looked sideways at Kirk as he walked toward the cesspool outside.

He suddenly regretted asking Kirk to send his daughter off last night.

Without him.

Only then did George remember that although Kirk was a new detective, he was arguably the youngest detective in the New York Police Department, almost in the same age group as his daughter.


I won't lead the wolf into the house.

George thought to himself.

Without speeding up or slowing down, Kirk, who had been following behind, caught George's gaze.

George Stacy's friendliness -5.

When he caught George's gaze, he couldn't help but think of such a system prompting words.

Kirk began to wonder if he should find an opportunity to tell George Gwen's identity, so as to increase his friendship with George in large doses.


He thought about it, and felt that if he really did this, it is estimated that George's friendship with him would not only not increase, but would even drop directly to a negative number.

In the final analysis, Gwen is his own daughter after all. It is one thing for George to break it by himself, but it is another thing for others to speak out and put him on the fire between his family and the law.

It's all Gwen's fault.

No, Gwen must at least draw 600cc of blood.

Kirk thought to himself, and made up his mind to find a blood donation cart in the afternoon, and then dragged Gwen to donate blood.


After Kirk and the others walked to the back of the abandoned warehouse, they first saw the sewage pool that was also cordoned off, and Ryan and Beckett who were communicating with a biological sampler.

After seeing George approaching, Beckett and Ryan walked towards this side: "George."

George's eyes fell on the pool of green blood left on the cracked ground, and he hummed, "What's the matter?"

After Gwen's eyes came into contact with the green blood, he looked again at Kirk who was walking from behind.

Kirk looked at the staff member who was squatting on the side of the green blood, wearing a full set of chemical defense equipment and taking samples from the green blood.

Beckett pointed to the two samplers and said: "The CDC agents are collecting samples."

talking room.

The two agents who came from the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cooperated with each other, and after taking a sample of green blood, they stood up and glanced at the sewage pool not far away that had a cracked corner and was still flowing out with a foul smell.

"Has the water truck come yet?"

"On the way."

Ryan said: "There is a traffic jam on the road, but we have already passed Third Avenue, and there are about 10 minutes to go."

The two disease control agents nodded, and after walking out of the cordon, they took off the chemical-resistant helmets.

Kirk looked at a man and a woman who looked a little younger after taking off their chemical helmets, and raised their eyebrows.

Aegis man.

He recognized the real identities of the two agents from the CDC at a glance, and he was even able to call them by their names accurately.

Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. received that there might be a supernatural crime case in New York City, and immediately responded. They sent new special agents, Fitz and Simmons, who happened to be professional and matched, to New York City overnight from the headquarters of the CDC as CDC agents. They immediately met with the 36th branch and participated in the case.

If Fitz and Simmons confirm that this case is indeed a supernatural crime, then SHIELD will take over the case in the name of the Department of Homeland Security.

after awhile.

The pumping truck arrived at the scene. After Fitz and Simmons initially determined that the virus mixed in the green blood did not have the conditions for air transmission, they lifted the cordon around the sewage pool and let the pumping truck drive in.

The pumping truck was humming, and the water level in the sewage tank was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gwen looked at George, who was talking quietly with Beckett, and came to Kirk's side again. Following Kirk's gaze, she landed on the female CDC detective who was also typing on her mobile phone.

next second.

Gwen didn't know why, but it was a little tasteful.

"This disease control agent is quite beautiful."


Kirk was taken aback for a moment, looked away from Simmons, and landed on Gwen's face, smiled, then nodded and said, "It's really pretty."

Gwen rolled her eyes.

Dad was right.

The men are all pig knuckles.

Kirk looked at this scene and felt a little amused: "Gwen, don't you already have a crush on me?"

Gwenha smiled: "Don't dream, even if all the men in the world are dead, I won't be infatuated with you. You and I have an essential conflict of ideas."

Conflict of ideas, this is a statement of high emotional intelligence.

Low EQ...

The three views are seriously inconsistent.

Gwen's requirements for her other half are very simple, spiritual fit is more important than physical fit.

Kirk nodded in agreement with Gwen's words: "I agree."

The reason why Alice went back to her natal family in a fit of anger was also caused by the conflict of ideas between Kirk and her on certain things.


Kirk is optimistic.

The three views of people are not fixed from birth, but will gradually adapt and then change with the passage of time.

Alice would never be angry with him all her life.

The pumping truck that had been running at full horsepower over there had already pumped out more than half of the sewage in the sewage pool when Kirk and Gwen were talking.

After Gwen once again made the true fragrance vow, looking at the sewage pool not far away with a corner cracked, she frowned and lowered her voice.

"Peter in the cesspool?"


Kirk is still ambiguous about this kind of problem. He doesn't deny it, but he doesn't admit it either: "When the sewage is pumped out, it will be clear whether he is in it or not?"

Gwen felt a little puzzled: "How did you find it?"

In fact, after returning to the apartment last night, Gwen spent most of the night looking for places where Peter might appear, and has been monitoring the radio station of the New York Police Department in real time.

Since she was bitten by a spider and mutated, not only her strength and speed have been greatly improved, but even her energy has also undergone a qualitative leap.

Kirk didn't answer this sentence, not because he didn't want to answer, but because the sewage in the sewage pool had bottomed out at this moment.

"All right!"

The worker who was pumping the sewage gasped when he saw what was at the bottom of the pool, then turned his head and shouted at George and the others: "You can come here."

George and Beckett looked at each other, and walked over directly.

Kirk frowned as he looked at the sewage still flowing on the ground.

after awhile.

Kirk took a plastic shoe cover from the policeman, put it on, and walked with Gwen to the edge of the sewage pool, and then set his eyes on the bottom of the sewage pool.

into the eye.


 It's Friday, begging for fire support! !
(End of this chapter)

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