Chapter 171
Before the security guard came up to the fifth floor, An Ting and Song Ci took the cat and hid in the utility room.

It was a small utility room, only one-third the size of a classroom, with a glass window on one side and a door on the other with a square pane of glass to peer inside.

If you look in from the glass on the door, you can see 80% of the space.

Except for the side of the gate, it belongs to the dead corner.

An Ting and Song Ci were hiding in that place, as long as the security uncle didn't open the door to come in, they would be safe.


There are too many sundries in this dead-end area, and the wastes of various associations are piled up here, resulting in the remaining space being too narrow to accommodate two people easily.

Therefore, An Ting and Song Ci could only squat together face to face.

An Ting was not afraid of getting his clothes dirty, and leaned his back against the wall, while Song Ci was helpless, maybe because he was a little weak after squatting down, so he directly pressed his knee on the boy's knee to borrow strength.

Kitten and Mao stayed at the junction of their knees.


After the cat meowed, the two lowered their heads at the same time and shouted at the cat.



Fortunately, the cat named Xiao An is very smart and seems to understand human speech. After that, he didn't make any sound for a long time, probably because he felt the warmth between the two of them, so he just curled up here, whirring big sleep.

Thanks to the little guy, it was not so embarrassing.


There were footsteps outside, and there was light coming from the window on the door. The security guard should be here.

The school security uncle is not so conscientious. He patrols the whole school every night. If every building, every floor, and every room is opened and carefully inspected, it will probably be busy until one o'clock in the morning.

Go through every corridor, and that's about it.

At this moment, Uncle Security is exactly like this.

Song Ci squatted in front of Anting like this, because it was evening self-study in winter, and the hair could keep warm, so there was no restraint on the hair. In the case of a low body, such long hair might touch the ground, but Needless to say how dirty the floor in the utility room was.

It was so late, and Song Ci didn't want to go back and wash her hair again. Without a hair dryer, she might not be able to sleep.

She pushed all the hair from her back forward, and it just fell on the young man's body.

Itchy touch, a touch of fragrance.

Same as last time, each strand of hair seems to have self-awareness, wrapping around the boy's body and pulling him into a strange forest. There is a redbud flower in the forest, which is left behind and independent.

Inadvertently, An Ting recalled the strange dream last time.

Although it was Qiao Liang who broke through the abstinence system, the heroine of that dream was not her, but Song Ci.

Therefore, the teenager will feel distressed.

And in fact.

The girl's inner drama is also rich.

At this distance, through the faint moonlight, Song Ci could see the young man's face clearly. It was fair and delicate, without the favor of acne, and his facial features were three-dimensional. He could also smell the scent of the young man, the same brand of shampoo as himself. Hair water and body wash are like this after living together for a long time.

You can even... hear the boy's heartbeat, very loudly.

Do not…

It seemed to be the beating of my heart, like a deer bumping around in the atrium of my heart.

Unlike Qiao Liang, who is honest, straightforward, and direct, Song Ci is very good at persuading herself, and always feels that reason is overcoming sensibility.

Why is the heart beating faster?
Because... I am violating school discipline, which is a bad thing. It is normal for good students to do bad things and have a rapid heartbeat.

Because... I am an adolescent girl, it's normal for my heart to beat faster when I face a boy of the same age at such a close distance.

Time seemed to stand still.

Uncle Security is a smart person. He dare not smoke on the school road, and he smokes exclusively on the fifth floor. He just stands outside the door, and he probably will stay for a cigarette.

Judging from the intensity of the light, it should be at the end of the corridor, a little far away from here.

I can talk a little bit.

"Hey, let's chat, Song Ci."

"What are you talking about?"

"The next topic..."

"Huh?" Hearing the young man's words, Song Ci was a little confused, "Bastard, what are you talking about? There is no beginning and no end..."

"On the way back from the grocery store to the art building, you asked me - will we all become the adults we hate... No, Song Ci will become a very great adult, regardless of gender, and has nothing to do with everything..."

Hearing this, Song Ci was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

She covered her mouth to avoid laughing too loudly and said: "Pfft, what was the topic I thought it was about? You are still struggling with that... Why do you think I will become an excellent adult?"

"Because I've seen... Song Ci will become an existence that I can't afford."

"Stupid, just say some strange things."

Just at this moment, the originally cloudy night sky broke through the clouds and mist, and wisps of silver light slanted down through the windows on the other side, filling the room.

The faces of the two were very clear.

Song Ci stared at the young man, and said with a slight smile, "Although it's a very nonsensical remark, thank you, stinky brother An Ting."

"There is nothing to thank, Miss Song Ci."

An Ting spoke the truth.

In the future, Song Ci will become a very good person.

Another 3 minutes passed.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the door again, getting weaker and weaker, and the light disappeared completely. The security guard must have finished smoking and went downstairs.

After waiting for another half a minute to ensure safety, Song Ci stood up. He just breathed a sigh of relief. Who knew that he squatted in the same position for too long, and his legs became numb. The moment he stood up, his center of gravity was unstable. On the shelf behind him, a box full of abandoned homework dropped.

Song Ci thought she was going to be smashed, so she closed her eyes and covered her head in defense.


Three seconds passed, but the shock did not come.

Opening his eyes, he saw the young man standing in front of him. He was not injured, but was dirty and embarrassed...

"are you OK?"

An Ting said, "It's okay."

Even though the young man said so calmly, Song Ci, as an elder sister, still felt worried.

Take a step forward, the light is mediocre, you can only get very close, almost sticking together, and carefully examine the boy's body.

Noticing a scratch on the boy's face, she stroked it lightly while watching the boy's face.

Feeling the touch on his face, the boy was in a daze, and the focus naturally fell on the girl's flawless face, in her crystal clear eyes, on her fragrant lips...

That's it.

In the next second, they looked at each other without warning, and even their heartbeats reached the same frequency.

At this moment, we realized that we were so close that we almost kissed each other.

Gravity probably exists, at least at this moment, we all have an urge to get closer to each other.

The atmosphere gradually becomes more charming...


The cell phone in An Ting's pocket suddenly rang.

The two came back to their senses at the same time.

Song Ci stopped, and asked awkwardly, "Who is it?"

"Qiao Liang, she asked if we finished feeding the cat." An Ting replied.

Song Ci turned her face away, looked at the moonlight outside the window, stopped looking at each other, pretended to be excited, and said, "Oh...then let's go back, the task is completed!"



Around ten o'clock at night.

An Ting and Song Ci left the art building together.

The campus at this time is very lively. Students on the school road walk in twos and threes. Some are sisters holding hands, some are brothers shoulder to shoulder, and even couples are inseparable.

Hmm... still meeting acquaintances.

It was Gao Fei and Lin Yong.

The two had supper together on the stone table and chairs diagonally across from the dining hall. They were obviously two of them, but they only bought one instant noodle + one bottle of drink.

You take one, I take one.

You are me.

An Ting and Song Ci are not so blind, they are so close, how could they bother them, just pass by silently.

"An Ting, is this how love works?"

"What do you yearn for?"

"Well... If this is love, it might be a bit disgusting." Song Ci said truthfully.

Song Ci is a perfectionist. She longs for love, but her thoughts may be very beautiful and not very realistic...

In Song Ci's vision, the perfect love that belongs to her should be the heart-to-heart connection between two people. Even in places where they can't see each other, they still care about each other, and at the same time, they don't forget to become better.

"To be honest, I haven't been in a serious relationship, so I don't know how to answer you...but..."

"but what?"

"Love should be such a cliché, Song Ci... One day, you may meet a boy who makes you fall into the cliché."

Song Ci's bright eyes flickered, and she didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically, "What about you?"

Anting was slightly startled and said: "I...I don't care, it's fine just like this...if you want a girlfriend, you can always."

An Ting, who has a 29-year-old mind, knows one thing well - if you have money, you will not lack women.

I'm only 16 now, so I'm really not in a hurry.

"Should I say that you are a scumbag, or that you are heartless? You and Qiao Liang are indeed similar in some ways."

"I'm not that squeamish."

"Hehehe... Anyway, I had a lot of fun tonight, like playing hide and seek on campus, so be it."

"I'll take you to the door of the dormitory."

There is a downhill road from the school cafeteria to the girls' dormitory in the first year of senior high school. It is the place where Qiao Liang met during the military training in Anting, a school road full of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

Anting originally wanted to send Song Ci back to the girls' dormitory, but was rejected. The latter said: "No need to send it, it's just a small campus, what can go wrong."


Then, Song Ci walked down the slope by himself, and reached the lowest point, when a gust of evening wind blew by, looking back suddenly, he saw a young man still standing at the highest point.

Every time I look back, he is there.

He just looked at himself silently.


Sometimes, Song Ci would feel that he and An Ting were playing a game where whoever fell in love with the other first would lose, just like what he said on the night of the typhoon blackout - 0%.

She thought she couldn't lose.

Definitely will win.

But... the scene in the utility room suddenly came back to my mind, and Jiu Chu was also shocked...

Suddenly, a gust of winter wind brought the fragrance of redbud flowers to the town...

(End of this chapter)

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