The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 100 There is someone above me, so don't worry about the formalities!

Chapter 100 There is someone above me, so don't worry about the formalities!
It takes four days to transport the iron ore from Qingkeling to Shipingguan.Standing on the top of the He family's old furnace, Song Yingkui was a little hesitant. Is it worthwhile to transport the iron ore to refine it?
After thinking about it, I can't smelt much iron by myself. How much iron ore can I spend a day with a clay blast furnace?It is more convenient to set up a furnace for iron-making iron ore in Qinglanling, but other raw materials for iron-making also need to be transported from other places. What is more important is that I have no control over this place, so I have to invest heavily in iron-smelting furnaces. The risk is too great, and it is better to be safe on one's own territory.

"Old He! How about this! Your family will organize the transportation of the iron ore from this place to the Fifth Camp, and I will settle the money for you according to the amount. In this way, whether you earn more or less depends entirely on your own work. In this way, it can also avoid saying that the official pays too little money and treats the children of the family poorly.” Instead of hiring the He family, it is better to let them become their own raw material suppliers, and how much money they make depends on themselves The amount of work done.

"Guan Ye, do you think my family's ability is not good? I hope the Guan Ye will show mercy and give the old man and children a chance to serve the Guan Ye."

Are you not happy with being your own boss?Old man He begged Song Yingkui to come.In the end, Song Yingkui had no choice but to hire the old man He and his two sons to Shipingguan to smelt iron for himself, because he couldn't beat this shrewd and sophisticated old man.The rest of his family organized villagers to transport iron ore to Shipingguan.

After careful calculation, in fact, an average of more than two thousand catties of iron ore can be transported to Shipingguan every day, which can guarantee the normal operation of the iron-making furnace.Two thousand catties of iron ore can produce hundreds of catties of iron, which can fully meet the current iron needs of various businesses in Shipingguan, and even a large part of the iron can be sold.

I am just a low-level military officer, and the iron-making scale is too large, so I may not be able to protect it well. I am just starting out, so the scale is better.

After solving the problem of iron ore, Song Yingkui immediately organized iron-making affairs after returning to Shiping Pass.

The iron-making furnace is not directly erected on the side of the mountain like the He family, but is erected directly from the rocky beach with bricks and soil, making it a serious shaft furnace iron-making device.Compared with the traditional iron-making furnace, Song Yingkui's biggest improvement here is to build a hot-blast stove to directly blow hot air into the furnace to make iron.

Another improvement is to use coke to make iron. Coke cannot be bought directly from the market, and a complete set of coking facilities is required.

A lot of things need to be done to simply build a local blast furnace ironmaking system.Iron-making furnaces, steel frying furnaces, brick-burning furnaces, hot blast stoves, coke ovens, and various supporting equipment cost a lot, at least a few hundred taels of silver.

Right now Song Yingkui didn't have much money. The Shipingguan Wheel Factory had just started operation, and the money he earned had to be paid to the garrison. The money he could scrape together was only one or two hundred taels of silver.With this little money, it is impossible to support the iron smelting stall.

"Brother Wang, brother, I am going to make iron by myself. The iron ore has already been found. The most difficult thing at present is the lack of money to build a stall. In order to raise funds, I plan to offer shares to Brother Wang and others. Is there any interest in your iron-making plant?" I don't have enough money, so I can only solve it through financing.Wang Jinxiong was the richest person Song Yingkui dated, so I asked him to come and try first.

"The garrison needs to build its own iron furnace to make iron? Is there any obstacle from the Shangguan?" After all, Wang Jinxiong is a big businessman. After hearing Song Yingkui's words, the first thing he cared about was not asking him to contribute, but whether there were any problems with the policy.

"Shangguan? You don't need to worry about the matters above. Brother, I have real connections in the province. As long as the stall is spread out, other things will be taken care of." We have someone above, and we still can't handle the iron-making procedures?Song Yingkui shamelessly pulled out his second uncle and lied to Wang Jinxiong.

Song Yingkui had no hope whether the second uncle could help him with the iron-making license.Let's spread the stall first, anyway, now I have soldiers and land, if someone really runs out to obstruct it, then I will talk about it when the time comes.There are not many difficult things in the world that cannot be handled by money and power.

Iron smelting can make money, and there are soldiers on hand, so it is not a big deal in Song Yingkui's view to deal with iron smelting procedures in the future.As for whether someone will obstruct it at the beginning, there is no need to worry.

As a chief officer of the local garrison, it is reasonable to find a way to get some weapons for the soldiers under him, right?There is no funding from above, so we share the country's worries by ourselves. Is there anything wrong with self-reliance?Since you can't buy iron in the market, can't you smelt iron and make weapons yourself?With such a good reason, I am afraid of a hammer!

"I almost forgot that Lord Garrison has Jiang Zhaomo to take care of him. I heard that because of his meritorious advice, Lord Jiang is now a popular figure in the governor's office. With him backing Lord Garrison, it is not a big deal to open a furnace for iron smelting. I don't know. Your Excellency invited me to participate in the iron smelting furnace, what kind of rules are there?" Hearing that Song Yingkui said that he had someone above him, Wang Jinxiong thought of Jiang Yunjin.As soon as he thought of Jiang Yunjin, he felt that the iron-making procedures were really difficult for others.Only then did I ask for details!

"To open a furnace to make iron, the funds required are about 800 taels of silver. Half of the funds will be provided by the Garrison, and more than 300 taels of silver will be raised by powerful merchants such as Brother Wang and local big households. The annual income of the iron factory, in addition to In addition to keeping enough expenses, other income is used to share dividends according to the shareholding ratio. In addition, the iron produced by the iron factory is also distributed according to the shareholding ratio.” Iron is currently in short supply, and the agency sales right is quite valuable.A big businessman like Wang Jinxiong can't get much iron, which further shows the gold content of the right to sell iron materials.

"My lord will cost more than 800 taels of silver to open the furnace? After the furnace is opened, how many catties of iron can be exported every month?" For iron making, it depends on how big your stall is, like the small private furnace owned by the He family. It can be done with two 300 taels of silver.But the problem is which stove can't produce much iron.Otherwise, the He family wouldn't be unable to recover after the stove was destroyed.When Wang Jinxiong heard about the budget of more than 800 silver, he was first concerned about the output of Song Yingkui's stove.

If the output is small, it can only mean that Song Yingkui is using this stove as an excuse to cheat everyone's money. If the output is large, even if the annual dividend is small, relying on the consignment rights of iron materials, he can still free up the investment capital.

"At the beginning of the furnace, the conditions for all parties are immature. I still need to keep a part of the ordnance here. The iron that can be exported every month is estimated to be only about two thousand catties. After two or three months, the iron that can be exported every month There should be three to five thousand catties per month." The stove hasn't been turned on yet, so Song Yingkui can only conservatively estimate the output.In his opinion, it should be no problem to produce three to five thousand catties of iron per month.Three to five thousand catties of iron, that is, two or three tons of iron.A monthly production of two or three tons of iron will be nothing in later generations, and I am ashamed to say that I am an iron smelter.

(End of this chapter)

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