Chapter 129 Happy to be a father?

Wei Dadao was locked at Langguan, and finally agreed to exchange more than 200 stone grains for [-] stone cement, ten torsion catapults, four sets of bed crossbows and ten infantry crossbows.The grain was escorted into the Fifth Battalion by cavalry from both sides, and then the cement and weapons were escorted to Weijiachuan by cavalry from both sides.

The Fifth Battalion can gather more than 300 cavalry, and Wei Jiachuan can gather [-] cavalry. With so many cavalry escorts, it is still feasible to cross the feudal-occupied area with caution.

To be honest, based on the normal price, Song Yingkui's deal was not worth it. Not counting the cement, these weapons alone could be worth more than 200 shi of grain.However, at such a time, you have to do business at a loss. The lack of food is one aspect, and there is still a little friendship with Wei Dadao in it, and there may be a possibility of helping each other in the future.

After the two sides agreed, they were afraid of long nights and dreams, and immediately launched an operation to escort food and ordnance.It took ten days to get this done.

Seeing the food transported over mountains and ridges from Weijiachuan safely into the warehouse, Song Yingkui's hanging heart was finally relieved.

This transaction did not only deal with more than 200 shi of grain. After the deal with Wei Jiachuan, Song Yingkui thought of a way to pry the nearby wealthy family to produce grain.In addition to firearms, cement, bed crossbows and catapults are also good things that can be exchanged for food.

For the insecure wealthy family, these things should be as valuable as food.

Sure enough, after the deal with Wei Jiachuan was completed, other forces came to the door one after another to discuss the exchange of grain for cement and other items.In just a few days, a deal of more than 300 shi was negotiated.

Although the grain reserves are not yet sufficient to support the autumn harvest, at least there has been a great relief, and the food for the last two or three months has been settled.The remaining gaps can be slowly filled.

"Treasurer Guo, you tell the people who want to buy our rock mud, eight stones of grain for one stone mud, and you can't sell the rock mud except for grain!" Now that we have hard currency in our hands, we must take advantage of the seller's market Play out to the greatest possible extent.If you want cement, you have to deliver food to your door.

"I'm afraid there will be hidden worries about guarding and selling the rock mud. Will our rock mud fall into the hands of the vassals and become a sharp weapon to help the enemy?" People just can't eat too much, and just found a way to solve the food crisis. Guo Kaifeng raised the concern that the people of Xifan would use cement to build the city.

"Let's control the shipments. No single force can buy more than [-] shi of stone mud from us. Although there are loopholes for people to exploit, it can more or less prevent feudal princes from building big cities with cement. Etc. After the amount of food we exchange can support the autumn harvest, we will further reduce the output of rock mud, and we will not sell rock mud to him unless we can trust the power."

February of the third year of Jingli was a very busy month for the entire Fifth Battalion.But for Song Yingkui, it was even more busy.In addition to dealing with official business, there is also a big private matter, getting married to a girl from the Li family.

Because the world is not peaceful, the wedding is relatively simple, but it is very grand.The so-called grandness means that on the day of the wedding, the Song family's welcoming team almost went around the whole town of Wuying before carrying Li Guoqian to the Song family.

When the Song family first started to turn around, Song Yingkui and his grandfather planned to build a courtyard of brick houses.However, until Song Yingkui went through various twists and turns and finally married his wife, the Song family's house was still adobe.Marrying a wife in the adobe house, Song Yingkui felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, the bride she married is really good-looking. Compared with Li Guoqian, Ding Yumei is just a firewood girl except that she is a little plumper.

"My lady, where do you want to live after returning home in three days? Do you want to live at home, or in a temporary garrison on the street?" Song Yingkui is busy with work, and now he hardly goes home to live, and usually stays at Shipingguan or Wuying lived in the original pavilion.Now that she is married and Ding Yumei lives in Shipingguan, it would be inappropriate for Li Guoqian to go there again, so she can only choose between home or Liting.

"I just got married, Qianniang. It's better to live in the old house and take care of my in-laws, otherwise I will be easily gossiped by others." Li Guoqian said her plan shyly.

"That's fine. The house in Li Ting is also very tense now. It will be inconvenient for you to go there! During this time, I will try to run home as much as possible. After this tense period is over, I will draw people to work in Li Ting's house." After tidying it up, I can take you over to live with me." The pavilion in Wuyingli is not big at all, but now it has to work, live in people, and garrison troops, so the conditions are not good.However, taking Li Guoqian to live with him, in Song Yingkui's view, should be implemented as soon as possible.

As a time traveler, he knows best about the things between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The most important thing is that there is a grandmother and aunt at home. It will definitely not be comfortable for such a large family of women to live together.After two lifetimes, it's hard to find a decent wife, so it's best not to make her life too miserable.

He said he would go home as much as possible to accompany his wife, but when he got busy, he couldn't take care of anything else. Except for three days of marriage, when he accompanied Li Guoqian back to the door, Song Yingkui was so busy that he didn't return for nearly ten days. Home.

"Kuiwa! Don't be too busy, hurry home with me." Song Yingkui was busy directing people to lay prefabricated slabs on the dug channel along Chuanzi, when his father, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, actually ran away on a mule Come and find yourself.

"Big, what's the matter? This will be paving the canal, I have to keep an eye on it, this is the first section of the canal that needs to be closed, and the people who work may not be able to do it!"

"Hurry up and come back with me. No matter how big the matter is, it's not important to go home." Father Song Xueqin's face was livid, and he made a request to his son without any doubt.

What happened?It was the first time Song Yingkui saw his father like this.Seeing that his father had a tough attitude, he had no choice but to hand over the work to his subordinates, and followed his father home in a daze.

After riding a horse to the house, Song Yingkui found that the atmosphere was very strange as soon as he entered the house.Three steps and two steps rushed to the main room in the fort.I saw my grandma and my mother sitting on the table with straight faces, and Li Guoqian was kneeling on the floor of the main room.

"What's the matter?" Could it be that the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that I was worried about broke out prematurely?I knew something would happen if such a big family lived together.

"Kuiwa! Why are you always so confused about women? Are you trying to kill me and your mother? This woman from the Li family has a bad family style. Didn't you notice it when you were in the bridal chamber? Don't tell me you asked about it before. Well, even if we got married and found out that night, we should beat her home on the spot. Fortunately, there is a bastard in my stomach, and it has been in our house for ten days. If the news spread, it will affect our family's reputation. How much will it affect your official name?" Grandma Jiang, who had never lost her temper, stood up angrily when she saw Song Yingkui's question, pointed at her grandson's nose and scolded her.

What?Entering the house with a wild species in your stomach?Hearing what grandma said, could it be that I am happy to be a father?Can't be so unlucky?
(End of this chapter)

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