The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 131 This family, I have the final say on everything!

Chapter 131 This family, I have the final say on everything!

Since she can't be sent home, and no one is leading her to elope, I'm the only one who handles all the pot, right?

If we are ruthless people, it's fine, the key is not to be ruthless.

"Okay! It's you who caused the problem. Are you still crying and bullying me on purpose? Since you don't want to make peace or go away, I'll tell you a way to survive. Pack up your things, tomorrow Come with me to Shiping Pass. Settle down there first, and after you give birth to the baby, we will talk about other things. When you go to Shiping Pass, don’t think about committing suicide, live well. I can't lose my mother, after a few years, you and Li will have little influence on your Li family."

This is not good, that is not good, then we can only drag it down, let time solve this bad thing.

"Grandma, I made an agreement with her to let her move to Shipingguan. After the baby is born, after a year or two, I will marry her and let her out of our house." Said Li Guoqian After deciding on a solution to the problem, Song Yingkui went to explain to his family.

"What? Waiting for her to give birth to the wild seed? Kui Wa, what are you thinking? You must never agree to this!" Before grandma could speak, the bearded and trembling grandfather who was sitting on the kang was the first to object.

Song Tianshun was devastated by this incident, lying on the kang, feeling ashamed to go out.Originally, I thought that my eldest grandson was becoming more and more like a hero, but why couldn't he catch up with a good marriage?
"Kuiwa, she gave birth to the baby in our house, and it will be hard to say. I don't think it will work!" Grandma Jiang followed her grandfather's words and expressed her opposition.

"Now our Song family is not like the Song family in the past. In Wuying, it can be regarded as a powerful one. But the burden on me is also heavy. The Li family can't bear the consequences of breaking up with our family. And how can our family afford the consequences? Delaying it for a year or two will benefit both of us. Twists and turns, I can't help the Li family. When I manage the situation safely, I can handle this little matter.

After a while, I will run a government school on Wuying Street. Except for the third child who must enroll, those who are of the same age in the old house, and the children of my two uncles' homes will also be enrolled.The most important thing at home now is to focus on how to help me stabilize my great cause, and other things are trivial.As long as my Song family can really support the stall, the rest of the things will not affect the overall situation.If you can't stabilize your business, your reputation doesn't matter at all.People in Xifan don't care about my reputation, and the sons of Banfan don't care either. If the people in Wuying don't have enough to eat, no matter how good my reputation is, I will still turn my face and be ruthless. "

While talking, Song Yingkui brought up the topic of stabilizing the family business.That is to say, in addition to diverting conflicts, the family members have to know what is most important at the moment and clarify their own position.

Yes, Li Guoqian gave herself a cuckold, but the Li family also brought real benefits to herself.What the Li family brought was not just a few hundred horses, but behind them was the attitude of the rich and powerful families in Xisu Abandoned Land towards them.In other words, a large part of the current management talents of the Fifth Battalion are already the original big households.The Guo family, the Gou family, the Han family, and the Li family all entered the management of the Fifth Battalion.

The Song family is now facing a situation where, except for themselves, only the third uncle can barely pick things up, and everyone else is useless.Basically illiterate and semi-literate, how to do management?If you don't train a few people who can challenge things, you can only rely on the rich and powerful.

After falling out with the Li family, would someone else be more useful?not necessarily!For example, the Guo family that is reused now, after all, it is the third uncle's relatives, not his own.Li Guoqian's incident happened at the wrong time. If the thunder exploded earlier, there would be no marriage with the Li family. If the thunder exploded after autumn, the situation would not be too bad.However, it exploded just when this was ineffective.

Thinking carefully, Song Ying felt that the first half year from spring to autumn harvest this year was a crucial half year for him.As long as you survive the first half year safely?As the leader of the Five Battalions, even if he is completely rooted, everything will quickly disintegrate if he can't make it through. To tell the truth, the Song family is still a family with no foundation, except for a few people, there is no foundation.

"Give her a room in the customs hall, let her live first. Normally, you should take care of her, and don't let her suffer." After taking Li Guoqian to Shiping Pass, Song Yingkui handed her over to Ding Yumei to settle down.

Seeing Song Yingkui's livid face, Ding Yumei was a little confused.Isn't Li Guoqian the wife of his man?Even if she came to live in Shiping, she would occupy the main room by herself, but why would her man let her arrange a random place for her to live in?
"You can live here with peace of mind. You usually have needs for food and clothing. If you feel that it is inconvenient to talk to Meiniang, you can talk to me directly when you meet me. After I'm done, I'll send you some iron money. You can buy them all, and you can also manage them yourself. How can I say it! Although you and I have lost the fate of husband and wife, I can still do it if there is a favor!"

After explaining a few words to Li Guoqian, Song Yingkui turned his head and said to Ding Yumei: "In the future, don't embarrass her, but don't pay too much attention to her. She came into our house with her belly, as long as you know about it, don't go Propaganda. I don’t care about other people’s rumors, but our family should not mess with these things. When she gives birth to the baby, I will be separated from her after a while. In a word, from today onwards, I will manage the family. I don't care about what I think about this matter, but after today, if anyone doesn't agree with my thoughts, makes up their own minds, makes troubles for me, and makes my house restless, then pack up and leave me. This family, I have the final say on everything."

These words are for Ding Yumei and Li Guoqian, grandma's, after time travel, these two women made a lot of messes.In the future, this kind of thing can no longer happen to me.A patriarchal society must look like a patriarchal society. You want to respect people, but others don't respect you.If you soften your temper a little bit, bad things will come to you.

By analogy, I made mistakes with women. When dealing with military and political affairs, I'm afraid I made more similar mistakes, but it's just that I didn't explode.It is unrealistic to use the thinking of future generations to deal with the current affairs. Others may not understand your painstaking efforts, but will follow the pole to make things right.People who are accustomed to centralized paternalistic management may not be able to do things well under their own loose management state. On the contrary, they are prone to other crooked thoughts. The current management philosophy and policies must be adjusted as soon as possible, and power must be further centralized and powers and responsibilities must be clarified!

 After reading the comments on the emotional line, the book friends said that it is a bit poisonous. There is no way to make the impact of the emotional part stronger for the growth of the characters!Through emotional setbacks, the characters' personalities are more in line with the times, and the price paid is less!If it explodes in other matters, book lovers may feel that it is more poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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